Saturday January 20

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Saturday January 20

Postby Shirlv » Sat Jan 20, 2024 9:44 am

Morning All, irs a cold 20. We need to get through the weekend and then temps return to our normal 40-50’s. I checked traffic cam and though main roads are clear there is not much traffic. Hope everyone is safe and warm.

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Re: Saturday January 20

Postby Bethers » Sat Jan 20, 2024 11:11 am

Morning Shirl and all who follow.

I'm such a wuss. Only going to be a high of the mid 40's today and fairly windy. I don't want to work in the tt without heat lol. I will go over and do a couple things to prepare for a better day. Maybe I'll take a drive. Or maybe I'll snuggle on the sofa with my TV and electric throw most of the day. Off and on rain coming in this afternoon for the next few days then it looks we'll have beautiful weather, fingers crossed, for the following several days. I'm more worried about the weather for when my friend Tom visits. But we'll become tourists no matter what during those few days.
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Re: Saturday January 20

Postby Acadianmom » Sat Jan 20, 2024 12:01 pm

It's 11:00 and all I have done is eat breakfast and drink coffee. I'm not even dressed yet. It only got down to 30 last night. We are only suppose to have one more freeze and starting Monday, 5 days of rain. At least the temperatures are suppose to be in the 70's.

I need to send my brother an email. I bet he is getting to use his snow blower. My sister called complaining about her electric bill. They use electric heaters instead of getting propane to run the gas heaters. I worry about them using electric heaters. Everyday there are fires on the news caused by electric heaters.

Inky came in last night but Frosty didn't. I guess Luna and I will have to walk down to the old metal barn down the road to look for him. For some reason he likes to hang out there.

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Re: Saturday January 20

Postby OregonLuvr » Sat Jan 20, 2024 4:22 pm

Good afternoon. Sun and clouds today, no rain so far. I took Emma to the fairgrounds this morning for the 4-H ID Dog show. It was fun, met lots of nice people. They had everyone sitting apart and then the kids strolled by looking for characteristics to match their choice of what kind of dog it was. That took a while, there were lots of dogs there, dogs barking, strolling by LOL I took Emma in her stroller and she did ok, she was nervous of course. Then after an hour or so I took her out because the kids were coming to our row. and she did pretty good. Parked herself between my feet ha ha She never ever did raise her tail ha ha then our group got on stage and the emcee said a little bit about the non sporting group and then a few special words about a couple of the dogs that were new or unusual. Emma was one of those dogs. Then everyone got a small toy going off stage. I watched several of the dogs jumping and leaping they didnt want to go up the steps. I was proud of Emma she bopped right up them. They were busy tallying who identified the most dogs and had several nice trophys for them. I didnt stay for that part I did not see any unruly dogs at all so that was good. We were next to a Sheep dog and a big German Doberman, behind us was a couple of Australian cattle dogs. Emma didnt seem to mind them at all. Of course they werent super close to us. The cattledogs were and they were nose to nose with Emma a couple of times but she did fine. My groomer was there with her Lowchen. Had an interesting haircut LOL It was really good exposure for Emma.
Came home and fixed some lunch and will change my bed this afternoon and do another load of towels and whites.
Judy glad to hear your son is doing well. Slow and steady recovery I suspect.
Hope everyone is staying warm for now.

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Re: Saturday January 20

Postby BarbaraRose » Sat Jan 20, 2024 8:54 pm

Karen, had to google "lowchen" dogs. They are really cute and sound like good dogs. Glad Emma was so well behaved in that new environment with all the kids and other dogs. Good experience for her.

Was busy at work today but I had pretty easy haircuts, mostly older men. Did some shopping in WM and headed home. It was raining when I left WM and is still raining tonight. Nothing heavy, just a light steady rain. I think it is supposed to rain tomorrow too. I switched shifts with my manager so I will work tomorrow and she will take my Monday shift. Then I have the whole week off until Friday.

I am already tired and it is not even 6pm yet! I feel like I could go to bed already. Too late to take a nap and too early to go to bed. Maybe the rain is making me sleepy. :? Also have a headache. Still coughing a little but mostly in the evenings but it is getting much better. Still some pain in my ribs.

Martha, glad your temps will be getting back to normal soon! I agree, electric heaters can be dangerous. I am always very careful when I use mine. Mine will turn off if it tips over. I keep it unplugged when not in use.

Have a good night...
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Re: Saturday January 20

Postby Bethers » Sat Jan 20, 2024 9:49 pm

Karen, that sounds like fun. I'm glad you went and shared the experience. Judy, I love that every post about your son is of him improving. I'm sure that gives you peace of mind. Barbie, I live with headaches. It's a rare day I don't have one. They aren't fun.

One of my neighbors is going to fix the damaged wall in my tt. I was just going to cheaply cover the damaged area. This will be so much better, and he won't take anything for doing it except me paying for the materials. I'm excited about this part. I'll still probably finish it off cheaply though, lol We'll see. I don't hear any rain right now, so I think I'm going to get Ty out for his last potty break a little early. It was drizzling on our last time out.
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Re: Saturday January 20

Postby JudyJB » Sat Jan 20, 2024 10:06 pm

Should have posted this earlier, but I have been busy on the phone and putting groceries away. Also made some beef vegetable soup, but it will not be ready until tomorrow.

The bad news is that my son is back in the hospital. They got home to Napa yesterday around 4 pm, but he started to have serious nausea and vomiting around 6 pm, plus bad hiccups. Also had a lot of pain. They called the doctor and he said to give it a couple of hours to see if would resolve itself, but by 10 pm they called him back and headed back to San Francisco to the hospital. He spent most of today in the emergency room, but got admitted in late afternoon. They say his stomach is not working yet properly, and he needs to go back onto tube feeding and a few liquids, so now has his nasal feeding tube back and an IV for pain meds.

My DIL managed to pack my son's stuff but not her own because she knew the apartment she had been using was not available tonight. It is a 65 mile drive from their house to the hospital in SF, and I don't know how she did it in the middle of the night, with no sleep and a vomiting husband. They did not want to go to a local hospital because this type of surgery is very serious and rare, so it takes a specialist to handle it. She headed back home this evening and is going to try to get some sleep and do some laundry, and then back to SF in the morning. Son is feeling horrible and will be in the hospital for another 3-4 days, at least. I hope they keep him longer to make sure he is really OK this time.

I spent most of the day today driving 60 miles, with stops for haircut, shopping for new towels, getting large rugs washed at commercial laundromat, and groceries at Walmart. I need to finish my late dinner and get my shower and head to bed. Long day in a lot of ways.
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Re: Saturday January 20

Postby Acadianmom » Sat Jan 20, 2024 11:56 pm

Judy, sorry to hear your son had a setback.

Karen, glad you had a good time at the 4-H event. I couldn't take Luna to something like that. She would be showing her behind. I'll be glad when we can go to a campout so I can work on her manners. I put up a gate I had in the door to the bedroom and big bathroom where there are litter boxes and cat food. A couple of the cats have figured out how to open the gate enough to get thru. I finally ordered one of the gates with the small cat door. Frosty finally came in at 9:45 tonight. The camera on the porch will make a noise on my cell phone when something sets it off. It's a good thing the camera alerts me because I forgot CC was still outside. He would have had a cold night.

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Re: Saturday January 20

Postby snowball » Sun Jan 21, 2024 1:14 am

before I forget Beth I picked up a heater (after the fireplace quit working) That works on propane you can hook it up to small bottles of propane... which I used for awhile I think at that time they were 5 a piece but it's been a long time cause that seems expensive then I got a different attachment so it could be attached to a larger bottle so then used it that way but a thought of how to handle the coolness of the TT right now I can't think of the name of them oh perhaps Buddy they were designed to work inside even has the tip over protection
that sounds like it was a good program I too had to look up the breed although I just looked at the picture cute little guy I would have never taken Shadow to a place like that though I didn't take him very often to the campfire if others were there... :lol:
so sorry Judy to hear about your son's set back hopefully he will recover quickly and hopefully your dil will get some rest and be able to find other accommodations quickly Sounds like you had a busy day
Made it to the store and post office... went after a different time than normal I normally read scriptures then go to the store and get home in time to fix supper after I've put away the groceries this time I went after I got breakfast over with dishes in dishwasher clothes folded and put away so close to 2 when I left back by 3;30 or so put stuff away and read scriptures then fixed supper made chicken noodle soup actually tasted pretty didn't eat much hasn't eaten a lot today I put some protein drink in her chocolate milk so not sure if that fills her up too quickly or not but.... I'd also picked up the mail so she was distracted with wanting to look at the mail I will have to not put the mail out until after supper...
I was really surprised when I went to the store... the gas prices have really dropped in the pass few days... regular is under 3.00 (2.96 but it is under 3) diesel is 3.86 haven't seen it under 4 for years now if it will just stay that way....
my dd and her husband are coming over tomorrow for supper... got out a roast so will have roast think it will have carrots with it and I want mashed potatoes normally want to roast them with the roast but mashed just sounds good I also have cauliflower that needs to be used so will go looking for a recipe other than just cooking them
you all have a great day
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Re: Saturday January 20

Postby BarbaraRose » Sun Jan 21, 2024 6:19 am

Judy, sorry to hear your son is having problems. Sometimes I think they send people home too quickly before knowing for sure they are really OK to go home. I hope he gets better soon!

I am up at 3am with abdominal pains. Not sure what that is leading to... :? :shock: Hoping it just goes away so I can get back to sleep.
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