Beautiful Wednesday

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Beautiful Wednesday

Postby BarbaraRose » Wed Mar 27, 2024 12:17 pm

Good morning gals!

I am having regrets this morning for not having gone to see the wildflowers today. One of the reasons is that I have a couple of cracks in my heels and they hurt to walk on. My heels are covered in callouses and have cracked from being so dry, and those hurt a lot! Didn't think it would be too comfortable to be walking around the desert with sore feet.
Unlike the past several days and the upcoming days, there is NO wind today! It would have been a perfect day to go. :( Too late to change my mind since they say by 10am the crowds are heavy with no place to park at the visitor center or along the roads where the flowers are. I had intended to get there by 8:30am. There are heavy rainstorms expected over the weekend all across southern CA so would have to wait until next week. Not sure what all that rain will do to the flowers. If I can't go there to see the flowers, Joshua Tree NP has a few places with a ton of wildflowers too, that I could go see.

I must have used up my Energizer Bunny batteries the day before because yesterday I just didn't feel like doing much. I did go to the potluck in the afternoon which was fun. I already knew a few ladies but the rest I didn't know. There were about 20 there along with 2 guys. I met one sweet lady who wants me to cut her hair. The food was good and we sat outside to eat. The lady who owns the house has a really nice back yard along the outside wall. I kind of wish I had a private backyard. My backyard is the green space so no privacy.
My friend across the street never showed up to go to the potluck but texted me later saying she went to the pool and forgot. :?

I think today I will just concentrate on patching the deck with the wood filler. I brought over the paperwork yesterday morning to the office for the permit and was OK'd a few hours later. Since I can't bend over to work on the deck, and sitting and scooting across the plywood didn't seem like a good idea, I got creative and got a plant stand with wheels on it that has a one inch high rim around it. I found a round stool cushion and put that on it and it will work perfect to wheel around the deck on my butt easily as I work, without having to bend over. :D

I think I will soak my feet later in my footbath thing I bought awhile back and then file off the callouses and hopefully that will soften my feet and make them feel better. I also need to trim and paint my finger and toe nails, so there might be a spa day here this afternoon for me! :D

I should get the window film today so that will be a project for later this week/weekend. I can't wait to see how that looks on the windows! They say to "measure twice, cut once", but I should probably measure 3 times before cutting! :lol: Good thing I didn't decide to be a carpenter by trade! :lol:

I am rethinking the contact paper in the glass cabinet doors. It looks OK but I am thinking about instead putting the frosted window film on them instead. I have an extra roll of it from the light panels I used it on, and that might look better and still hide what is inside. Will think on that and maybe change that out next week. I just have the contact paper taped to the back of the glass so will be easy to remove.

OK, enough rambling...need to get up and going here. Have a good day!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Beautiful Wednesday

Postby OregonLuvr » Wed Mar 27, 2024 2:14 pm

Afternoon Barbie. Slow morning here I see Raining here off and on with some big downpours then it rests, then it rains LOL No sunshine today. I am just puttering around the house this morning. I kind of lost my motivation too. Not sure where it went but will get it back tomorrow. I am so much more inspired when the sun shines!!!!
Pot roast for dinner and just finished up the chicken soup I made the other day Have carrots, potatoes, and yam to cook and throw in Yum I really like the way the Dutch oven cooks my roasts. Very different from the crockpot. I like the crockpot for my small pieces of chuck roast but the DO is the best. I will have to freeze some portions as I can only eat it 3 days in a row max.
Going to make some sticky cinnamon, walnut, caramel buns while the oven is on. Just what I need CALORIES. I guess not important at this stage, I just want to be able to fit in the medium sized casket LOL Or the smaller URN
Off to file all my tax stuff away now that I tackled that chore. Oregon zapped their tax owed out of my account already.
Lunch is over so need to continue my chores.

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Re: Beautiful Wednesday

Postby Bethers » Wed Mar 27, 2024 3:05 pm

Low on energy here also. Got my help moving the motorhome this morning so everything's at the new site. Came in the tt and discovered the fridge no longer working. Of course I discovered it after having moved everything from the freezer over to put in it. Back it went. I should have moved other things but got frustrated. The motorhome is parked so it's door faces my patio across from the tt, so it's not like a long walk. And I was really surprised this fridge worked so well. Surprise on me lol. I think I'm going to leave it until fall and on my return see about replacing it, maybe with just an electric one since I won't be traveling with the tt. But if I get energy going, I might look into it yet before I leave.

I hope I sleep well tonight. No need for an alarm tomorrow, so it'll be nice to get a good night's sleep. And tomorrow I'll move more things over and organize cabinets, clothes, etc. At least that's the plan right now. I got the Roku set up on the TV, so it's easy doing nothing.
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Re: Beautiful Wednesday

Postby chalet05 » Wed Mar 27, 2024 3:51 pm

A little hard to get going with rain and gloom, but we need it.

Beth, glad you're doing well and have gotten moved. Barbie, I hear you about cracked heels. When I've had enough, I use Vaseline and socks! Foot soak and pumice stone just didn't do it along with foot creme. Shirl, sorry you are having such a time with your eyes. My aunt was diagnosed with Macular Degeneration many years ago (don't remember which kind). Surprisingly, at nearly 95, she is doing just fine thank goodness! I have an eye exam tomorrow. Have had the tiniest amount of cataract, some don't even mention it. Hope things haven't changed! I did well with BP until last week or so when it shot up. Back on meds.

Sheila, I'll be interested to know how the manicotti with cheese sticks works! Manicotti is a favorite in the family. Son-in-law texted me this morning with invitation to Easter dinner. :D I already have some good cheeses and crackers and am to bring the strawberry shortcake.
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Re: Beautiful Wednesday

Postby snowball » Thu Mar 28, 2024 12:04 am

I'm hoping it works out well Anita the video's make it look good :lol: my concern is if the pasta will get done one recipe says you don't need to cook the pasta other says you do think I'll either watch a few more or whatever... I need to have it ready by 4:30 there is a lady from church that is going to come pick up the meal as I don't know where the family lives plus getting around and packing stuff in with my oxygen tank is problematic.... didn't think about a dessert oh well
I went to the library and was able to get taxes done will hear from them soon one thing is if I don't get much I will at least not have to pay anything for the process....
afterwards went to the store... hopefully got everything that I needed and then some and then stopped at the other grocery store for RX for mom and a couple of things that I couldn't find at the first store... I realized that the bottle of Oregano that I bought the other day was Oregano leaves wanted ground so looked for it couldn't find it only found leaves so looked at the other store they had large bottles of leaves with a small one of ground so got some but much smaller than I wanted the taco seasoning that I made used 2 T Oregano hmm thinking about it it didn't say ground nor did it say leaves but why so much leaves there was also other that were leaves not the ground...
my grandson introduced me to sparkling water that they really like it's good not sure it's that good finally found it at the 2nd store but 15 dollars yikes can't remember how many cans though and they are the large cans so perhaps not a bad prices need to look again but still 15 for water :o
my son texted us all the other day and said they were going on a cruise in Sept 2025 not sure of the starting point but on the east coast up into Canada today I put done the deposit it will be so fun so looking forward to it....
Glad you got moved Beth but the fridge not working is not good.... and assume all is well with the eyes
I would love to see the flowers this year hope you get to see them Barbie
you all have a great day
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Re: Beautiful Wednesday

Postby Acadianmom » Thu Mar 28, 2024 12:38 am

I made the beds in the motorhome this morning and that was a workout. I end up having to put the mattress in the floor to get the bottom sheet on. I need to unload what I don't want going to the shop next week.

The deli was having seafood gumbo today so I went to town to get some. Most of the time I don't order seafood gumbo because sometimes it's too fishy. It was good today. I decided to try to make Hummus out of the chickpeas and had to go to three stores to find Tahini. I'll tackle that in the morning. Walmart almost never has the marked down chicken when I go but I found a $3 chicken. I deboned it and boiled the bones and skin to make broth for soup or gumbo. I have a Meetup meal tomorrow night at a Steak and Sushi Bar. I looked at their menu online and it looks like mostly sushi.

Beth, glad you got moved and sorry about your refrigerator. I had put a residential refrigerator in the 2002 Motorhome and there is a lot more room in one than in the RV refrigerator. The only problem is they probably have to take out a window to get one in.

Barbie, when you talk about going to see the wildflowers it makes me think about the bluebonnets in Texas. Some years I have just gone by myself to see them. I like your plant stand with wheels idea. It kills my knees if I have to kneel down for any thing.

When Luna and I were walking this afternoon she was eating grass along the road. I should have paid more attention to her. When we got back she thru up the grass and a bunch of cat food on the carpet. She must have gotten to a bowl of cat food I forgot to pick up.

It was warm today with showers around but they missed here. It cooled off tonight and I had to turn the heat back on. Tomorrow I'll probably have to put the ac on.

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Re: Beautiful Wednesday

Postby BarbaraRose » Thu Mar 28, 2024 2:14 am

Happy midnight gals! :lol: (too late to say "good evening").

I just read an article today saying that when you bake a cake, to replace the regular water with seltzer water. The bubbles make the cake a lot more fluffy.

Martha, when/if I ever get an RV, I plan to replace the mattress in it with a twin airbed. It will be a lot easier to change sheets and make the bed, and I will gain some extra room on the side of the airbed for books, etc. I had put a twin mattress in my TT and loved the extra space next to it. I love airbeds anyways. They are better for my back.

I started patching the deck with the wood filler today. I did about half of it in about half an hour so it went quick. My plant caddy idea worked great! :D I could just zoom around where I needed to go! :lol: I took a break after getting the first half done and went to HD to get a sample of the paint I want, using a piece of trim from the deck to match the color. Then stopped at WM for a couple things including band-aids. I got a sliver in my finger, pulled it out but didn't have a band-aid to put over it. Had to get one from Gloria. So got some more at WM. Couldn't find my foot file last night so got a new one of those too.

After that, I started on the deck again. Got most of it done but there is one area that is more exposed to the sun and rain and that was cracked pretty bad so had to use a lot more filler. Still not done with it. The new wood filler I got from Amazon is just as thick and difficult to get out of the tube as the last stuff I used. :evil: So my thumb and index finger are really sore tonight from trying to squeeze it out of the tube over and over! Next time I will just get the little containers of it. Live and learn! :roll: I should be able to finish that area tomorrow and then I just have to do a little sanding and will be ready to put on the primer. By then the storms will be here for the weekend so will have to wait until next week to get started with that.

Very tired tonight so I should be able to get to sleep pretty easily.
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Beautiful Wednesday

Postby snowball » Fri Mar 29, 2024 12:04 am

so Anita made the manicotti using string cheese ... mixed reviews the video's really looked good but unfortunately mine didn't look the same it was really easy just a matter of cooking meat ( I added onions to the meat mixture) not sure if I didn't use enough spaghetti sauce or not if I made it again would use more sauce but I also think I'd mix the sauce and the meat together...another thing is that it's a dish that needs to be served hot and eaten quickly we often don't have that happen I need to get mom moving quicker to the table... as the cheese had started firming up would I make it again perhaps but would change things a bit...
did vacuum other than that not much other than cook and clean up need to go start the dishwasher but wanted to put my hot chocolate cup in it...
I thought about working on the shrug but just decided that I didn't have that much energy so went and laid down on the bed and read a bit #3 dd has talked me into crocheting her a towel to go with her dish clothes in that they are the same color :lol: the dishcloths are knitted :lol: it will take awhile.... and the hat for the boy is on hold no one seems to be replying to my text to see if they think it's too big for him or not oh well will get back to it... when I know..
are you taking the motor home in for repairs Martha?
when we first looked at the fifth wheel it was with a queen size bed when we ordered it and got it it came with a king I got comfy with the king but would have rather had the queen and it's one thing I need to take care of when I get back into the fifth wheel is a new mattress
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Re: Beautiful Wednesday

Postby chalet05 » Fri Mar 29, 2024 2:36 pm

Sheila, thanks for the review - don't think I'll try that. :) I've seen different recipes that say cook the shells ahead of time, but ours doesn't. The shells do well in the sauce.
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