Oh Lordie ladies do I have my hands full My darling Emmanuella (Miss Emma) is a terror.
We had my daughter's dog (evacuated from New Orleans) and Layla is kind of hyper so I was worried how I was gonna handle the two of them together and if Layla would hurt Emma because she is so small. Duh, I had to protect Layla from Emma The little stinker ATTACKED Layla, growling, snarling, barking. My daughter picked her up and told her it was a good thing she was so cute (as she pulled Layla's hair out of her mouth) Ladies that is one STUBBORN chihuahua, we are fighting a collar and leash, only because she won't come to me when she is outside doing her business and runs from me. This would be alright except for the fact that she is so small her head and body can go through the chain link fence and there is a 100 pound black lab(sweet, but goofy)waiting there to "play with her". I know he would hurt her, so I am scared to death. Any advice on how long they will fight the collar and leash? I would appreciate any advice from the chihuahua lovers on this forum.
I called her my darling fragile little angel, my daughter calls her my demon dog. Well, Layla, mama and daddy are coming to help Jim put tarps on the roof this weekend, so round 2 will start again. Will let you know about how it goes. Wish me luck.