Cooler Sunday

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Cooler Sunday

Postby Irmi » Sun Sep 07, 2014 5:30 am

Good morning everyone!

It's 66 degrees here this morning and we'll only get into the low 80's today. We've been waking up to temperatures in the 70's and topping off in the mid 90's almost all week, so this is a nice change.

Our motorhome was towed to a Freightliner dealer Tuesday morning and we haven't heard from them yet, so perhaps I'll put a call into them tomorrow to see if they've had a chance to check the problem we were having. This past week, we've had relatives from Germany visiting and they left yesterday to go home. Although it was nice seeing them again, I'm looking forward to getting back to a normal routine.

The Kansas GTG will be getting underway real soon and I'm looking forward to reading about their adventures. Ava, I hope your arm is starting to heal and that JudyJB's brother's dog is ok while he's with you. JudyJB, I hope things are settling down for you, too. Kathleen, hopefully you hear something about your motorhome soon. Carolb, any news on the delivery of your garage? I'm keeping everyone with health issues or concerns in my thoughts and prayers. Have a good Sunday everyone!
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Re: Cooler Sunday

Postby carolb » Sun Sep 07, 2014 6:29 am

G'morning Irmi & all to follow :)

Yes, thanks to all you midwesterners for sending cool weather our way ;) Loving it! Will be a perfect mowing day...

Well, Beth, you are on top of things, but just hate to make more work for you by having double openings on MC :lol: BTW, where are you now????

Hmmm, BJ, Piper occasionally "turned" on Tigg for what seemed like no reason, but obviously she had some "doggie" reason to do it--maybe fear, an enhanced fight-or-flight response from her early feral days?? Fortunately, Tigg is bigger than her, but in Mitzi's case, I too would be worried about Toby doing that. Can't remember what my trainer said about that. Maybe call your trainer??? As far as "breaking up" a dog fight, you might assert your alpha status by grabbing Toby by the scruff of the neck & lifting him away--like a mom dog would do. If you get to him quickly & carefully, you should be able to avoid getting bit...

& that's about it from me. Prayers needed for so many, so ditto on Irmi's good thoughts going out to all of you. Y'all have a great & safe day 8-)
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Re: Cooler Sunday

Postby avalen » Sun Sep 07, 2014 7:16 am

good morning ladies
much better this morning, can bend my elbow just a tad more. Getting the laundry done this am and most likely a
little nap later in the day. Do have to get to the store this morning while its still cool. Scout is doing fine, I'll post a
picture when I can get one but my opinion is that he is a little dachsund and a little chihuahua. He has that very long
body and very short legs of a dachsund. He finally ate all his breakfast this morning. So he has definitely settled in.
Maggie has settled in and accepted him too and the kitty is not intimidated by him and walks past him as well with no
fear. So...all is good with the animals.
My arm will heal a little more each day and eventually be 100%, as long as I can drive tomorrow, I'll be smiling.
That's about it from my end of the world.
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Re: Cooler Sunday

Postby grammynmaggie » Sun Sep 07, 2014 8:00 am

Good morning everyone.... 47 this morning here but that's okay with me
better than close to 90 like it has been all last week..... just took down my sewing in station
cleaning up that area so I can scrub the rug there.... if I have a mind to so a couple quilt blocks I've been whip out the sewing machine on my dinette in the RV and do it... things are starting to look empty in the house now.... going up to tomorrow Home Depot... where my son works as manager of the hardware department... he will help me get a few things
needed to finish the roof on garage.... and we will be in next week to help me do a few things... I sure hope the parts from the RV come tomorrow... it's getting close to the time to leave and it's making me nervous... you all have a fun filled day and be safe...donna
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Re: Cooler Sunday

Postby Colliemom » Sun Sep 07, 2014 8:50 am

Good Morning all,

Nice sunny morning here and cool, which I like. Relaxing this morning now that the work of cleaning up behind that violent severe storm is done. My trees are all taken down and gone, had more done than what originally fell during the storm. They are all scrawny poplars and I know that more of them will come down either in a storm or a snowstorm, so just had them all removed. So glad that I had that big oak taken down earlier this week as well, cause I'm sure it would have gone in that storm as a lot of huge trees were pulled up roots and all around here. Have spent over $2000 in tree removal this week. So cancelling out of the KS GTG was a blessing in disguise as I would definitely have been doing it now had I not done it earler after all this expense. After cleaning up my branches and such from my yard, neighbor and I tackled the neighbors yard next door. She's an 87 year old widow and can't do that kind of thing anymore. I also went and cleaned up drive and yard for another neighbor who's place I watch as they live downstate. Then a few sticks and such from neighbor across the road who are out of town for 3 weeks. Enough storm cleanup.

So now time to clean my truck inside and out and also clean inside of my TT. Considering another short little trip, but weather doesn't look that great by mid week again. Plus Sassy's eyesight is getting worse and she is now bumping into things here and there. I think her right eye is worse than her left. But she is managing for now, so will just take it day by day here. Getting to where our walking days are getting numbered I'm afraid. Even now she is walking slower each time. Am watching for the signs that tell me it's time to take that trip to the vet.

Ava, glad to hear your arm is getting better slow buy sure. Irmi, sorry to hear your MH is in the "hospital". Must have missed something about it earlier. JudyJB, missed something with you too. Dog Sitting??? BJ, sounds like you might have to find another doggie home for somebody. Can't go having dog fights around there especially if you aren't home or something. Good luck getting it figured out.

So sorry I had to miss a GTG with Colleen (LongDogs2), but wasn't planning on a big storm to mess things up. Maybe someday we can GTG. KS GTG will be starting before long. Anita is already at the door waiting.

Well, enough chatter from here for this morning. You all have a wonderful day out there.
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Re: Cooler Sunday

Postby chalet05 » Sun Sep 07, 2014 8:55 am

Good Morning,

I'm glad cooler weather has arrived for some of you! After our cool, rainy day, yesterday was beautiful as is today.

I visited my aunt and uncle yesterday for awhile (that's my dad's side). A cousin's daughter on my mom's side invited me to their home in Manhattan for the evening. It was her daughter's birthday so my cousin and his wife were coming from Abilene. For whatever reason, I don't usuallly get to see them when I'm here so the evening was a real treat!!

Seems many of us are playing the waiting game - insurance, garage, MH fix, RV parts and for me the Directv access card for my DVR!! Ava, glad your arm isn't too much of an issue.

Exciting to see that others are headed this way or soon will be for the GTG!! Looks like I'll be staying in the area until Sept. 28.

Today will be a trip to the zoo with at least the younger granddaughter! Will only be a couple hours as grandson has to be home for piano lesson.

Prayers for all and safe travels.
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Re: Cooler Sunday

Postby gingerK » Sun Sep 07, 2014 11:10 am

Good morning ladies!

So very much going on here with all of you, I hardly know where to start!

Ava, so glad your arm feels better, you will be back to normal in no time at all! How wonderful that Scout feels so very comfortable with you, I think it's because of you and your caring ways. Dogs can always tell when they are wanted and liked.

Donna, please be careful, I saw that you slipped and fell. Hope your knee is ok today and not giving you a problem. This close to everything getting done with your house you don't need to get hurt, too.

I'm glad those of you who have had hot, humid weather are getting a nice break. It sure feels good here in IL to get some cooler weather and be able to turn off my ac.

Wish I was headed out towards KS myself, I can hardly wait and am counting the days!

Sue, anytime you want to come help me clean up brush around my place come on down! You have so much energy! I'm usually good for the morning, then I need a nap!

Irmi, hope you hear something good soon re: your MH.

BJ, when Toby turns on Mitzi is it really fighting or is he just trying to establish his dominance? Dogs have a pack order and when a new one arrives they seem to have to reassert themselves to get things sorted out again.

My son has been looking, on and off, for a small TT he can fix up and use at the recreational club we belong to. Nothing fancy just something fixable. Well, my brother had a hybrid TT that had water damage to the roof and floor and just wanted to give away. I got the trailer from my brother and had the idea that I would salvage all the useable parts and make a little $ and give some back to my brother as he didn't want anything for the trailer. We got it home and found that the damage was much less than my brother said and the trailer was just too nice to part out. So called my son and told him about it and he took it. He has the skills to repair the damage and he will have a pretty nice trailer to use after that. I like happy endings!!!! :D

Everyone have a great, safe day.
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Re: Cooler Sunday

Postby Liz » Sun Sep 07, 2014 12:04 pm

Drove just 70 miles today to another STate Park just inside the NY border. Heard from Carolb, and she's coming to join me. Yay! A mini gtg. Beautiful cool weather after rain came through last night. Will get out for a hike later...

Love this kind of a little, stop and play.
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Re: Cooler Sunday

Postby Bethers » Sun Sep 07, 2014 12:47 pm

Ava, so glad you could help out and that Scout is settling in and the others are accepting!

Carolb - I'm still in Keystone - last day of work will be this coming Friday (4 nights left to work, including today!) then I'll wait to collect my last check and head to the next job in Gettysburg, SD.

Kathy, I bet your son is so very, very happy - what a great deal for him. And how nice that your brother gave it away!

Liz - I love those short drives. And yay, another gtg.

I, too, will be waiting for lots of pics and stories from the KS gtg.
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Re: Cooler Sunday

Postby JudyJB » Sun Sep 07, 2014 1:44 pm

Enjoying watching all the large family groups leaving this morning, especially the two near me where kids were crushing plastic bottles and throwing them around. Looks like someone has picked up a lot of their trash. I am getting to be a grumpy old woman.

I have been working my down the Washington and Oregon coasts so seeing a lot of beaches. My trigger finger has come back and has been bothering me so I will be glad to get to my hand surgeon appointment in Napa where my son lives.

Sue, you missed posts about my brother getting evicted, falling, and ending up in hospital and now rehab because he can barely walk. Ava kindly offered to care for his dog for a while. See posting about my brother.

Got sausage cooking and will heat up some Ikea frozen crepes and put some blueberries on them.
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Re: Cooler Sunday

Postby MsCrow » Sun Sep 07, 2014 4:58 pm

Good morn--- er, afternoon, everyone!

I woke up just a bit ago, so it's kind of like morning. A little. I don't always sleep in so late, but I had a gallbladder attack that asted until 9am. Blah.

Heading over to work on my trailer in a bit - my friend is coming by to help me yank out the tub so I can get to the flooring underneath. Hopefully that doesn't turn into a huge ordeal.

Hope everyone is having awonderful day :)
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Re: Cooler Sunday

Postby Redetotry » Sun Sep 07, 2014 7:48 pm

gingerK wrote:Good morning ladies!
BJ, when Toby turns on Mitzi is it really fighting or is he just trying to establish his dominance? Dogs have a pack order and when a new one arrives they seem to have to reassert themselves to get things sorted out again.

Kathy, I hadn't thought of that. I never find any bite places on her so maybe it is a pack thing. Most of the day they play together almost non-stop. Thank goodness, she crashes around 7 or eight!
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Re: Cooler Sunday

Postby BarbaraRose » Sun Sep 07, 2014 10:00 pm

Worked all day today. Had plans to get my apartment cleaned up tonight before my trip but ended up spending time dealing with a bladder infection. Went to Walgreens to get a nifty little test kit they have now. Sure as heck, it was positive. (Not quite as exciting as peeing on a pregnancy stick and getting a positive! :lol: :roll:) Got online to Virtuwell to get a prescription sent to Walgreens for tomorrow. Nice to not have to deal with going to an actual clinic or Urgent Care for that. Need to get it taken care of before leaving on Tuesday.

Tomorrow after work is my golf banquet. Will be fun to see what gifts I get for winning the tournament and our team winning. They are usually very nice gifts! It was a fun summer of golf, altho a short rainy summer

Will be heading north around 2pm on Tuesday after work. It is about a 5 hour drive. Looks like cool temps and chance of rain for the first 2 days up there. At least I am not tent camping! Will be in a nice cozy cabin overlooking a river and waterfall for 3 nights near Lutsen, MN and then the fourth night will be at a motel in Duluth. The motel is right across the street from the Duluth Zoo and I get a free pass, so will spend Saturday morning at the zoo before heading home. Planning to take lots of pics with my new camera. Can't wait!
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Re: Cooler Sunday

Postby Bethers » Mon Sep 08, 2014 1:47 am

Barbie, I'd never heard of Virtuwell. Googled it and very interesting! It's only available in a handful of states but I'm guessing it'll keep growing. Thanks for teaching me something today.
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