Thursdsy afternoon, Jan. 18

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Thursdsy afternoon, Jan. 18

Postby Colliemom » Thu Jan 18, 2024 2:26 pm

Hmmmm, here we are in mid afternoon and not a soul around. Are you all frozen in place :lol: We are coming out of our Arctic cold spell slow but sure. 17° right now, warmer than it has been past few days. Heading into 20’s and maye low 30’s next few days. Nice thing is, winds have finally died down.

Just finished up a couple of chores on my To Do list, ran the vac and printed the medical insurance premium payments list for income taxes plus a 1099-R that came online. So now have to wait for rest of paperwork to arrive. Got a pot of beans and ham soup simmering on the stove. Got a really meaty ham bone from the local deli place here. Will take it out later and remove the good stuff, add some onion and more pieces of ham and let it simmer for awhile again. Might throw in some carrots or might not. Sure smells good in here.

Beth, glad your water is back. Irmi, nice that you got the car all set to roll and now getting the truck done. Mine is 6 years old and still going strong. Barbie, keeping fingers crossed on your latest showing. Karen, some times technology can be a pain :lol: Nice to see Carol and bill enjoying Mazatlan. And yes, winter is a lazy tine, but nothing wrong with that. It’s time to slow down and get rejuvenated for the warmer weather months. A time to reflect, plan, do things we don’t take time to do otherwise. Up, here this is the time of the year people do remodeling and painting and all kinds of stuff. I see people in Lowes and Home Depot buying flooring, paint, lumber, looking at kitchen or bathroom remodeling ideas etc. I save my inside projects for Winter too. I don’t want to be inside doing that stuff when it’s nice outside.

Time to go and do some Diamond Painting for awhile. Have a nice rest of the day.
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Re: Thursdsy afternoon, Jan. 18

Postby Irmi » Thu Jan 18, 2024 2:55 pm

Hi Sue and all that check in!

Sue, I agree that we do the inside chores during the inclement winter weather to allow time to do the outside chores when it warms and dries outside. I'm looking forward to washing and waxing our vehicles and puttering in our landscaped areas.

We were invited to a friends site yesterday evening and they mentioned the song Whiter shade of Pale. So I just looked up the chords for the song, for my left hand and floor pedals, and will figure out the music for my right hand. I can probably find that online as well. It gives me something to do besides playing church music all the time.

We're going to wake up to temperatures in the mid 50's tomorrow but the weekend temperatures will plummet again. But it's much colder in MD where we used to live, so I'm happy.

Enjoy the rest of your day.
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Re: Thursdsy afternoon, Jan. 18

Postby JudyJB » Thu Jan 18, 2024 3:46 pm

My son is doing better and has had some of his tubes removed. Still 4 or 5 to go. Also, he is allowed liquids now, and tolerating them OK. Still a few days to go before they release him, however.

I wrapped my bike up for traveling tomorrow and put my outside stuff away so I can get an easy start tomorrow. Heading to Koreshan SP near Estero for one night only. Have to make several stops on the way, but need to make it there in time to do some laundry. Been over three weeks, so I am getting desperate. Was up late last night because I remembered I had to order some stuff from Amazon, then my rear smoke/CO2 alarm went off at 6 am, so had to get up to figure out what was wrong. Opened windows and replaced batteries, which shut it up. So, not much sleep last night even though I went back to bed for a couple of hours this morning.
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Re: Thursdsy afternoon, Jan. 18

Postby BarbaraRose » Thu Jan 18, 2024 4:12 pm

Just worked for 3 hours today. I am in a lot of pain yet, all over! All my leg muscles are still really sore from cleaning the other day! And the rib pain is really bad today! Every time I cough, it feels like someone is stabbing me with a knife! :o I just want to cry! :( Of course, my sciatica was rearing it's ugly head at work as well. :(

No word yet about the house...

Got a text from the lady who gave me her cat food and treats the other day. When she said they lost their cat, I assumed the cat had died. Well, it had actually run off and was "lost" for a week or so, and just came home. Apparently, it was accidentally locked under someone's park model! Second time that has happened with their cat. I don't get why people let their cats outside :roll: So anyways, she wants the cat food and treats back :roll: . My cats didn't like the food anyways so I will return it in a little while. Now I am worried that the two missing strays may also be stuck under someones house. :cry: .

I have tomorrow off and need to do laundry and clean the fish tank. I hope my aches and pains are a lot better by then! :shock:

Have a good rest of your day!

Sheila, the product you are thinking of is Pooph. I bought that because of the TV ads. It was expensive and didn't really work very well. Nothing like they were advertising.
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Thursdsy afternoon, Jan. 18

Postby BirdbyBird » Thu Jan 18, 2024 5:03 pm

Sue I am interested in your comment regarding tracking g down your medical insurance payment and I am guessing adding up all your medical expenses for the year. I have looked at that several years when I had exceptional added expenses such as acupuncture and therapys not covered by insurance. I have seldom even come close to the % of annual income that was required….. with the understanding that I could only count expenses over and above the % ….. if they were more than the standard deduction….. and I would then have to itemize all deductions to even claim it. My medical expenses this past year have been great but that % of income bar is even greater….
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Re: Thursdsy afternoon, Jan. 18

Postby Irmi » Thu Jan 18, 2024 8:52 pm

Tina, I agree with you. I used to keep track of all our medical bills, both doctors and prescriptions, etc. But the standard deduction is such that it's a waste of my time to go through all the work of keeping track because for us, it doesn't matter. I keep all the 1099's I'm sent and have our investments sent to our accountant. I don't like it, but it is what it is.
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Re: Thursdsy afternoon, Jan. 18

Postby Bethers » Thu Jan 18, 2024 9:12 pm

Tina and Irmi, same here. Even on years with higher medical (new hearing aids, etc) it hasn't been worth my while. And it seems to be getting further and further out of reach.

Irmi, is love to hear you playing that song. It's I've of my favorites.

Nothing exciting today except I'm wearing a sundress again. Yippee! I have a doctor's appt for later in February. I just want to get established with a doctor and practice here if and when needed. Since the doctor I really liked in Arizona moved and neither I've seen there since has made me feel I found a good doctor, maybe I'll make this where I do my annual stuff. Then I cleaned out a couple storage cubes. I forgot I even had done of the things I found. Most went in the garbage. But I found a bunch of birding books and brochures. Two were specific to Texas, so those will go in the tt. The others need a better home in this rig . I'm hoping to be back to minimalistic. This rig just had to much ruin and I kept filling it all. I still have more places to treat apart. My delivery I expected from Amazon is delayed until tomorrow or Saturday so I'm glad I got started on that storage area in here. I did get the new cover for the AC in the tt, so I'll go over tomorrow with the things I have set aside to leave their home here and that cover at least. Down with the duct tape lolol
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Re: Thursdsy afternoon, Jan. 18

Postby Acadianmom » Thu Jan 18, 2024 10:47 pm

Beth, yea for sundress weather. I wouldn't say I could wear a sundress but I went without a jacket. It's going to start getting colder and freeze again tomorrow night and Saturday night.

Barbie, that's funny about the cat. One of my sister's cats got in one of my motorhome compartments and came home with me one time. I kept her in a cage and took her home in a couple of weeks. I should have kept her. My sister's DIL gave the cat away. She would have had a better home with me. Don't wait too long to see someone about your cough. My hip is still bothering me. I guess it's sciatica too. I can be fine one minute and turn the wrong way and can hardly walk. For some reason I can't sit in the recliner without it making my hip worse. Hope you hear good news about your house.

Karen, I'm not much of a game player. About all I will play is LCR at the campouts. I don't want to have to pay attention to card games.

Judy, glad your son is doing better. It seems like those alarms only want to go off in the middle of the night.

BJ, my son's ex-wife is the mother of my grandson so I have to put up with her some. She has a young daughter that is in school so they want to come on spring break. She will barely come in my house because she is afraid of cats and dogs. A good reason for me to have cats and a dog. lol My grandson stays in a bedroom playing games so there isn't much visiting with him. She is from Turkey and is Islamic. I think the only part of that religion she follows is the food restrictions. They won't eat anything I cook. I won't go to a restaurant with her because of the way she treats the wait staff. It 60 questions about what is in their food and how it's cooked.

I had some old travelers checks that I decided to see if I could cash at the bank. Do they still even sell travelers checks? That took an hour for them to figure out if they were good and how to process them. Then I went to Walmart. It's suppose to be windy again tomorrow. I need to remember to make sure the trash bin doesn't blow over again.

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Re: Thursdsy afternoon, Jan. 18

Postby Bethers » Fri Jan 19, 2024 12:25 am

Martha, I'm laughing now as I sit here in my sundress with my electric throw over me. But it was a great afternoon. The next three days will be cooler, but not like the past three. Right now I'm just really hoping for good weather when my friend is here visiting. I went to take him lots of places. He wants to go to South Padre Island, and is like that to be a sundress day! We'll take whatever we get though. I have to get more of the mess in my rig gone through and cleaned up so there's room at least for him to sleep on the couch lolol And he can have some of where my mess is for his stuff.
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Re: Thursdsy afternoon, Jan. 18

Postby snowball » Fri Jan 19, 2024 1:05 am

Watching Murder She Wrote and typing hear the voice look up expecting to see the sheriff in whatever town she is in only it's him in a different role still law enforcement but not Sheriff ??? just makes a startle what the type of thought
we got lots of snow last night apparently at least what is on the deck shows lots over the last few snow storms.... we will take all we can get
didn't go anywhere today it was shower day for mom... I tell her it's time for her shower in 5 mins... she frowns I asked what is it about the shower you don't like it's not the shower it usually at an inconvenient time.. made me wonder what was it getting in the way of??? a nap??? yes she would rather at night but then that is at a inconvenient time for me as that is when I color on the phone app crochet on my afghan and get on the computer as well as watch tv.... she got her shower explained that they would be coming for the laundry and we needed to get things ready they didn't come till evening but at least the laundry was gathered up...
I really wish I'd gotten her hair cut and permed a month ago now the weather is not where I want to drive over the pass... the place I take her to is closed on Saturday's so dd can't come and pick us up and take us over
other than that didn't accomplish much did crochet on the fingerless gloves.. I need to make a decision on them I decided to add pink to it so that I wouldn't run out of the gray but am to where I added the pink on the other hand and still have a bit of yarn so trying to decide if I have enough to finish the one hand and take the pink out and finish it with the gray... it would look better but not sure in the long run I have enough so hard to decide... do I finish the one hand in gray or just add the pink in just don't know...
here is hoping you hear soon Barbie ... you are right that is the name of the stuff that is too bad that it doesn't work as well as it says... I'm sure that is the case with most of the stuff that is advertised
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Re: Thursdsy afternoon, Jan. 18

Postby BarbaraRose » Fri Jan 19, 2024 3:05 am

Just getting ready to go to bed.

Sheila, I have never heard of a hair salon that is closed on Saturdays! That is usually the busiest day at a salon.

No news from the potential buyer. In this case, I think "no news" is not good news. :(

There is a PGA golf tournament here in town this weekend. Watched today's play on the Golf Channel. It is being played on 3 different courses for some reason, but while watching it, it looks like the courses are only irrigating the fairways and greens and letting the rest of the surrounding grass turn brown. Looks like they have decided to cut back on irrigating their courses to conserve water. So that is a good thing! We have a ton of golf courses out here so I wonder how many others are doing that now?

I think Friday is my SIL's birthday (the one in Tucson). I should call her tomorrow. Still haven't gotten an invitation to the wedding in March. Wondering if I am even being invited? :? I can't believe how PO'd everyone still is about me not making it to the other wedding 5 years ago! :shock:

Good night...
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Thursdsy afternoon, Jan. 18

Postby Redetotry » Fri Jan 19, 2024 7:44 am

BJ, my son's ex-wife is the mother of my grandson so I have to put up with her some. She has a young daughter that is in school so they want to come on spring break. She will barely come in my house because she is afraid of cats and dogs. A good reason for me to have cats and a dog. lol My grandson stays in a bedroom playing games so there isn't much visiting with him. She is from Turkey and is Islamic. I think the only part of that religion she follows is the food restrictions. They won't eat anything I cook. I won't go to a restaurant with her because of the way she treats the wait staff. It 60 questions about what is in their food and how it's cooked.

Martha I used to work in a very popular restaurant as a hostess years ago. You might want to explain to her she might get more than she asked for if she is rude to people handling her food!
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