Tuesday, Feb 27th

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Tuesday, Feb 27th

Postby Acadianmom » Tue Feb 27, 2024 11:07 am

I gave Luna a bath this morning so now my shoes are wet but the dog and bathroom are clean. She doesn't shed near as much as Sugar did. I wasn't sure how she would do since she won't let me brush her at all.

I thought it was suppose to cool off but that's not until Thursday so I had to turn the air conditioner on. The wind is even worse than yesterday.

The local channels are off on DirecTv. It looks like the local channels would put something on their web site saying what the problem is. I found a site that shows problems all over the country.

Today was my brother that passed away's birthday. Hard to believe that he has been gone 24 years.

I think I'll go dig in the freezer and see if I can find something to cook.

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Re: Tuesday, Feb 27th

Postby Irmi » Tue Feb 27, 2024 11:30 am

Good morning Martha & everyone!

I hope Luna wasn't too much trouble and you can easily bathe her again. Sue, good news on Mollie! Karen, luckily you didn't have to get your eyes dilated yesterday and able to get your scan in as well. Anita, that's good news on your brother planning on going back to work. Velda, you and your son have had your hands full. I hope he continues to recover. Carol, were you able to get the prescription for Bill's glasses and get them ordered? Beth, I like what you're doing to your tt. When will you get it moved to the other campground? Alice, thanks for checking in. Barbie, I hope the next showing is the one! Sheila, you have so many things going on in your life. Be careful out there in the snow. Anne, I read your last post but can't remember what's going on in your life. O'Sharon, keep working with Buddy to remind him who's boss. Those that I've over looked, it wasn't intentional.

Sorry for being gone so long. I've been bummed with the weather we've been having for months on end. Last week, we woke up to temperatures in the 30's. Yesterday it was 41 when I got up. Yes, it warms up most times, but not always. I'm tired of wearing multiple layers to stay warm which means I do laundry often. Because of wearing so many clothes it takes much longer to get ready for bed and Steve is constantly checking on me to make sure I'm okay, but that's a good thing. I know we'll eventually see the normal FL weather and you'll never hear me complain about the 90+ degree weather.
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Re: Tuesday, Feb 27th

Postby Cudedog » Tue Feb 27, 2024 11:47 am

Irmi wrote:Good morning Martha & everyone!

Anne, I read your last post but can't remember what's going on in your life. . .

Thanks for thinking of me, Irmi!

As to what was going on in my life at the time of my last post. . . LOL, I don't remember what was going on either! :roll: :lol:

And so it goes! Heh. :D

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Re: Tuesday, Feb 27th

Postby OregonLuvr » Tue Feb 27, 2024 12:40 pm

Good morning all. It is chilly this morning with rain and 34°. Now it is up to a whopping 42 with some sun popping in and out. No wind. Irmi, I dont mind the cold so much but I am sick of the fog and rain, I am trying not to complain as we really need to keep up our snowpack for fire season and to keep out of the drought we have been in for several years. We did have a gorgeous weekend so that helped. Sunshine, no rain, but still chilly. Loved it.

I looked at the results of my CT scan (#3) on the portal I had done yesterday. No changes since the first one in 2022. My pulmonologist said after the first CT scan the 2 small nodules she thinks are just scarring from my pneumonia. The interpretation of this one by the radiologist stated the same thing. Since no change from the first one he said benign.

Martha, I think that is unusual also they didnt call. Usually they start about a week ahead and pre register you online then still text me to remind me. This appt was made a year ago for follow up and I must have added it to my calendar at that time. Thank goodness for my phone calendar and Alexa.

Judy my old park manager of my previous home died recently and he had CML. I know CML is worse than CLL and I am happy you are doing so well. I was surprised as he seemed to be doing so well, but I hadn't seen him in several months. I dont have any particulars on his treatment but I did know he was receiving infusions of some sort.

Barbie I am making up a batch of sloppy joes also today. I bought a nice pack of sesame hamburger buns that were on sale so thought they would be good for sloppy joes. I will make up a full batch and then freeze it in individual containers for later. I only like to eat something for a couple days at most so rather than waste it I will freeze it.

Time to hop in the shower and start my day. I have lots of housekeeping chores to get accomplished today. Nothing big just some clutter, dusting and floor washing.

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Re: Tuesday, Feb 27th

Postby Bethers » Tue Feb 27, 2024 12:52 pm

Martha, I hate to tell you this but the wind is even worse so far today. 30 without talking gusts. I'm hoping this is the last of it. I've been to the doctor, pickups at both HEB and Walmart (crazy wind turned over an HEB bin coming to me. I'm glad I wasn't wheeling a cart out! Now I'm at Jersey Mike's to get a sub. While doing errands they texted me double points for today, so I ordered to pickup. Got here earlier than the time I gave, so waiting. They are swamped. I never have been here right around noon before. They always seem busy, but this is extreme. That said, Walmart and HEB parking lots were also full. My neighbors texted me that I received a FedEx package... Case of toilet paper from Sam's club. That'll be fun putting away in the wind lol

Irmi, sorry about your cold winter. But you know it'll be coming to an end. We've had some colder days, but then beautiful ones. Anne, I always want to respond to every post but when I start typing I forget so much!!! Karen, all my trips to Oregon have been rainy, except I was fairly successful in August and September. I love visiting my friend in Astoria but usually got in the doldrums from all the gloomy days lol. That's when I learned best weather there and tried to time things accordingly. Sometimes it worked.
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Re: Tuesday, Feb 27th

Postby JudyJB » Tue Feb 27, 2024 1:36 pm

Karen, I have had a 2-3 cm lung nodule since 2018. It has stayed the same size for all these years, and they have decided they no longer do annual cat scans for it. Mine is in a very bad place to remove because it is in my lung, but against my ribs - they would have to do major surgery to remove a rib or two and then wire them back in place--sounds painful and it would have been a difficult recovery and 3-4 days in hospital!!

The good thing about CLL is that it is very slow growing, unlike many of the other blood cancers, but I looked up CML and they do a lot of the same genetic tests as I had to determine what genes caused it. It also looks like they are using targeted drugs these days, instead of chemo, but unfortunately, there are not as many available. My cousin's son died a year ago from CML, but he had only chemo for most of the time. Treatment for these blood cancers is moving so fast, even most oncologists cannot keep up, which is why I chose a research oncologist in Oregon for my treatment. (I found out my friend had to educate her oncologist after she was going to prescribe Keytruda,which is a general cancer drug that boosts the immune system. My friend is a research nut like I am and had found out about the newer drugs that actually worked. Our flavor of CLL never responded to chemo, but doctors never told people that way back when just in case they helped a little. The new drugs actively target specific B cells, we are alive to talk about it.)

If the manager had lost his hair, he probably had chemo. The new drugs, even if given as infusions, very seldom cause hair loss.

Off to do laundry and put some rubber mat down in one of my basement bins. Got to organize it, also, so got work to do!! Beautiful sunny and warm day here in Florida today!!
Last edited by JudyJB on Tue Feb 27, 2024 3:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tuesday, Feb 27th

Postby Colliemom » Tue Feb 27, 2024 2:02 pm

Afternoon everybody. Beautiful sunny day here today and we are predicted to 65. I’ve got my window open and my window and my front door a little bit so that’s some nice fresh air in the house. This is not going to last though because later on this evening, we have a cold fun that’s going to be flying through here a litterally, to dump us with about 1 to 3 inches of snow and all that good stuff tomorrow. First we have to deal with some rain and possible storms tonight. Then after this it’s supposed to start warming up again, and by the Weeknd back into the 50s and next week in the 60s again.

I just came in from outside cleaning up my garage and also did a little bit of raking in the yard and pulled out some dead flowers that I left out there last fall on purpose, so that the seeds could fall in in the flower bed. And we are getting ready to take a nice afternoon walk.

Ifrmi, nice to hear from you and hope your weather starts to warm up. Anne, I laughed when you said you don’t remember what’s going on I. Your life. Some days I don’t remember what’s going on at mine either :lol:
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Re: Tuesday, Feb 27th

Postby Bethers » Tue Feb 27, 2024 9:10 pm

Interesting morning. Liked the doctor. She signed my paperwork for the surgery. But also told me the hospital was closing this medical center in a couple months and she and her husband will be moving to Ohio (where he's from). They'll be lucky, whoever she ends up working with/for and next year I might look for another doctor here. We decided against me getting my annual bloodwork, etc, and I'll go to my current doctor in Arizona when I get there for the annual stuff. Aside from that I have gained 5 lbs this winter which I attribute to not enough exercise (all the rain, etc). We've been doing better and need to continue to and I have to watch my snacking lol. I had too much for lunch, but pretty healthy then got a pm from my neighbors asking me to go out for dinner with them. I hated turning that down, but did and had leftover fish for dinner. I asked for another day and planned before I already ate too much.

The one good thing about the wind today is it kept it from feeling as hot outside so we did get a great afternoon walk. TY is already sleeping but I'll walk him before heading to bed and make him go out and pee a last time. I'm hoping to start getting to bed earlier in preparation for time change coming up soon.
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Re: Tuesday, Feb 27th

Postby BarbaraRose » Tue Feb 27, 2024 11:56 pm

Got up for Putters this morning. It was cool and very windy but the wind felt good as the sun warmed things up quickly. I didn't play too good to begin with but got better with each hole. I just like being out there getting fresh air, exercise, a beautiful view and some social activity. It is always fun.
Then while we were playing, a beautiful white egret strolled thru the putting course and to the pond next to us. Then he reached into the water and pulled out a small fish! Everyone just stopped playing to watch him for a few minutes!

I had some time between golf and my ADHD appt to finish putting away personal things for the showing. Then headed to my appointment. On the freeway, I was in the second lane (of 4) when the semi in front of me started to move into the right lane. However, there was a small car there that he didn't see! He just about hit the car before he finally realized it was there and moved back over. There is no shoulder there, just a 5 ft high concrete wall! I slowed way down expecting a disastrous accident! Luckily it didn't happen but it shook me up and I am sure it really shook up the people in the little car!!! :o A very close call! I was so stressed, I missed my turn off and had to turn around at the next exit.

My appointment was another mess. The girls who work there are SO inefficient! :roll: I checked in with one of the gals (of 3) and also wrote down my arrival on their check-in sheet. Then I waited, and waited, and waited...An hour after my appointment time, I finally went up and asked when I would be called back. The gal told me that the dr was way behind and would be available soon. Shortly I was called back. The dr asked if I had gotten his call. I asked what he was talking about. He had been waiting for me awhile earlier but hadn't been told I was there waiting in the lobby so he called to see if I was coming in. :shock: How could they have not told him I was there??? Major communication issues there! I was only there for 5 minutes after all that!! He gave me a new prescription for a stimulant. The good thing about that is stimulants work right away and don't have to build up in your system over time like the non-stimulants do. So I can take it more as needed for immediate results. If I have side effects that aren't compatible for work, I can skip it on the days I work, if needed. He says the side effects of this one are possibly an increases in blood pressure (mine is always really low 90/50) so that shouldn't be an issue, and also it can suppress your appetite, which probably also isn't a bad thing. I will start it tomorrow. My prescription is 60 tablets of 10 mg each. He said to start with one per day and see how it goes. If I think I need more than that, I can go to 2 per day. I think that will work better since I am sensitive to most meds and usually only take half of what I am supposed to take. I have a little more control of this one. Will hope it helps!

I got a message from the other agent that the showing went well, so will see if my agent hears anything from them. My next door neighbor in the RV told me today that she has some friends coming in town next weekend and want to buy a place here and would like to see my place, so that could be promising. They might like living next door to each other!

I am enjoying my new chair. Romeow likes to sit on the foot rest. :D

Got a list of things to get done this week since I haven't had time to get them done for almost a week. No rest for the weary! :roll: Have a haircut to do tomorrow morning. Didn't get to the sloppy joes today but will make them tomorrow.
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Tuesday, Feb 27th

Postby snowball » Wed Feb 28, 2024 1:21 am

I think I accomplished what I planned on doing today .... I think... :lol: cleaned out the pellet stove and vacuumed that wasn't on the agenda but because of what I planned on for supper could fit it in... so did of course scriptures and crocheting actually made it to 30 inches on the strip watched a video on mistakes that beginner crocheter's do I think I fit in on several of the never have done a oh can't think of the word starts with a gauge swatch it came to me as I typed and watched some video's on how to clean the dishwasher to get rid of that yucky odor
it stinks so bad need to clean it well and see if that helps I did clean it out really well but have never gotten rid of the odor it's diminished some but is still there and getting strong again hate it's location it's impossible to get on both sides of the door making it harder to clean the sides... think it will be something to work on when we get back
I saw a hand held steam cleaner ad yesterday it should it being used on the washer around the door as well as the basin stuff is put in looked really good made me wonder if it would work on the dishwasher as well
Irmi glad to see you post tonight... I avoid the snow as much as possible... I don't shovel it my brother's boy used to do it but life has gotten hectic for them so brother signed up for a snow removal company to do it they were here today... so I will be able to go to the store tomorrow don't need a lot but something for supper and meds mom needs probably a banana just a few things as I don't want things to spoil that is why only one banana :lol:
sounds like you had a good visit to the dr Beth too bad she is leaving ... when is the cataract surgery? that would work out good Barbie if your neighbor's friends like your place would work out really nice... I try to comment on the comments but by the time I expound on my day and start commenting on other's I've forgotten lots... my brother had a blood cancer not sure which one we were just told it wasn't lu.... mia after his oh the term is gone when they basically wipe out the old blood and give you new he lived almost 5 years got to the point that he just wasn't rebuilding blood
you all have a great day
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