Rainy Wednesday

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Rainy Wednesday

Postby Cudedog » Wed Jan 31, 2024 11:37 am

Rain - even "rain heavy at times" is predicted for today and almost every day over the next week.

My area now has "possibility of flooding". :o

Oh well. I guess we need it. The rain, I mean. :roll: :lol:

I'm about 1/2 - 3/4 of a mile from the Feather River (we have levees here) so I guess I will be keeping my eye on river levels until these storms pass through.

Warm, though! It was sixty degrees here at about 10:00 p.m. last night. Not good news for the Sierra snow pack - warm rain on snow definitely affects the flood risk here.

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Re: Rainy Wednesday

Postby OregonLuvr » Wed Jan 31, 2024 1:55 pm

Good morning. It is a chilly windy cloudy morning. I had to retrieve my vinyl chair covers and put them back on. I just went out and got a couple of bungee cords to stabilize. They are lightweight so just blow in the breeze. They have straps underneath but because my chairs have a round base they didnt help much before as they just billow and make noise LOL So hopefully the bungees will help.
Henry is hard at work this morning in the family and living room. I dusted yesterday so we are all good in that department.
Going to head into the kitchen and start grating my block of cheese and put in baggies to freeze/ Making tostadas today for lunch and chicken for dinner. So that is planned out. I was going to go to the Dollar store for some more baskets to finish organizing but I have since negated that ides. Too yucky out.
Anne hope all will bell for you. We are supposed to get rain too and right now it is 58 out but the wind makes it dang chilly. Think I will make lunch ha ha

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Re: Rainy Wednesday

Postby BarbaraRose » Wed Jan 31, 2024 4:44 pm

Good afternoon gals,

Looks like I will probably still be here for the big wildflower bloom in the spring from all the rain we have coming. I called my agent this morning and he said the agent he told me about doesn't want to take over the listing. She already has several homes that aren't selling and doesn't want another one. So he is gonna check around with other ReMax agents in the area and see if he can find someone else to take it over. Otherwise I will have to find another agent on my own or just take it off the market. :cry: If I am gonna be stuck here for another year or so, I need to start looking for another job that I can sit most of the day. I can't be standing all the time like I am now. It is hard to find a sit-down job out here. Also, many jobs require bilingual, and job experience or a degree of some sort.

Just got done with the haircut here in the park. I called my SIL but no answer so I left a message. I hope she calls back. Still need to call Spectrum about my TV. I want to watch the golf tournament in Pebble Beach starting tomorrow.

Working on getting a cat trap to do a TNR on the fluffy black kitty (Romeow's friend). It will be in a couple weeks. I gave my trap away a couple months ago thinking I would be moving soon. :roll: Still no sign of the missing cats. :(

Not too motivated to do much cleaning today. :| Maybe will work on the bathroom and then see how I feel.

Have a good day...
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Rainy Wednesday

Postby OregonLuvr » Wed Jan 31, 2024 5:10 pm

Barbie just call tech support at Spectrum, they can walk you thru everything and if needed check out your modem and/or router. Did you try unplugging everything and pluggin it back in after a minute. I have fixed mine several times doing that. Even after I have tried all that and call support they want me to do it again LOL like it is going to change NOT. But they have reset my equipment and they work 24/7

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Re: Rainy Wednesday

Postby JudyJB » Wed Jan 31, 2024 5:12 pm

Martha, wait until one of the cats slips and falls in the bucket! One of my California sons cats likes to drink out of the pool, chemicals and all, but he has fallen in several times. Manages to get out but obviously very wet.

I am stuck in traffic trying to get off Sanibel island. The bridge itself is operational but lots of construction going on on the several small islands under it that are beaches and places to fish. There iso my one way on or off island. Residents lost homes and cars and island was cut off for whole month. Also at least half the island businesses are out of business. Many destroyed trees from hurricane 18 months ago. I came here to ride bike at Ding Darling National Wildlife Area.

Also son is mostly over covid but has infection so they are back in SF hospital in ER right now. Yuck.
Last edited by JudyJB on Wed Jan 31, 2024 9:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rainy Wednesday

Postby BarbaraRose » Wed Jan 31, 2024 8:49 pm

Don't forget to say "Rabbits"!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Rainy Wednesday

Postby JudyJB » Wed Jan 31, 2024 9:14 pm

I definitely need to say Rabbits tonight!! Son has been admitted to SF hospital because he has a high white blood count of 19 (or 1900), indicating a possible infection somewhere. So, he is now on intravenous antibiotics and undergoing a bunch more tests.

Covid is much better, at least.
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Re: Rainy Wednesday

Postby OregonLuvr » Wed Jan 31, 2024 9:55 pm

Judy sorry to hear of your son's readmit. Normal WBC's for him would usually be
5000-11,000. So his are 19000 which does indicate some sort of infection going on. Our WBC's are the army that fights infection. Hope they find the right antibiotic to combat whatever is going on with him.

Getting ready to get under my heated throw until it is time for bed. The dog is curled up next to me keeping warm. It isnt even that cold but it still feels good.

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Re: Rainy Wednesday

Postby Bethers » Wed Jan 31, 2024 10:45 pm

Oh Karen, this heated throw is wonderful. It might have taken me awhile to listen to you, but I'm so glad I finally did.

Judy, I'm so sorry your son it's having this setback. I hope he can quickly overcome the infection.

I spent a little time in the tt this afternoon. I'll go back tomorrow. The manager is promising he'll get power to it for a few hours sometime this week. I hope it happens. I have my good vacuum in my car trunk to really help me get it cleaned better than my cordless will do. I replaced the broken cover on the AC. So that's done. I have a list of things I'll do tomorrow whether I get power or not. It'll change if I get power though. My carpet squares should get to the local Home Depot tomorrow so hopefully I'll pick them up Friday and sit and figure out how I want to put them down. Then it'll mainly be doing some more homey touches. I measured a few wall areas today to hopefully bring some pictures I have at the casita to hang. I've not had walls in either rig before that have me space to do that.

Ok, I'm hoping I remember rabbits. I'll take any luck I can get. :)
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Re: Rainy Wednesday

Postby snowball » Thu Feb 01, 2024 1:13 am

Need to remember RABBITS as well it never hurts to have better luck ;)
didn't do much today ... read scriptures watched a couple of video's that took longer than I figured they would... interesting but I should have done something else... spent a little bit trying to find a pattern I saw the other day one would think if you retrace your steps you would find the same stuff but no doesn't work that way ... and can't figure out what to put in to find it ...
Barbie with the water I would suggest that you do a couple of things get some gals of water and put it out in the shed... yes it will get hot in the summer but if something was to happen and you didn't have water available it would give you water to flush the toilet with to wash up with ect... yes get another case or two of your drinking water for the pantry oh the gals of water you can also use to cook with also if concerned with storing it get purifying tablets or use bleach can't remember the amount but you can look it up
Judy sorry about your son that is too bad hopefully they will find the name of the infection so they can treat it correctly...
I saw on the weather about the what is it called pineapple express sounds like lots of rain can happen on the coast we were suppose to be sunny today but it was cloudy all day and foggy now it sounds like long range we are going to be warmer than normal but also more possibly of moisture... we will see most of the storms have by passed us all winter...
hate it when the mind loses what it was going to comment on
have you taken up the old carpet Beth?? were you planning on painting the walls... I know that you mentioned that smells bother you perhaps the manager would paint the walls for you and then there would be all summer for it to air out
you all have a great day
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Re: Rainy Wednesday

Postby MandysMom » Thu Feb 01, 2024 2:41 am

My sons white count was 32,000 on admit with sepsis! He is getting better each day and ready for transfer to rehab, soon as there is an opening! He still can barely stand a few seconds and can't really use right hand much and left only a bit better. Plus other joints still painful.
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Re: Rainy Wednesday

Postby BarbaraRose » Thu Feb 01, 2024 3:43 am

Sheila, I left a gallon of water out in the shed once during the summer and when I went to move it, the whole (plastic) bottle exploded and water went everywhere. The heat will disintegrate the plastic bottles.

I didn't get any cleaning done but I did find all my notes and paper notebook for my autobiography so I can start back on that. I got a small zippered cloth case to put all that in along with pens, pencils, and my laptop. So it will all be in one place now where I can find it to work on. Found my ADHD notes too, so I can put that together for my appointment next Tuesday.

Didn't hear back from my SIL yet, and no word back from my agent. As of now (after midnight) my house is no longer listed. :( .

I didn't call Spectrum yet and had to fight with my TV again tonight to watch my shows. So that is the first thing to do tomorrow morning. The golf tournament starts at noon.

I think I got all my tax stuff now so I need to get in to see my tax guy soon and get that done. Hoping to get a decent refund. I think last year I got about $1000 back.

I ordered some new valances for my kitchen and dining nook windows that look more modern. Also ordered one each of two different kinds of cabinet handles for the kitchen to see which one looks the best. The handles on them now are very old and dated. That might make things look more up to date in there. The valences were on sale and very inexpensive, and the handles are $1.25 each so that won't cost much to order all I need for the kitchen.

They are offering sand bags out here to those who want them for the upcoming storms. Rain is supposed to start early in the morning and go until Friday mid morning. No plans to go anywhere tomorrow anyways.
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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