Happy Valentine's Day

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Happy Valentine's Day

Postby Bethers » Wed Feb 14, 2024 10:19 am

I'll use today as an excuse to get myself a good piece of chocolate. Or not. Just the thought makes me smile.

Clouds have rolled in and are supposed to be here the next 4 days. Rain starting tomorrow and possibly on and off then for 3 days. So I'm thinking of going bird watching for a bit today. Maybe. Lol I have a location picked out I haven't been to. Going to check if I can take Ty.

Have a great day everyone.
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Re: Happy Valentine's Day

Postby Shirlv » Wed Feb 14, 2024 11:02 am

Morning Beth and All, low 40’s, sunny and windy. I’m loving the weather and breathing easy. The brisk air makes me feel great. Beth, just about chocolate won’t do it for me. lol. I was thinking about your future plans. Are you allowed to park your class c next to the to or is there a lot. I’d like to see your blue steps. My gd painted my Gypsy teal shutters navy on the house. Some people just have no imagination. Garden Answen made a topiary out of ivy and a clothed hanger. I see one in my future as soon as I figure where to put it. Hope everyone gets some sunshine. Be safe

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Re: Happy Valentine's Day

Postby OregonLuvr » Wed Feb 14, 2024 11:13 am

Good morning, got up early this morning and on my second cup of coffee. Planning to make some do ahead dinners today. It is a chilly 38°with rain. Supposed to be a rainy day today and tomorrow so good day to cook some things up. Will also look at the grocery ads and see if there is anything I really need or can't pass up.
I might make that sugar free cake today and see how it tastes. I have never made one before but saw it on sale last week so bought the box of cake mix. Just might get it made today. We shall see.
Since I have gotten more serious about eating healthy I know I need more fresh veggies and a couple of bananas. I dont really like bananas much or really any kind of fruit except berries and cherries. I buy the Healthy Choice fudge bars and they are super good and only 100 calories. So one of those cut up with my banana is the bomb.
No working in the yard for a few days but that is okay. Got a message from Lowe's that my shredded straw is back in stock. I will buy a couple of bags for my raised beds after I plant. Just know that when I need it they will be out so will get it now and just put it away as it comes bagged so can live in my shed or carport.
Time for some breakfast and a shower then will start my day.

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Re: Happy Valentine's Day

Postby Acadianmom » Wed Feb 14, 2024 11:45 am

Looks like today is going to be a nice day, sunny and 62 now. I went out to feed the cats without a jacket. I got a Valentine's Day card from my brother and sister-in-law. They are always sending me cards and I never remember to send them one. I'm sure my Christmas card was two weeks late. Maybe I can find them a St Patrick Day card for next month. My next campout is the weekend of St Patrick's Day. It is in the area where there is a big nursery festival every year. I'm sure there will be a lot of green decorations. Walmart already has St Patrick's Day stuff out.

When we ordered this house I picked white siding and blue shutters. I don't remember what color Harold though the shutters should be but I wanted the blue.

Barbie, I'm like you about remembering people. I belong to 5 women's camping clubs and I have women talk to me like they know me and I have no idea who they are. :shock: I will see someone in town that looks familiar and I can't remember who they are. It's usually someone that works somewhere I shop.

Yesterday at Walmart I bought a package of cubed steak and I might cook some of that for lunch. The package was more than I wanted but they only had one package so I'll have to freeze part of it.

I finally remembered to call about getting my refrigerator lights fixed. They are suppose to call me on Friday to give me an appointment.

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Re: Happy Valentine's Day

Postby Bethers » Wed Feb 14, 2024 2:09 pm

Shirl, I think I posted a pic before, but for you:
I won't normally have my C at the new lot. I'll drive here with my car only and the C will be in storage at my Arizona park. That a great free perk there for leaseholders. The managers at the new park said we'll find a place for my C for however long I'm there when I move the tt over.

If course, weather people were wrong. It's been drizzling all day. So no state park bird watching today. And my trunk is full of things for the tt, but if rather not get them damp so they may stay there a few days. Or I might try this afternoon if the ducks is light enough.

Martha, I wouldn't have minded another trip meeting you for Mardi Gras. While I think it could have been better, I had a great time with you.
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Re: Happy Valentine's Day

Postby JudyJB » Wed Feb 14, 2024 3:10 pm

Beth, I really like that blue!! Can I assume that the trailer in the back is your new one? If so, maybe some matching shutters or trim would really look great against the grey and make the blue look "custom" matching!

My project for today is to pack up my outdoor stuff to get ready to leave tomorrow, and also to clean and hose out my utility storage bin. I also have 12 double packaged of Bounty that I got free, as a result of an email I wrote to the company complaining about the new design on their paper towels causing them to never tear right. If you are using it, you know that if you try to tear off one piece, you get a corner of the next piece as well. Also sometimes I will try to tear a smaller piece into two pieces, and instead of two square ones, I get two sort of triangular pieces. Anyway, they sent me a coupon for up to $25 worth of Bounty paper towels, so now I have to store it somewhere! Once I use the free ones up, I am going to use Walmart's brand premium paper towel. It is thick enough and tears better.

Nice day today, so I am headed outside to get outside things done. Oh, and got my right front wheel bearings replaced yesterday, and awful sound is finally gone!! And found out son has not vomited in 5 days, which sounds like a weird piece of good news, but it is a very positive sign. He is still on small amounts of clear liquid each day and his IV nutrition. He is mostly bored and weak, so I sent him a new t-shirt from U of Michigan and a book about football there. He sees the doctor next Tuesday and hopefully will get his two stomach drains removed. Not having to wear two plastic balls around his waist will help!!!
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Re: Happy Valentine's Day

Postby Bethers » Wed Feb 14, 2024 3:32 pm

No, Judy, my steps are in front of my neighbors place who made and painted them. Here's a pic of my tt from the ad I responded to. The words Puma and stripes are in blue.
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Re: Happy Valentine's Day

Postby Shirlv » Wed Feb 14, 2024 3:47 pm

Beth, thanks for the picture. I just can not think of a reason management would object to your color. I think it is the perfect color and will look classy in front of your to. Your neighbor did a very good job. Did the manager say there would be written park rules coming? That’s scary

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Re: Happy Valentine's Day

Postby Bethers » Wed Feb 14, 2024 4:52 pm

Shirl, every year they come up with new rules. Mainly after they change things on people. So I'm leaving. My blue steps will come with me. :) They don't know it yet. No reason to cause any more drama than I have to. Making the decision to move, even though it'll cost me a little more, brought me back to peace. I can't believe how quickly making some decisions can do that! It's just preparing for it now and preparing for my cataract surgeries, etc.
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Re: Happy Valentine's Day

Postby snowball » Thu Feb 15, 2024 1:17 am

I almost made it to the store before it started to snow it was doing flurries at the post office still flurries going into the store more serious coming back home... it's suppose to snow tonight and tomorrow into Friday we will see... we've heard it in the past for what it's worth though am totally amazed at the snow melt that the company doing to the snow removal uses normally we have ice by the garage doors and in front of the front door to the point that it's sometimes hard to open the front door... Both places are free of ice... and yes it's a more mild winter but it's still really effective in front of the garage doors there is a good 3-5 feet that is free of ice and snow well till it snows... :lol: the rest of the drive has a lot of ice built up on it... brought in the garbage can today almost scary
went to the grocery store and surprise came home with no flowers!!!! candy but no flowers got a box of chocolate covered strawberries pretty good... I'd seen some pomegranate flavored 7-Up so hunted someone down to get it of the shelve very tip top got it home it fell out of the car and put a hole in the bottle grabbed it and took it spraying all over the place and put it in the snow bank made a pretty pink colored snow... :roll: hopefully they will still have it when I go the next time so I can actually try it :?
measured my shrug and it is at the 37 inch mark need to get to 43 inches... it's close then to figure out the ending part...well be glad to be finished it's taken longer than a big afghan takes but at one point I all but started all over... I want to start a Swedish Weave but don't want to till the shrug is all done...
I still don't understand the problem with the color of the steps... it amazes me what gets people in a dither...
I keep thinking that I wish there was a working freezer other than the one with the fridge I think if we can get something removed I'll buy one later in the spring and when we empty up the house I'll take it to dd's not sure where she will put it but a small one we should be able to find room... hopefully and then the faucet in the bathroom is looking bad really tempted to replace it...
you all have a great day
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Re: Happy Valentine's Day

Postby BarbaraRose » Thu Feb 15, 2024 1:18 am

Beth, I really like that color! It isn't like you painted it hot pink or lime green. I would say that any rules that aren't written (before the fact) are not legitimate rules.
Example: We had a list of instructions and rules for our putters tournament for each hole. When we got to the marshmallow hole, one of the gals wanted to turn the marshmallow so it would roll forward better, but asked it she was allowed to do that. I told her it wasn't written in the rules for that hole so we could make up the rules to work for us! Lol! So we all turned our marshmallows facing forward that after that! :lol: (hint: marshmallows don't roll straight! They bounce around in different directions! :D )

Judy, I am glad your son is doing better now. Hope that continues.
I buy Viva paper towels with the smaller sizes which tear off pretty cleanly. They are also really easy to tear each piece in half too. They also don't fall apart when wet.

I didn't fell too peppy today so I didn't do much. I did call Spectrum and after the lady tried a few things on her end she agreed with me that I needed a new box. A Spectrum guy showed up an hour later and spent an hour figuring out what the problem was and of course, ended up replacing my cable box. So glad it is all working good again.

I might still go to the gourd farm tomorrow. Will see how I feel in the morning. It is a 2 1/2 hour drive each way so not a quick trip. My lower back was hurting this morning so if it is still bothering me in the morning, I won't go. Driving that long won't help my back any if it is still sore. I think I pulled some muscles with the goofy putting games and being in strange positions while playing.

Sheila, I have already done about 60 color by number pictures in the past week or so since I started on them! I am totally addicted! :shock:
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