Ran/Snow Saturday

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Ran/Snow Saturday

Postby Colliemom » Sat Mar 09, 2024 8:36 am

Good Morning from the 45th. Just stopping in to say hi. We are having a mix of wet snow and rain. Temp is 32°. Wind is NW at 8 mph. Looks like a good day to do prjcts, although am hoping I can take the dogs for a walk as we haven’t been able to go for the past two days. Had a paibted working here, doing my bathrooms. She did a great job. She also went around my living room along the ceiling and touched up along the ceiling and some other places that needed some fine lining and touchups from previous painting. That is not one of my better traits. So both bathrooms and kitchen have new paint now. And while she as doing that, I was busy in my DP canvas and got quite a bit done.

Today’s project or at least this morning for me, is to clean the bathrooms and put everything back on the walls. I want to put some Lemon Oil on the vanity and cupboards in both of them while I am at it. That’s it for major house projects for this winter. Karen, did you ever get your bathroom started?

O’Sharon, crappy Westher headed your way again. Beth, you are going to have a busy few weeks coming up. Shelia, glad you got home safely. Sorry about your mom’s issues. Judy, that’s good news about your son. Anita, hope your brother does kay with the new chemo treatments. Hope Chris and Velda continuing to make progress. And seems everybody else is doing well. So I’m going to get going and get started on those bathrooms.
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Re: Ran/Snow Saturday

Postby OregonLuvr » Sat Mar 09, 2024 10:06 am

Good morning. Yesterday morning was 27 chilly and we had sun after the fog lifted. Today is 43 with clouds and rain showers for the next few days, dreary with not much sun predicted....sigh. I got to work outside for a couple of hours yesterday but think I will get back to my bathroom today. Am working on smoothing and patching these stupid VOG walls. Then will have to put my primer coat on and let it dry well. Then will be ready to get the lightly textured paint applied. I am not going gangbusters but getting it done in stages. I need to start shampooing my rugs so that will be done for spring. My daffodils are up and wont last much longer. I bought some packages of flower seeds yesterday to throw in there when I cut them back. Now if the dang deer just dont eat them I will be good. Way too early to think about veggie planting LOL

Barbie if you are running out of data you are not on your wifi. You need to make sure in your settings you are on your own wifi connection. I use very little data with streaming, all my Alexa items, my security cameras all run on my wifi connection. Maybe google how to connect to the wifi. Make sure your phone
and/or your laptop are on wifi. I dont know what you use for your coloring but it is good to have wifi instead of data. Also make sure to click the box on your wifi selection to Connect Automatically. Hope this helps.

Beth did you get moved yet???

Bought some strawberries yesterday, just a small container and will cut those up this morning and add a bit of sweetener and water for juice. I didnt buy ice cream or shortcake YAY ME Salmon for dinner tonight and a veggie. I am doing well on my healthy eating plan. I wish I liked smoothies but I sure dont. Just cant get excited about them. Probably because I am not a huge fruit eater. I like berries, grapes, watermelon and cherries. Occasional banana with my Healthy Choice frozen fudge bar cut up over it LOL Glad I like most all veggies tho
Time to get another cup of coffee and start my day

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Re: Ran/Snow Saturday

Postby Bethers » Sat Mar 09, 2024 12:32 pm

Morning Sue and Karen. Karen, the tt gets moved this Wednesday. But I'll still be in my current park for the next couple weeks until after both cataract surgeries as it's my neighbors here driving me to both surgeries. After the 2nd eye, if I don't feel comfortable driving the C, I'll either stay a couple/few more days than planned or get help moving the rest over.

Barbie, I use my hotspot, thus my data for everything, but I have unlimited data. If you can use wifi, do as Karen has said. I'm sure you have a limited data plan.

Sheila, I'm glad you're home.
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Re: Ran/Snow Saturday

Postby Othersharon » Sat Mar 09, 2024 2:27 pm

Sue, you were so right! The weather was “crappy” by the time I got up this morning! It’s been steady and fairly heavy rain all day. And now we have strong wind as well. Snow forecasted for tomorrow although we aren’t predicted to have very much here. We are definitely moving into our rainy season. Shelia, sorry to hear the trouble your mom is having and hope it resolves itself quickly. I’ve just been doing this and that so far today. Nothing major! This weather just makes me want to curl up with a book and cozy blanket until it’s over. I have a pork roast I decided to fix for dinner tonight and will have plenty of left overs for tomorrow and some probably to freeze for later meals. Buddy and I were just out a bit ago and he got soaked, doesn’t seem to bother him much! But despite trying to dry him off before we came in he still tracked up the floor! Sometimes I just spot clean his tracks and then after his final outing at night I mop the floor. At least I can get up to a clean floor in the morning! Even if it doesn’t last long! Break time is over so need to go check the dryer and fold the clothes. Maybe even get them put away! Maybe! Have a good rest of your day.
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Re: Ran/Snow Saturday

Postby JudyJB » Sat Mar 09, 2024 3:10 pm

Weather here is warm and sunny, but I am feeling crappy--Worst sore throat I have had in several years. Was bragging about it to my younger son, and got paid back by getting sick! Mostly, it is a head cold and sore throat, with only a bit of coughing, but at least things are slowly getting better. Also have a 3x3" patch on my ankle where I had 2 or 3 mosquito bites. It turned into a red patch that looked like cellulitis, but it did not spread. It is now blistered, but seems to be getting less hot and red, but skin is still tender. I've had this happen before when I get several mosquito bites close together and they merge red areas. I am taking it easy and trying to get a lot of sleep, at least, to rest things.

I spent a couple of hours yesterday trying to find out how to fix my toilet, and discovered that with this toilet a broken ball flush cannot be replaced, so I ended up searching for someone who had a replacement new toilet. Tried all the RV dealers in the area, and only one I could find with the right toilet was in Orlando, which would be a three-hour drive each way, or would take 7 business days to ship it. Ended up finding one online at Walmart Online, believe it or not, and shipping was free, plus it is supposed to arrive at my COE campground on Wednesday. Price was good. One dealer tried to sell me a slightly different model, but it would have the seat stick out an additional 3", which would mean I would be constantly banging my legs on it in my bathroom, so sticking to old model was best. My toilet is on a little step, so need a low-profile toilet.

In the meantime, I am using my toilet with the ball just a bit open. I can manually open and close it using a screwdriver and a couple of other tools, so at least I have a sort-of working toilet. Things were a LOT easier when I lived in my condo and had two bathrooms, so always had an extra toilet!!!

Once I get the toilet, I'll find a mobile rv technician to install it.
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Re: Ran/Snow Saturday

Postby Redetotry » Sat Mar 09, 2024 4:05 pm

The sun just came out here (2:30 ) and it is only in the mid forties today so this morning I had a 2 hour nap :shock: I slept pretty well last night so maybe I was just bored. The birds must be migrating as I just saw what I think was an Eastern Towhee in the back yard. I'm watching Pippa's weight so trying to give her more veggie snacks. She loves carrots and broccoli particularly. I just went to the fridge to get a piece of broccoli for her and she was in the living room. Before I closed the refrigerator door she was by my side all excited. I shouldn't be surprised after having dogs who do similar things but I am.
I ordered a new dog bed and it came in a very small box. I didn't take it all the way out because it appeared to be the wrong color. As I tried to get it stuffed back in it kept expanding and the box split. I told DH I thought it might take over the living room as it is so large. I hope they will take it back at the Amazon return place at Kohl's! The other store that takes Amazon returns will now only take them with with a mailing label and you have to re wrap. I think I'm going to make chicken soup for dinner at least that sounds good now.
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Re: Ran/Snow Saturday

Postby JudyJB » Sat Mar 09, 2024 5:54 pm

Karen, strawberries taste a lot better when dipped in Bakers Dipping Chocolate! Need to heat it up, dip berries, then refrigerate for a bit. Wonderful.
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Re: Ran/Snow Saturday

Postby OregonLuvr » Sat Mar 09, 2024 6:59 pm

jUDY jUDY jUDY that just does not fit my healthy eating plan LOL but I know how good that is for sure. I wonder how chocolate dipped zucchini or cauliflower would be...........YUCK I will just skip the chocolate for now.

Let us all not forget to

Just set all my clocks ahead except my car so I am ready for tomorrow. My phone, watch and computers will set themselves

A pretty breezy afternoon and chilly of course with the breeze. Off and on rain showers but I am inside curled up with an electric throw and a dog...life is good.

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Re: Ran/Snow Saturday

Postby Acadianmom » Sat Mar 09, 2024 10:10 pm

It was cool and overcast all day. I went to Lafayette to help my son with some yard work. Then I went to Walmart when I got back to Abbeville. Not going to fight going to Walmart in Lafayette on a Saturday. I might go back tomorrow with the saw to cut some weeds that are almost like trees.

BJ, Luna likes carrots too. I haven't tried her on broccoli. Luna can read my mind, if I even thing about going to the kitchen she is there. I don't know if cheese is good for her but she loves cheese.

Judy, hope you feel better from your sore throat. It's a good thing I'm not allergic to mosquitoes like you are because we have been having a lot. I usually get a bunch in the house trying to get the cats to come in. At least when it's this cool they aren't as bad. I need to make sure there is some off in the motorhome. Glad you were able to find the toilet you need. Hope it doesn't get lost like my gate.

I got Facebook messages that the local convince store is selling boiled crawfish again on Friday and Saturday. I didn't feel like messing with them and they might not be very big yet. Hopefully they will still be selling them in two weeks.

Need to start my list for the campout next weekend.

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Re: Ran/Snow Saturday

Postby JudyJB » Sun Mar 10, 2024 12:40 am

It may seem strange to have a dog eating vegetables, but when I was in high school, I spent one summer with a family in the Netherlands. They and all their neighbors had impeccable gardens--about 40' wide and 80' long, most of their long backyards. They grew potatoes, carrots, beans, peas, cabbage, strawberries, currents, gooseberries, and a lot of other things, with never a weed in sight.

Front yard was filled with flowers, especially roses.

Problem was their dog, a mid-sized spaniel type. He used to run away from home and come back with produce. He particularly liked to steal cabbages and carrots, and would bring them home and eat them. (He was NOT underweight or lacking regular food. Plus the back garden was walled in, but he managed to get away anyway.) The family could not return anything or apologize for his thievery because we never knew which garden he had stolen them from!!
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Re: Ran/Snow Saturday

Postby snowball » Sun Mar 10, 2024 1:01 am

took mom to the doctor today so had to tell them all that transpired and what was done showed pictures meant to take the name of the meds she is on but forgot so called sister in law she was almost home so she called back with the information needed... glad she had the information... called a neighbor to see if she would come get mom and take her home so that I could go to the store without having to go home and back out she was more than happy to do so got the keys out of mom's purse and put them in her walker locked door... the nurse didn't see the wick which was puzzling the dr came in and said the wick is here she thought it was a scab... she did get out some blood but didn't do what the other's did so no clots hopefully makes you wonder if they will travel... he did prescribe some Tylenol with codeine but didn't hear back from the pharmacy till almost 7 I thought that they closed at either 6 or 7 she started to say at 7:30 she needed a pain pill she got it at 6 not sure if it was even working yet.. it's just the generic Tylenol
after all my effort to lock up the house take the keys with us I got a phone call from neighbor saying where are the keys for the house these are just the key for the car hmmm I thought it was both will have to get a key made up for that key chain (she just took her to her house till I was through)
so that has been my day came home and read scriptures... made supper picked up a heat up meal and mom had left over chicken tenders the other night when dd and son in law brought us home we stopped for supper mom wanted onion rings with her chicken tenders she didn't eat a one... and they were really good...
I am caught up on all the reading but will not even try to comment on individual postings
I want to get some of those slip in shoes I rarely wear tennis shoes just cause it's too hard to bend over and put them on or to tie them and there are times when they would be good to have ...
Beth are you going to put solar panels on the TT? I think I will suggest it to dd but only after I've spent more time there I don't know if she has a lot of trees ect that would make it hard to do or not... never paid attention
it helps to know more about where the snows would be in CA have to admit that it made it sound like the state was bombarded with snow although I did figure that most of it was in the Serra Nevada's Anne why are they called the Serra Nevada's the last part more than the first...
hate the thoughts of advancing tomorrow I don't get enough sleep on Sunday's anyway and to loose an hour ugh I somehow need to go to sleep before 4 or even 3 :roll:
hope you are feeling better Judy glad that you found a new toilet...
Anita were you taking the train on your trip? Hope your brother responds to the new chemo and they can either slow down the cancer or actually get rid of it totally
found a apple that is a cross between the oh phooey can't think of either one of them will eat one and report back hopefully will remember the name of the apples then
you all have a great day
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Re: Ran/Snow Saturday

Postby Cudedog » Sun Mar 10, 2024 11:03 am

JudyJB wrote:It may seem strange to have a dog eating vegetables, but when I was in high school, I spent one summer with a family in the Netherlands. They and all their neighbors had impeccable gardens--about 40' wide and 80' long, most of their long backyards. They grew potatoes, carrots, beans, peas, cabbage, strawberries, currents, gooseberries, and a lot of other things, with never a weed in sight.

Problem was their dog, a mid-sized spaniel type. He used to run away from home and come back with produce. He particularly liked to steal cabbages and carrots, and would bring them home and eat them. (He was NOT underweight or lacking regular food. Plus the back garden was walled in, but he managed to get away anyway.) The family could not return anything or apologize for his thievery because we never knew which garden he had stolen them from!!

Strange to have a dog eating vegetables?

Well. . . hrm. . . actually, not so much. Dogs (unlike cats) are not true carnivors, but rather fall firmly in the omnivore spectrum.

Like us. :D

Here is a short article explaining this from National Geographic:

https://education.nationalgeographic.or ... omnivores/

"Omnivores are a diverse group of animals. Examples of omnivores include bears, birds, dogs, raccoons, foxes, certain insects, and even humans."

So most, if not all, dogs will savor some yummy veggies when given the chance.

Pigs also are omnivores - they will eat meat if given the opportunity. Which is why pork should be fully cooked before being consumed - this avoids contracting trichinosis. Although modern pigs in the United States are fed a mostly grain diet - this was not true in the past, when pigs were fed food scraps of many different kinds, including meat.

I like to eat a lot of tossed green salad, with oil and vinegar dressing that is a bit on the sour side.
My favorite brand of dressing is Wishbone Italian - I sour it up a bit by adding apple cider vinegar.

When I first got my sweet boy, Big Joe, for the first couple of weeks he would whine and cry whenever I made a nice salad - iceberg lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers and carrots. I would just say to him, "Joe! Dogs don't like sour salad!!" Joe was not then, nor has he ever been, under-fed.

He just kept on trying to convince me that he would like to try some of my salad. Finally I got tired of this and put quite a bit of my vinegar-y salad into his bowl, looking forward to laughing at him after he took one close-up sniff and turned up his nose at it.

Well. . . no. He gobbled it all right down, and looked up at me, asking for more!!

Another time (and a different, long-ago, beloved dog) I had just come home from the grocery store, I was tired, and not paying too much attention as I put the groceries away. Then I heard a THUMP, followed by a gobbling-dog-eating-noise. Then another THUMP, followed by more dog-gobbling-it-all-up sound.

I looked up to see that I had put my freshly-purchased bag of tomatoes too near the edge of the kitchen counter - one by one, they were rolling out of the bag, and falling to the floor.

Where they didn't last long!

Little Rodrey James had a very happy - and most satisfied - look on his face. That is, until I took the few tomatoes that were left and put them into the refrigerator! Poor Rod! No more tomato snacks for you! :lol:

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Re: Ran/Snow Saturday

Postby OregonLuvr » Sun Mar 10, 2024 1:59 pm

I watched a couple of videos people posted of their dogs gobbling watermelon, carrots, green beans. So thought I would try some with Emma. I put a few in her bowl with her kibble and she ceremoniously picked them out and put them beside her bowl LOL so then I tried watermelon as that dog was gobbling it up. She took one smell and walked away. She also will only eat 2 kinds of treats. I bought organic cookies......no go. She likes the little Mini Milk Bone treats and the Paul Newmans beef jerky (I limit that to when I am leaving her here at home as it has honey in it so too many calories). So I gave up LOL

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