Sunday January 7th

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Sunday January 7th

Postby Redetotry » Sun Jan 07, 2024 12:45 pm

Good Morning, At least it is still morning here although the weather isn't very is cloudy and 40 degrees but at least no rain or snow.

Barbie I hope you are feeling better and the people do come to look at your house! Sharon my dogs love the snow too but come in with snowball legs. With Emma I put towels down in her crate and put her in for awhile and she comes out clean and dry fairly quick. I laughed at him pushing up the curtain to look!

I went to Urgent Care yesterday as I have what looks like an enlarged lymph node on the side of my neck. I'm happy to report I do not have Bordetella! I always thought Bordetella (kennel cough) was only found in dogs. Thankfully I also do not have any other of the 18 things the test included, or strep which was a separate test. I was there for 1 1/2 hours! I thought the long wait was odd as when I went in there were only three cars in the parking lot. They said I would get the results for the test on My Chart as they had so many others to check. They did give me a prescription for prednisone and said if all tests were negative it was probably a virus and I would just have to let it run it’s course.
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Re: Sunday January 7th

Postby Othersharon » Sun Jan 07, 2024 1:27 pm

Good afternoon all! We finally ended up with about 6” of snow. My neighbor did my sidewalk so I decided since it was only about 7 I would fire up the snowblower and take care of the driveway. Figured it was still early enough I wouldn’t wake any neighbors. Buddy and I did go for a quick walk up and down the sidewalk. My sweet neighbor was still out shoveling so figured it was a good time to see how Buddy would react. They are people he’s been introduced to before and I wondered if he would be all crazy. Buddy walked and set when I stopped and we talked for about 5 minutes. He was completely ignored, he finally decided to lay down and we watched him creeping closer to the snow in the yard! Think he thought he was being sneaky and we wouldn’t notice but we were both watching :lol:
I finally asked Buddy to greet and he was excited but I was able to keep him under control. I’m fortunate that both of them have trained dogs so they know the steps in a greeting. My guinea pigs! We don’t see them often but I am so grateful that they are willing to work with us when we are all outside. I can’t be sure if Buddy was just being good or if he was so distracted by the snow that he wasn’t paying much attention to people. He really loves playing in the snow! We’ve been outside a few times today and I don’t think he wants to come inside! BJ, hope you get to feeling better. And you too, Barbie. DS said he has a day and a half to still take the med for his Covid and is feeling better. He isn’t liking the side effects but he knew what to expect since he took them once before. I pulled a pork chop out to have for dinner tonight. I ended up pulling out a container of chili from the freezer last night and had that for dinner! I was too lazy to cook breakfast and chili went in the microwave and was ready in just a few minutes! Guess I should get busy and mop the floor yet again! We seem to bring in a lot of wet. It’ll be a mess when this all starts melting and Buddy can get in the bare spots in the yard he’s created! Hope everyone has a good day.
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Re: Sunday January 7th

Postby OregonLuvr » Sun Jan 07, 2024 2:03 pm

BJ glad to read you checked out pretty darn good. Always pays to check anything unusual like that. Emma loves the snow too but we usually dont get too much. Her hair is like teflon, rain and snow slide right off of her. I never towel dry her as it just makes her wetter. Occasionally I do dry her paws tho and get the dirt off. Barbie is on the mend so all is well so far. Sharon almost forgot to mention how happy you must be that Buddy is learning. It is a process for sure.

I washed the globes (3) this morning and did manage not break a one....again. I didnt want to have to go to Home Depot again so I was very careful. Put my energy efficient light bulbs in, put the globes back on without any mishaps, YAY Me.
So now both bathrooms are done. Cleaned my bathroom and then put my first aid kit together. I had stuff scattered all thru my shelves in the bathroom closet. So now I feel much more organized. Not as much stuff inside as my previous one that burnt up but enough for a cut or bandage. I love having that skin glue so bought another one to just put in there too. Left one in the bathroom. Makes it easier to just grab this one. I still have stuff in my closet that doesnt need to be in a first aid kit. Relocated my 2 fire extinguishers to a much handier place. One in the kitchen pantry and one in my bedroom closet. I never had one in my other house only the RV. Not that it would have done me any good with the fire we had LOL
And I hope I never have to use them. But they werent very expensive for peace of mind.
My next projects are to reorganize my pantry and my freezer. But not today. LOL

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Re: Sunday January 7th

Postby BarbaraRose » Sun Jan 07, 2024 2:08 pm

Good late morning gals!

Still coughing a lot but slept good. Temp still normal this morning. I know it goes up later in the day so if I am going to get anything done, now is the time to do it (like putting away my clean laundry and dishes).

I decided to eat some breakfast before taking the nasty meds. Had some scrambled eggs with cheese. Yuck! Still awful taste from taking the meds last night! I might not be able to eat for the next 4 1/2 days! :o I was hoping the bad taste would go away after a few hours or even overnight. Guess not! :roll:

Very windy this morning! :shock: But clear skies today after a few cloudy ones. No earthquakes yet...

More napping, reading and playing on the internet for today (and the next few days). I guess snacking is off the list, and possibly eating all together :roll: .

Have a good day!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Sunday January 7th

Postby JudyJB » Sun Jan 07, 2024 3:29 pm

I need to get a replacement fire extinguisher and a really small one to put beside my bed. Good reminder

Just went for a walk and a couple walking a medium-sized dog let it come over and greet me by jumping up and scratching my right leg badly to the point where one scratch bled. I told them that at least they needed to file his nails after cutting them! Also told them that getting scratched was why I had tried to back away. They said he was “just being friendly.” I’ve had several dogs in my life and never let them jump on people!!! My skin is a lot thinner than it used to be, but they should never have let him continue to approach me when I backed away. Been scratched before so I am wary of strange dogs no matter how “friendly”.

Cold and rainy here so I’ve been doing indoor things.
Last edited by JudyJB on Sun Jan 07, 2024 4:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sunday January 7th

Postby Irmi » Sun Jan 07, 2024 4:00 pm

Good afternoon ladies!

BJ & Barbie, I hope you're both feeling better soon. O'Sharon, it sounds like Buddy is enjoying the snow you got and behaving around others. Karen, like you, I try to find a couple things to do everyday and reading your posts often reminds me to get things done. Judy, that is such a shame the owners of that dog allowed him to jump on you. It sounds like they need training as well as the dog.

We reached our high temperature of 69 and it just dropped to 68. At least it's dry out. I just read that this is the first El Nino FL has had in five years and will probably last through the spring months. I can't wait until I can stop wearing layers to be comfortable. I saw the pictures on the news of the northeastern states with the snow they got. Ick.
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Re: Sunday January 7th

Postby chalet05 » Sun Jan 07, 2024 5:39 pm

Judy, my response to people who tell me their dog is friendly is to tell them, ‘Well I’m not!’
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Re: Sunday January 7th

Postby JudyJB » Sun Jan 07, 2024 7:15 pm

Anita, that is brilliant! I can never think of something like that at the right time. :lol:

I like almost all animals (with the exception of spiders and a few other such things), but the problem with thinking your dog is "friendly" and it is OK if they jump on people to make friends, you have no idea what the situation is with the other person. My mother had such fragile skin that if she bumped it on just about anything, it would tear and we'd end up in the emergency room. She was terrified around dogs because she had gotten scratched to bleeding badly several times. My skin is not that bad, but it is getting thinner with my age and does bruise or break more easily.

And, as a walker, you never know what a strange dog will do, as several of you have learned when a strange dog attacked your dog. The lady apologized, but that does not forgive her rudeness of walking forward when her dog was pulling towards me, jumping up and down, and I was backing up. (I started backing up when i saw the dog tugging on the leash and jumping up and down.) On my way back to my rig, a similar-sized dog was walking on a leash, and it just sat down when the couple stopped to talk to me. That was appropriate dog behavior. And yes, Irmi, the owner needed training.
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Re: Sunday January 7th

Postby Othersharon » Sun Jan 07, 2024 8:45 pm

Ah Judy, I really felt bad for you and what happened with the dog. Buddy has been a jumper too and I have been working really hard to break him of that habit. As did the trainers. Frankly, I would never want my dog jump on a stranger and that’s why I try to take in the whole situation. Both other person and how my dog is reacting. So far the only person he hasn’t “set” for was my son. They’ve taught not only Buddy but me too on how to communicate with him by watching his body language as well as the other person and how they approach the situation. Geez, if I saw someone move back I would think that would be a sign to put my dog in a sit and not let him approach. Whenever I walk Buddy I’m always watching my surroundings and what it may mean to him or how he might react. I’m sure I would never assume anything. Especially since we are still in the learning stage with each other and I don’t even allow him to jump on me much less anyone else. Big thing he’s learned is when I stop he automatically sits and waits. Okay, now I will get off my soap box! I hope you heal well from what happened to you today. And I love the comeback to the he’s friendly but you’re not! You’ll probably have a chance to use that at some point!!
Now it’s sounding like it’s going to be a nasty day on Tuesday with a round of snow and freezing rain. Snow is okay but don’t like the freezing rain!
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Re: Sunday January 7th

Postby Bethers » Sun Jan 07, 2024 9:12 pm

Then there are the people who don't pay any attn when I tell them not to approach Ty with an open hand. That's not a universal approach and no dog should be approached unless the owner is asked, then listen to what and how they say to do it and IF they say ok. An open hand to Ty represents someone wanting to play. That was from before I rescued him. I quickly discovered that and no problem with people who listen. But even then I'm careful, because Ty still wants to jump on his friends. And mainly it's because most of them let him. It's very hard to break a dog from behavior that people, on a daily basis, let him do. As to dogs nails. OMG, Ty's are terrible. They grow quick, are very strong and usually are sharper immediately after being cut. So I'm even more careful about him jumping. That said I've had two dogs here scrape me and cause me to bleed. I have to be super careful around them. To bad, because Ty always wants to visit I've of them, but the dog wants to visit me more than Ty so we don't visit too often.

I did a few things in the tt today. I'm not thrilled with the results, but think it'll work for now. Time will tell. I will post pictures eventually.

And Ty just got a bath. He's good about them, thank goodness. And I don't mind doing them in the RV shower when he's not shedding much.
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Re: Sunday January 7th

Postby Acadianmom » Sun Jan 07, 2024 11:31 pm

It was another gray day. I didn't do much because my hip was hurting. Cooked a hamburger for lunch because I had a tomato I needed to use. I only buy one tomato at a time to use on hamburgers.

I get really aggravated at some people in campgrounds with dogs. There is always someone that won't leash their dog. Luna is going to take some training because she wants to jump up on people. I don't think she has been around many dogs and the one time we camped she would bark if she saw a dog. Sugar was so great to camp with. She was friendly but mostly mined her own business.

I did manage to get all the Christmas stuff put up. We are suppose to get some storms tomorrow. I should have picked up some stuff on the carport. Maybe I'll have time in the morning before the rain starts.

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Re: Sunday January 7th

Postby snowball » Mon Jan 08, 2024 1:19 am

did anyone notice how many "guests" that were used over and over in Murder She Wrote??? every once in awhile I'll look at the actor and think but I just saw him in another of her show... here I was thinking it was just a Hallmark thing... :roll:
that is too bad Judy ... it's a given that one shouldn't let their dog do that who knows what might happen one might be deathly afraid of dogs and go into a panic attack not to mention those that are allergic so wrong to just assume that it's ok to let your dog jump up on anyone especially those that you don't know... Koda ( my dd's dog) jumps up on me but she also knows me...
called my eldest granddaughter today haven't talked with her in awhile it was so good to visit she is having surgery on her ankle on Tuesday hoping all goes well with her..
Had a call from my youngest as well I wish I could recall the story she told about her son... her FIL fell during the night going down the stairs and had to have 13 stitches in his head Rider said that Papa should put a child gate at the top of the stairs so that he can't fall Rider will be 4 this spring there was more to it than that but his grandpa fell at the bottom of the stairs a case of missed the step and fell into something
Sharon it sounds like Buddy is doing so well .... I am worried though that as much as he loves the snow and if you are snow blowing he might get hurt but then I would assume that you have him in a different area from where you are removing snow...
you all have a great day
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Re: Sunday January 7th

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Jan 08, 2024 4:05 am

Just past midnight but thought I would stop in for a minute and get caught up on todays MC.

I had a normal temp all day today! :D So that was nice! Still coughing and still a nasty taste in my mouth (officially it is called Paxlovid Mouth. It is a rancid metalic taste!). I think they should sell it as diet pills! Just can't eat anything after taking these! It gets a little more tolerable after about 6 hours but still not too good no matter what I eat. But just grateful that it is working! Three more days of that!

Sophie is afraid of me coughing and has been staying away for the most part. (Loud, abrupt noises scare her). But Romeow is with me most of the time now. He wants to be in my lap when I am in my chair in the living room. However, he jumps up and sticks his claws (which really need to be trimmed! :o ) into my leg to pull himself up. He lets go when I scream "ouch!!", and then pouts.

It will be chilly tonight. There are frost warnings thru parts of the valley tonight. I think where I am it will be down to 34* or so. Cats are stuck inside with me tonight. The cat door lets some outside (from the porch) air thru and I don't want my heat running more than necessary.

Judy, sorry you had that experience with that dog. It really annoys me when dogs jump up on me! People need to be more mindful of that with their dogs. Especially with strangers. Gloria, next door, also has extremely thin skin and when she falls, it just rips off. She looks like she got run over! Also people who are diabetic shouldn't get scratches or other injuries to their lower legs because they take a long time to heal and can easily get infected and cause serious problems. We had to rehome one of my mom's cats because he would scratch or bite her legs when he wanted to be fed. It was too much of a risk for her.

Sheila, GunSmoke did the same thing, with using the same actors for different parts on the shows.

I heard the northeast coast got hammered with snow. I think there is another storm heading that way. We may get rain again by next weekend.

Good night...
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Sunday January 7th

Postby Redetotry » Mon Jan 08, 2024 7:53 am

Judy I'm sorry you had such a bad experience with the dog ! I'm terrified of strange dogs and would have probably been screaming my head off in spite of all I've learned. I would have asked for their contact information and told them you were going to the emergency room for treatment as you had a rare blood disease and would send them the bill. But the response that works if you are in a situation where a dog runs at you is to turn your LEFT shoulder toward the dog. It has to be the left shoulder though. Ir you have ever watched the Horse Whisperer you will see him use this at one point in the training and the horse will come right to. him. It's amazing to watch. It also works with dogs. I had to use this method with one of my Standard Poodles as he did not like strangers. I also used it inside with him behind a gate when company came. It didn't take long and he was fine with people. The other thing you can do to train or to respond in a situation like that is to raise your knee so you knock them off balance.
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Re: Sunday January 7th

Postby SoCalGalcas » Mon Jan 08, 2024 12:21 pm

Good morning, I too do not like people allowing their dogs to approach mine. I do not take her to any dog parks for health reasons. It is absolutely horrible that a dog owner would allow their dog to jump on people. Anita, I began responding to people saying their dog is friendly by saying “mines not”. My skin also has become quite thin. Just a little Nick will tear it.
MyHazel rides very comfortably on the scooter. I hate it when people bend down and encourage her to come off so they may pet her. I was thinking what I can say to get them to leave her alone. She is so friendly she loves it when people do this. I can’t possibly say “she bites when she is licking them and wagging her tail like crazy!

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