Presidents Day, Feb. 19th

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Presidents Day, Feb. 19th

Postby Colliemom » Mon Feb 19, 2024 7:36 am

Good Morning everyone. Last three day weekend of the Wii ter season here. Was a bit of a snowy ine with lake effect snow showers around. Warm up coming this week again. I have a couple inches of snow in my drive, will take care of that later. Want to head for town this morning and hit Meijer. Tine to restock the larder around here. And get a new wall clock for the kitchen. Molly is due an eye drop at 2 p.m., so need to be here for that. Right now she is curled up on the love seat snoozing. I can see why they call it a love seat, my dogs love it LOL. Like people, they can be found snuggled up there together frequently.

Lots of conversations on here last couple days, don’t think I remember half of it :roll: But now you have me hungry for Butternut and Acorn squash. My mom never baked our butternut squash. She always peeled it, cut it up in chunks and cooked it in a sauce pan with just enough water to keep it from scorching, till it was soft, then mashed it like mashed potatoes, added butter and yum. To this day I still do it that way.

Barbie, hope the Canadian couple contact your agent. But it was nice getting some constructive criticism from prospective buyers. Gives you an idea what people look for and how small cosmetic changes can improve things. My cabinets didn’t have knobs and handles, but I took care of that. Velda, thanks for checking in . I too was wondering how things were going. Sorry Chris had a set back. Hopefully they have him on the right track now. Carol, glad you and Bill arrived home safely. O’Sharon, sounds like you are dealing with those piddly amounts of snow that aren’t deep, but just enough to haul out the shovel for. Been doing that too. Shelia, is the pass you refer too, the ine heading out of Jackson? I remember that when I was out there. Not for the faint of heart.

I’ve got another Diamond Painting set up and ready to start in my kitchen table. This is a custom one I had made from a picture I took in Yellowstone. I’ll be working in this for awhile. 24x20.

Time to give Molly one of her morning eye drops. So wiil wish you all a nice day and get mine moving along.
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Re: Presidents Day, Feb. 18th

Postby OregonLuvr » Mon Feb 19, 2024 9:02 am

Sue I think you need to edit your header. Today is the 19th ha ha
I am up and managed to switch my tv to antenna without any issues. I think I have it figured out but it sure wasnt easy. I bought a better antenna for the living room as the one in there doesnt pull in many channels and it is close to the family room one it will be here Friday.
Just catching up on the forum, watching the news and sipping my coffee. Going to Costco today and will get gas it is down to $2.99 today. I was going yesterday but the pharmacy is closed on Sundays. I am not shopping LOL only picking up my prescription and getting gas.!!!! Rain again today....sigh. Fog rolling in now too so makes everything damp. Predicting 45/60 Yesterday they said 61 but only got to 55 but whatever.

Velda sorry Chris had a bit of a setback. Hope he continues to heal quickly. Barbie sorry about your dinner. I have done that before too. Now I am super careful but thought I was before too LOL Not sure what my project for today will be yet, probably nothing very impressive, just not feeling it yet this morning.

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Presidents day

Postby avalen » Mon Feb 19, 2024 9:15 am

Good morning ladies
Holiday for me, no school so I will do something fun for my day off. Breakfast with Cheryl and then some shopping for fun stuff. I've been looking for curtains for my new place but haven't come across anything that shouts "buy me!"
Really starting to settle in the new place, about time!! It's been 7 months with lots of stress in those 7 months managing two places. But the fifthwheel is finally in a storage yard and signed title over to son.
Now I can concentrate on getting things accomplished here. Need to get the electrician scheduled to move the AC electric plug away from the hot tub where I will feel safe to fill the hot tub and start using it.
It's also time to think about getting my garden in order and plant some veggies. I've been fighting a colony of feral cats in the neighborhood so have kept the garden boxes covered as I cleaned and sifted all the cat poop and added fresh soil. Have trapped a few and relocated, still a few to go.
Baked some peanut butter cookies over the weekend, made from scratch and just about devoured all of them! Next up for baking will be home made dog treats. Patrick is so spoiled, lol.
I'm off to get dressed and start my day. Y'all have a great day.
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Re: Presidents Day, Feb. 19th

Postby Bethers » Mon Feb 19, 2024 10:14 am

Just a quickie to say I edited Sue's subject line as Karen mentioned. And merged the two morning threads.
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Re: Presidents day

Postby Cudedog » Mon Feb 19, 2024 11:24 am

avalen wrote:It's also time to think about getting my garden in order and plant some veggies. I've been fighting a colony of feral cats in the neighborhood so have kept the garden boxes covered as I cleaned and sifted all the cat poop and added fresh soil. Have trapped a few and relocated, still a few to go.

Good morning Alice, Beth, Sue and all who follow. Having a bit of rain here, but not the pounding that has been predicted. At least not yet.

Velda, sorry to hear about Chris' setback, hope he continues to mend.

Alice, I hear you about feral cats. My area is infested with feral cats - thus few birds, few squirrels, etc. My backyard is used as the neighborhood cat box (there is a lot of pine needles out back, due to neighbor's gigantic pine tree - the feral cats seem to think pine needles make the perfect cat litter), and no matter how often I go out and pick up cat poop - there is always still more. All around my front door entry smells strongly of cat pee.

I do wish people would be more responsible with their cats. I don't dislike cats, but I sure get tired of the mess and the smell. I really dislike being forced to pick up after them.

Alice, good luck with keeping them out of your garden!

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Re: Presidents Day, Feb. 19th

Postby JudyJB » Mon Feb 19, 2024 2:38 pm

Never even thought of cats in a garden! Can you do anything to make a border where they will not come or put something on the soil to discourage them? It sure makes gardening harder. I am thinking spikes or something they do not like to walk on???

The three mosquito bites I had were really bothering me last night, even with the benadryl pills I had been taking all day. They don't just itch, they get swollen and sting! I've done well this winter by checking for bites every night and zapping them with the BiteAway heater, but these were on the back of my left upper arm, and I never saw them until they were big and swollen. Last night, they had black centers, and two had red areas around them about 3/4" wide. The third had a red area around it bigger than 2". It was too late to use heat on them, and they were keeping me awake, so about 2 am, I got up and made three wet washcloth ice packs and let them sit in the freezer for a while, then put them on bites. That helps the stinging. I also decided to hit them with a double dose of the benadryl and a half of a pain killer. I also tried some benadryl cream, but that usually does not help. The pills, at least, got me to sleep around 3 am, so I ended up sleeping in until noon.

Anyway, by noon when I finally woke up, the red area on the big one had shrunken, even though the center was still black, so i decided to skip heading to urgent care. Never had big mosquito bites like this until CLL. The frustrating thing is that I am still in remission from CLL, but my immune system is still going into overdrive and causing big reactions to protect me, thinking I might be dying when a bug bites me. I figured when I was done with treatment, the reaction to bites would go away, but that did not happen. Unfortunately, this happens with about 30% of CLL patients, whether in active disease or not!! :x

Got to run and take out trash, wash a load of clothes, and go for a walk. I probably should take another benadryl to make sure the big bite keeps calming down.
Last edited by JudyJB on Mon Feb 19, 2024 6:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Presidents Day, Feb. 19th

Postby SoCalGalcas » Mon Feb 19, 2024 3:46 pm

Good Afternoon, yesterday was an uneventful day for me. Softball season has begun. Big tournament in Clearwater, Fl. Lots of games rained out. I was especially looking forward to Sundays games. Completely rained out. So, Judy the rain that effected you. Also effected me!!! Saturday went to the dau

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Re: Presidents Day, Feb. 19th

Postby chalet05 » Mon Feb 19, 2024 4:20 pm

Alice and Ann, cats do not like ammonia. There are also plants they don't like including lavender and rosemary. I thought cats weren't a problem here so didn't put ammonia in the Sling. Well, I have now because at least one got under the cover and left muddy footprints.

Velda, sorry for Chris' setback and hope it's onward from here. Karen, kids and I have had no issue with our Samsung TVs. Perhaps a different model. Sheila, such a lot of snow! Beth, glad you have found another park and that you are working on the 'new' TT.'

My brother is planning to go back to work (local trucker) next month! I'm getting a little more serious about upcoming travel plans since he's doing so well.
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Re: Presidents Day, Feb. 19th

Postby BirdbyBird » Mon Feb 19, 2024 4:41 pm

Left Nan and Liz's area but not until both Liz and I were able to test out bodies to see if we could comfortable tolerate a kayaking. We both did, but just in case we chose Alligator lake along with Liz's good friend Judy. Rather than several of the wonderful rivers that are in the general area, with a lake Liz and I knew that w either of us could call a halt and turn around if we felt that we needed to.

So with hugs and good byes, the dogs and I headed over toward the Georgia coast to Crooked River State Parks. I had parked at a private campground just up the road from here years ago one winter when I stopped to visit Carolyn Sunshine Cruiser, who was wintering in the private campground. This state park has definitely been through a transformation since then.

Lark is celebrating her 8 birthday today. I explained that her present was today's sunshine was her present....after the last two days of drizzly rain. I think she may have bought it or is just humoring me.

Jane has now met her second Armadillo. A baby this time. This one was rooting around out in the middle of a campsite oblivious that a small Black and White roan dog was very interested in meeting it.

The fulltime RVer I met last year at a RoadTrek gtg in North Carolina just pulled into the park about 30 minutes ago and we are meeting up at 5:30 for a shared dinner. She has a much newer RoadTrek, ProMaster chassis, but as she notes my vintage 2001Chevy190P has more small storage nooks and crannies. May everyone find the strength and energy to face whatever personal challenge they are making their way through this day.

Will be slowly heading on north towards SW Ohio come Wednesday.
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Re: Presidents Day, Feb. 19th

Postby Acadianmom » Mon Feb 19, 2024 9:55 pm

Sue, I might try cooking Butternut squash like your mother. The way I fixed it it tasted a lot like sweet potatoes.

I figured out how to switch the TV in my office from Direct to local channels but it involves keeping up with 2 remotes. If the weather knocks out Direct I can watch the local channels but I don't get a lot of them. I am so far from the towers that the weather affects them too. The tv in the living room use to have an antenna but isn't hooked up to it now. I'll have to remember to look and see if one of the storms didn't get it.

Ava, I like your picture.

Tina, glad you are having a good trip. Hard to believe that Lark is already 8 years old. Time passes so fast. If Jane needs an armadillo I could give her a couple. I don't know if Luna has ever met one. I have tried to varmint proof my back yard.

I know most people don't like feral cats but I'm willing to put up with my outside cats to keep the mice and rats out of the motorhome and other vehicles. Cat food is cheaper than repairs. I seldom ever see a snake either. I wish more cities had the low cost spay and neuter clinics for dogs and cats. It aggravates me that a lot of people still won't even use them. I am still on some Facebook rescue sites and almost everyday someone has found a litter of kittens or puppies that have been dumped somewhere.

I didn't think it was going to get to 34 last night since it was still 40 at midnight but it did. It's going to be in the 70's this week and finally a weekend without rain.

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Re: Presidents Day, Feb. 19th

Postby OregonLuvr » Mon Feb 19, 2024 11:38 pm

Martha mine involves 2 remotes also. One for the tv and antenna, the other for the Roku stick. Small price to pay tho LOL

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Re: Presidents Day, Feb. 19th

Postby snowball » Tue Feb 20, 2024 12:59 am

Anita glad to hear that your brother is doing so much better...
yes Sue that is the pass I have to go over... it's one that I've had to go over all my life as it's one of the four ways to get out of the valley. I still don't like it it's one that I tell my kids that I can drive it but I don't like to and quite often they will work it out so I don't have to... but not sure I can figure out away this time... actually if dd would come over and take her grandma to my sister in law then I could go down the canyon but that is asking a lot of her... if she plans on coming over to do the laundry perhaps it will work out for her to do it that way... we will see
went to the store stopped and got gas on the way it's on it's way up again... Diesel over 4 again regular over 3 and premium just under 4 then spent a lot in grocery
I need to go in and finish up my cake for tomorrow part of me is thinking I can do it in the AM which would mean getting up actually instead of hitting the snooze button multiple times
having a total brain freeze perhaps it will come back to me and perhaps not :roll:
I decided to make a cake for the potluck tomorrow got home from the store and went to make it pulled out the flour to use up all of it and then to get the other container that I thought was full of flour... it wasn't but then I remembered that I had some cake flour used it instead need to remember to get flour!!!
that is too bad about your sloppy joes Barbie the cost of food any more makes it even sadder
you all have a great day
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