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Re: Campfire

Postby IrishIroamed » Wed Oct 05, 2022 4:33 pm

The campfire was out and I'm building from scratch. It was on page 3. Like Sheila being a late night poster, I'm an afternoon type.

Currently in near East Memphis, Arkansas, but only for chores of grocery and laundry. Heading towards Hot Springs tomorrow. That will be a short stop too since I've been there twice before, but I'll hang out through the weekend.

There is a really bad drought here. I went to the wildlife rfuge I've been at before and the huge lake is almost gone. Then ran into Memphis to get a good look at the Mississippi because the news reports here said they aren't letting barges through and they are tying up to trees up river. The river is about half as wide as it should be and it's not deep enough for the barges. Come here if you want to see what global warming is doing. So sad.

On an aggravating note, my slide is giving me problems again, after it was just fixed at the factory!! :evil: I'll be stopping at a dealer on my way towards Hot Springs to go through the slide controller reset. If it keeps up, I'll be looking for another camper. Guess it's my own fault. Dad used to say never buy the first model year of anything. I've already got a case open with the factory. Fingers crossed.

Weather had been beautiful between KY, TN and AR. Hope it keeps up.

Sandi, so happy you're enjoying your time with your daughter. Did I miss what the big surprise was?

Have a good evening ladies.
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Re: Campfire

Postby BirdbyBird » Wed Oct 05, 2022 7:29 pm

Sorry to hear that the slide is giving headaches…still. I drove Jane up to pass her off to Cindy so she can stay at Cindy camp. Her sister came into heat this past weekend and Swifty and Jane have usually come in within a week of each other. Cindy is on “watch”. She knows to count…. Lark and I took off this morning morning toward Charleston, SC. The RoadTrek has hummed along and we made it to south of Asheville. Tomorrow will be a shorter driving day. If Jane needs to make a trip out to Maryland to spend some time with a handsome suitor, Lark and I will be back in time to make the run…..
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Re: Campfire

Postby Acadianmom » Wed Oct 05, 2022 8:39 pm

Cheryl, I know it's maddening to keep having the same problems. I had electrical problems again on my weekend trip. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get the slide in or the jacks up but my 12 volt was still working.

I haven't heard anything about the Mississippi River being down in Louisiana. The lake we went to on the Texas/Louisiana line was down from the last time we went. That water comes from Northeast Texas and Northwest Louisiana. They could keep the water level up if they would quit letting water out to make electricity.

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Re: Campfire

Postby Acadianmom » Wed Oct 05, 2022 9:09 pm

After I posted an article came up on my computer about how low the Mississippi River is in South Louisiana. I think we are being watched. I have decided that if I want something I will just think about it and wait for it to show up on my computer. :lol:

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Re: Campfire

Postby Bethers » Wed Oct 05, 2022 9:33 pm

Martha, I know how that goes... Think and it appears lol. I can say that where I am for enough snow last winter and rains this year but the great salt lake is way down from what I've read.

Cheryl, I bought my Winnie in the first year for this model. They completely changed the finish the next year. But that's not helped me with this thing looking twice as old as it is and like I haven't taken care of it. I agree about not buying the first year of any new model. I hope they can take care of you.

Carol, I love your art in all it's forms.

Here's my contribution to art, some pictures from tonight's sunset.
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Re: Campfire

Postby snowball » Wed Oct 05, 2022 11:58 pm

how many pages did you have to look to find the campfire ? :lol:
I used to post all the time on campfire because I only come on late at night ... then I ventured over to morning coffee then bounced back and forth till it was always on morning coffee...
and to be frank this is going to be short I am weary and still have stuff to put away
so suffice it to say I am back in Jackson got my driver's license went to the cemetery visited with the grandparents they've been gone along time but still missed had 10 children if I recall correctly and only 2 remain here my mom and she has an older sister...
I will be back tomorrow cause quite frankly I can't even process much let along write it... :lol:
good luck with the future puppies Tina
it's differently dry in lots of places... because I live in the intermountain west we focus on our dryness would you believe Beth that few years back don't recall when year wise that the Great Salt Lake was so full that they were pumping it out??? Can't recall the governor's name but he was scoffed at with these pumps I bet they now wish that they had all that water back
and then there has been times when the trees were so dry that they spontaneously burst into flames... the desert can have it all...
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Re: Campfire

Postby Cudedog » Thu Oct 06, 2022 10:52 am

Acadianmom wrote:After I posted an article came up on my computer about how low the Mississippi River is in South Louisiana. I think we are being watched. I have decided that if I want something I will just think about it and wait for it to show up on my computer. :lol:


I guess that is ok, as long as it doesn't happen that you might be considering an item, and then "just think about it" - only to have Amazon deliver it to your front porch!!


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Re: Campfire

Postby snowball » Sun Oct 09, 2022 11:21 pm

I thought I would occasionally post of the campfire that way we can keep it smoldering... it is cold I think time to get the sweatshirts out and still freeze... should clean out the pellet stove so when we decide to start it up it will be ready but for the most part that doesn't even sound fun...
my niece and one of her girls came over for supper took leftovers with her to feed her husband and the other daughter...nephew wasn't feeling well not sure what the problem is not covid as they tested for that but just not feeling good although he has lost his sense of smell it was after that that they checked for covid... I think that they should recheck in a day or two...
Murder She Wrote is taking place in Jackson Wy??? they make it sound that way.... so far I've not seen anything that is suggestive of the area.... :lol:
oh I forgot to mention last night that have finished knotting knots on the Swedish Weave.... yeah me!!!! so on to the sides which isn't that hard to do a basic hem or blanket stitch...
and I got the afghan started for my granddaughter.... totally amazed I didn't have to take out any to correct the count... was amazed!!! and so happy it was right on I think for the first time...
One of the critter's I saw coming back from Lander was a big horn sheep don't think I have ever seen one before I also on my way to Rapid City saw a meadow lark wish it had been singing
Irmi I try to not do much get so winded when I do much that it's discouraging will see the dr on Weds hopefully will have some ideas of what happened..
you all have a great day
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Re: Campfire

Postby BirdbyBird » Wed Dec 06, 2023 7:02 pm

Checking in for those that wonder. Thought I would use the campfire because I never was a great morning person or coffee drinker and don't really fit well in large groups. I am more the sit around a campfire with one or two other people type of person. Ideas and thoughts and important pondering of the world just always seems to get shared better in quiet conversations than the group meet sort of thing. So there is that.

As Beth noted I do still stop by and read. (Guess I am one of the few that don't log out automatically. I know that some of the folks that no longer post still read as guests so that no one notices their footprints. Others of course just don't read or post.) When folks talk about past members it is as if they have died or just vanished from the planet. Yes, some like Sparkle and Sprinter and Karen West are really gone. Some like Echo and her daughter were like watching a bad soap opera or a train wreck and not being able to pull your eyes away....Some were never around enough to even be missed but many of the original travelers and storytellers have just moved on...from this forum. And for many of us, staying connected is more than the Forum or Facebook.....we have e-mails and texts and phone calls. And the daily weather is not a topic I share about much since I have weather reports for that. I haven't traveled much in the last two years but when I have traveled I have always tried to slow down to visit with a few of those members. They are still out there and like most of us are experiencing changes in their lives. So if over the years you really made a strong enough connection with someone stay realistic, this forum is not the center of the universe and many of us are not going to share parts of our lives here in public.

And to catch up on stuff that is not too personal or pondering. Jane's puppy went to live with my friend Cindy to that Cindy could show her (Roan is quality) because I physically no longer can do the physical part of showing. Roan has done very well and has made her mamma Jane proud. I got a young Golden at the beginning of the summer thinking I could still at least train and show in obedience and rally only to face up to my imperfect, over evaluation of my health and stamina. Especially after I returned in October from my two week road trip wandering the long way across to Texas and back with both Lark and young Jill camping with me. My back was trashed. And yes stress played a part in it. Nothing like visiting a cousin you haven't seen in 11 years to spend the afternoon vomiting and being sick in her living room from food poisoning. But we did get to visit and catch up. And I got to feel very humble and human and survived to pull out of her driveway the next day. Anyway working with puppy Jill's breeder, Jill was recently rehomed with a family with two young children and parents and grandparents familiar with 4-H and dog training. Jill now has a home in which she can become someone's heart dog and a have a job raising children. Better and more active life than I could provide her.

In trying to claw my health back after I returned from travels I found a new Chiropractor. One that concentrates more on healing the neural connections between the mind and the body that sometimes misinforms the body with pain signal when there is no danger for the pain to be shouting about. The plasticity of the brain and what it can heal or disrupt is a deep deep subject. I can now walk with my normal stride while standing upright again. Lark is only sad that I still don't tolerate cold weather walks well because my Raynauld's affecting circulation. We are both hoping to make the drive to Florida this winter to visit Liz and Nan and Irmi... down that way and see if I can still walk, weather permitting. The RoadTrek may or may not be sold in the Spring, depending upon how it goes.

So if I don't post and you want to know what I am up to feel free to email ( I promise I will not discuss housework. I have no recipes to swap since, though I appreciate the talents of other, cooking is not something I can pretend to find all that interesting. I have never had the interest or time to do crafts. Some drawing and photography is as far as I have ever gotten and a few other arts that were attempted and soon left behind. My daughter is an artist and an art teacher, and my son a photographer, I carefully curate the artwork that holds my heart and my wall space. I made enough scarves and hats a couple years ago to last me the rest of my life. My children are very independent and do not live near me though I am invited to go visit the Hudson Valley or Charlotte as often as I want. Someday I will need to live closer to one or the other but am not there...yet. I haven't decorated for an holiday in over 15 years. As a family we decide not to swap Christmas presents many years ago. I do send either family gifts like a full sized electric keyboard or individual money for books to the three grands in New York. But I have been known to see something, for example, in the middle of May that make me think of someone and send it to them, just because. I still indulge occasionally in an afternoon or so of holiday music even though I can no longer sing....for memories sake.

What I am reading. writing. spending time and what energy I still have on my dogs. staying connected with close friends near or far. not signing up with the Scoring Center to work any seasonal contracts next year. Yes, I could use the money but with changes in plans I will make do without. Even if I felt well enough to sit in a chair and work and concentrate for 40 hours a week on a computer and supervise people, I now value that wealth of energy and time more than money. not shopping for stuff because I don't need more stuff. working on maintaining my aging body through going to yoga and gentle pilates classes. attending water aerobics so my heart can get a work out without bashing my joints. And naps, the dogs and I like naps. If I lived in one of those "Blue Zones" where folks live to be 100 and stay healthy walking up and down the mountains paths on the some Greek island it might be easier but I am stuck having to find different ways to keep my body healthy and strong and flexible....No one warned me that I would have to work this hard at things that I took for granted. Velda, I often think of all the energy and work and research you have undertaken to try to maintain and/or regain your health. It is no small feat. And as an aside, I want a full time cook who will prepare healthy mediterranean meals for me.....

But enough about me. Carry on Lyn, as you demonstrate how to move through life's challenges and make necessary adjustments as needed. I don't know if I ever told you but there was at least one gtg that I drove out to because I knew you would be there from the west and I was never sure when I would get to see you again..... Sandi, I am so glad that you and your daughter have found your way back to each other these last couple of years so that you can share these more recent adventures with each other. Martha, I always miss your cat stories....

So be gentle and kind with one another and understand that the one thing we can be sure of is that life is full of changes and there are many ways to stay connected with the people close to you.....and there really aren't any wrong choices.
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Re: Campfire

Postby Redetotry » Wed Dec 06, 2023 8:56 pm

Haven't seen the campfire for a long time! Thanks Cheryl for lighting the fire. :) I hope you get your slide issue fixed permanently but from your past experiences it may take more than hope.
Tina good to read your thoughts and planned adventures. You knew you would get my attention with " One that concentrates more on healing the neural connections between the mind and the body that sometimes misinforms the body with pain signal when there is no danger for the pain to be shouting about. The plasticity of the brain and what it can heal or disrupt is a deep deep subject." The homeopath I 'see' in Brazil works with the role the mind plays in pain. People go through life stuffing painful experiences down and not dealing with them. Later they can appear as pain to let you know it is still there and you need to work through it. I hope your body will be up to a trip to Florida this winter. You mentioned some former members and I had thought about the bad soap opera of Echo and her daughter not long ago but couldn't remember her name. Of course we fondly remember the escapades of our beloved Sparkle!! I'll never forget her parking too close to the ocean and the tide came in :lol:

Opps I read one of the older post that made me think Cheryl had lit up the campfire. Thanks Tina!
Last edited by Redetotry on Thu Dec 07, 2023 7:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Campfire

Postby Bethers » Wed Dec 06, 2023 9:23 pm

Thanks for bringing up memories, Tina. I think of Sparkle often. She talked me into looking at places we could buy next to each other, had even picked a spot in Texas. And we were going to look further into it after our Baja adventure. But I like to think she had something to do with how I'm deciding to live (and where) now. She wouldn't have wanted, I don't think, the SKP co-op lot, but would have been interested in my current Texas winter spot because even though I'm not on the water, I'm very close. We would have had fun arguing about what and where. And I still travel where I do after an hour or so to have a "second breakfast". It's my first food of the day, but was her morning tea. I don't like to think of the mother/daughter mentioned, but there are some funny memories there.

For those following my saga of looking at tts, I took the manager today and he approved one. The owner wouldn't accept my offer. I refused to budge and left it for him to contact me if he changes his mind. He didn't even counter, well, $100 lol. If people would clean things up and fix the things they say, oh, that's just minor, they'd get better prices and sell. On this one a that's just minor is the floor he was replacing and left 1/2 done lol
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Re: Campfire

Postby snowball » Thu Dec 07, 2023 12:29 am

I was thinking of the campfire the other day it's amazing that you were able to find it Tina ... so good to hear from you ... I always close morning coffee well occasionally someone post after me but not often... as I'm lazy and really don't get on the computer till in the evening around 9:00 ... and it's usually after 10 almost close to 11 or later
we all do different if we were all the same it would be pretty boring... so we all enjoy the different activities of the day...
I couldn't remember Echo's name either but did recall some
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Re: Campfire

Postby Cudedog » Thu Dec 07, 2023 12:45 am

Tina, it is always and forever a joy to read your posts.

Be well, my friend.

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Re: Campfire

Postby Shirlv » Thu Dec 07, 2023 7:01 pm

Campfires were my favorite part of get togethers. Read an article this morning and anything that makes me laugh is special. I have moved and needless to say I have been overwhelmingly anxious.
Feeling Anxious.
Talk to yourself. #6 is my new motto. Mu motto use to be “ she believed she could, so she did” Think six suits me better.
1. My brain is giving me the wrong signals. I am safe.
2. I know how to cope. I trust myself.
3. This feeling won't last forever.
4.,I accept this feeling.
5. Thank you for this warning, but I am OK.
6. Iam a total badass. I got this.
7. have felt this way before, and nothing bad happened.
8. I have a toolkit and will use it.

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Re: Campfire

Postby Bethers » Thu Dec 07, 2023 7:52 pm

Good to see you Shirl. You are a badass. The old moto was true also.
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