Drying out Tuesday

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Drying out Tuesday

Postby BarbaraRose » Tue Jan 23, 2024 12:10 pm

Set my alarm for golf this morning but then got an email that it is cancelled today. I would imagine that the course is still flooded or at least very soggy. Darn! Was finally feeling good enough to play!

Still lots of roads impacted by the flooding rain. One road had a giant sinkhole and swallowed a car with 2 people inside. They got them out but both had injuries. Out here, when it rains, it pours! Glad I didn't have to go anywhere yesterday!

Will have to get my window caulked again. I might have Dave look at it. He is a professional window installer so he might be able to figure out where the water is coming in from. The other guys caulked around the trim above the window but obviously that didn't fix the problem.

The sun is now just coming out thru the clouds so it should help to dry things up today.

I think I will lay in bed for awhile. My ribs feel better this morning so that is good.

Hope you all have a good day and that there is improvement with Judy's and Velda's sons. And the cat too!

***Just read that San Diego got flooded really bad yesterday! Hoping Lyn is doing OK and stayed inside all day!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Drying out Tuesday

Postby SoCalGalcas » Tue Jan 23, 2024 12:44 pm

Yes, I am doing fine! Stayed inside most of the day and watched the rain fall. Lots and lots of sirens all day, so knew it was pretty bad. All the roads that flood were flooding and all the idiots were out attempting to go through.

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Re: Drying out Tuesday

Postby OregonLuvr » Tue Jan 23, 2024 2:47 pm

Good morning. No rain today and the sun peeks out occasionally. Got my new computer yesterday. It has Windows 11 on it so now I will need to watch Youtube to see what is different and new from Windows 10 and how to get started with it. I had to be careful when I ordered it as I dont need Windows 11 Pro, and if you get Windows 11-S that means you cannot add any third party apps. I knew that would not work for me so managed to find Windows 11 Home . I need to wash my kitchen floor today and do a load of towels. Lunch will be a salad and dinner left over roast beef and roasted potatoes. So that will be my day, exciting isnt it??
Hope Velda's son is doing better and on the road to recovery. Stormy is hanging in there with Velda's nursing, get well Stormy. Judy's son had a setback so hopefully he too is healing. That is quite the surgery so I suspect a long recovery before he starts to bounce back to his normal self. Good job on the toilet, hope nothing else goes wrong now and you get a breather. Barbie ribs take a long time to heal, just so ya know. Sorry you couldnt play golf this morning and hopefully it dries up soon. I saw some pics of Beth's trailer on FB. It is coming along. She is lucky she has some wonderful help there.
Hope all my friends impacted by the cold weather are returning to normal, or at least a break in the weather. Oregon got hammered just north of me with a huge ice storm and there are many still without power but they have lots of crews working so I suspect power will be restored to everyone later this week. I am off to continue my chores.

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Re: Drying out Tuesday

Postby Acadianmom » Tue Jan 23, 2024 4:27 pm

My internet went off last night at 7:00 and didn’t come back on until 10:00 this morning. It’s still up and down. Direct TV hasn’t gone down so I think if that works my internet should work too. I’m getting real tired of not having internet. I’m looking for the file folder that has the account information so I can call them. We’ll see if I can post this.

A few days ago I started using some soap that has perfume in it. Sunday night my skin was itching off. I gave up using lotion and started using Benadryl itch stopping cream. That helped some. I started using Dove unscented soap and the itch has mostly gone away. My sister said she bought some scented toilet paper by accident and they were having a reaction to it. I didn’t even know that made scented toilet paper.

The temperature hasn’t quite made it to 70 yet. Yesterday was 68 and today it’s 69. I am wearing short jeans in honor of warmer weather. lol I didn’t get the rain that Texas is getting . It only rained 1/3 inch last night.

Good job on the toilet Judy. I wouldn’t even attempt to try to fix one.

Yesterday I made a gumbo using a different mix than I usually use. It made twice as much. I ate one serving, put one serving in the refrigerator and froze 6 servings. Today I had to cook a pot of rice because I was out of rice in the freezer. I think I’ve had enough gumbo for a while.

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Re: Drying out Tuesday

Postby Cudedog » Tue Jan 23, 2024 8:31 pm

Acadianmom wrote:A few days ago I started using some soap that has perfume in it. Sunday night my skin was itching off. I gave up using lotion and started using Benadryl itch stopping cream. That helped some. I started using Dove unscented soap and the itch has mostly gone away. My sister said she bought some scented toilet paper by accident and they were having a reaction to it. I didn’t even know that made scented toilet paper.

I can't use anything that is "scented" (and it seems like more and more stuff is, these days).

I have used Dove unscented bar soap for many, many years with good result. I don't know how I would wash myself without Dove unscented!

I also have to use unscented laundry soap - if I use any kind that doesn't definitely say "unscented" on the box (or on the bottle) after I wash my clothes with it - I can't wear my clothes, because they itch so much! Same thing with towels or bedding!

Same for those plug-in "air fresheners" I don't use them, but if I happen to visit someone who does, I end up with a headache and runny nose. Ugh.

Why does "air freshener" just mean "perfumed air"?

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Re: Drying out Tuesday

Postby Acadianmom » Tue Jan 23, 2024 9:33 pm

Anne, I use unscented laundry soap too. I had to use it because my son and husband were allergic to scented soap. I just continued to buy that out of habit but I would probably be allergic to scented laundry soap too.

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Re: Drying out Tuesday

Postby Bethers » Tue Jan 23, 2024 9:40 pm

Why do people think a place is not clean if it doesn't stink? Clean should mean it smells natural imo. I won't say much else. But I live with headaches and it doesn't matter how careful I am because most of the world uses scented everything.

I'll be buying paint tomorrow. My neighbors made beautiful steps for my tt. The same one who painted the primer in the new part is going to paint it. I said I would because it's outside but she said absolutely not. I'm taking both my nearest neighbors out to dinner this week.

On another note, my friend who visits me periodically where I travel to was due to arrive this coming Monday. He just called to let me know he's sick and was put on a string antibiotic today, so the trip is off. He could come in a couple weeks, or not. But I'm going to miss doing some things I planned to do while he would be here. I might have to do them alone. Which is ok, but I was excited about sharing them. Then again, I need to continue working and won't have him to help lolol. He was looking forward to that, too. Or so he says.
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Re: Drying out Tuesday

Postby BarbaraRose » Tue Jan 23, 2024 9:49 pm

Good evening.

Lynn, I read that some people had to be rescued from the roofs of their houses in some areas down there. Hopefully, all this rain will help with a nice wildflower bloom in the spring.

Went to get some additive for the fish tank to help my little guy. I went thru all my test strips to figure out what the problem was and then to get the new stuff adjusted to the right amount. Seems to be a pH issue.

I should find some dinner and then it will be time for my TV shows. Hoping I can do laundry tomorrow (ie: lift the laundry baskets with little pain from my ribs).

Have a good night...
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Drying out Tuesday

Postby JudyJB » Wed Jan 24, 2024 12:46 am

I also have problems with "stinky" stuff, and just hate that in a lot of department stores, you have to hold your nose to get into the store as the entrance is often in front of the perfume department!!!

In 1985-86, I worked in the training department of a transmission factory, and often had to cut across the factory to go to the engineering building. (It was either that or walk in the snow around the building outdoors.) Back then, there was no AC in this old WWII B-24 factory, and there was a haze where you could not see the entire 4,500 foot length of the factory. Turns out it was something called cutting oil that they bathed parts with as they were being milled and ground to size. While my office was in a separate building, it was attached to the factory, and you could smell this stuff. Anyway, it really started my allergies to things like diesel engine fumes, strong cleaning chemicals, and perfumes. I figured this out when I left that job and got another teaching in various GM plants, and one time had to walk through a steering gear factory to get to the ladies room. (There was a men's room in the portable building I was teaching in, but had to hike a long distance to get to a ladies bathroom.)

Son is about the same, but hooked up to more stuff, but at least most of it is going through Picc line. And the new RV toilets are a lot easier to clean or change the rubber seals, but I just had trouble this time. Big fear is dropping it down into tank!!!!
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Re: Drying out Tuesday

Postby snowball » Wed Jan 24, 2024 1:28 am

I do ok with most perfumes unless it's a certain pine that makes me feel like I am smothering but given that I have two friends that I know that has asthma really bad to the point of not being able to attend church because of the scents... I decided that I didn't want to be the reason someone can't attend church... although I still use scented laundry soap... but I guess in my mind it wasn't as strong... as to the tp being scented there is one brand that I know of that the tube is scented so when you pull off the tp its makes a scent I tried it once but I think it was in my mind the softness of the tp had changed I blamed it on the scent probably wasn't the case but I didn't buy it again... :roll:
so glad you posted Lyn was hoping all was well with you
that is too bad that your friend isn't coming Beth... and it looks like you have some good help are the steps moveable as I thought your TT will need to be moved before you go back down in the fall... there have been times when I've had "good" steps for my fifth wheel it always feel so much more secure... thank you for posting the link
It's probably good Barbie that you couldn't golf that might not have helped your ribs
but glad that you are feeling better
Judy and Velda really hoping that your son's get to feeling better
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Re: Drying out Tuesday

Postby IrishIroamed » Wed Jan 24, 2024 8:18 am

Count me in on buying unscented stuff. The stupidest scented thing I found... Dog waste bags! :lol:
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Re: Drying out Tuesday

Postby Cudedog » Wed Jan 24, 2024 11:57 am

IrishIroamed wrote:Count me in on buying unscented stuff. The stupidest scented thing I found... Dog waste bags! :lol:

Those bags must have an interesting combination of smells!! Flowers and. . . :? :lol:

During the height of the pandemic I ordered (online from Walmart) an extra-large roll of what I thought was just your usual 13-gallon kitchen trash bags.

I was in a hurry when I put my groceries away, a while later I began to notice a terrible smell every time I opened my pantry. I couldn't figure out what it was!

Finally I realized (the next time I need to put a trash bag in my kitchen) that these trash bags were scented. Ugh. I guess they were supposed to smell flowery or something; to me they smelled like some kind of dreadful industrial solvent.

Once I realized where the smell was coming from, I took the entire (expensive!) roll of trash bags outside and put them in my dumpster. They smelled too bad to leave indoors.

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