Friday, January 5th

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Friday, January 5th

Postby Colliemom » Fri Jan 05, 2024 8:10 am

Good Morning from the 45th. Chilly 25°with a real feel of 18°. But I’m nice and cozy in the house. Will be venturing out later this morning, as neighbor and I are going to craft store in Houghton Lake to look for frames for our Diamond paintings se just finished. Will have lunch out while we are at it. Taking advantage of nice break in weather today. Had light snow all day on Wednesday and some flurries around yesterday. Light snow on forecast for tomorrow again.

O’Sharon, looks like you might be getting some snowblower exercise this weekend. Karen, I know what you mean about lack of snow. Same here. Ski resorts are operating, but at low capacity in terms of available terrain. Hopefully they have been able to make snow with the colder temps these past couple days. NWS just released the statistics for December and we broke a record warmth of 53° on December 12th and had an all time low snowfall of 7.9 inches of snow for the month. That has never happened here since record keeping began back when. They have been getting a bit excited about a storm coming mid week that might be a significant snowmaker for us, but now it is beginning to look like it might miss us all together. Too far out yet. But talk in the northern lower and U.P. Is how businesses being are being affected by all of this. Not good. Martha, I can understand the feeling of a short week. I am having trouble wrapping my brain around the fact that this is even January because our winter has been non existent.

Guess I had better get my act together before it’s time to leave. Need to get my Diamond Painting ready to take along, wash my hair and get dressed. Neighbor has to make a pre op registration call this morning and then we are heading out. She’s getting arthroscopic done on one knee.

So have a nice day all. Stay safe, those in areas of storms.
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Re: Friday, January 5th

Postby Irmi » Fri Jan 05, 2024 1:16 pm

Good afternoon Sue and all that check in!

Sue, it seems like the weather is crazy everywhere, including central FL. It has been so chilly here that I wear leggings under my jeans and a cami under whatever top I'm wearing. I can't even remember the last time I wore capris or a short sleeved top. It was 46 degrees when I got up this morning and right now it is 72. Yesterday, it was 59 degrees when I left for my walk and when I got back, it was 51! Tomorrow morning we'll be getting rain which will eventually go up the east coast with a probable winter storm.

Nothing is new here. There are lots of activities going on and there is usually something for everyone, depending on your interests. I'm going to take advantage of the nice weather and spend some time outside.

Enjoy the rest of your day.
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Re: Friday, January 5th

Postby OregonLuvr » Fri Jan 05, 2024 1:55 pm

Morning Sue and Irmi. Damp, cold, and foggy LOL I sound like a broken record. 37/48. On the bright side we have several storms heading our way and they are predicting large amount of snowfall in the hills and passes over to central Oregon, southern Oregon, Siskiyou summit pass....I say yippee. We most likely wont get any here in the valley floor, that works for me I have no big plans to go anywhere right now. Garbage today and they came about an hour earlier than usual. Fortunately I had my garbage out about 7 and they came at 9:30 instead of closer to 11 I had quite a bit of styrofoam to get rid of that was packed around that bedside table I put together, so got rid of that and cardboard. Henry just finished his vacuuming in the family room and living room. So guess I will dust.
Been watching some videos on Windows 11 so might upgrade (it is free) to Windows 11 on my older computer. It really doesnt look too hard so will give it a whirl. I will back up the laptop first in case I dont like it a bit. BUT new laptops come with no choice but Windows 11.
Making chicken strips tonight and the other half of my acorn squash. Not too sure about lunch yet. I have a few choices so will see what I feel like when it gets closer.
Every one stay warm and toasty

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Re: Friday, January 5th

Postby Othersharon » Fri Jan 05, 2024 2:36 pm

Afternoon all! We are finally having a sunny day! Not sure how long it’s been since we saw the sun. Was 23 earlier this morning when I finally got up but now it’s a balmy 32! Main thing for me is no wind to speak of, that makes it so much colder! Buddy and I just got back from a nice walk in the woods. Part training and part sniffing kind of walk. He sniffs and I just tag along! We did see a lady with her dog and greeted them. Her dog was off leash and not very interested in playing with Buddy or interacting with us. Was more of a hi bye situation. Sue, they are predicting a snow for tomorrow into Sunday but the numbers are all over the place. Suffice to say that it’ll be a few inches. Will be plowable so maybe I will be able to get the snowblower out and clear my driveway and sidewalk. Beats having to shovel it! And I bet Buddy will enjoy it! This will be the first “big” snowfall he’s experienced. Didn’t have that much last winter plus he was so young that I didn’t stay out with him that long so he didn’t get a chance to romp in what we did get. Hard to believe how little he was and how wild. Its been a crazy year and so happy we are in a better place as far as his manners. He does try to take over sometimes but I’m staying on top of it and manage to bring him back to my way. Irmi, sounds like you have acclimated to your warmer temps vs what you used to have! Your temps seem more like a nice spring day to me! Judy, sure hope you can get your RV worked on. Beth, I remember when I had my cataract surgery done and it’s hard to believe the difference it made. I think you’ll be glad you did it.
Well, guess I should get busy and get something done. Pup is napping so I almost hate to move around too much and wake him up! But my afternoon coffee is done and I have no excuse not to get busy. Have a good rest of your day!
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Re: Friday, January 5th

Postby JudyJB » Fri Jan 05, 2024 3:22 pm

Service guy came and did diagnostics. Result was I need three spark plugs and coils, plus I had him check my radiator and it also needs to be replaced. A lot of money, but not much choice. At least I called my 401K broker yesterday to have him sell stocks and bonds to meet my annual minimum required withdrawal. He has the authority to put the money in my savings account, so that will pay for repairs and also mostly catch me up on the credit card balance from my last repairs!!!

He did not do the repairs, but he did order the parts and will come back tomorrow. He said I could drive it as long as I did not push it hard, so I dumped my tanks and then went out to fill propane tank and pick up some groceries. I stocked up on some things at Walmart, but will have to make a stop on my way to my next campground on Tuesday because there are NO grocery stores within 50 miles of there. My refrigerator and freezer can handle only so much, unfortunately. (Only place to get groceries are two small convenience stores connected to gas stations.) Will be there 10 days. Amazes me that I can spend $119 on so few things!! My Ohio son and DIL have three teenagers, so easily spend $300-$400 per grocery trip, though they do buy large amounts of paper things, and do not always shop every week. I just remember spending only $20 per week for my ex-husband and I when we were first married. :o

So, I am going to be poorer, but I do have 197,000 miles on this thing! Yuck. Could spend that money on a lot of things that would be more fun.
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Re: Friday, January 5th

Postby BarbaraRose » Fri Jan 05, 2024 4:05 pm

Good afternoon gals!

Yesterday I woke up with some intestinal issues for a few hours. Called in sick just in case it continued, since we don't have a bathroom in our shop and have to use the ones in WM. That won't work when I need to get there in a hurry! :shock: Last night I didn't sleep well all night. Had a tiny bit of a sore throat before going to bed. Well, this morning I have a full-blown sore throat, some coughing, ringing ears, a bad headache, and a 100* temp. No chills or muscle aches tho. So I am not sure what I have yet. I will do a Covid test later today. I called off for work tomorrow too, altho that was just for covering for someone at a different shop.

Romeow now likes to get under the covers with me. I put my knees up to make a little tent area and he curls up under there. I also got him to lay on my lap in the living room under a blanket. He is almost a real lap cat now! :lol: He slept next to me all night last night in spite of me moving around a lot while I was trying to get some sleep. He is funny, he likes to lay on hard surfaces, like my lap top or books. Sophie will only lay on soft blankets.

Got some books delivered from Amazon so I have some fresh reading material for a few days.

I have been experiencing some depression episodes lately. I don't eat much if at all during those days, so that probably isn't helping me health-wise. :roll: I did run to WM yesterday afternoon to pick up my meds and grabbed some food while I was there. Nothing sounded good to me but got some soup and a few things I usually get. No goodies tho. I know I am not feeling good when I don't want goodies! :o

So will lay low now for several days and hope I start getting better by Tuesday, which is my next day back to work.

Off and on cloudy days here. Was really windy last night. Tenps are going back down now. Will barely hit 60* all week here with lows close to freezing. No complaints here but others are complaining around here about how "cold" it has been. :roll: I don't mind wearing a light jacket or sweater in the mornings and evenings.

Have a good day and hope you gals up north get the snow that is predicted.

UPDATE: OK, now I have the body aches and chills, and a 101.5* temp :?
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Friday, January 5th

Postby BarbaraRose » Fri Jan 05, 2024 10:33 pm

Another update...just took the Covid test and it is positive :(
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Friday, January 5th

Postby Bethers » Fri Jan 05, 2024 11:47 pm

Oh, Barbie, sorry to hear. Take care of yourself.

I'm happy with the 10 day forecast here.

South Dakota wasn't happy with the bill of sale I sent them. (I knew it could be a problem). With the holidays the sellers been out of town. Finally he contacted me tonight and said there's one at the house (he's still out of town) so I'll drive over tomorrow and his mother will meet me there to give it to me. I'll email it to the person at the county offices who's waiting on it and may finally be legal lol

Today I couldn't remove the cover on the AC in the tt ceiling because there is one cover over one of the screws that I couldn't get out. After trying several different ways I was giving up when I looked out and saw one of the men walking his dog past and asked if he'd look. Jeff never seen one like it either but after he was almost ready to give up he spied a roll of duct tape I had on the counter and tore a small piece off, stuck it to the cover and gently pulled and it popped right out. I knew there had to be a simple way! Now I can get it all cleaned inside. They had the wrong filters, but too big, so I can cut to size. And I'll clean the old one and save it. I've been using the big air fryer I bought for in the tt but decided it's time for it to go to it's home, so it's in my car and will move over tomorrow when I go out. I'll miss it but used my little one tonight and it worked as good as always and doesn't take up as much space on my table here. In the tt the new I've is going where the microwave once was and a small microwave will have a home elsewhere on an existing shelf. I know, too much information, my life is boring! So with that, I'm off. Oh, Sharon, I always love hearing your pup updates.
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Re: Friday, January 5th

Postby Cudedog » Fri Jan 05, 2024 11:51 pm

BarbaraRose wrote:Another update...just took the Covid test and it is positive :(

Yikes, Barbie. I hope you have a mild case, and are over it and back on your feet soon.

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Re: Friday, January 5th

Postby monik7 » Sat Jan 06, 2024 12:20 am

So sorry Barbie about your positive Covid test. Take care. I hope all will go well and your case will be mild.
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Re: Friday, January 5th

Postby snowball » Sat Jan 06, 2024 1:39 am

Sorry Barbie it's one of those things you don't want a positive on...hopefully you will feel better soon
it's staggering what groceries cost I looked (operative word) looked at round stake remember that meat that was poor people could afford and make yummy stuff with like swiss steak ?? don't know what it was per pound but the pkg was around 20 and Swiss steak was sounding really good... going to make chicken cobbler tomorrow night pretty much a chicken pot pie with out a crust but with biscuits on top... just need to look up a recipe for a few guild lines
it just sounded good I usually get meat from the discounted area but the last couple of trips there hasn't been any...
went to get mom's RX spoke to the pharmacist about a shingles shot and the cost of it sounds like since I actually relented and added drugs to the medicare the shot will be free and if I understood no co-pay ... I also talked with him about the RSV shot so guess I will be getting some vaccines plus he will come to the house and give mom her vaccines for RSV and Flu I was not looking forward to making arrangements to get her to some place to get them... now to figure out where to see a dr for her she indicates a lot of pain... and right now her dr is not able to see patients at his age I think I'd throw in the towel he is 72 or some where in the range
have any of you heard of these things called Skunky they are sheets of whatever that you moisten a bit and use it as a wipe taking the place of a shower when needed
Beth they say that tape is the answer to all :lol:
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Re: Friday, January 5th

Postby Pooker » Sat Jan 06, 2024 9:15 am

Oh, Barbie - Sorry to hear about a positive covid test. Hope it's a mild case. One good thing, though, is you got those books delivered!

Maybe repeat the test in a day or two just to be sure it wasn't a false positive?

Hang in there, kiddo.

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