Monday @ O'Dark 30

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Monday @ O'Dark 30

Postby Cudedog » Mon Jan 15, 2024 10:11 am

Good morning, everyone.

Hope everyone here on the Forum is braving the cold, staying warm and staying safe.

Pulled another "all-nighter" last night. Well, almost an all-nighter: Turned off the light at 12:30, slept a little, wide awake at 4:30. Let Joe out at 5:00, went back to bed.


Gave it up just after 6:00, guess I am up for the day. Short night.

The weather here is pretty much typical California "winter" weather. A day or two of drizzle/light rain (maybe a half-inch or so), a day or two of after-rain morning fog, clearing to sunny skies with a few clouds drifting by. Highs in the low to mid 60's, overnights in the mid to low 40's, with a bit of 30-something-degree light frost thrown in here and there for good measure.

Rinse, repeat.

Did finally order one of the little electric heaters, with the fake fireplace and flames that I was talking about in an earlier post, it came yesterday and I set it up in my fireplace. It is very pretty, if you don't look too closely it really looks real flames in a real woodstove.

I have wanted to put either a woodstove insert or a gas insert into my masonry fireplace for many years (I love woodstove heat, and I especially enjoy watching the flames), but the cost of even the least expensive unit, together with the cost of the install, is prohibitive ($ thousands $).

This thing "comes close", it's pretty to look at (the flames look real if you don't get too close), I was able to put it together, and put it in my fireplace, DIY.

It's a "keeper", I think.

What's going on in your world today?

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Cold Monday

Postby Othersharon » Mon Jan 15, 2024 10:20 am

Good morning all! It’s a very cold start for the day here and will probably be for the next few days. I think bears have the right idea! Sure glad I went out yesterday and threw down the last of the de-ice and then chipped the ice off my sidewalk out front. The sun actually came out late in the afternoon too! Was nice if only a couple of hours! I probably should head to the hardware store today and pick up more de-icer if it’s to be found. Snow predicted for after dark today into tomorrow but only a couple of inches. So far the furnace is working so I’m grateful for that! Martha, I considered the solar lights but I’ve never had any luck with them working into the night when we are outside at 10 or 11. This area isn’t known for sunshine. Not saying we don’t have it but not known for it, we have a lot of overcast and rainy days. Or if we do have sun sometimes it isn’t for long enough to charge the lights so the battery lights seemed to be a decent compromise. I’ll just have to see how long they last before the batteries need changed. Buddy and I sure need a walk but that’s going to have to wait until this bitter cold is out of here. There’s lots of ice on sidewalks too. I don’t want to chance hitting a patch and falling. Snow I don’t mind but this ice is a different story! Barbie, hope you can get rid of your cough soon. Judy, glad your son seems to be improving. Beth, your weather seems to be all over the place too! I’m so over winter already! Think spring! So today and the next few will be inside days for us and other then maybe a trip to the hardware store the car can just stay in the garage! Cheryl, was glad to see your post, been wondering how you were doing. So now I guess I should bundle up and make it to the hardware store. Have a good day and stay warm!
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Re: Monday @ O'Dark 30

Postby Bethers » Mon Jan 15, 2024 11:40 am

What the heck. I trlypedd a whole weather report for here on yesterday's thread. How dare they be so wrong. At 10:30 this morning it's 31 degrees with a wind-chill of 19. Yes, I should have taken care of unhooking water yesterday. Oh well. Just wasn't expecting this lol. I'm hoping I have enough water in my holding tank because I will unhook, but that's about it lol. I have 3 gallon water jugs so will fill them with drinking water just because I think that tank needs a fresh cleaning. Obviously that's going on my to-do list sooner rather than later. I'm grateful I'm safe and thinking I should quit complaining.

I have a feeling today's going to be a day spent under my electric throw. Reading, watching TV, etc. But first, a quick walk with Ty is on the agenda. Brrrr lol
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Re: Monday @ O'Dark 30

Postby Acadianmom » Mon Jan 15, 2024 1:06 pm

The cold front hasn't gotten here yet, it's still 42. We must still have a South wind because a shower came thru going from the South to the Northeast. The cats that go out in the morning are back in sleeping. Luna would like to go for a walk but I don't see that happening. I canceled my camping trip for this weekend. I am still debating on whether I'm going to Lafayette for the Meetupl. I will probably cancel that too.

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Re: Monday @ O'Dark 30

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Jan 15, 2024 2:22 pm

Good morning gals!

I went to bed early last night and slept almost 12 hours! Don't feel too great this morning but so far am not coughing much. Mostly just very congested in my head with a headache. I had ordered a small humidifier and got that set up last night finally. It works good (a cool mist type).

Today is the Putters potluck but I am not going. Just don't feel like being around a lot of people yet.

Haven't gotten much done around here yet. Last night I did make some Chicken a la King which was really good! I needed a good hot meal! It is a quick, simple recipe of shredded chicken (which I buy that way), a can of cream of chicken soup, a small can of peas and carrots, and some milk. I put it on toast. Nothing fancy but it hits the spot!

We are out of our "cold" weather of 60's/40's and are now in the 70's/50's. One thing I hated in MN was the bitter cold temps! I didn't mind the snow, but just hated the cold! I feel for you all that are dealing with those cold temps, especially down south where you aren't used to it.

I am really gonna try to do just one thing today and see if I get motivated to do more. :roll: I go back to work on Wednesday (luckily only 3-4 hours) so I need to get my energy level up some. Laying in bed all day isn't gonna do that. At least I have gotten quite a bit of reading done.

Have a good day and stay warm and cozy!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Monday @ O'Dark 30

Postby Redetotry » Mon Jan 15, 2024 5:08 pm

It has made it up to 10 degrees today! One more day of these unusually low temps and we will hopefully be 34 on Wednesday! I have a massage appointment Wednesday and I really want to get out of the house especially for that!! So many people are sick though I hate to go many places. A small group of friends meet at a local tavern on Friday afternoon but I'm not sure if I will go this week or not. It's a really busy place and we are there from 2:30 until there are no booths open which is usually around 4:30. Since we don't drink that much we feel we need to leave when the dinner crowds start to come in.
Good to hear you are feeling better Barbie. Martha I hope Luna didn't get sick from her venture into counter surfing. Emma is the only one of mine big enough to reach the counter and she tried it a couple of times but I caught her in the act and we had a serious verbal discussion of her crime. I guess she decided the wrath of mom wasn't worth it. :lol: Anne glad you are pleased with your new 'fireplace'.
I hope Ann and Bill's trip went well and their flights were on time.

My keypad is just little over a year old and isn't working very well. I have to hit the keys very hard or some of them don't work I have to proof read every thing I type. Not sure what the problem is.but it is annoying.

Think spring!
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Re: Monday @ O'Dark 30

Postby Bethers » Mon Jan 15, 2024 5:16 pm

I had propane delivered today. So now I'll use my furnace to my heart's content during this cold spell. We're up to 37 haha. Wind-chill still in the 20's. I don't think I need to fill my water, but may still unhook my water hose for overnight.
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Re: Monday @ O'Dark 30

Postby OregonLuvr » Mon Jan 15, 2024 6:10 pm

Good afternoon from a very dense foggy day. No sunshine here 35-36 all day but also no wind so that is good. Oh well it isnt raining and we avoided the drastic temps from north of me. We got 2 inches of rain over the weekend, It just never stopped. Wasn't pouring but a steady rain.
Hope Bill and Carol had no issues today and will be basking in the sunshine soon.
I am kind of lazy today. Did a couple of housekeeping chores, dusted and swiffered the kitchen and dining area. I always feel like I need to do something each day. Also fixed lunch then cleaned up the kitchen. Now I am calling it a day. Hope everyone will warm up this week soon. Beth glad you got your propane filled at least you wont freeze for a couple of days. Martha sorry you had to cancel your camping trip but since I was usually a fair weather camper I totally understand. Anne every once in a while I have one of those sleepless nights but so far I have been sleeping very well for some reason. Hope you post a pic of your fireplace heater. I had a wood stove in my house in Redding and it would chase me right out of the living room. I would go into my bedroom and dang near freeze ha ha I had to open my sliding glass door to let some of the heat out. I am sure it looks wonderful and cozy. I am off to cover up with my heated throw and read for a bit. If I get sleepy, which often happens, then I will tackle another chore.

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Re: Monday @ O'Dark 30

Postby snowball » Tue Jan 16, 2024 12:43 am

I considered going to the grocery store but wasn't out of milk and tomorrow the temps is suppose to be in the 20's not in the single digits for that reason alone I choose not to go to the store... it was a good reason and I took it... if not for milk I wouldn't really need to go I'd have to rack my mind around how to fix that ham in the fridge if I was smart I'd make it into ham salad sandwiches but been doing sandwiches a bit to often lately do have some can't think of what it is sausage type meat in a sorta circle and gets cut into either strips or coins that is going to bug me not being able to come up with the name of it it's coming Kielbasa that is what it is... just need to figure out how to prepare it..
had to gather up the garbage and get it down to the street tonight it goes out tomorrow.. yesterday I was doing something in the "other" room and happen to look out the window (a sliding glass door ) and saw that we had visitors I am assuming deer up on the deck they might have been thinking it looks warmer inside than out
when we started thinking about full timing Larry even bought a electric fireplace to put in the 5th wheel then got to thinking that we wouldn't be hooked up all the time so perhaps electric wasn't the best the first winter we used catalitic heat as it was a better heat than the furnace... he then found a propane fireplace insert and we put it under the tv worked well till it didn't but that was after he passed away I'd still like to figure out how to get it fixed as it was so nice to have that heat and to watch the "flames" you will enjoy yours Anne
Barbie hoping you are feeling better
when we have the cold that we are all having house bound is a good place to be...
have my nieces fingerless glove to the point that I would like to have her hand to see if it will fit it will mine as near as I can tell but she has a bigger hand as in longer so the placement of the thumb is going to be different I'd rather have a better idea and not have to take it out
am about half way through on the afghan and think I'm to 20 inches on the shrub it needs to be 43 hopefully I will have enough yarn I doubt that the yarn store here in town carries the brand I'm using although I guess I could call and see but we will see if it comes to it I might have dd pick it up in Idaho Falls and get it to me I have been diligent and clipping the tails when I've added a new skein so no way of looking back and seeing how many I've used :roll:
Cheryl saw something on Yahoo you would have enjoyed ... think it was Reno NV that occasionally has wild horses roaming the streets
you all have a great day
hopefully we will hear from Carol soon and Pat it's been way to long ....
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