Indian Summer Wednesday

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Indian Summer Wednesday

Postby Colliemom » Wed Oct 18, 2017 6:00 am

Morning. O’dark thirty out there right now, but another beautiful day coming up. Temps are running betwen 65-70 this week with nice sunny skies. Crazy fall weather affecting the fall color. We are about 50% turned right now and along the Great Lakes shorelines, still green. Need some hard freezes to get things moving. But I’m taking advantage of it to get the remaining fall chores done. Washed and covered the trailer yesterday, so the season is officially over for me. Now to get the snowblowers started up from their summer nap, change oil etc.

Barbie, glad the inspection didn’t show anything too serious. Roofs are always an issue no matter where. Even in RV’s. I am fortunate in that the roof on this place is only a few years old, but garage will probably need a new one eventually. Keeping fingers crossed that negotiations go smoothly. Tina, good luck on getting the new wheels. O’Sharon, nice to see your post and sounds like you are making progress with the therapy. Beth, you should do okay once you get to an SS office. I like Sarah, had a smooth transition once I got to one here.

Chiropractor appt. for me this morning, then few little errands. Hope you all have a nice day.
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Re: Indian Summer Wednesday

Postby avalen » Wed Oct 18, 2017 9:36 am

Good morning
My brain is numb lately, too many things on my agenda.
I can't keep up. Still researching where I'm going to land
once the lease ends here on the mobile home park. The
office has assured me we still have two years but I'm thinking
since the rent is going up again I'm not waiting. Have been
reducing my "stuff" in prep. Also looking at repairs I need to
do on the fifth wheel. But also thinking of selling it, some repairs I'll do and some I won't as I'll sell as is. It would make a good rv flip project as the major structure is still good. Too much to think about.
Social security kept my check this month as they claim I made too much last year. That bites and will put me behind in debt for the next couple months. I refuse to tap into my savings, that's for my move. So I go nowhere right now to save my gas and when the $$
run out in a couple weeks I would rather put what I need on the credit card. Hate to do that too but it is what it is and less damaging tax wise. Needless to say, no trips for me until Q!
So, between all that and all the world tragedies right now, I am not
in a good place. I know this will pass and I'll get through it but I think it's the big let down after my wonderful trip I looked forward to for so many years and now there's no wind in my sails. A little breeze would be nice.
Donna, so happy for you and Phoebe!
Y'all have a great day, be safe.
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Re: Indian Summer Wednesday

Postby JudyJB » Wed Oct 18, 2017 3:56 pm

I was up this morning before 7 am to make reservations at Fort Worden SP in Washington at the northeast tip of the Olympic Peninsula. Got one of the three spots I wanted, but I sure wish they would not open sites so darn early. So, I stayed awake for an hour or so and then went back to bed until 10. Other good news is that I lost a few more pounds, for a total of 8 in 2017. The only problem is that my midsection seems to stay the same, and I swear I am losing weight only in my legs and arms!! :x My mother did that in her later years--always had skinny legs and a round midsection. Does not make sense. If this continues, I am going to look like a carmel apple upside down with two sticks supporting my body! Wish I had inherited my mother's lush, thick hair, instead. She never lost ANY of it, and it was just starting to get a little grey in it when she passed away at age 93. Everyone assumed she had dyed it.

Love having Hidden View COE campground almost to myself. There is one popup I can see across the little valley on another loop and I think there are two others hidden behind me, but that is it out of 55 campsites. Not a bad view, but foothills of mountains are obscured by light smoke. Lake is down, but still kayak-able. Obviously, it is extremely quiet around here.

School in Napa is still closed until Monday, but it is because of air quality, not any danger of fires. Things are getting back to normal there, thankfully, and even the Sonoma and Calistoga fires are getting contained, so smoke should lessen soon. They will have missed two full weeks of school. My grandkids are home and getting bored, but glad to be home.
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