Rainy Thursday

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Rainy Thursday

Postby Othersharon » Thu Apr 11, 2024 11:44 am

Another stormy rainy forecast for us starting this afternoon into tomorrow. Temps are up so trees and flowers are starting to show there is hope that spring is here! My snowblower still has gas and is ready to go but I think it’s safe to get it ready to be stored in back of the garage and move the lawnmower to the front. Glad I was at least able to get out in the yard the other day when we had a sunny warm day. I guess this is a fairly typical spring pattern if I can even say there’s a typical pattern. I’ve been trying to get Buddy out for walks between rainstorms. He doesn’t seem to mind the rain but I’m the one not enjoying walking in the rain. Barbie, you’ve done a nice job on your porch. When I was at Tractor Supply yesterday I saw they had a bunch of discounted plants for sale. Guess the freeze the other day did them in. I still wonder why stores get their shipments so early when there’s always such a big chance for freezing and snow in this area. Even the first of May can prove to be problematic for displaying them outside. Beth, sorry about your refrigerator issue but sounds like waiting until you return to your TT works out. Nice that this new park doesn’t have any restrictions on colors people use. I think that I need to go to the meat market today and get some more bones for Buddy to chew on. They keep him entertained for a while anyway and something he can chew on instead of everything else he decides is fair game for him. I need to remember to give him his heart worm chew today too. Right now he’s awake from his morning nap so need to get out for a walk around the neighborhood and watch the black clouds moving in! Have a great day and hope you find something to enjoy.
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Re: Rainy Thursday

Postby JudyJB » Thu Apr 11, 2024 12:35 pm

Power is out in campground and it is a windy 84 degrees here, so I am going to drive out and get a propane fill. Too hot to sit here without AC!

Then, even though I keep saying I am going to do it, I am determined to get my income tax done today!!!
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Re: Rainy Thursday

Postby Irmi » Thu Apr 11, 2024 2:35 pm

Good afternoon O^Sharon, Judy and all!

I remember too well the spring weather in MD and despised the long, chilly, wet springs. Judy, did you get any of the nasty weather this afternoon? Lots of FL counties ad tornado watches. Tampa was in a tornado warning as we were driving trough it. Barbie, your porch looks nice.

Our car was in shop for almost a week to take care of an idiot light that was on. When we went to pick it up yesterday and pulled into our driveway, noticed damage on the rear quarter panel. Steve called the shop and the owner said he noticed the damage as I was driving off and talked to the mechanic that moved the car into the garage. he finally fessed up and said he backed it into a golf cart. The owner said he would take care of having it repaired.

Today we went to Sun City Center, south of Tampa, to visit friends that we take turns visiting each month. On the way home, the weather was awful, with strong winds and extremely heavy rain. Visibility was awful. I'm glad we are home.
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Re: Rainy Thursday

Postby JudyJB » Thu Apr 11, 2024 3:04 pm

Power is still out. Very windy and scary driving over bridge but I got propane fill and a couple of grocery things. Bad weather is due to come thru in maybe 3 hours which is about when power will be back. Drove past guys working on the lines and they have a lotto do. Its main line into island. Got my generator running and AC on but rig is rocking and rolling because I don’t have levelers.

Rest of week supposed to be cooler but it’s a muggy 86 right now. I like70s instead of 80s.
"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts." Mark Twain.
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Re: Rainy Thursday

Postby Bethers » Thu Apr 11, 2024 6:04 pm

Excellent appt at the eye center today. Both eyes are at 20/20. I was surprised and happy! They wanted me back in 4 months, we agreed on me coming back mid to late October as long as I call if any problems. One eye drop stopped and I've I'll finish what I have. The last still taking is more for my dry eyes and taken the most and I like it and probably will continue it over all the others I've tried over the years. I'm going to be planning my get away for Wed or Thurs next week. Fingers crossed everything that needs to happen will before then and I'll end up only about a week behind my originally thought arrival at my site in Arizona.

I got a replacement cover for the cover on my converter that's broken and duct taped on. No one with you tubes, etc show how they take the cover off. One said just snap off the cover. They were more showing how to replace the entire converter. Anyway, my guess was I needed to remove two screws but I'm not a fan of working with electric so asked one of my neighbors over to look at it. Yep those two screws would do the trick. 5 minutes later, all done. Now I won't worry about Ty's dog hair getting in and causing problems. Plus all the dust when windy.

I lost my sun glasses somewhere today and was told I could get slightly lower # reading glasses so stopped at Dollar Tree and got a pair of each.
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Re: Rainy Thursday

Postby OregonLuvr » Thu Apr 11, 2024 8:38 pm

Busy day here for me. Last day of our good weather so spent most of it outside and running errands. Picked up my grocery order, picked up another 10 bags of mulch, bought a couple of azaleas and a rhododendron for the front yard. None of those do well in full sun and my backyard is hot full sun most of the summer. The sun has disappeared and getting cloudy and breezy. There is a front coming in for the next few days so now guess I will be working in my bathroom. Ordered my textured paint so once I do the drywall mud and it dries I can paint.

Beth great news on your eye checkup. Very glad you got the A-okay to come back in October. Velda good news to you too, Chris will be coming home, that will be a relief to not have to drive up there every day I am sure. Judy hope you get your power back soon. Sharon we had a few really good days too but ours is coming to a close also but I have high hopes it will be back soon.

Just finished dinner, I was so hungry as I forgot to eat lunch LOL now that is a rarity. Had fish and fresh green beans was super good. Now time to just kick back and catch up on a couple of shows. Beth I tried to watch Ghosts once but just couldnt get into it, glad you found it enjoyable.

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Re: Rainy Thursday

Postby Acadianmom » Thu Apr 11, 2024 9:35 pm

We had a sunny day for a change. Nice to see the blue sky. Judy you probably got some of the bad weather that came thru here. There were several tornados North of Lafayette and there are still places without power. I'm glad all I got was rain. I haven't talked to my sister. She probably got a lot more wind than I did.

The deli had what they call pork fingers in gravy so I went to town and picked up a lunch. Got my weekly serving of beets. lol The pork fingers are probably just a roast cut up and cooked in gravy but it's good. I had some for lunch and dinner and there is still enough for tomorrow. If they have left over biscuits from breakfast they will give you one on the lunch if you ask. I save the biscuit for breakfast.

Sharon, you reminded me that I promised Luna a bone when I went to town and I forgot her bone. I'm a week late putting flea treatments on the cats. I'm not sure I have enough for all of them. It's hard to find at Walmart, they are usually out of it.

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Re: Rainy Thursday

Postby snowball » Fri Apr 12, 2024 12:24 am

I reversed my route today normally after our late breakfast/brunch I will read scriptures and usually end up either taking a long time while watching some of the podcasts or doing word search or just lazing around... and then I find it's late and time to fix supper and there fore I accomplish zilch nada nothing... today after breakfast which was a tad bit earlier half hour or so I watered the plants and vacuumed then in to read scriptures didn't watch any podcast either then a bit of word search looked in some of the photo albums that is on the next shelf down well I'm running out of room for my books so going to move some albums and that hopefully will give me room for 6 more month's (it's just one section of the book case) my son in law is giving dd#2 a surprise birthday party in May so was looking for pictures of her but what I could find was with cousins or sister's saw one of me with my kids when I had an afro hair style wow was that a big head of hair :lol: still have a few albums to go through so I can use that section... found pictures of aunts and uncles at a reunion in 1985 need to figure out how to share them on the family page and wouldn't you know it some many of the pictures don't have names on the back like a great many of them...
I finish the dish towel I was making for dd decided even though she is using it more for decoration it will need to be washed every so often so decided to make a matching on it's a simple pattern just takes awhile to get 18 inches... they bought one of the cones had lots left over so wanted to use more of it... I don't like using the cones so perhaps when I finish the second towel I'll give the cone to my sister in law she likes using them...
I am still thinking the hat I'm making for the ggrandson is way to big... need to get to the kid and try it myself... :roll:
glad you got a good report on my eyes Beth... I actually wish that I'd gone that route where I wouldn't have had to wear glasses to see distances but oh well we make choices and sometimes regret it...
I saw some reports of lots of rain in various areas was it New Orleans got 7 inches in just a couple of hours... hoping all is well with any of you in the area's of bad weather
Velda good luck in getting it all done before Chris makes it home
you all have a great day
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Re: Rainy Thursday

Postby BarbaraRose » Fri Apr 12, 2024 2:13 am

Just getting ready for bed here. Just about midnight.

Got the trash and recycle bottles out of the house. Cleaned out my freezer and fridge. Brought some things to Gloria next door. Did 2 loads of laundry. Got another load or two tomorrow to do. Other than that, I mostly watched the Masters Golf Tournament in Augusta, Georgia. That is one of the most popular tournaments and it is so pretty this time of year with the Azalea's and Dogwoods in bloom all around the golf course, surrounded by tall pine trees. Tiger Woods is playing in this one and looked good today. I will be watching that all weekend. Also need to clean the house since I have my prior agent coming over on Sunday for a haircut. He is still healing from his foot surgery but can get around with a cane now.

I didn't paint today since I needed to be coming and going so much. I will paint over the missing patches in the morning and wait until Sunday to do the colored paint over it.

It got to 95* today with no wind so it wasn't too comfortable out there. Sunday will be 76* and then back up to the 90's again after that. Summer is coming! :shock:

A neighbor guy I talked to today said his daughter wants to buy an RV and travel full-time, but he told her he won't let her do that. I asked how old she is and he said 37! :o Geeze! Let the woman make her own decisions! Reminds me of my own dad who tried to control my life like that. It took me til I was 39 before I got the guts to do what I wanted regardless of what he said. He always threatened to disown me if I did things he didn't want me to do. I feel sorry for this woman because I can relate. Hopefully, she will just do what she wants. She has a remote job and makes good money so she could do it on her own. Neighbor seems to think only creepy homeless people live in campers waiting to prey on unsuspecting single women out there.
He also told me I will probably never sell my house. :roll: Funny thing, he lives next door to my RV neighbors who are sisters and one of them told me if I get an RV and travel that I will hate it. Not surprising, she and the guy hate each other with a passion. They are both controlling, complaining, and negative people.

Time for bed!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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