Weds and It's Back to Work

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Weds and It's Back to Work

Postby linann » Wed Nov 05, 2014 6:54 am

Vacation is over. It was so nice to attend a GTG and even run errands and be at home yesterday. Reading all the posts and catching up. Do wish everyone on the move a safe day and those staying put a warm dsy. Have been waking up early, but not getting up. Now need to get in gear and get moving this morning. Will check back later to see what you are doing.
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Re: Weds and It's Back to Work

Postby grammynmaggie » Wed Nov 05, 2014 8:11 am

Good morning Linda... and everyone else... hope you have a good day back to work
that always helps when you come back from vacation... my dads 90th birthday is today
his best friend and his wife took him out to dinner last night and invited me to go along
had his favorite surf and turf.... then we had cake and ice cream back at the house ....starting to warm up already this morning... today I will go
over and work on stuff for the bazaar with the craft the ladies at the church... this will be our last GTG
Before the bazaar... on Monday we will start setting up takes almost a whole week to do that
So I better get busy... have a fun filled day and be safe...donna....
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Re: Weds and It's Back to Work

Postby dayspring39 » Wed Nov 05, 2014 9:04 am

Good Morning from the sun filled city of Normal! to day will be a balmy 60... may be the last one for a while... the storm in the Pacific will shift things in the middle of the country to very cold... I will enjoy this day!
Oh work sounds good.. sure wish I was able to go... how nice that would be... Donna 90 sure is a milestone in life Happy Birthday to him...
Kelsie comes today... for two weeks we went through things and some were picked up for the people starting over again... I made a mistake and they do not take clothes so have a lot of left overs... they also do not take computer desks with hutches... will have someone put it out by the road for free... hope someone takes it... today Kelsie will clean for me... it is way behind...
I will change my clocks finally :lol: :lol:
My son in law is checking with one of his friends to see if they can fix the MH and see how much it would cost... my mind is in a mess about this...
Dishes are washing... coffee is hot and oatmeal is steaming on the stove... come on in and tell us about your joys and sadness we are here to listen...
Kathleen or Kathy

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Re: Weds and It's Back to Work

Postby gingerK » Wed Nov 05, 2014 11:55 am

Morning all!

Ran out early and got my haircut! I would post a pic but I'm camera shy. Let me just say it's really short!

Did yard pick up duty while I let my pups run around and snoop. Not as much as I thought there would be, I must have been keeping up with the stuff close to the house pretty good.

Got my friend Daun's bedrooms all in order yesterday and called her last night. She still doesn't know when they will let her come home. I will continue to work my way through the rest of her house but it's not very dirty with only me and Hershey there.

My friend Anne's husband made some cut out silhouettes of his Labs to put on their fence in the back yard and she posted pics of them on FB. They were so neat I asked if he would make me some and he did! She will be coming over to drop them off this afternoon. I want to put them on my driveway gate, I am so excited!

Not much else going on today, ran to store for something to go with supper tonight. DH is stopping to look at a car for a customer so he will be a little late getting home.

I'm off, (boy is THAT an understatement!) enjoy your day!
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Re: Weds and It's Back to Work

Postby JudyJB » Wed Nov 05, 2014 2:12 pm

Exciting morning. Got a loud knock on my door at 7:00 am this morning. (I was still in bed, not being a morning person.) It was a workman telling me they were going to turn off the water because they had a water pipe break, so I threw on some clothes and ran outside to fill a couple of empty chlorox bottles I keep around. My fresh water tanks were dead empty, which is my own fault for being so lazy last night. They proceeded to bring equipment to my site and start digging. I went back to bed. Apparently they could not find a leak so closed it all up.

I finally got up after they left, ate some breakfast, and filled my tanks, since the water was now back on. However, they are back now digging. Not sure what is going on, but at least I have water now, that is assuming I can get my water pump to prime. The darn thing has to run forever before it pumps water. And it was new last January!!! It always works but sometimes take well over an hour. Grrrr.

Staying at Cochiti Lake COE campground about 25 miles from Santa Fe, NM. Absolutely beautiful place: $10 for water and electric for seniors and $6 for non electric. Fantastic view to boot and as usual for the COE, extremely well kept, although I have not been in bathrooms. (Why does time show as 3:12 pm? It is only 12:12 MST where I am and I think only 2:12 pm EST. )
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Re: Weds and It's Back to Work

Postby BarbaraRose » Wed Nov 05, 2014 2:45 pm

After noon again but I just got off work, got my flu shot, and am heading over to my dads to get stuff ready for tomorrow when the kids show up to rake his leaves. Also going to go thru my stuff in the garage and repack it and bring it back to my garage.

I didn't hear anything back from my brothers yesterday about who's taking my dad to his doctor appt on Friday. I called one of them last night and left a message but didn't hear back, and no e-mails from either one this morning. So I sent them both an e-mail this morning saying I will be taking our dad to the appointment. I had three of my coworkers offer to cover my shift for me on Friday! At least I know I can count on them to help me out when I need a favor! My brothers just suck! :twisted:

Cold and cloudy today with occasional rain. Snow expected tonight but not much.

Everyone I voted for, got elected last night, so am happy about that.

Hope you all have a great day! :D

On edit: just got a nasty e-mail from one brother saying I am making them look bad to my dad by "taking everything on myself". Huh????!!! :shock:
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Weds and It's Back to Work

Postby Bethers » Wed Nov 05, 2014 8:40 pm

(Why does time show as 3:12 pm? It is only 12:12 MST where I am and I think only 2:12 pm EST. )

If you're talking about the time on the forum, it shows what you set it to show in your user control panel. If you never set it, it defaulted to something.
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Re: Weds and It's Back to Work

Postby MandysMom » Thu Nov 06, 2014 4:13 am

Judy, I just asked my hubby about a non priming water pump. I actually said, would it that be a air leak somewhere so it can't form the needed suction? And he said, yes either that or it's a defective water pump. Suggested checking all clamps and fittings for tightness as a first step. Sounds like it could be a pin hole leak not allowing it to build pressure in normal time.
One of our first trips out in our bus we had the water pump go out. We borrowed one from a friend at the rally that carried a spare, then when we got home bought a new pump to give the friend plus a rebuild kit. They are actually pretty easy to rebuild, took husband less than an hour. We keep the rebuilt pump in the bay where the pump is that is installed. We have known some who plumb in a second pump with valves so if one quits they just move a wire and flip the valves and are back in business. It's annoying to have a full tank of water and no way to access it.
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Re: Weds and It's Back to Work

Postby IrishIroamed » Thu Nov 06, 2014 8:04 am

Bethers wrote:
(Why does time show as 3:12 pm? It is only 12:12 MST where I am and I think only 2:12 pm EST. )

If you're talking about the time on the forum, it shows what you set it to show in your user control panel. If you never set it, it defaulted to something.

Beth - the time thing has always thrown me too. I looked again & mine is set to central standard with daylight savings option, but the time is an hour off. I change to NO on the daylight savings & now time is right. Do I have to turn it on again when the clocks change in the spring? The time was wrong then also.
sorry for the stupid questions, but I'm mathematically challenged and I guess that includes clocks :?
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Re: Weds and It's Back to Work

Postby Bethers » Thu Nov 06, 2014 9:16 am

I don't remember if I have to change it because of time change. I have to change mine all the time because I'm moving that sometimes I just let this one be off.
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