Happy Friday

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Happy Friday

Postby carolb » Fri Jul 11, 2014 6:04 am

G'morning all :)

Great to see Lori yesterday!!! Waiting to hear your report, Ava....

Ha, the way to not pay taxes is to NOT make any money :lol: Thank goodness for SS, which I never thought would be there for me to collect :shock:

Wishing y'all a great start to the weekend for whatever you have planned. Niece from NYC will be in town to run the Boiler Maker Race. Will be fun to see her.

Have a great day & be safe always! 8-)
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Re: Happy Friday

Postby grammynmaggie » Fri Jul 11, 2014 6:21 am

Good morning Carolb... and all... another beautiful day here
got quite a bit done yesterday... emptyed I don't 2 rooms upstairs
now they are done for sure we scrubbed them last summer....
most everything is crowd in the living room... I have to
sort through some of it...yard sale commingle up... still posting
with the phone... so better get busy now... have a fun day and stay safe donna
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Re: Happy Friday

Postby Irmi » Fri Jul 11, 2014 6:45 am

Good morning Carolb, Donna & everyone!

Ava, hoping things went well for you yesterday.

Kathleen, I hope the new number you got is unlisted.

Been very busy here the last couple weeks, making regular visits to attorneys office to close Dad's estate. Am trying to get a duplicate title for his car as we can't find the original anywhere. Today I close his personal checking account and open his estate account so I can continue paying his bills. Tomorrow all us kids are going to his house to empty it, take what we want and sell the rest at auction. Then the house will go on the market. If we can schedule appointments around it, we're going to try to get away for a week so I can clear my head.

Wishing all of you well.
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Re: Happy Friday

Postby BayouLady » Fri Jul 11, 2014 7:13 am

Good morning all, happy Friday!

Unlisted phone number? Nah, just have it listed under a bogus name and not pay extra for "unlisted" .

Irmi, not an easy job emptying a home and memories divided. Hopefully everything goes smoothly and no squabbles over things.

It's a busy weekend ahead, another test ahead and somehow I need to get a CPR/first aid test done that is not even on the official schedule but I have to have this done before starting the internship. Cleaning wounds and bandages, I've done many times, CPR is the one to know but hope you never have to use.

Have a great weekend and stay cool!

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Re: Happy Friday

Postby Redetotry » Fri Jul 11, 2014 8:29 am

It is a beautiful COOL morning here but supposed to warm up quite a bit later. Sure feels good right now though. I am not going to say Rabbits next month!!! I did this month for I think the first time. Well, no more, I think it has been bringing me bad luck. The latest being, I found about a jillion tiny ticks on Toby yesterday and talk about being creeped out. He must have picked up a seed tick, in all the 50+ years I've had dogs this was a first and I hope the last such experience. He now has a streak of Frontline on his back which I hope has killed all the creepy crawlies. I went to an early, 7 AM yard sale, the lure being antique jewelry, I should have known...she had a pile of recent rather junkie jewelry! I did manage to keep my displeasure to a simple, thank you but that is not antique jewelry :x :x
Hoping you don't have to wait too long on the result of your appointment yesterday Ava and that it will be ok.
Happy weekend.
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Re: Happy Friday

Postby Acadianmom » Fri Jul 11, 2014 9:25 am

Yesterday I finally washed the front of the house with a long brush. I'm afraid to use a pressure washer because the siding is so flimsy. There is suppose to be a cool front coming through in a few days so I will try to get the back if it cools off a little. I got too hot yesterday.

I am bring Annie in a little while to get the vet to check her. She hasn't been her wild and crazy self for a couple of days. She drank some water this morning but wouldn't eat.

Evie, I answered your PM yesterday. I don't think we get emails telling us we have PM's anymore.

BJ, for some reason we don't have ticks or chiggers. I don't know how we lucked out on that. In 40 years I have found one tick on the dog. When we had cows I didn't notice them having ticks. I went home with my college roommate years ago to central Louisiana and we got into some seed ticks. I have never seen so many ticks.

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Re: Happy Friday

Postby grammynmaggie » Fri Jul 11, 2014 9:29 am

Just to add a note... grand daughter in law is in labor
so that makes me going to be a great grandma
sometime today!!!!!!!!
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Re: Happy Friday

Postby dayspring39 » Fri Jul 11, 2014 9:32 am

Good Morning from cool Normal... Put the fan in the window and it got down to 70 inside... that will soon be blown up with the warm day we will be having... my roof is in the sun most of the day so air conditioner has been running a lot... hide my head when the bill comes...
Yes and thanks Irmi the number is not published and it didn't cost anything... it has been such a hassle trying to remember everyone... but it will work out... they did walk me through making my number invisible when I call out...
Did not sleep much last night... went to bed around 2 got up at 5 so I bet I will fall asleep in my chair later... bad habit...
Oh Tina there are some lovely old mansions in Marshal, Mi... I hope Remi enjoys the competition...
Will get a shower in a while and set outside to enjoy the day before it gets hot...
Take care everyone..
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Re: Happy Friday

Postby avalen » Fri Jul 11, 2014 10:06 am

good morning :D
the doctor appt went well, now just have to wait a week to 10 days for results of the biopsy. There were two, one on the side of my elbow and one on the end of my nose. The one on my arm is so very sore and of course big, about the size of a dime. The
one on the end of my nose, tiny and barely noticeable. I was surprised but he did explain ahead of time he was using a different procedure on the nose than the arm so the nose wouldn't leave a big scar. Not worried about a scar, just want it to
be negative. Had to pick up a big patch bandaid for my arm to keep it covered, it actually makes it feel better. Isn't that
what bandaids are for to make us feel better :lol: Gonna have to send "Bandaid" a memo and complain just a little, with
all the stars and rocket ships, you'd think they would make some pink bandaids with flamingos on them. :lol:
The plan for today....gonna remodel the shelf I put up in the livingroom years ago. I've got new wood and laminate flooring
pieces to make it nice and fresh and easy to dust. The old plywood is rough and really doesn't clean very easy but at the
time I needed it, it was what I had available. The laminate flooring was a donation a couple years ago and all I needed to buy was a 1/2 x 1, actually two ($2) and get them cut accordingly. :D so, there's my next project, and the deck will get totally finished when school starts and my regular paychecks come in.
I'm done rambling, ya'll have a great day and be safe.
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Re: Happy Friday

Postby chalet05 » Fri Jul 11, 2014 11:36 am

Good Morning,

We are south of Anchorage on Turnagain Arm. Timing is right for bore tide this weekend. Weather is awful. Strong winds and rain since we came Wednesday so we have just stayed put. Needed binoculars, but I did spot 2 mountain goats and a black bear in the hills.

Irmi, so much involved with closing an estate. Hope you get that weekend away.

BJ, it seems I'm hearing more about ticks this year - at least from Kansas and Wisconsin.

Ava, waiting is hard! LeRoy has had several skin cancers so I know the drill.

Everyone have a great day and weekend!
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Re: Happy Friday

Postby WickedLady » Fri Jul 11, 2014 12:52 pm

Been a busy week. Dorothy's niece came out from Maine to settle the estate and several of us helped clear out most of the stuff. We all took what we wanted and closed the place up.
Anyone want to buy a mobilehome here in WA cheap? The niece just wants done with it.
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