Last Friday of 2023

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Last Friday of 2023

Postby Colliemom » Fri Dec 29, 2023 8:25 am

Morning all. Chilly, damp 36°. Stayed dry most of yesterday and this slow moving system is supposed to exit today. Another one coming on Saturday night. We might get a little light snow on New Years Eve. Otherwise none in sight for next few days. Talk in northern MI is about lack of snow and how it’s hurting businesses. Even ski resorts are struggling to hold on to what they have. If the temperature drop at night, that may help them get busy with making snow again. But the conditions and temps have to be just right. This is a picture of one of the ski resorts about 75 miles to my Southwest as you can see they have barely enough to keep a few runners open out of all the area they have, this is going on all over, except for the far western end of the UP. Ski resorts here in the northern lower are operating at about 12-25% of their capacity.


Shelia, the difference between a Buck and a Stag is nothing more than the fact that a Stag is considered to be a mature Buck, the oldest and largest Buck in the herd, with a large set of antlers. Like 12-14 points or more kind of thing. They have been around for a few years and have the smarts to survive.

Got the my bathroom, kitchen and refrigerator cleaned yesterday. Since I had to move the frig out in order to swing the door open to remove a drawer, also cleaned the floor der the frig. Did same under stove the other day cause a dog biscuit slid under it. So today I’m heading to town and then plan to put away Christmas decorations from the entrance and front of my garage. Will put some Winter stuff out in front of garage. Debating about entrance. Then back to Diamond painting. Almost done. Will post a pic then.
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Re: Last Friday of 2023

Postby Redetotry » Fri Dec 29, 2023 10:54 am

Good Morning Sue and all who join in later. Sue I hope you can get Molly an earlier appointment but I know how few vets there are who can address certain eye conditions.
We live in town an although it is a circular street with only around 50 homes, across the road there is farm land bordered by dense woods. Over the years though they cut down more trees an of course the deer moved into our yards and eventually through out most of this side of town. This morning there are 3 deer sleeping in the yard behind us. They often run through in herds because most yards, unlike ours are not fenced. Our fence is only 4' high so they can hop right in especially when the pears are beginning to ripen. This year DH cut that awful smelling Spring Breeze soap in pieces, put it in bags and hung them around the fence and on one of the pear trees. I laughed but i was pleasantly surprised when the deer stopped coming.
We had some snow flurries earlier but they have stopped so I hope that was all!

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Re: Last Friday of 2023

Postby OregonLuvr » Fri Dec 29, 2023 11:02 am

Morning Sue and BJ. Cold 44, damp, FOGGY here. Cant even see across the street for the fog. Supposed to have rain coming in after lunch. I dont care LOL I am warm and toasty in my recliner with my heated throw and second cup of coffee. Housekeeping today just to dust, clean the bathrooms, and fold a load of clothes in the dryer. Our ski resorts are not even open yet here in the Cascades. Hopefully in a week or so they say the temps are going to drop, but not sure if they will get snow or not. They usually open around Thanksgiving but not happening this year.
Going to check out some recipes this morning. I had swiss steak last night and it was very tasty. Taco salad for lunch as I took out some hamburger, have salsa, avocado and sour cream mfor it so it sounds pretty good.
Went to the group meeting yesterday for our Bunco group. Met more of my neighbors. In fact I met the gal that bought my friend Jerry's house after he passed.
They all seemed very nice. We will play twice a month from 1-4, that will work for me. I have never played before but neither had a couple of the other gals...whew It will give me something to do for sure. A couple of gals were asking about a craft day would be fun..............NOPE not for me LOL But a few thought that was a good idea. Well Alexa just reminded me to take out my garbage so I better get right on that. Even tho they dont usually come until around 10:30 or 11 because of the holiday you just never know.

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Re: Last Friday of 2023

Postby SoCalGalcas » Fri Dec 29, 2023 11:28 am

Good morning, I see what you mean about the lack of snow in your area Sue. I guess it’s all over the north. My daughter in N H says the same thing about her area.
My granddaughter had a family dinner on Christmas Eve. I thought it was at 1:00 PM. We didn’t eat until 3:30. As I Haden’s any breakfast I was miserably hungry.
So, on Christmas morning when my DD had her family brunch, I ate breakfast before going over to her home. That worked very well. We didn’t do an exchange on presents this year as so many kids were out of town. Lots ofsnoe at Mammoth. That attracted one family. I was glad to get home more early this year as I get so tired at the big gatherings.
I only read 210 books in 2023.
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Re: Last Friday of 2023

Postby Othersharon » Fri Dec 29, 2023 1:12 pm

Good afternoon all. The weather has changed yet again. Where it’s been high 40’s and low 50’s during the day it’s now still in the 30’s. But one good thing is that it isn’t raining! We may or may not see the sun today but can’t have everything. Yesterday afternoon was Buddy’s annual checkup and weigh in. 95 lbs is what we got and I’m told he’s still growing! So much for a small dog! But he’s healthy and is now up to date with his shots. I was pleased with his behavior too. He was excited and curious with the new surroundings but listened pretty well. There’s definitely room for improvement but all in all it went well. We went for a walk before we went to get rid of some of his energy and he was really good in the car. The ups and downs of training I would guess. So today I need to do some running around. Dog food, pick up a prescription etc. Not sure why I’ve waited until Friday plus being just before a holiday but it is what it is. Lousy planning on my part! I have no plans for New Year’s but then again it’s always been a quiet evening at home so no difference there. I think I can count on one hand with fingers left over that we ever went out! Interesting hearing about all the snow reports. Seems strange that so many areas not having had enough to open ski resorts and such. And I’m sure here that the private snow removal folks aren’t having an easy time of it so far. Well, time to get out and about and quit my rambling! Have a great day.
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Re: Last Friday of 2023

Postby Irmi » Fri Dec 29, 2023 1:36 pm

Hi ladies!

Sue, the picture you posted is pretty but knowing the area you're in, you usually have lots by this time. The weather has been crazy all over. BJ, it's good to know the deer are staying our of the yard. Karen, it's good to hear you enjoyed the get together and hope all of you can do that from time to time. I don't participate in the crafts here, either. O'Sharon, good to hear Buddy's appointment went well. He's a growing boy! Carol, I enjoyed the last report on Bill and hope he continues to improve from the long Covid.

It was 53 degrees when I got up and dropped to 46 before it started warming. Right now we're sitting on 59 and that may be the high for our day. Happy Hour is this evening and we went to the grocery store to see what we could find to make an appetizer. They finally had the cocktail bread in stock! They're 2 x 2" squares of thin cut rye bread and I'm going to make egg salad to top them with. I've taken that before and they went over well. The weatherman is calling for a cool weekend. Other than church, nothing is planned here. The resort is having a New Year's Eve party Sunday night, but it doesn't even start until 8:00. Since I get up very early on Sunday's to practice, plus my walking friend will be back for our morning walks, we'll stay here, and set the clock for 11:45 to watch the ball drop.
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Re: Last Friday of 2023

Postby Acadianmom » Fri Dec 29, 2023 4:36 pm

Yesterday I went to Lafayette and found what my Grandson wanted for Christmas at Best Buy. I think you could drop dead in that store and no one would notice. They had one register open and a line to check out. Picked up a couple of books for his sister and got everything mailed today. I still have to send my cousin a Christmas card. He always tells me their news so I try to answer. For some unknown reason I decided to go eat lunch at Cracker Barrel. I have seen postings that they are closing some stores. If they don't improve the service at this one they can close this one too. I could tell they need more help like most of the restaurants around here.

I decided to go to Walmart today to get what ever I need for New Years. I ran into someone I use to work with and got an invitation to a New Years day party. I think I'll cook my New Years food on Sunday and deliver the black eyed peas and cooked cabbage to my son. His girlfriend won't eat many vegetables and for sure won't eat black eyed peas and cabbage.

Sue, sorry Molly is still having problems with her eye.

Rita, if you are on Facebook there are Rehoming sites for just about every breed of dog. I didn't want to start with a puppy so found a 4 year old blue heeler. Those dogs are not for everyone. Luna is still very active. I think the problem some people have with their heelers is that they try to wear them out. What they are really doing is making an athlete. Luna and I are working on being "couch potatoes." lol

My sciatica on the right side is bothering me. Of course it started after my doctor's appointment. I don't remember which side was bothering me before. That was 4 years ago.

Irmi, I haven't run into the snacks at Total Wine. That store is something else. It's in an old Stage department store and it's huge.

Barbie, I haven't looked to see how much of a raise I'm getting. What they charge for medicare probably went up. They give you money with one hand and take it away with the other.

Lyn, if you read 210 books you are 210 ahead of me. lol I can barely get thru a magazine.

They missed the predicted freeze last night. It only got down to 36 which is fine with me. The high today was 58 and it's already started to drop.

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Re: Last Friday of 2023

Postby snowball » Sat Dec 30, 2023 1:42 am

I was thinking today on the way to the grocery store (I have to pass the elk refuge) that there isn't many elk none visible in the south end of the refuge which means there isn't much snow in the mountains. they normally come down when they can't find anymore food... it's not good
years ago probably our 2nd or 3rd year in Q we went to Havasue and either on the way to or from stopped for fish and chips... of course they had cole slaw with it and it tasted different a good kind of different finally asked the waitress if it had horseradish in it she said it did.. although it was all good the next time we thought about stopping we were sure which business it was names changed extra so never had it again but always remembered how good it was... now horseradish isn't something that I normally have in my fridge but I decided I was going to make cocktail sauce which calls for horseradish so had to get it... tonight I made up some cole slaw and put a bit in it not sure if I put enough in it but I put enough in it to taste that it was much zingerer if that is a word it was really good ... so highly recommend it
I sure haven't gotten the A/F down on rewarming food tonight I bought at the deli corn dogs, steak fries and onion rings really over did the onion rings but the rest worked out ok
when I record my books I will need to add them up see how many I've read not enough as I still have a month left or is it two???? :lol: of 2022 :roll:
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Re: Last Friday of 2023

Postby BarbaraRose » Sat Dec 30, 2023 1:09 pm

I fell asleep reading these posts last night so am finishing up this morning. Will respond here now to some...

Sue, that photo looks so strange! Snow on the runs but no where else. I sure hope all the northern states get a lot of snow in January thru March to make up for the lack so far. Otherwise there will be another big drought, and of course that is followed by wildfires. Not good.

Karen, glad you found a fun group to join there. We have a ton of card groups here but I don't play cards so I haven't had an interest in that.
I LOVE Swiss steak! My mom used to make it at her last apartment for us right before Christmas. Her apartment was so small that she could only have 2 or 3 of us over at a time, so she had to cook it twice in one week to get the 5 of us there for it. I do have her recipe so I want to try to make it sometime.

Lynn, group gatherings are exhausting for me too. That is a ton of books! :shock: I read a lot but not nearly that many. It is a good thing to do tho!
My family has always sat down to eat right when we walk in the door, and then sit around and chat afterward. That way, no one feels like they are stuck there for hours and hours. My SIL (when newly married to my brother) made that mistake once and invited us all over at 1pm for Thanksgiving dinner. We didn't eat until almost 5pm. :o Everyone was fit to be tied by then! That never happened again!

Martha, I love Cracker Barrel. We don't have any around here so when I do see one, I go! I went to one in Casa Grande, AZ when I was there for the gourd festival.
My mom used to complain about getting a raise on her SS payment because her Medicare went up the same amount and her rent went up the same amount. She ended up paying out more than she made!

OK, I think I am caught up now. On to the next MC...
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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