Friday of a Warm Up Weekend...

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Friday of a Warm Up Weekend...

Postby IrishIroamed » Fri Dec 12, 2014 8:12 am

...or so they say - you know how weathermen are. The only job where you can be wrong 80% of the time and keep a job :lol:

oops - forgot - Mornin' Ladies!!!

Not much going on here. Already at working and ready to hit the back log of emails. Sure do wish IL posts when the eagles start arriving at Starved Rock, Alton, etc. I'm getting itchy to go see them again this year.

Well that's it. Hope everyone has a wonder day & stay safe of the roads.

PS - Beth - great pics of the cranes.
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Re: Friday of a Warm Up Weekend...

Postby carolb » Fri Dec 12, 2014 9:09 am

G'morning Cheryl & all to follow :)

Wow, I remember Starved Rock! IL has some great state parks...

Ok, I jinxed myself, talking about Zicam ? Was on Catherine's couch all day yesterday, taking Zicam every few hours! Yep, felt all the symptoms of a cold coming on--missed the Snow Globe performance too. Catherine brought me some great chicken soup last night, so between that & Zicam, I'm feeling a bit better today. Catherine's a great "mom" :P

CArol, I can imagine the feeling of being behind the wheel again--So happy for you. Always fun to hang out with Liz too :)

Hope our west coasters are safe--super storms, at least bringing much needed rain...

Y'all have a great day & be safe always 8-)
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Re: Friday of a Warm Up Weekend...

Postby Othersharon » Fri Dec 12, 2014 9:46 am

Good morning! Another cold, nasty day to get through here. It wasn't the snow but the wind that's been so bad. Plus my car is ice covered from whatever we got the other night. I haven't been on the roads but they seem to be okay. They had some nasty accidents on I 80 and turnpike yesterday morning so guess it depended on where you were.

Carolb, sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Always nice to have a "mom" around though! Sounds like you need some sun and warmth! Feel better soon.

I realized that yesterday that it's been a year since I joined this group. Just wanted to say how grateful I am. I have only met a few of you in person but everyone has been so gracious in answering questions and supporting me. So for all of that I say a heartfelt thank you to all of you!

Have a great day and stay safe if you are on the road.
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Re: Friday of a Warm Up Weekend...

Postby gingerK » Fri Dec 12, 2014 10:04 am

Mornin' gals,

Just a quickie here; got to get a shower then off to clean MIL's house. One dog to walk today then meeting a friend for lunch at a new restaurant in Joliet, Pot Belly. Also have to try to get my Jeep emissions tested so will try to fit that in today too.

Just when I make up my mind that I'm ok with the amount of daily dog walks I have someone new calls for service! Yesterday I met with a new client and he starts in January. A way cool EBD named Rocky and is he neat! But adding another dog to the daily line up is really messing up my schedule. DH says don't complain, it's work and yes it is but I'm getting a bit worn out. I think I need to schedule a girls weekend in January with Carrie and just kick back, do nothin'.

Carolb, sorry you are feeling under the weather; hope you get up to par quick! Good that Catherine is taking such good care of you!

O'sharon, I was thinking of you yesterday when they gave the weather reports for the east coast, be very careful in all that yucky ice!

Cheryl, I sure hope the weathermen are right about the temps this weekend, we need to take the MIL to the cemetary to put wreaths on graves and she doesn't do well in bad conditions.

That's all from here, take care, stay safe, stay well!
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Re: Friday of a Warm Up Weekend...

Postby bluepinecones » Fri Dec 12, 2014 10:13 am

Good morning
Still unusually cold here but we have sunshine and a warming trend that will bring rain by Monday.
I don't have much Christmas shopping to do but have not done any yet. Got my Christmas present yesterday with test results on blood cancer screening - only a very slight change in the markers being tracked - not enough to require more frequent testing. Niece is finally going to be able to start radiation treatment on Monday. If all goes well, treatments will be done over a 6 week period and that could be the end of treatments for her.
Have a great day
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Re: Friday of a Warm Up Weekend...

Postby SoCalGalcas » Fri Dec 12, 2014 11:50 am

Good Morning All, Hooray, the rains have arrived in SoCal!!! Of course there will be many, many auto accidents as folks do not know how to drive on the wet streets around here. Slow down folks.
Sad news at the retired WSI luncheon this week...two more members have died. We are all getting up there in age.
Hey Sharon, hope you and Evie had fun out at the Casino. And no, Donna, we did not get together. I would be bored to tears in the Casino.
Carol, glad Catherine is taking good care of you. I'm off to the library as this rainy weather is good for lying on the couch and reading all day!
Velda, did the tree fall???

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Re: Friday of a Warm Up Weekend...

Postby BarbaraRose » Fri Dec 12, 2014 11:53 am

Speaking of anniversaries, I just had my 5 year anniversary last week on here! Wow! 5 years and still no RV :cry: Well, I did get to achieve my dream of living in California for awhile with the support of this forum! (and help from Linda/Bikerchic who I met on here and allowed me to follow her out to SoCal!). I've also had lots of support from everyone on here with lots of other things going on in my life over the past 5 years! What a great group! :D

CarolB, I hope you start feeling better soon. I wish I had someone to make chicken soup for me! My cold has settled into my chest now, altho my ears are still plugged up. I feel OK otherwise.

Warm and cloudy again here. I wish the sun would come out! Been cloudy for quite a few days now. But at least it isn't cold, just damp and yucky.

Have a good day! :D
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Friday of a Warm Up Weekend...

Postby dayspring39 » Fri Dec 12, 2014 2:21 pm

Past morning again...but hello everyone... I am having my first cup of coffee today... my k-cups came yesterday... at the rate I am drinking they will not last as long as I thought...

Carolb so sorry you have a bug... zicam seems to do the trick... Barbie sure wish I could make you some soup! Lyn hope you do not get too much rain all at once... after the dry spell the roads will be slippery with rain on them... Sarah glad tests came out ok... and also glad to hear about your nieces progress... Cheryl I will believe the warm up when I feel it! Kathy you can come walk Shadow... hope you and Cheryl can make a trip down here soon... Ava where are you hiding?...

Well I am about to have a visit from the new insurance agent I have hired... he is from Farmers Insurance of Illinois... I am changing everything to them as Progressive and the agent were not helpful at all...

My fire place pilot went out... I think I know why that happens... when the gas dryer is on the pilot goes out on the fireplace...

Have a great day everyone...
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Re: Friday of a Warm Up Weekend...

Postby MandysMom » Fri Dec 12, 2014 2:58 pm

The trees are still standing. As usual the weather people were not totally accurate on this one. It did blow but not huge gusts, maybe a few eucalyptus small branches but that's it. Rain not torrential. Mostly gentle and steady and less than the 2 to 4 inches they predicted. But it's all good, we need it. Part sun today.
Glad everyone else is ok, except for the colds people are fighting. Chicken soup is indeed good, ESP with a dash of cayenne to help clear sinus. We had a wonderful pot of vegetable soup last night.
Those k cups do go quick if you use several a day. Mel likes the little cup thing I bought at Walmart to put his own coffee into the Keurig, and says it works better than the gadget that came with his Keurig. He puts his favorite coffee in after he custom grinds in a little grinder he got for Christmas. He is constantly playing with it as he is a big coffee drinker.
Sure feel for east coast where they are having bad weather. Do be careful if you are in the icy mess.
Looking forward to pics of the new collie member of the groups canine crew here.
Have a good afternoon all.
Updated storm total for Sacramento area- 2.76 inches for the total on this storm , not bad for a couple of days
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