Wet Sunday

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Wet Sunday

Postby Othersharon » Sun Feb 11, 2024 1:15 pm

Afternoon all! It’s been a few days of nice weather but off and on rain the last couple of days. Just enough to water the mud! But temps have been great. Reality hits us probably tomorrow night with 4”-8” of snow forecasted for this area into Tuesday. Was thinking this morning that I need to check my gas can to make sure I have enough for the snowblower. I’ve been putting off going to the store but since I’m out of milk I should get in gear and go today. Hopefully everyone has gotten their goodies for the game tonight and it won’t be packed. Why I seem to wait for the weekend is beyond me! Sue, I am hope Molly is recovering well. Buddy had to wear the cone for both of his surgeries and I finally ran a thinner collar through it and kept it on him that way. Velda and Judy, hoping your sons are recovering well. Not much has been happening for me which is just fine with me! Beth, kind of sounds like the place you’re out now may not have much business once word gets around with what’s been happening. I’m not sure I’d be happy living with HOA situation. Guess if I knew what was expected upfront it might be doable but seems some change the rules on their whims. Suppose I should get moving and go out and brave the store! Hope you all have a good day.
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Re: Wet Sunday

Postby JudyJB » Sun Feb 11, 2024 1:45 pm

Martha, not only does the builder write the rules, he writes them to benefit himself, and the company can do almost anything they want with the money. My friend bought a new condo, and her builder did not bother to pay the water bill for two years of construction, so the owners ended up with a $15,000 bill they had to share. Tip: If you are buying new construction with a HOA, make sure you buy one of the last homes. This will mean the builder will have to turn the HOA over to owners faster. Each state has rules for when that is, usually something like 60% or 70% of homes occupied by owners. The faster owners can take over, the better, so they can change the rules if needed.

Also, if you do buy with a HOA, make sure you review not only the rules, but also the financial records. You want to know what they have and have not spent money on, and you want to make sure they have put money aside in a reserve fund for future big costs like new roofs. A good HOA should also have a future plan for when such costs will likely occur and how they plan to save for it. Remember that big condo that fell down in Florida because they could not afford repairs? My fellow POA and I sold my aunt's condo in Florida because homeowners routinely voted down putting money in a reserve account. (Florida allows or allowed that, but most states require reserve funds, and you want to know you will not buy and immediately get stuck with a huge bill for something.) The first year we had control of the condo, they were so broke they had to borrow to pay for building insurance!!!

Still working on cleaning and sorting. Put all the clean smaller size shorts into a clear, plastic, waterproof storage bin. Project for today is to wash out my utility compartment where electric hookup and plug is and where I hook up sewer hose. Had an "oops" a while back so area really needs to be sprayed with soap and bleach, as well as rinsed out. Later this week, I need to work on my under-bed storage area.
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Re: Wet Sunday

Postby OregonLuvr » Sun Feb 11, 2024 2:10 pm

Good morning. Cloudy but no rain, temp 52 so not bad out. Shampooed my bedroom rug and entry way this morning. Had to do it early so I can get into my bed tonight. Took a shower in the guest bedroom and by some miracle I did not forget my clothes. Will continue on room by room shampooing. Have a pot of vegetable soup on the stove. Had some fresh veggies to use up before they went bad and it sure smells good. New recipe so will see how it goes. Soup and Texas toast for lunch.

Speaking of HOA's no matter where you park your RV there is lot rent to be paid whether it be daily, weekly, monthly, seasonally or permanent. Most permanent and/or monthly sites require you to sign some sort of rules contract. I pay lot rent here and also signed a lease. The rules are reasonable so far. We did get sold right after I moved in (of course) but they are going by the original leases. A Canadian company purchased us. Some hiccups along the way tho. No manager off and on, now we seem to have a decent young man. Some dont like him, for whatever reason but he has been fine to me so that is what I go on. Our rent goes up every year but so do most peoples who live in a manufactured home park or apartment. I am happy here tho so that is all that matters to me. My neighbors are great and have a good Handyman just down the street but he goes to Arizona for the winter ha ha Have my repair people dialed in so far it is working for me.

Nothing much else happening. Will watch the game this afternoon. Hoping it will be a good one. I hate watching when it is a runaway by one team. I turn it off then, too boring.

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Re: Wet Sunday

Postby Acadianmom » Sun Feb 11, 2024 4:39 pm

I turned the air conditioner on today because it was so warm and muggy in the house. It's 75 and overcast outside. We were suppose to get a lot of rain today but the radar shows that most of it might miss us. The mosquitoes are really bad so we don't need more rain. I had quite a few in the house last night for some reason.

I didn't know that companies could own the HOA until I saw it on some of the houses I looked at on Zillow. The first two things I would look at was the flood rating and if it had an HOA. I am just hoping I never have to move to town.

Decided to wash one of the cat beds and some towels I use for cat beds. I figured I would have a lot of trouble with the washer being unbalance but so for so good. Luna quit sleeping in her kennel and sleeps in a big dog bed. I put a waterproof pad in it and a smaller bed over that. She manages to remove both of them at night. CC had peed in the dog bed one time and that is really hard to wash. I don't know how laundry mats feel about people washing dog beds.

I cooked a hamburger for lunch. My little air fryer does a good job on one hamburger patty. I have a package of ribeye hamburger patties and brisket hamburger patties in the freezer. I think the ribeye patties are the best. I package them so I can just take one out. I don't have any snacks for the big game. lol I'm not sure what time it even starts.

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Re: Wet Sunday

Postby Bethers » Sun Feb 11, 2024 9:29 pm

I played with setting carpet pieces on the tt floors and setting about turning them this way and that way. I wasn't really paying attn to colors, not even using a few of my favorite pieces, but think I've decided on a pattern. There are two identical dark grey/black pieces that are heavier. Those I will use at the entrance, otherwise who knows what I'll put where for the others. But here are a couple pictures of pieces laying on the floor in the pattern I like.
Looking at the door
Looking from the back to front
Finally looking from the front to the back

I may get colors moved around and pieces cut but might just wait to do it all in the fall when I'm hooked up to power and water. It'll go pretty fast then.

I drove through my first choice by price and location of other parks today. I knew their office would be closed today but I just wanted to take a look. It's not fancy but neither is where I am and it could work. I have an appt tomorrow to get my haircut and an HEB pickup order, so I'll try calling and see if I can go in and talk to someone and see more, etc. I like that they're closer to town, but I like the walking paths here better for Ty. Nothing has everything so it's doable if things go that way after taking and looking closer.

It was really loud on the rec hall with excitement while SF was ahead. Go Chiefs... I just checked the score because I'm not hearing anything and the Chiefs have gone ahead. My bff is a good Chiefs fan so I'm rooting for them. Anything can still happen.
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Re: Wet Sunday

Postby snowball » Mon Feb 12, 2024 1:26 am

Dd is here doing the laundry thought she was staying tomorrow night but she has an appointment Tues... not sure if she will or not but she will be here for supper tomorrow night going to have Salmon and butternut risotto her therapist husband came and cleaned out her chimney so she wants to make cookies for them... or rather she would like me to make cookies for them as she doesn't have a lot ingredients for cookies... might make mini brownie bites as I have a pan for it will see and also have the stuff for a treat called fruckles one of those interesting things that sound like it would be interesting enough to try... but more than what I want to make for mom and I will have to see what I end up doing ...
I need to go find my recipe for the salmon make sure I have enough dijon mustard hopefully
it's just been a normal Sunday
hopefully Beth that you will find what will work for you the best...
you all have a great day
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Re: Wet Sunday

Postby Cudedog » Mon Feb 12, 2024 4:26 am

Finally getting on here tonight to catch up on the posts.

I had some errands to do today, and most of the big box stores I needed to go to were pretty much empty. I made a mental note to remember to do my errands on Sunday from now on, so as to avoid the crowds.

Well. . . Duh.

It wasn't until I read the posts just now that I realized the likely reason every place was so empty was because it was "game day".

LOL. That's about how much I pay attention to sports!!

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