Let's start our day with a good morning here.


Postby OregonLuvr » Wed Feb 07, 2024 9:20 am

Good morning. Another rainy day here. I still tell myself we need it. We are just getting a steady rain nothing like CA is getting. I dont think we are still in a drought tho. Oh well it is what it is. Looking forward to some sunshine one of these days. We have had a smattering of sunshine but very briefly.

Thinking of Molly and Sue this morning. Hope everything goes well. Healthcare here in Roseburg is very spotty. They come and go so fast it is like a revolving door. They either retire or move. I lucked out and got a great primary and she is a PA. Very smart, listens, not a bit pushy about things. I dont think she will be leaving any time soon. Was born and raised here, married, family, and is fairly young. Hope she doesnt anyway. When I was so sick got referred to a Pulmonologist and I really liked her too. Older tho so who knows. Still keeping my Rheumatologist in Medford tho as there is none here. He doesnt think I need to see him anymore as I am doing just fine in that dept. But will keep me on the books just in case. So far so good.
I am playing Bunco this afternoon so that will be fun. Just nice to get out of the house even if it is a block away LOL

I bought a portable generator last year as during the summer they keep shutting off our power due to wildfires. I only had to use it twice so far and not for very long but it is great. I cannot have a whole house generator but with this I dont need it anyway. I just like being prepared for any possible longer outages. It will run everything I need it to run....coffee pot LOL, fridge, freezer, tv, charge my electronics. Can run a fan if it is hot and my electric throw if cold. I dont think a solar one would work too well here in the winter. Below is the one I bought and a video that shows all you can run with this little powerhouse, and it only weighs 39lbs. Holds a gallon of gas. So far I love it.


https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0858 ... =UTF8&th=1

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Postby Redetotry » Wed Feb 07, 2024 10:40 am

Good Morning Karen and all who come on later. I too am thinking of Sue and hope all goes well.

So far the week could be better technically speaking. On Monday while burying the new line for our TV they cut the a line so I had no TV, no internet and no land line phone! I was able to catch the man as he was leaving to tell him but he spoke very little English. Finally through he went to check and I saw him splicing a wire back together. So all was well until yesterday morning and we had no internet. I called the cable place and they said it was working when he left and to call my internet company. Called them and not only was the connection bad but I had a very hard time understanding what was being said. They kept saying I had to upgrade to fiber optic. I kept repeating I didn’t want that but it seemed to be a requirement for getting a repair person. Come to find out the company, Frontier had a major outage and the estimated repair time was 24-48 hours! My cell phone would work off and on, I could also sent text messages. By the end of the day all was restored, including my sanity. I just called Frontier to tell them to cancel the appointment but they swore everyone had to switch. It took 20 minutes but I finally agree to do it but I was able to change the appointment to the 20th so I can look at other options. I think customer service is moving online and so they make it difficult to talk to a person.
But today the sun is out and it is supposed to be 66 on Friday!!

I think doctors only order tests now. I haven’t had a regular doctor touch my body in at least 8 years. They press the stethoscope to various places and move it so quickly they couldn’t possible hear much. However the PA I see at the heart doctors office does do a good job of listening. The GP I see orders tests and that is all. He changed my DH’s blood pressure after one high reading in his office and tried to do the same with me. I didn’t say anything just took my numbers for week at home in to the heart PA and after seeing those and checking my pressure mid visit instead of at the beginning she reduced the dosage I had been on!

Martha good to hear you finally got the gate!! Can you call your doctors office and have them send you a print out of your tests? That is crazy to have to wait, we have something called My Chart and I get results sometimes before the doctor does! Judy good luck finding a doctor or a PA it is not easy! I get more out of the homeopath I see online who is also a doctor in Brazil and the acupuncture person I see here who was also a doctor but only does acupuncture now.
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Postby SoCalGalcas » Wed Feb 07, 2024 10:56 am

Sue, thinking of you and Molly this morning. I remember when you got her. A bundle of lovable fur!,, hope everything goes well. Yes, dogs adapt quite well to things that would knock us humans for a loop! I will think of her all day with loving thoughts until we hear from you again. Lyn

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Postby Acadianmom » Wed Feb 07, 2024 11:56 am

I'm also thinking of Sue and Molly this morning. Hope everything goes well and no complications.

It's a good thing I got up and got dressed this morning because the guy to work on the internet was here at 8:00. He started checking the wires and found a burnt connection. Hopefully that is all that was wrong. The first guy that came was just about useless. BJ, I feel your pain having to talk to these companies. Most of the time you have to talk to a foreigner you can barely understand. I need to call AT&T and would rather take a beating. The test I had done in January was a scan of the arteries in my neck to see if there was any blockage. I had complained of having some dizzy spells. I don't know if they could put those results online. I need to go back in my emails to when I went to the gynecologist because she put something in the portal and I don't remember the name of it. I hope my computer knows the password. lol

This morning I decided that if I pruned one rose bush every day I could get that done. Once I got started I did 5 bushes. One of these days I will learn to wear gloves when I work in the yard. My hand was bleeding pretty good by the time I got finished. Now I have to get all that to the burn cage.

Luna has passed out in the floor. She must be tired from all the barking she was doing at the repair guy.

My son called yesterday and he has a bad cold. I hope it's not the bad respiratory one that is going around. He was tested for covid and was negative. He hasn't taken the last covid shot yet.

I saw something online yesterday that I want to try, pizza cupcakes. Supposedly Walmart has them. I have a grocery list around here somewhere so might go to town.

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Postby Bethers » Wed Feb 07, 2024 12:06 pm

Sue, I'm thinking about you and Molly also.

I know I'm going into Mexico one day this week. Originally thought today, but it's really windy and the wind walking across is always stronger, so it looks like tomorrow. If I remember, I'll get my hair cut. The main purpose is getting Ty's heartworm and flea/tick stuff. Same stuff, lower prices. I'll make sure to buy enough to last until my fall return. So another basically lazy day. We've had a walk and visited around the park, stopped in the tt and sorted the carpet pieces into color groups. There's one orange and one green. I'm thinking of ways to use those differently. We shall see lol. TV is on, watching season two of NCIS Hawaii.

Martha, I hope that burnt piece was the sole culprit, but I'd be nervous about what caused it to burn? Karen, I'll be thinking about getting a portable generator for the tt next fall. That looks like a nice one. But I'll probably stick with one I can plug the entire tt into if necessary. Time will tell what I do. Probably after I wish I'd already done it. Lol
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Postby BarbaraRose » Wed Feb 07, 2024 12:07 pm

Good morning gals.

I have to thank Sheila for me being up until almost 4am! :shock: I checked out the color-by-number app she does on-line and then posts the finished picture to FB . I tried it out last night and was hooked! Worked on about 6 or 7 of them for hours! Very addicting and relaxing! The only game I play on my phone is Solitaire and I am getting pretty bored with that now. This will certainly keep me busy if not up too late! :roll:

I have 2 haircuts to do before noon today, so will take my new meds after that. I am worried about the nausea that seems to be a common side affect. Can't have that happening while I am at work. The ladies on my FB ADHD group said to make sure to eat a good meal before taking it in the morning. I usually don't have much if any breakfast before 10am, even when I am working. Will have to find something quick but filling to eat before work now. I wonder if scrambled eggs would work? I like those and they are easy and quick to make. I guess the side effects go away after a week or two.

The night before last, the historic Lutsen Lodge up along the North Shore of Lake Superior in northern Minnesota burned to the ground! It was 134 years old and an icon in MN. The owner says he will rebuild it but it will not be the same of course, as the original historic building. So sad. :( My mom and I stopped there for lunch once. It is also a well-loved ski resort.

Need to spend today and tomorrow cleaning this place for the photos on Friday.

The sun is out and clear blue skies with the birds singing. :D
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Postby Acadianmom » Wed Feb 07, 2024 12:25 pm

Beth, the burnt connection was outside on the pole. It could have been from a lightening strike near here. There was a really loud one but don't remember how long ago it was.

BJ, you were right, my test results were in the portal. I'm not sure how to read it but says normal velocities and waveforms. Doesn't look like I have a problem.

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Postby Cudedog » Wed Feb 07, 2024 1:19 pm

OregonLuvr wrote:
I bought a portable generator last year as during the summer they keep shutting off our power due to wildfires. I only had to use it twice so far and not for very long but it is great. I cannot have a whole house generator but with this I dont need it anyway. I just like being prepared for any possible longer outages. It will run everything I need it to run....coffee pot LOL, fridge, freezer, tv, charge my electronics. Can run a fan if it is hot and my electric throw if cold. I dont think a solar one would work too well here in the winter. Below is the one I bought and a video that shows all you can run with this little powerhouse, and it only weighs 39lbs. Holds a gallon of gas. So far I love it.


https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0858 ... =UTF8&th=1

Sue, here's hoping Molly's surgery is over by now, and that both of you are doing fine.

Karen, thanks for posting this info. That little generator looks really sweet - it will do more, and costs hundreds less, than the Jackery I was looking at (a Jackery is just a really big battery, it isn't actually a generator).

I will put this one on my "lust" list. :lol: :lol: :lol:

What kind of maintenance does it require?

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Postby JudyJB » Wed Feb 07, 2024 4:23 pm

I had to get up before the sun this morning to dump my tanks and drive 98 miles to this new urology. Stopped for gas and just barely made it, but hospital had lots of parking, which was good.

Anyway, I really like this guy because he actually explained stuff. Last urologist told me I had a kidney stone in the "meat" of my left kidney, but it would never pass. Nothing else, so I have been worrying about kidney damage, this stone growing and taking over space in kidney, etc. etc. etc.!! This new guy says it is a result of previous stone and is very unlikely to grow or cause any problems!! So, why couldn't the other urologist I saw tell me this???? He also explained about the relationship between the calcium, vitamin D levels, parathyroid levels, and some other things in my blood. Low vitamin D causes parathyroid to cause calcium to leak out of system and dump into kidneys, causing stones, so he ordered blood tests for me on all of those things.

Most importantly, NO SURGERY!! He agrees that since my parathyroid levels are below normal or a tiny bit above normal that there is no reason for surgery. Also, he said that kidney function lowers about 1% per year, so the numbers shown as a normal range on blood tests also depend on age. He said my kidneys are working very well for my age--much better than I expected, as I figured after all the problems i have had with stones that I probably had serious kidney damage. He also said I was almost certainly born with this condition. (Interesting, since both my paternal grandmother and her father died of kidney disease.) He has a medication he also thinks will help me, but he wants me to see a nephrologist (kidney specialist) first. They will call me to set up appointment in next couple of weeks.
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Postby BarbaraRose » Wed Feb 07, 2024 11:41 pm

I went to do the first haircut and realized I didn't bring home my equipment from work the other day. I just cut it with a scissors and it worked out OK, but the next haircut I had scheduled needed my clippers and trimmer, so I postponed the haircut for an hour and drove to work to pick up my tools. Did the haircut and chatted for a bit.

By then, it was almost 2pm. I decided to have lunch (spaghetti) and then take my new meds and see what the side affects would be. Well, shortly after taking it, I got really sleepy and fell asleep for several hours. That won't work for me if I have to take it in the morning before work. I will have to take it at night and see if that side affect gets better eventually so I can start taking it in the mornings as recommended. I didn't feel nauseous at all which is good.

However, I got absolutely nothing done around here today. So tomorrow I have to get the whole house cleaned up for the photos on Friday morning. I will be going to bed early tonight!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Postby snowball » Thu Feb 08, 2024 12:30 am

Barbie it is additive although I have other projects so try to only spend an hour or so on 'coloring' and depending upon the page some I can't get done in an evening like the one I'm doing right now... it has 133 I think was the total colors... they take time to find... I saw a recipe that you might like I will have to look for it it was a breakfast taco
perhaps the dosage on you med is too strong a lot of meds they have to adjust to the person..
hope all is going well with Molly, Sue it will probably be more of an adjustment for you
we had beautiful blue sky today at least for part of it I was worried about how the roads would be going to the clinic but the main roads were clear I was surprised to say the least..
the PA that I saw took a lot of time talking about some small concerns I had burned some of them off going to do the ECHO again and see if it's changed have to have labs done but have to go to the hospital to do that (the clinic is a off shoot of the hospital if that makes sense) depending upon the labs I may have other things to do... although one that is a surety is a sleep test done as well as a mamo I didn't feel rushed at all ... but I found out that the wellness check I thought I was going to be having he doesn't do I guess a nurse does that and basically a bunch of questions said it possibly could be done by zoom...
that was the major part of the day went to the grocery store after the appointment spent more than needed and got RX's filled for mom and one for me
finally got the Swiss steak to the table made mashed potatoes and had green beans... oh dang got stuff for salad and forgot to fix it now is a good time to think of it... by stuff lettuce
you all have a great day
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