Ghost dog

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Ghost dog

Postby Redetotry » Wed Jun 28, 2023 11:00 am

As so many of us have dogs I thought this might be of interest. Someone posted this experience on one of the Poodle groups I'm on in Facebook. I can remember a time I would have not believed anything like this could occur but after taking hypnosis classes for so many years I have changed my thoughts on several things. For some reason people seemed to be more comfortable in that class and would tell about experiences that they felt they couldn't talk about in other places. It is one of the reasons I kept repeating the class. One evening a young woman said she was taking the class because her little boy had an imaginary friend. He called his 'friend' John which was her brother's name who died before the child was born. When she questioned him one day about where he learned a game he was playing he told her 'John' taught him and said don't your remember he said you used to play it with him. She was looking everywhere for a possible explanation. That is only one story that comes to mind this morning but there were many more. So when I read this post it made me wonder how many would believe it. From all the responses a lot of people did and posted stories of their own experiences.
This is the post.
"I had a ghost dog. My 16 1/2 year old standard poodle died. Before she died I started to bring her to my dog grooming salon, so she wouldn’t have accidents in the house.She’d sleep behind my reception desk as I brought dogs in and to the back grooming room. We had 3 doors separating the grooming room from the lobby, to prevent dogs from escaping the shop and getting out the door.
She was a black long haired poodle, who always made the effort to rise and greet the customers and their dogs.
After she died, people kept seeing her at the shop. Old customers would greet her. New customers would ask “And who is that dog?”
I’d panic, thinking a dog escaped the grooming room. I’d look around and not see any dog. The client would apologize saying they thought they saw a dog and it must have been just a shadow. I’d then take their dog, and the dogs would walk in a large circle before going through the door, as if they were avoiding something on the floor. Both old clients who knew my dog well, and new ones who never met her, they all saw her. This went on for months.
Finally, one night, she appeared to my family, in three different locations at the exact same time! My mom was in her bedroom in her apartment, I was watching tv in my apartment. Halfway across the country, my daughter was going to bed in her apartment.
Half asleep, my daughter felt her dog get on the bed, circle three times and plop down, her head resting on daughter’s chest. Daughter began stroking her head, then suddenly sat up, remembering she didn’t have a dog!
My mom saw a dog run out of her bedroom. I was watching tv and felt a dog nose under my hand, flipping it, as if trying to get me to pet it. I started to, then also remembered I didn’t have a dog!
Suddenly my phone rang, then my cell phone. Mom and daughter called to tell me the strange happening. We discovered the haunting all happened at the exact same time.
I think she came to tell us all goodbye. No one ever saw her again, not at home, not at the grooming shop. She stayed until she was sure we would all be ok without her. Guard dog forever!

The post gave me chills and tears.
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Re: Ghost dog

Postby Bethers » Wed Jun 28, 2023 11:08 am

Chills and tears here also. And, yes, I believe it.
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Re: Ghost dog

Postby BarbaraRose » Wed Jun 28, 2023 11:47 am

I had a similar experience with one of my ferrets...

I had just moved back to MN from Denver and had 3 ferrets. My oldest one, Lucy, was very smart and very bonded to me. She was also quite sick. At that time, I was going thru a lot of emotional turmoil because of the adoption fiasco with my baby daughter, when her parents decided they didn't really want an open adoption and cut off all contact with me. I was devastated and extremely depressed. One of the things that kept me going was taking care of Lucy. She had always been a very active ferret but was now coming up to me and curling up by my neck which she had never done before (ferrets are very busy and not very cuddly). She seemed to know I was going thru a rough time and so was she, so we were there for each other. She kept me going when I didn't think I could.
One night I noticed she was starting to hemorrhage internally and could barely walk as she swelled up (even tho she still tried to play with her toys). I spent the whole night with her knowing what I was going to have to do in the morning. She was my first ferret and being so bonded, I was heart-broken! I took her in the next morning and sent her to the Bridge.

A few nights later, I was in bed and felt little footsteps across the foot of the bed. I turned on the light thinking I had left the cage door open and one of the other ferrets had gotten out. I didn't see anything on the bed but checked the cage doors. Both ferrets were in there sleeping and cage doors shut. The next couple nights I had the same experience and checked the ferrets who where always asleep in the cage, so one night I decided to just lay there and see what would happen. The footsteps came up alongside me and then I could feel a soft pressure against my neck! I knew then, that it was Lucy coming back to comfort me! This went on every night for about 3 weeks. I started feeling better emotionally as I worked thru my mental stress about the adoption situation. Once I was in a better place, the visits stopped. She had known I still needed her for awhile and was there to comfort me, as I comforted her while she was so sick.

Many years later (In Phoenix) I went to a group reading with a psychic medium. I was expecting a message from my mom or a friend who had passed. When the medium came to me, she said she was getting an "L" name, like "Lucy". I didn't say anything because at first I didn't really think it could be her. Then the lady said she could tell it wasn't a person, but a small animal and couldn't identify it at first, but said she thought it was a weasel or ferret. I was shocked! When I told her about my ferret Lucy, she said she has never brought an animal thru before. There was no actual message from her but I knew it was Lucy's way of letting me know she was still around. I have never bonded with an animal the way I bonded with her and she will always be my special angel.

I know that sounds sappy, but it was a very amazing experience for me and one I really needed at that time.

My dad said our dog, Cinnamon, came to him one night after he was killed by a car. He said he could see him on the bed and was able to actually pet him and feel his fur, before he disappeared. Both my dad and I have always had some psychic abilities. He had a visit by his dad the night his dad died, and I had a visit from my dad right when he had passed in the hospital. So I am very interested in stuff like this. I believe animals have souls like we do. I think any animal that is capable of feeling and expressing love (the ultimate energy) lives on after death.
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Ghost dog

Postby Cudedog » Wed Jun 28, 2023 6:42 pm

BarbaraRose wrote:I believe animals have souls like we do. I think any animal that is capable of feeling and expressing love (the ultimate energy) lives on after death.

“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.”

~ Mark Twain

That's where I want to go too.

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Re: Ghost dog

Postby snowball » Wed Jun 28, 2023 11:28 pm

beautiful stories very special thank you for sharing them
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Re: Ghost dog

Postby Acadianmom » Thu Jun 29, 2023 2:55 pm

My son had an imaginary friend when he was little. Now I wished I had ask him more questions about his friend.

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Re: Ghost dog

Postby Irmi » Fri Jun 30, 2023 5:13 am

I absolutely believe this!

Our last dog, Teddy, was a Bishon, and he has come to visit me several times. Each time was while I was in bed.
One time I heard him shake his head and I heard his dog tags jingle. He would do that to let us know he needed to go outside. So I woke Steve and asked him to take Teddy outside when he told me Teddy wasn't with us anymore. On another instance, I felt him walk to the foot of our bed, jump down to the floor and he ran down the hall to where we kept his water dish. I even heard him lapping the water from his dish. I actually got up to see what it was and of course, nothing was there. These were not the only two times he came to visit.
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