Let's start our day with a good morning here.


Postby OregonLuvr » Mon Jan 29, 2024 8:37 am

Good morning, I am up early again for some unknown reason. I did go to bed last night at 9 so guess I got a good nights sleep. Having my second cup of java, so soon should have a pulse and a blood pressure ha ha
Alexa is kind enough to remind me I have a doctor appt this morning but I did remember all on my own. Barbie you should get an echo dot and use Alexa for your appts. It syncs to my calendar and I can set reminders a day ahead, an hour ahead or whatever I need. I usually do the day ahead, and then an hour. It also sets alarms for me. It is really easy to set up and very useful. I do so much more with mine but I did start out with the basics. I just set it up, downloaded the app, and I was good to go. I find my shopping list extremely valuable as I was always forgetting something or leaving my list at home ha ha When I need to add something or change something I usually go to Youtube for any new set ups I want to do or changes I need to make. My whole house uses Alexa for all my lights, Roomba, security cameras I can also ask her about the weather, how far is a certain place, recipes, conversions anything at all. Sometimes she gets off track and I have to tell her to stop. Notifys me when a package arrives or when it will arrive. It is really super easy to use especially if you just want the basics.
I have an early doc appt 7:45 love it, get in and get out quickly. I always try for the earliest appts I can get, gives them less time to get behind ha ha Then not sure what the rest of my day will be. 66/49 and cloudy, rain tomorrow. Right now we have dense fog as usual. We get so much fog here not sure why but we do.
Off to get a shower and get dressed.

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Postby Acadianmom » Mon Jan 29, 2024 11:40 am

I don't remember what time I went to sleep but woke up at 4:00 with a headache. Got up and took some aspirin and went back to sleep until almost 9:00. Luna and the cats seldom let me sleep that late.

My cat gate still hasn't gotten here. When I would look at the tracking number it would keep moving the delivery date a day ahead. Today they are telling me if it doesn't get here today I can cancel the order and get a refund. I don't want a refund, I want my gate. The last time I had to cancel an order it took 2 months to get my money back.

I called my internet service to tell them that the phone number on my account is out of order and to give them my cell phone number in case the technician needed to call me. It's a good thing I called. When I called to make an appointment they told me it was tomorrow from 8-11. Now they are telling me it's today from 2-5. :shock: It's a good thing I called so I can get the stuff out of the floor in there. I better get a move on because there is no telling when he will show up.

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Postby Bethers » Mon Jan 29, 2024 1:46 pm

Karen, I usually try to not go to stores on weekends. But I discovered that on major game days, the stores empty out lol. At least that used to be the case. But I still placed a small order for today to avoid going on Sunday. It's picked up and put away.

Yesterday I was bad. I like cottage cheese. I've always known I should avoid it and most dairy/milk. I had a very small portion of cottage cheese last night with my dinner and had the runs for several hours. Not fun. My small ice cream portions haven't been doing that, but no more chances. I went to all non dairy ice cream many years ago. Some of you might remember I was making my own. To bad I quit doing that, because the all dairy in stores is expensive, but I bought a couple pints today in my pick up order. I haven't been making my smoothies lately and need to get back to them. They are non dairy and high protein and I love them. Just been lazy, I guess. And since I do a lot with chocolate in them, they take away my ice cream cravings. I've got to start being good about that again.

Martha, in glad you found out they're coming today. And hopefully they keep your new number.
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Postby Redetotry » Mon Jan 29, 2024 2:15 pm

Good grief where did the month go it is hard to believe January is almost over! Karen, I have 3 automatic alarm systems for people coming to or anywhere near the door and for package delivery but they require a lot of maintenance :lol: Some of the other serveries provided include, when it is time to go to bed Toby tells me it is time for them to go out, at noon he goes into Michael's studio to tell him it's time for lunch. Emma starts staring at DH 3 minutes before time for him to take her to 'school' but if she is being picked up she goes to the front window to watch for Nancy. If the neighbor who recently moved was coming over Pippa would start with little woofs that increased to full barking when she got to our driveway. Pippa comes to get me to boost her onto the couch at 6:30 to Watch wheel of Fortune. So far they haven't learned to remind us of appointments. :lol:

Martha, did you order your gate from Amazon. I can usually find what I want there or at Chewy and returns are easy. Chewy is especially good if you have a prescription from your vet or for dog food. I think the phone companies are phasing out land lines. Several people I know say they have a hard time getting anyone to come out if they have problems and if they do come they are sometimes told they no longer have the parts needed to repair.

Well Pippa just came to tell me it is nap time so guess I better go to my chair. The sun is out and is so welcome after a dreary rainy weekend so it will be a short nap actually I usually just read.

Beth that is too bad about your dairy allergy. Have you ever tried goat milk it is much easier to digest and it does not have an odor you can buy it pasteurized at most grocery stores. I can get raw locally and it is super good and is licensed by the state.
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Postby JudyJB » Mon Jan 29, 2024 7:10 pm

Son is doing better, but he has been congested, so took test and now has COVID!! What else does he need?

I ran errands today and it really wore me out--must be getting old :lol: !! Went to post office, gas station, Joann Fabrics, Kohls, Lowes, McDonalds for sandwich, then to pick up prescription. Too tired to get groceries, so just picked up carton of milk at Walgreens. Will get bigger grocery order on Thursday when I leave here.
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Postby Bethers » Mon Jan 29, 2024 7:17 pm

BJ, as a child my mom tried goats milk. It tasted to me like cows milk and caused the same gag reaction. I don't drink any milk, but I make things with almond or coconut milk.

Oh, Judy, so sorry about your son having one more set back. Yikes. I hope it's a mild case.
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Postby OregonLuvr » Mon Jan 29, 2024 8:03 pm

Beth I really like Almond milk I buy the unsweetened not flavored. Well I have bought the chocolate before and it was good in coffee. I buy Caramel Almond Silk creamer, only 25 calories/tbsp. I like it. I also buy their caramel oat milk creamer.
I too have ordered on line and picked up food on the weekend just dont go in the store. In fact I spend much less $$$ by NOT going in the stores ha ha

Judy sorry to hear your son has Covid. One of the risks of being in the hospital for sure. BJ glad you have your alarms ha ha Emma is no darn alarm dog. She is not a barker so if an intruder she would greet them with gusto. She sure can tell time tho. Starts bugging me at 4 for her dinner and again at 7 to go to bed, well that is NOT happening. So she goes to her own bed until I move toward my bedroom. Today is her birthday she is 7 years old. I cannot believe where the last 7 years went.

Well we broke a record high yesterday 68, last record was 95 in 1998 Today was supposed to be 63 and mostly sunny HA HA HA we had dense fog until about 2 and then cloudy so no record breaking today...I think the high was 57.
Got my eye injections this morning, no dilation this time but next time there is UGH I hate being dilated takes forever to wear off but at least I have an early appt.
Off to find a show on the tube

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Postby snowball » Tue Jan 30, 2024 1:15 am

I can see why you were tired Judy that would tire most of us me one store about does it... I did go to the grocery store should have gotten gas it's gone down and the month is almost over and I have points that I need to use before it's too late... the tank is at the half way point so I forget about it ...
going to make butter chicken tomorrow.. been wanting Indian Food or awhile so with dd here gives me a reason to make some... I wish I had picked up some stuff from the Indian Restaurant can't remember what they are called but I didn't think about it and they don't open until 4 so not really enough time with what I planned on doing
was going to get some cash and the drive through was closed it was only 4 chose not to go inside could have done the ATM but I wanted specifics in the what I wanted ... so went to the other branch guess they don't even have a drive through :?
there are times when I've wanted a Alexa or something of that nature not sure why but there are times... I have to shake my head this happens nightly for some reason mom thinks we only need one light on in the living room when I get through coloring I turn on the light next to me (up till then the light over mom's chair will be one) when she wakes up she will turn hers off..... so when I go to the bedroom I get my phone I return her remote to where it stays at turn off the computer and move it over all this time she is awake... I have to tell her every night to turn on her light so I can turn off the other light .... I don't know if it's the sometimes lack of memory or what but every night!!!!
that is too bad Judy that your son has COVID hopefully it's a light case...
you all have a good night
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Postby Shirlv » Tue Jan 30, 2024 8:57 am

My two cents. I’m settled in a routine, in bed by 11pm and up by 7am. I ate a brownie at 4pm game day, bed by 11pm and stared at the ceiling for two hours. I need to stick to no caffeine after lunch. I have been drinking no lactose milk for years.More expensive buy saves trips to the bathroom. Going to try YouTube chair yoga. Don’t feel like it but it would be good for me Be safe

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Last Tuesday now

Postby SoCalGalcas » Tue Jan 30, 2024 12:10 pm

Had a lovely day yesterday. It was nice and warm so decided to go to the harbor and look at the “super” yachts. Those that are priced at $900,000 as the lowest price. Several were in port. One was so large there was a helicopter on the end! One was named Quiet Heart. I liked that.
So sorry about your son with Covid Judy.

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