Breezy Monday

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Breezy Monday

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Mar 25, 2024 1:15 pm

Good morning gals!

Yesterday, I went out to return a couple Amazon items to Kohls, including the outdoor rug I bought. It was too small and lightweight. Won't work on the deck. Then I went across the street to Lowes to pick up a can of the primer I want to use on the deck. From there, I stopped at Planet Fitness just down from Lowes, for my hydro massage. Stopped at WM for some water before heading home.

I decided to order some window film that darkens the windows and cuts down the UV rays and heat by quite a lot. I ordered enough for my bedroom windows and the kitchen window. Once I get that put up, I will get more for two of the living room windows and bay window. I used my credit from what I returned today, to pay for the window film. Another project! But if it helps keep the house a little cooler in the summer, it is worth it. And it will look nice and also looks like a mirror from the outside. My one bedroom window looks towards the very white RV next door which is almost blinding when the sun is shining on it, so it will be nice to cut that down quite a bit, as well.

I also started a new project yesterday, or at least an idea. I have two cabinet doors in the living room that have leaded glass in them. I don't have anything pretty to put inside them so I just stuff misc things in there when I need to clean up for a showing. Well, being glass, you can see it all in there. So I figured out how to cover the class from the inside. I am going to use some leftover contact paper (the stuff I used on the cabinet doors in the bedroom), and put that on poster board and just tape it on the inside of the glass. Should look better and hide my junk in there.

Had to run to WM to get the poster board and I could see huge, dark clouds coming over the mountains with a ton of rain coming down from them, heading across the valley! I got back home quick anticipating a heavy rain storm. Well, it never got here. Like most storms coming over the mountains, it headed south of me and petered out. I am sure Palm Springs (at the base of those mountains) got hit with the heavy rains tho. Just had a lot of wind here.

Today is just breezy and sunny. I will get my order of wood filler today so I can work on the deck with that. I want to get to the primer and paint ASAP before the cats come up and spray on the bare plywood! I think I will put up some of the lattice on the railings around the steps and on the gate to discourage the cats from coming up while I am working on it.

Will be a busy day for projects! I started taking 2 of my ADHD meds yesterday and had a lot more energy all day and was in a much better frame of mind, so hopefully today will be the same! Now if it can help my memory some! So far, no more side effects other than I am not as hungry.

I guess I better get out of bed and get moving! Need to make the cole slaw for the potluck tomorrow. I like to make it a day ahead of time so it softens up and the tastes better. Then I am planning to go to Anza Borrego on Wednesday if it isn't windy out. It is in the desert south of here so it is not a good place to be when it is windy. :shock: My eyes are still irritated from being out yesterday with the dust blowing around. Maybe I need to get some goggles for days like that! :lol:

Have a good day!
Last edited by BarbaraRose on Tue Mar 26, 2024 1:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Breezy Monday

Postby OregonLuvr » Mon Mar 25, 2024 1:55 pm

Morning Barbie, sounds like you have quite a few projects going on. I am sure it will look really good when you get finished. Had my eye appointment today, the one with the dilation and deep exam. No fluid behind my eyes so that is great BUT he said my cataracts are moving to the moderate stage. Giood grief what next. So he referred me to a group here in town to get them evaluated So I might be joining the "cataract club". Patiently waiting for the dilation to wear off...seems to take forever. I dont mind the shots so much but every 8 weeks I have to have the scan and the deep exam....with the brightest light I have ever seen. LOL

Had some rain a couple of times already but I dont mind the showers too much but havent seen any sun peeking out yet. It isnt cold 53 and no wind so that is good.

Think I will reheatthe last of my pasta dinner from last night then wait for my eyes to normalize.

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Re: Breezy Monday

Postby Shirlv » Mon Mar 25, 2024 3:18 pm

Afternoon All, It has been rainy and windy here too, aahh storing. Been on the IPad trying to distract myself. Got injections of Syfoure in both eyes on the 15. The injections aren’t as bad as I imagined. I have had worse . Syfoure is the treatment just ok’d this year for treatment of dry eye macular degeration.. it has a low success rate but there has been no treatment at all. I was hopefull. I just had an adverse reaction to this drug and see the retina specialist tomorrow. . I always need a project so am making vanilla extract for Christmas gifts. Can order supplies from Amazon. #1 daughter bought a 1.5 liter of 80% vodka for me so today I sliced 25 vanilla beans to add to the bottle to brew in my closet until Christmas. Think I will make gift baskets , individual wrapped biscotti, my favorite English Tea Store Scottish Carmel toffee rea. and still thinking. lol #1 getting me another bottle of vodka next weekend so it can sit in the closet too.

I will wear the BA sweatshirt tomorrow because I need it. I have always been a half full glass person but it is very difficult in today’s world. News about veld’s Chris, Anita’s brother and Beth’s surgeries help Sorry if I missed anyone, short term memory is shot.

Son in law calls me the cat whisper. I’m not really, Garfield meows at me and I just follow where he leads. lol. He keeps looking back to make sure I am still there. lol. Patient little guy. Be safe

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Re: Breezy Monday

Postby Acadianmom » Mon Mar 25, 2024 9:29 pm

Shirl, Garfield is training you. lol My cats do that all the time. They either want out or food. I feed Charlie canned food in a cage so the other cats can't eat it. Some days he must get fed at least 6 times. Then one of the cats will come tell me he is finished so they can eat his leftovers. I'm not much of a tea person but carmel toffee tea sounds good.

Karen, my eye doctor likes to look at the defect in my left eye with that bright light all the while telling me not to blink.

I brought my tax papers in and went to Walmart again. I saw a recipe on Facebook I wanted to try. It was chicken cooked in Olive Garden Italian Dressing in a slow cooker with cream cheese. I liked it so much I deleted the recipe. :evil: I doubt I will be able to eat all of it and I'm not going to freeze any.

It was more than breezy here, it was very windy. It was gray and looked like rain all day. We got about 5 minutes of rain about 7:00 and it looks like most of it will miss us. It warmed up some so I put the air conditioner back on. Hope I don't have to switch back to heat during the night.

I called the doctor's office to pre-register for my colonoscopy. The nurse just ask me my height and weight. I don't have to do what ever else they would want if I weighed more. A nurse is suppose to call me between now and Thursday to go over my medical history. That means I need to keep up with my phone. Not something I am very good at.

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Re: Breezy Monday

Postby Bethers » Mon Mar 25, 2024 10:23 pm

Martha, I had to keep my phone with me the last two Fridays to get the time from the surgical center for my Monday appt. I try to always have it on me, and luckily did when they called. It meant answering calls I didn't recognize number of, also. And it was very windy here yesterday so I'm not surprised it caught up to you. Just breezy today.

Karen, good news on you getting a refund. That's always a pleasant surprise. Barbie you're super busy! Sounds like some good plans. And Martha, I agree, that cat likes Shirl and is working at training her. Shirl, you know I love that shirt.

So, 2nd surgery over and over been funky today. In my mind last week the eye improved more on day one. But, I think on actually it didn't, I was just surprised by how quickly I noticed improvement. So no more sulking. My pupil is still so dilated it needs more time. I have my follow up appt tomorrow and I've been seeing improvement all day, so I need to quit being a baby. Lol

Early morning for surgery today and appt tomorrow is 8:15, which I like because I doubt I'll have any waiting. Carol will drive my car so Greg can run some errands etc. I planned to take them to breakfast after the appt, but I'm guessing it'll be just Carol. Which is fine, I just wish they'd let me do more for them. Off to bed where I'll try to get to sleep early.
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Re: Breezy Monday

Postby snowball » Tue Mar 26, 2024 12:13 am

I made chicken florintene yesterday a first a first for making Orzo over cooked it next time will start it later in the process :o instead of using fresh spinach I used frozen .... didn't find it very saucy (one of the reviewers said it was way to thin well not mine) found out that 9 oz. of frozen spinach doesn't equal 9 oz. of fresh spinach :roll: I've never used frozen spinach before had gotten it to make creamed spinach with and not done so so thought I'd make up this recipe yes you might say it had a LOT of spinach in it... but did like it will try and finish it up and will probably make it again but think it will be with fresh spinach
I tasted my sauerkraut today and not sure what I'm looking for but I do know that I got way too much salt in it... as I said if it fails all I'm out of is a head of cabbage and salt I'll probably try it again if I determine that this is too salty to eat but will weigh the cabbage so I'll have an idea of how much salt it called for 2lbs of cabbage to and now I can't remember if it was 1 or 2 T. of salt when it comes to it I'll relook at the recipe... not trust my memory :lol: that would not be a good idea
ran the dishwasher the other day and it didn't drain pulled out the filter couldn't feel anything I always run the garbage disposal before using it then I reran the the washer and it drained ran it today and same thing so started it up again however I forgot to pull out the filter and put it back in it didn't drain... guess I need to either call son in law and see if he can look at it but he is really busy or find a repair man maybe it will take care of the odor it has a horrible odor used to notice it when opening up the unit but did some cleaning so it was more noticeable when it was first turned on... smelled like rotten eggs ugh
I had to look up Long Beach WA Anita I was thinking that you had said the wrong state... will that be at the same time you go to Poulsbo? I think that is the town with a really good bakery :lol:
Karen it might be that the light is looking brighter due to your cataracts ... not saying it's not bright but it might seem brighter I know that now I can actually look at head lights while before having them removed I couldn't
it was weird last night I woke mom up for chat but she just went back to sleep slept till midnight when her eyes opened so I gave her the pain pill and went to bed normally she is up not long after I go to my room to go to the bathroom or to piece on something I turned out the lights close to 4 never heard her and usually do when her walker hits the bathroom floor she slept this afternoon from about 12:30 to close to 5 ... I actually didn't sleep well last night I kept wondering if she would be alive when I woke up just hate the thoughts of being the one... but when I'm the one who lives here it's a given
Velda I totally understand now sound like a lot of work ahead of you both... I dread the thoughts of cleaning out this house I'd be surprised if there isn't something of dad's still here and he died in 73 nope it's not going to be fun it really doesn't look like you picture a hoarder's house you know the visual going around boxes of stuff or piles of stuff but still in some cases it can be thought of hoarding ... 3 closets of clothes and we can't just pick them up and put them in boxes or bags has money got stashed as well ... know of at least 200 plus that is here somewhere ... oh well
I'm curious Barbie are you using the contact paper that sticks to the surface? it might work for your purposes but what about the next person... I'd hate to try to remover it
Beth so glad that all is well with you and trust the follow up will go well... it will be interesting how Ty adjusts to the TT
you all have a great day
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Re: Breezy Monday

Postby BarbaraRose » Tue Mar 26, 2024 1:20 am

Good late evening!

Sheila, yes it is the peel and stick contact paper, but I didn't peel off the back for this project. I just taped it to the inside of the glass so it would be very easy to remove later.

I did that project, which took way too long because I measured the pieces wrong twice! Finally got that done and then tackled the two remaining ceiling panels. Another fiasco! :roll: Took over 2 hours of making mistakes with those and having to redo them to get them right. Now they are done and in place. Whew! I was like the Energizer Bunny today! The double dose of my meds is giving me a ton of energy but hasn't done much for improving my brain function! :shock: :roll:

I found out I need a permit to be working on the deck. Oops! So I filled out the form and added a drawing of the deck and dimensions, as well as a sample of the paint color I want to use. Will drop that off at the office tomorrow morning. :roll: Meanwhile I will continue to patch up the cracks in the plywood. I got the tubes of wood filler today and hopefully they will be more user-friendly than the other stuff I tried.

One of the neighbors on my street brought over 2 bags of food she needed to get rid of before they head back home tomorrow morning. I kept what I wanted and brought some stuff to Gloria next door. Then brought a couple other things to a friend (Aggie) down the street. I ended up hanging out at her place for a few hours tonight along with some other friends of hers.

Got back home and made the cole slaw with the pineapple tidbits and mini marshmallows. Aggie is single and is coming with me tomorrow to the potluck for the solo women's group.

It was breezy and beautiful today, but tonight is like a hurricane out there! :o I can hear stuff banging around outside and the wind howling and rattling the windows! :shock: I can hear the sand in the air hitting the windows too!

I am tired tonight so am heading to bed soon...
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Breezy Monday

Postby Redetotry » Tue Mar 26, 2024 7:11 am

Sheila I googled ''dishwasher smells like rotten egg's and it seems to be a common problem. Most answers were to add 2 cups of vinegar to your empty dishwasher and run it. Here is one suggestion. I'm sot sure why it says not to use vinegar and baking soda at the same tome but...

"You can also sprinkle one cup of baking soda on the bottom of an empty dishwasher and run a short cycle on the hottest setting without detergent to clean the interior and kill odors. "As with cleaning a dishwasher with vinegar, skip the drying cycle and let the dishwasher air dry," says Poole. "Using vinegar and baking soda are easy, effective ways to clean inside a dishwasher, but do not use them together at the same time—clean with the vinegar first and then with the baking soda."
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Re: Breezy Monday

Postby MandysMom » Wed Mar 27, 2024 1:36 am

OM, my goodness BJ! You don't mix vinegar and baking soda because they create a violent reaction amd could blow the door or at least damage interior! Didn't you ever mix the 2 to make a volcano with yiur children?
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Re: Breezy Monday

Postby Redetotry » Wed Mar 27, 2024 6:45 am

MandysMom wrote:OM, my goodness BJ! You don't mix vinegar and baking soda because they create a violent reaction amd could blow the door or at least damage interior! Didn't you ever mix the 2 to make a volcano with yiur children?

Nope it doesn't say mix together,... and I don't have children:) the last sentence says do not use them together at the same time...clean with the vinegar first.....:)

"You can also sprinkle one cup of baking soda on the bottom of an empty dishwasher and run a short cycle on the hottest setting without detergent to clean the interior and kill odors. "As with cleaning a dishwasher with vinegar, skip the drying cycle and let the dishwasher air dry," says Poole. "Using vinegar and baking soda are easy, effective ways to clean inside a dishwasher, but do not use them together at the same time—clean with the vinegar first and then with the baking soda."

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