Polar Vortex Tuesday

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Polar Vortex Tuesday

Postby IrishIroamed » Tue Jul 15, 2014 7:26 am

LOVE this weather! Woke up to a brisk 56* . Sure wish I was back on the trails on horseback or hiking someplace in this weather instead of sitting in an office. Nothing interesting going on here today, but am making plans to maybe visit the town where my maternal grandmother was born on the Mississippi on Saturday with my cousin Roxanne.

Have a good day everyone ~ and if you're on the road, stay safe.
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Re: Polar Vortex Tuesday

Postby Redetotry » Tue Jul 15, 2014 8:12 am

Yes, hurray for the Polar Vortex or whatever is responsible for this amazingly cool weather. I actually wore a fleece jacket to walk this morning, it has 'warmed' up to 65 now but was around 60 when I got up. Sorry you have to be inside Cheryl, hope you and your cousin have a good time on Saturday. I'm going some where today, just haven't decided where. Wish I could send some of this to you all who are still steamy.
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Re: Polar Vortex Tuesday

Postby avalen » Tue Jul 15, 2014 8:28 am

good morning :D
storms have brought some much nicer temperatures but of course they also brought up the humidity. So now I sweat
without doing anything. :lol: Don't have anything on my agenda for today so guess its going to be a tv day. Couple
more weeks and its back to work. Not really ready to go back but I am looking forward to those extra paychecks cause
I have things to buy :D and plans to make for next summer....hopefully a roadtrip :D (that means building up that
savings account)
Ya'll have a great day, be safe and hope you have nice weather.
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Re: Polar Vortex Tuesday

Postby gingerK » Tue Jul 15, 2014 9:28 am

Mornin' gals!

As Cheryl and BJ said nice and coolish here today. As I'm always out in it, I really appreciate good tolerable weather conditions!

With the help of my good friend Daun, I dropped the Jeep off at AAMCO this morning to have her transmission looked at; I am waiting with bated breath for the sticker shock I know I will get when they call with what's wrong. Love my Jeep but I think she'll be a trade in pretty soon. Took Daun out for breakfast for taking me to drop off the car. Yummy french toast, eggs and bacon.

Down to only one petsit job today; I had them stacked and packed over the last couple of weeks. Pretty much met myself coming and going. This one's due to end tomorrow but they have been very good dogs and no trouble.

Our good friend Mark's Dad passed away this morning, very sad. Yesterday they made the decision to remove the feeding tube so it was only a matter of time. I don't know yet when or where his service will be but both DH and I will plan on attending.

I have been working with my accountant trying to get set up to pay our payroll taxes online. She is going to be setting up the account this morning, just heard from her. We've both been trying to get this done for the last few days and it seems like it just isn't going right. Maybe today will be better. I also have to file our state sales tax but I'm afraid to be on the account at the same time she is, so I'll wait til later to file it. Keep your fingers crossed for us!

Better get those breakfast dishes done, floors swept up and stalls cleaned-never know when I might have to run out on an errand!

Have a terrific day everyone!
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Re: Polar Vortex Tuesday

Postby retiredhappy » Tue Jul 15, 2014 9:33 am

Please IMMEDIATELY send polar vortex to Texas. Cooking here!
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Re: Polar Vortex Tuesday

Postby IrishIroamed » Tue Jul 15, 2014 12:02 pm

retiredhappy wrote:Please IMMEDIATELY send polar vortex to Texas. Cooking here!

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Re: Polar Vortex Tuesday

Postby JudyJB » Tue Jul 15, 2014 12:03 pm

I'm in West Yellowstone, and while daytime temps are in upper 70s, last night got down to 43, which was wonderful! I love the cold nights and warm days, and last night was the first time I have had to use my little electrical heater in about 6 weeks! Perfect weather to me. :D

Resting today from my drive and catching up on work. It looks like my brand new cell phone will need to be replaced, but no place to do it here, so will have to wait until I get to Missoula next week. That is a bigger town with more Verizon stores. Also not happy with my new jetpack because it has been slowing down and keeps needing to be reset by the technical support staff online. What a pain!

And I stopped at Wheat Montana yesterday in Three Forks, and THEY HAD NO BEARCLAWS!!!!!!!!! I drove 30 miles out of my way to get a bearclaw, but had to make do with raspberry croissants--blah.
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Re: Polar Vortex Tuesday

Postby Othersharon » Tue Jul 15, 2014 12:05 pm

Morning all,

I'm kind behind on the posts but trying to catch up on everyone! Right now I'm sitting on sister's deck enjoying the cool CO temps. Flew into Denver last Friday via a roundabout way over WY. Storms in Denver area delayed our landing by 20-30 minutes. Afternoon storms pretty common for this area! Haven't done much yet except trying out some neat restaurants in the area! Trying out foods I don't normally get at home. With luck we'll try to get in some sightseeing in the next few days. We haven't strayed far because of the horses. Need to get them back in if the weather turns bad. If it hadn't been for the time constraints I would have loved to bring the rv and dogs. I sure miss them but they are in good hands back home. Not sure how many more trips I'll take like this. A big reason for the rv is to have the pups with me plus my own space! Right now I'm watching a momma deer and 2 babies out in the field plus all the birds around the feeders. I don't have a clue what they are but they are entertaining! Sister knows what they are so she keeps me informed! Time to get ready to run errands so I'll wish you all a great day!
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Re: Polar Vortex Tuesday

Postby judi » Tue Jul 15, 2014 1:18 pm

So glad that those of you who were steaming hot now have some relief. It's very cold at night but sunny around 68 in the daytime here in Seward, Alaska. Finally sun after 4 days of rain! I managed to kick whatever virus was bugging me and now I feel great. I'll be here for a few days and then on to Homer. I'll be in Homer for 3 nights, then taking the ferry to Seldovia and will dry camp for a few days. Then continue north to Fairbanks and Denali! I hope everyone had a wonderful day!

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Re: Polar Vortex Tuesday

Postby dayspring39 » Tue Jul 15, 2014 1:48 pm

Good Afternoon....so late because I have been trying to get into my e-mail account and can't... guess I forgot my password... do not use it ever now it has me logged out so no mail... I know I was hacked again... I may have to just get a different account...
My daughter is feeling better today at least not a foggy head from the anesthetic... the injections will help hopefully by next week...
Its back to the eye doctor for me this afternoon... my eyes are not right...
Ava do the busses you drive have air conditioning? The big busses do not here but the last one I had for a couple of years was a short bus and it had air... oh that was nice... did you post pictures of your handi work and I did not see them?
Cheryl ditch that job and sit outside!!
Bj it was in the 50s here this morning so we got the cool down... oh so nice... no air and door is open...
I just cannot pull my self out of this funky mood... do not even want to get the motorhome ready to go north...
Judi glad the bug left and you are able to enjoy Alaska..
Better sign out before I get everyone down...
Kathleen or Kathy

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Re: Polar Vortex Tuesday

Postby chalet05 » Tue Jul 15, 2014 8:33 pm

judi wrote:So glad that those of you who were steaming hot now have some relief. It's very cold at night but sunny around 68 in the daytime here in Seward, Alaska. Finally sun after 4 days of rain! I managed to kick whatever virus was bugging me and now I feel great. I'll be here for a few days and then on to Homer. I'll be in Homer for 3 nights, then taking the ferry to Seldovia and will dry camp for a few days. Then continue north to Fairbanks and Denali! I hope everyone had a wonderful day!

Judi, I imagine you drove right by us as we have been parked along the road at Turnagain Arm for days (just south of Beluga Point) waiting for Bore Tide that didn't happen. Tonight we are boondocked on the road to Exit Glacier outside of Seward before doing boat tour tomorrow!!
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Re: Polar Vortex Tuesday

Postby judi » Tue Jul 15, 2014 9:41 pm

Anita! I'm at the Stoney Creek RV Park just north of Seward. Tomorrow I'm headed for Soldatna and then on to Homer the next day. Will you be in Homer?
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Re: Polar Vortex Tuesday

Postby chalet05 » Tue Jul 15, 2014 11:34 pm

Judi, I am not going to Homer. Will be in Soldatna area Thursday.
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