Cold, windy Wednesday

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Cold, windy Wednesday

Postby Colliemom » Wed Jan 10, 2024 8:10 am

Good Morning. Windy and 24°here at the 45th. Revenants of Finn slowly pulling away. Not sure how much snow is out there, but I’m guessing no more than 5-6 inches. The storm tracked more west and put us on the east side of it, so snow was very fine and wet. When it is like that it does not accumulate much. But from what I’m seeing on the NWS Facebook page here, snow totals are all over the board. There is a weak storm coming through tonight that will give us a little bit more, but there is one possible for the weekend, which looks like it could become quite a snow maker. The computer models are saying two different things but the Euro is saying anywhere from 18 to 24 inches. But we will just wait and see. But it is definitely going to get colder. All schools are closed today. Roads are pretty bad they say. Ut this storm has really caused havoc all over.

So I will wait for things to settle down out there and later on this morning I will go out and clear off the driveways. Don’t have to go anywhere so I’m not going. I canceled my Chiro appointment for this morning and rescheduled it for next week. House cleaning is done for the week, so now I can just spend time working on my diamond art, and do g a few odds and ends from my to do list . Need to run off my yearly payments list for my Medical insurance and put that in my tax folder and then wait for the tax documents to start coming. I keep a folder in my file all the time and whatever I have a bill or something that I know I can take off my taxes I just put it in that folder. Then at the end of the year, it’s all there.

Judy, hope your son’s surgery goes well. Karen, you mentioned gas prices dropping. They The have been here too. Average is about $2.67. Being that I have a charge card from a local Meyer store. I paid $2.54 yesterday. Beth, I feel sorry for your friend. He doesn’t know what he’s in for :lol: Martha, glad no damage at your place.

So, I guess I should get moving here although I’m comfty in my chair :lol: Not rushing to get outside, still early yet. Looks like a Christmas card scene out there. Trees are covered in wet snow. Only problem with that is the wind is moving the branches, and they can cause some issues if they start breaking. This is my view out tbe front window. You can see those trees are loaded.
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Re: Cold, windy Wednesday

Postby Redetotry » Wed Jan 10, 2024 10:38 am

Good Morning All, Sue it sounds as though you are prepared for the storm. I wish we were! Our forecast looks bad especially since we usually don't get a lot of snow so the weather reporters go crazy and forecast the worse possible scenario. i always get totally freaked out and swear I'm going to have a whole house generator installed. We have an older Generac but it quit about the time the warranty ran out so we never replaced it. I was really upset because it was a manufacturing issue that they were aware of but I would have had to hire a lawyer to try and get any resolution. Now I'm worried because so many things that were manufactured during Covid have many problems. I am happy that I'm having a birthday party here for a friend and will have company most of the afternoon. It helps the day not seem so long. We are having Blue Moon beer, wine, and birthday cake. :lol:
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Re: Cold, windy Wednesday

Postby BarbaraRose » Wed Jan 10, 2024 12:58 pm

Good morning gals.

I am officially done with my 5 day quarantine, but Covid is not done with me. :( I now have a nasty cough! It went from a dry cough to now coughing stuff up. :shock: Even Romeow has decided it is too much for him, to hang out with me. Also feeling a little dizzy yet.

Yesterday I decided to get some stuff done around here. I started by taking the ornaments off my tree...and I was done for the day! I worked up a sweat and got winded after taking down the decorations (mind you, this is only a 3 ft tree!). :o I didn't realize how weak I was. I am sure part of that is due to not being able to eat much for the past week because of the nasty tasting meds. And of course, just being sick takes a lot out of a person.

At least now I can get back to eating again! Yay! Will slowly try to get other things done today. This place is a mess! :shock:

Sue, love the look of the snow but I am glad I live here and only see it on the mountains.

Judy, I hope your son's surgery goes well. I am sure you are concerned. I know it is hard being so far away from him.

Hope you all have a good day today and stay safe, warm, and dry!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Cold, windy Wednesday

Postby SoCalGalcas » Wed Jan 10, 2024 1:27 pm

Yesterday’s post went kapok! Might have been my fault as sometimes I forget to push submit! I do that on text message’s also, then discover it the next day!
Judy when do you expect your DIL to call you about your son’s surgery. I have been thinking of him yesterday and, of course today! Hoping it goes well. It’s big surgery.
Saturday I went to a birthday party for my twin GGS. They are four years old.
Things have returned to normal around here after “the Holidays “. I am attempting to eat things out of the freezer before buying more. I have really collected vegetables! Must begin eating them

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Re: Cold, windy Wednesday

Postby Bethers » Wed Jan 10, 2024 2:58 pm

We are without power right now. So I just ordered a sub on the Jersey Mike's app which I'll go pick up shortly. I did take something out of my freezer this morning but that'll hold till tomorrow. And I want to get out for a bit. FedEx delivered a package and I'm still expecting an Amazon package sometime today. More Friday and then Monday. Anne, yes, you have to be so careful shopping online. Most of mine is through the apps and I'm still very careful when I do that!

There was no wind when I walked Ty this morning, but it's back now. When I looked at the 10 day forecast we have 3 very cold days and nights for here next week. I'll hibernate lol It's mid 70's today and will be mid-80's tomorrow. Crazy back and forth.

Judy, I, too, an awaiting news on your son's surgery. I'm sure you're on pins and needles. Hugs.
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Re: Cold, windy Wednesday

Postby Othersharon » Wed Jan 10, 2024 4:18 pm

And so now it’s already late afternoon! Not sure where this day has gone. And it’s windy and cold here too. Although it says it’s 35 I don’t believe it! I’ve been in and out most of the day trying to get a handle on the accumulation of snow, ice and creek from the rain! That’s what my driveway and sidewalk were until I managed to break through for the water to run off. I was slowly working on the mess the plow left in front of my driveway until I managed to catch the young man plowing the church lot. One good swipe of his blade broke it open. I tried to pay him but he wouldn’t take anything. The temp went up to 46 last night so about 11:30 I was out making at least a path on the front sidewalk. So I guess I’m ready for the next round Friday night into Saturday. And of course, the furnace decided to quit late this morning so I’m waiting for my furnace guy. Just when the temps are supposed to go way down this had to happen. When it rains, it pours! One thing I did do was get Buddy outside to walk the sidewalk and the church parking lot. Wasn’t very long but he seemed happier to at least get out for a bit. By then I was cold and just wanted to get warm! At least while I can!! I may have to go back to my supplemental heat sources! Just glad I have them.
Judy, been thinking about you and your son and hope you hear something soon. Beth, it’ll be nice for you to have some help with your TT and the company too. After yesterday and today I think I want to go south! But then weather is crazy all over so guess I’ll just ride it out! Better days are ahead! Thanks for letting me vent! Have a good rest of the day!
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Re: Cold, windy Wednesday

Postby JudyJB » Wed Jan 10, 2024 7:13 pm

Sorry, been on phone and went for a walk today. The good news is that they found no cancer on the margins of the cyst, so they believe there is no cancer, which was my big worry. They also did a liver biopsy and found no cancer there, either. Because of that, they only removed the head of the pancreas and some of the bile ducts. We had expected them to remove part of his stomach and part of his small intestine, but they did not do that, so that is good because it will mean not so many problems with food. Food and his weight are going to be problems because my son is tall, 6'3" and very thin--he wore pants with a 32' waist until just a few years ago. He has longest legs you have ever seen!!!

He will be in the hospital probably two weeks. And by the way, this is the son who wanted to delay the surgery until next June!!!!! Thankfully, his doctor would not go along with that, so good luck keeping him in the hospital. Son has never had surgery before, so he is going to be shocked at the pain, so I hope they give him good stuff!!! I feel better now that this is over, at least, but his recovery is going to be rough. I offered to fly out there, but they said no need.

It rained a little last night--not as much as farther north in Florida, but it is really humid. Daytime high 74 and nighttime low 64, plus it is cloudy, so getting towels dried is a pain. Got a handout on a bear that has been wandering around, so glad I do not cook out because grills have to be stored indoors and campground grills need to get food residue burned off before dark!! Also, sites are surrounding alligator pond, though on the opposite side of camp road, and limiting areas where you can take pets--like at least 30' from edge of pond so they do not become an alligator snack!!

Still, I have been here many times and really love this place!! No outdoor lights allowed at night and a very long way from anything, so sky very dark here.
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Re: Cold, windy Wednesday

Postby chalet05 » Wed Jan 10, 2024 8:18 pm

Judy, happy to see the good news following your son's surgery! You must have been holding your breath all day!

Brother got the news yesterday that the tumor on his liver is GONE and his lungs are much improved thanks to chemo! Best news we've had in a while!
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Re: Cold, windy Wednesday

Postby Bethers » Wed Jan 10, 2024 9:23 pm

Judy and Anita, awesome updates from both of you.

I knew our dumpster got emptied yesterday so wanted to get my old bed into it. I figured I'm too short to get it into it. Then my neighbor who has offered to make me steps and a landing asked if we could go measure. I was pulling the bed out while he did that and next thing I knew he grabbed it and off it went into the nethers of that dumpster. Yay. My new mattress should arrive tomorrow or Friday. After it expands I'll figure out the best way to position it (I've order a twin which is smaller than the old) and look at maybe putting a shelf on one side. Or leave a few inches on both sides (which would probably make it easy easier to make lol). All these decisions!!!! Just a note, I'd have had an easier time of it if I'd moved directly into the tt. Hooked up to electric, etc, I'd have had to just get it livable and work some everyday. This has been more difficult for me. I thought it would be easier. Wrong!

My other neighbors have put both dates of my cataract surgeries in their calendar to be my driver those days. I might not get totally involved here at the park but these two couples I'd do just about anything for. And vice versa.
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Re: Cold, windy Wednesday

Postby Acadianmom » Wed Jan 10, 2024 11:34 pm

Judy and Anita glad to hear the good news.

I went to town after lunch to sign a paper for the withdrawal from my retirement account. I was going to Lowe's to get insulation for the freezes next week and the shop called about my motorhome. Called my son to come get me to go get the motorhome so I never made it to Lowe's. I will go tomorrow and hope they still have some. It's going to be 70 tomorrow and then start cooling off. I sure hope the cold front doesn't make it all the way down here. People are starting to cancel their reservations for the campout next week. I need to look up the cancelation policy.

Beth, it's nice you found a place where people are so helpful.

Barbie, hope you get to feeling better and don't have the long covid.

I need to go see which cat Luna is messing with. She didn't get enough exercise this afternoon since I was gone all afternoon. She has started sleeping in the dog bed instead of her crate. I try to keep a waterproof pad on the dog bed since CC decided to pee in it one time but Luna keeps taking it out.

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Re: Cold, windy Wednesday

Postby snowball » Thu Jan 11, 2024 1:36 am

I'm assuming that it is my computer but are any of you getting a pause after you go from say general to coffee it just seems like it's taking a little bit to open the other page..I keep thinking about getting a new lap top but I am insecure about finding the right one...
turned up the pellet stove this morning and no flame... that usually indicates some "clunkers" in where the pellets drop to and burn so after breakfast and getting the dishes into the dishwasher I put on a short sleeve top and cleaned first the window then literately dug into the basin and none (which is good) but something was smothering the flame and it had been awhile since I had emptied the ashes... a long time apparently as it was pretty full even under the pan that the ashes usually fall into had to get the vacuum out to get it all cleaned out... I am pleased to say that the stove is now heating... :oops: I will have to not let that happen again...
the rest of the day I either reading scriptures or crocheting started a new pair of the fingerless gloves... when I finish that one I will focus on another nieces shrug it's almost have there it's about 17 inches needs to be 43 still away to go
that is indeed good news from Judy and Anita I am sure a great relief to both of you
Barbie it's good that you are feeling better and now that you are off the meds hopefully you will be able to eat and get stronger.. have you decided what or how you are going to take care of the rug on your porch?
we did get snow enough that they came and cleaned the driveway sounds like more later in the week
some times lyn when you (meaning anyone not just you) submits and if someone else does it close to when you do it won't post the last one has to be resubmitted which if you see where it says something to the effect that someone posted ahead of you instead of your message has been successfully submitted you just resubmit before going away
you all have a great night
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Re: Cold, windy Wednesday

Postby chalet05 » Thu Jan 11, 2024 3:45 am

Sheila, I’ve had a hard time getting on here on Wednesday, too.
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Re: Cold, windy Wednesday

Postby OregonLuvr » Thu Jan 11, 2024 8:52 am

Having trouble with it booting up also. Very slow, I have to wait several minutes for it to start. Think it must be a server problem as all my other sites boot right up. It is even very slow (as in forever) on my phone too.

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Re: Cold, windy Wednesday

Postby Cudedog » Thu Jan 11, 2024 10:38 am

snowball wrote:I'm assuming that it is my computer but are any of you getting a pause after you go from say general to coffee it just seems like it's taking a little bit to open the other page..I keep thinking about getting a new lap top but I am insecure about finding the right one...

Good morning, Sheila.

I'll second that. For the last three days or so the load times on have been incredibly slow - two or three minutes to bring up the site (sometimes the process seems to crash, and a "500" error appears on my screen).

Once I am actually into the site, where I can read the listings of the posts, it is another two or three minutes to open a thread, then another two or three minutes for my post to load if I want to reply to something.

So, Sheila, it's not just your computer. My computer is only a couple of years old, and I am having problems too.

Thanks for mentioning it.

I agree with Karen. The only place I am experiencing slow load times is on This kind of problem generally has to do with the host server. Could maybe someone check with the host, and see if maybe the host is having some kind of server problem?


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Re: Cold, windy Wednesday

Postby monik7 » Thu Jan 11, 2024 11:52 am

I’m having problems with delayed initial loading also. Edit: Now Thursday evening I’m having delays with just about all areas here.
Last edited by monik7 on Thu Jan 11, 2024 7:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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