Almost Tuesday afternoon

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Almost Tuesday afternoon

Postby Bethers » Tue Dec 26, 2023 12:55 pm

Lazy morning. Barbie, Minnesota only missed the snow by a short distance. Eastern South Dakota got slammed. Crazy weather. Speaking of which it was a nice sunny day here for Christmas and on the low 70's. This morning cloudy, on the 50's when I woke up. Low 60's inside so I turned the heat on and went back to bed. Slept in later than intended. But I have no plans. FedEx delivered a package. Something for the tt.

Now I'm on the couch with a throw over me watching TV and may stay here all day. Well except for getting food occasionally and, of course, taking Ty out.
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Re: Almost Tuesday afternoon

Postby Irmi » Tue Dec 26, 2023 1:12 pm

Hi Beth and everyone!

Beth, I really enjoy having lazy days where nothing is on the schedule. My walking partner is gone for a couple weeks and I have to admit that I've really enjoyed sleeping in instead of my usual getting up time of 4:45.

We woke up to 66 degrees this morning and today and tomorrow will be in the mid 70's. Then the temperatures will plummet and we'll only be in the mid to high 50's. Martha, I'm guessing you'll have the cool down as well. We have so many leftovers that I won't have to cook dinner for a couple days. Just reheat and eat.
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Re: Almost Tuesday afternoon

Postby OregonLuvr » Tue Dec 26, 2023 1:15 pm

Good morning, cloudy here but no rain so far. Beth I am feeling a huge lack of motivation also. I am on the couch with my heated throw over me, I might stay here all day too LOL Some days are just like that and I really dont care. I know if something NEEDS to be done I will do that first then relax. Nothing pressing on my agenda today. Pizza for dinner, salad for lunch, and of course an afternoon mocha. I dont even have any laundry to do LOL and Henry is hard at work vacuuming my bedroom and bathroom.
I hope you all had a really nice Christmas, now we just have to get New Years over with and the holidays are done for another year LOL well mostly done. I want to get a few groceries but dont want to go to the store ha ha So will probably wait until the ads come out. In fact I dont want to go anywhere today but do need to go get my mail. I think I can handle that. Found an old tv series I used to watch off and on years ago so have started watching it again. It is a medical examiner who of course is also a bit of a sleuth, but it is easy watching. Came out in the 2000's and I have watched 2 episodes and remember nothing HA HA Big surprise.

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Re: Almost Tuesday afternoon

Postby Bethers » Tue Dec 26, 2023 2:09 pm

Karen, is that Crossing Jordan? I've just watched a couple episodes. I'd never heard of it. I'm watching lots of the TV series during those years as I almost never watched TV then.
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Re: Almost Tuesday afternoon

Postby Acadianmom » Tue Dec 26, 2023 3:29 pm

One of the tires on my car kept losing air so I worried about it most of the morning. I was wondering if I could make it to town or should I call the tire place with a service truck. I finally decided to air it up, take my portable air pump and head to town. Whew, I made it. The tire had an allen wrench in it. I'm surprised I made it to town. I should have gone to Lowe's but I have my annual doctor's appointment in the morning so I can go then.

Irmi, you are very committed to get up at 4:45 to walk. Luna runs to the door every time I walk around wanting to go for a walk or I probably would find an excuse not to walk. It has only gotten up to 63 and I should take her for a walk because the temperature will start dropping fast.

I like to watch the mysteries on PBS. I have probably seen most of them several times but don't remember who did it. Last night I was going to watch a Monk episode and was surprised that I remembered what it was about.

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Re: Almost Tuesday afternoon

Postby JudyJB » Tue Dec 26, 2023 6:44 pm

I made it to my next campground, Ortona South, and am all set up. Stopped for a few groceries on the way, so had to put stuff away, and had eaten very little all day, so finally fixed myself a sandwich out of some soft rolls and a chunk on leftover steak. I also took the last of the strawberries I bought a week ago and dunked them into melted chocolate, so I now have some chocolate strawberries for dessert!

Also, I bought stuff for my grandkids as I visited state and federal campground visitor center over the past year. Wrapped them and put names on them while I was in Ohio in August and left them in the guest bedroom. Then I made a list of all my grandkids and their parents and listed each item on it and the cost, so to keep things somewhat the same costwise. I also ordered a few things from Amazon and shipped those. Some things were just small items, but they were things I knew the kids would like.

So, a few days ago, i had my son get all the gifts out of the, and he wrapped and labeled the Amazon things. Only problem is that I had 5 items listed for each of the Ohio girls, but he found 6 items. (One item each was one of the pins I had bought in my travels many years ago--don't wear jewelry since I stopped working.) Anyway, I watched on FaceTime as each kid opened gifts and I did not see all of them, but there were some velcro gloves and balls to play catch with, but for the life of me, I cannot remember ever buying them!!!! And I need to check where I store gifts to see if i ended up giving them the tiny puzzles I bought somewhere, so talk about losing it!!! :lol:
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Re: Almost Tuesday afternoon

Postby JudyJB » Tue Dec 26, 2023 6:48 pm

Also, my son texted me today that he got the results from the melanoma and lymph node they removed last week, and everything is negative. Whew! The next part, and the really scary part, is his pancreatitis surgery on the 10th.
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Re: Almost Tuesday afternoon

Postby snowball » Wed Dec 27, 2023 12:55 am

My sister in law accidentally called me yesterday early she started with Merry Christmas sorry... she had meant to text me knowing that I wouldn't be up yet but called instead we enjoyed a short visit and I went back to sleep... they live in the Eastern part of Iowa she said that the temp was 50 degrees unheard of for Iowa... I don't know if the snow hit them later or not
I wonder how Pat fared with that storm
yesterday was a lazy day today for the most part was but I did accomplish a couple of things and it was heat up Sunday night dinner for the most part the salad was gone as was the gravy barely had enough potatoes mom even cleaned up her plate ... I then put the turkey into the freezer for another day tomorrow night will eat the left over spaghetti might go to the store unless I talk myself out of it and that might happen problem is that Thurs night I will heat up the soup and I like sour cream on it and we are out and yes I could go Thurs but I need to give mom a shower that day it usually makes me want to not do anything else... but we will see what wins out...
we are at a balmy 1 right now... how I wish I was in a warmer climate even if I would have to get up and turn the heater on... it wouldn't be this cold
I bragged yesterday on the post that went away :roll: how good my turkey breast was it was so moist... even when reheated... I think we will have turkey soup some time this week. have a bit of bone or perhaps it will be turkey pot pie that sounds even better
my dd mentioned to me that she has a vacuum that doesn't need to be plugged in while using it I am pretty sure it has to be plugged in to charge it up but perhaps that would be a good thing to look into as I wouldn't have to fight the cord and the hose
you all have a great day
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Re: Almost Tuesday afternoon

Postby BarbaraRose » Wed Dec 27, 2023 4:45 am

Got up around 10am and went to WM to get cat food and a couple other things. Like they say "if the cats ain't happy, ain't nobody happy", or something like that! :lol:

I cleaned the deck and porch today. Now the cats are sad because they have nothing in there to drag thru the cat door. I did put some of their toys out there.I have the maintenance guys coming by in the next day or two to give me an estimate on removing the carpet, etc. I also stopped at Home Depot this morning, to look at their indoor/outdoor carpet on the big rolls. Not too bad of a price per foot. Then I thought about Beth's plan to use carpet tiles so I went home and looked those up to see how much they would cost. A lot more! So I will go with the carpet on the roll - 12'x10'.

Tomorrow, I will clean up the living room and kitchen. I have a comforter that needs to be washed, so I think I will take that to the laundry room and try again to see if I can get the washer to work with my phone. I don't want to drag a whole basket of clothes over there to try it. If it works, then I will bring all 3 baskets over.

Had my leftover mashed potatoes and beef brisket for lunch today. So good! :D I grew up in a 'meat and potatoes' family. I wish I could cook different types of meat but I have an issue with handling raw meat :? It kind of grosses me out. I can barely handle cooking hamburger. I prefer someone else to do that type of cooking.

I am glad Christmas is over. New Years for me is just getting up to watch the Rose Parade. There is a big New Years Eve dance here at the clubhouse, but I don't know anyone who is going and the music is always way too loud. So I will just watch TV, write out some resolutions, and go to bed after that.

Judy, glad your son's test results came back negative! Hope the surgery goes well.

Irmi, 4:45 AM??? :shock: Someone would have to put a gun to my head to get me up that early for a walk! :lol:

Have a good night!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Almost Tuesday afternoon

Postby Redetotry » Wed Dec 27, 2023 9:54 am

Barbie I understand about raw meat grossing you out. I can't stand to touch it, but I bought disposable gloves that are safe for food handling and that really helped. I tear off pieces of waxed paper to wrap individual hamburger patties and then freeze in freezer safe bags. Actually I never by hamburger as too much grease and waste I buy ground chuck. Take out a patti and put in the microwave about 20 seconds then fry or scramble for "maid rites". Martha I'm happy you made it into town to get your tire fixed! Irmi 4:45! and I think 5:50 is early. That's all for now Pippa says it is time to fix her scrambled egg.
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Re: Almost Tuesday afternoon

Postby BarbaraRose » Wed Dec 27, 2023 12:47 pm

BJ, I had to Google "maid rites". I have only heard of loose meat sandwiches on the sitcom "Rosanne" where she served them at her diner on the show. Sounds good tho!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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