Rise and Shine Saturday!

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Rise and Shine Saturday!

Postby BarbaraRose » Sat Dec 30, 2023 1:20 pm

Just finished responding to yesterdays MC posts since I fell asleep while reading them last night :roll: .

Am still laying in bed now just after 10am. Need to get up and going since I have a haircut to do at 11. Then I need to get busy and finish cleaning this place! My agent called me yesterday saying he got a call from someone who is interested in my place. No scheduled showing yet, but just in case...

Also, need to test the laundry machines again and see if I can get them to work for me. I will have to go out and buy new clothes if not. :lol: I just ordered and got a package of new socks the other day. Mine are all full of holes in the toes. I bought the Gold Toe socks so hopefully those will last longer. Socks are so expensive now! :shock: And no variety of colors, mostly just black and white. :roll:

Wasn't busy at work yesterday so I was able to sit down between haircuts so not too much issue with my sciatica.

Sunny with a light breeze today and a high of 68*.

The maintenance guys never showed up this week about the deck and porch carpet project. :? Will have to call again next week or find someone else to do it.

Have a good day!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Last Saturday of the year

Postby Othersharon » Sat Dec 30, 2023 1:31 pm

It’s another cold wet day here. Supposed to have some snow but mostly north of us. Been thinking that with January coming we’ll only have about 3 months of possible bad weather. April is iffy, sometimes cold but then things will be feeling like spring coming! At least that’s my theory and helps me get through the next few months! For some reason today feels like a Sunday and not Saturday. Holidays mess me up with days! I got a sweet note today from a friend from long ago. DH and I were his witnesses when he got his citizenship. He has gone on to become a pilot and lawyer. I remember him playing checkers with my kids when he visited us and he sometimes stayed with the kids when we occasionally went out. A very special young man that touched our life. So much happening with everyone here! Can’t keep up with everyone’s comings and goings! But as I know I’ve said before I’m grateful to be a part of this group and each and every one of you. And with that I suppose I should get back to my cleaning! I may even brave the grocery store later today! Maybe! Don’t think we’ll get a walk in today. This cold rain is no fun to be out in. Hope you have a great day today.
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Re: Last Saturday of the year

Postby Irmi » Sat Dec 30, 2023 1:55 pm

Good afternoon O'Sharon & I saw Barbie posted about the same time you did and hi to all the others that check in!

Sharon, that so nice of your friend to send you a note and to catch you up. I have several areas with weather reports on my laptop to prove that there are places colder than central FL! Lol! For example, we were 2 degrees warmer this morning than where we lived in MD. I understand we'll warm up a lot more than MD will, but I'm so tired of these cold mornings and having to wear multiple layers. Barbie, I hope the showing for your house peaks someone's interest soon so you can get on the road and live your dream.

Our weather just reached 60 degrees and that may be our high today. Our neighbor, two sites over, lent us his electric golf cart. It looks more like a Smart Car than a golf cart, has electric windows and a/c & heat. We don't use it much, maybe once a week. Anyway, it won't start and we've had it charging for a long time. Steve has checked under the hood, in the trunk area and anywhere that he can get to, looking for batteries. There is a place that sells carts like this, so maybe on Monday we'll go there and see if their mechanic can come and take a look to see what's going on with it. Since our neighbor isn't charging us to use it, the least we can do is get it running for him.

I need to get in the music room to prepare for tomorrow's service. Enjoy the rest of your day.
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Re: Rise and Shine Saturday!

Postby SoCalGalcas » Sat Dec 30, 2023 3:52 pm

Hi everyone! My Christmas Cactus is full of buds. They begin opening today! I do think they are beautiful.
That’s funny about Steve not being able to find the batteries in the golf cart. When I asked my daughter where the batteries were in her car ( it is 1/2 & 1/2) she had no idea! Did he check under the seat? That’s where the batteries are in my scooter.
Have you seen pictures of the big surf. In Calif? IM getting most of my news and pictures from UTube. Without a car, I can’t go look at them. One area has a break water that you can walk out on. The waves were breaking over that. People have lost their lives there being washed off. They just don’t realize how powerful the waves are. Maybe they would realize it if they had seen the parked car being washed back by a wave.

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Re: Rise and Shine Saturday!

Postby OregonLuvr » Sat Dec 30, 2023 4:42 pm

Good afternoon. A few housekeeping chores this morning and then had some lunch. Think I am just going to be a couch potato the rest of the afternoon. I was going to venture over to Costco and then it dawned on me it will be packed with everyone buying stuff for New Years. My Costco run can wait until later in the week. Raining off and on but not cold 53 out so not bad. Finished my book so will find another one to start. I read off and on thru the week and either watch some tv or read when I go to bed I am not the reader some of you are. I usually only read the free ones LOL some are good and some I just delete after a few pages.
Fish, roasted potatoes, and carrots for dinner tonight. I am getting back on my healthy eating kick. Mostly meaning DO NOT BUY anymore snacky things or ice cream. I like pretzels, chips, nuts etc Not a big sweet eater so that is no problem. I have a few things to eat up but I wont be buying any more. It is not a resolution because those things are stupid for me. Just wanting to get back on track. I am really a pretty healthy eater most of the time, it is those other times that get me ha ha I am not giving up everything good but will definitely cut out the snackies.
Lyn seems like lots of people die on the Oregon coast every year, despite all the warnings about sneaker waves. And they are sneaky. AND people are stupid. I got drenched once and I was still behind the fence where I was supposed to be. Didnt try to carry me away but I certainly got wet. They are having some fabulous King Tides here this year and now we are entering prime whale watching season.

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Re: Rise and Shine Saturday!

Postby Redetotry » Sat Dec 30, 2023 4:59 pm

Lyn your mentioning the big surf in CA reminded me of when I lived in SD back in '84-'85. There were big waves that came in and we all went down to look. They were so tall and crashing I stayed over a block away I was so terrified. Not long after that I went to out to dinner with a guy that took me to a very nice restaurant built out over the water. They had photos all over their walls of the restaurant being partially under water at various times from big waves. I didn't enjoy the meal much, I kept looking out all the large windows watching the waves.

Sharon I like the way you think about spring, I do the same but I get hopeful after February :P Irmi I wish I had continued with piano lessons I envy people who can play. My Mom played for church but I didn't seem to inherit the gene. Same for singing I was always in chorus but I didn't really have a good voice and I played third clarinet in band. Now the dogs complain when I try to play my harmonica or penny whistle. The penny whistle really sets them off. Barbie I hope you can get your carpet changed and a buyer shows up soon. Karen I'm still trying to gain weight so I'll eat your share of desserts.
I read every day on my iPhone. I have Kindle Prime but they don't count the books you read but used to say how many consecutive days you had read. I'll have to look to see if Amazon has a record.

It's been a long afternoon even though I was out for awhile. I really miss my neighbor who moved. She would pop over to have tea a lot in the afternoon.
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Re: Rise and Shine Saturday!

Postby OregonLuvr » Sat Dec 30, 2023 7:12 pm

What is everyone doing tomorrow night for New Years Eve I figured it out rather quickly.


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Re: Rise and Shine Saturday!

Postby Bethers » Sat Dec 30, 2023 8:16 pm

Karen, I plan to stay home also. I know some will be in our rec hall, but probably long gone before midnight. I do intend to go to the New Year's Day dinner. I know you've cut out I've cream, but Monday is the monthly birthday celebration and I'll stay for the ice cream after dinner. Lol
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Re: Rise and Shine Saturday!

Postby Cudedog » Sat Dec 30, 2023 8:22 pm

Karen - there must have been a sale on tickets at that arena - your tickets look just like mine!!

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Re: Rise and Shine Saturday!

Postby BarbaraRose » Sat Dec 30, 2023 10:10 pm

Karen, I need those tickets! Someone asked me today if I was going to the New Years Eve dance tomorrow and I said no. None of my friends are going and the music is usually way too loud. I have never really been into NY Eve parties. I go to bed early so I can get up early to watch the Rose Parade the next morning. I do enjoy my NY Eve snacks tho! :D I think tomorrow I will pick up some more Baileys (salted caramel) and Egg Nog.

Sharon, I think that same way. If winter (or here, summer) is delayed, I figure it makes the miserable season that much shorter! For those in the north, winter will just be January, February and March. A 3 month winter is tolerable.

Karen, I have been caught by sneaker waves more than a few times! Luckily the surf wasn't very big so just got a little wet. When I was watching a video of the big waves in SD the past few days, I was thinking about how big the sneaker waves would be! For those not familiar with them, every once in awhile one wave will be a lot larger than the others and hard to notice (hense the term "sneaker") until it just keeps coming and coming, a lot further up the beach and can knock you off your feet before you can get out of the way.

Well, I got the haircut done and went back home to start cleaning the kitchen. I was way behind on dishes so I started on those. I put the smaller stuff in the dishwasher and washed the bigger things in the sink. The dishwasher is very small so the bigger things won't fit in there. So that is done altho I still need to empty the dishwasher.

I also decided to try the comforter and 2 throw blankets in the washer and see what would happen. Well it worked this time! Yay! So I brought over the 3 overstuffed laundry baskets to get the rest of my clothes washed. So now that is done but still needs to be put away. I was getting some sciatica pain from folding all that laundry so I have been relaxing after taking some Ibuprofin.

There is a park model down the street from me that has also been for sale for about a year now. It has been for sale by owner tho. I noticed today they now have it listed with Century 21 and had an open house today. So I decided to check it out. I know it has had a ton of work and some additions put on and the price reflects that. I wasn't very impressed with the changes tho. They have no yard left and no deck or outdoor space. It is just strangely set up inside. However, the agent there told me she has a client who is looking for a place here that is less expensive so they can put their own stamp on it. My place would be perfect for that. She is going to contact them about my place. My agent called again and it sounds like the people who called him yesterday are still interested and asking questions so he wanted to check with me about some things he wasn't sure about.

I better get back to putting things away....
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Rise and Shine Saturday!

Postby Acadianmom » Sat Dec 30, 2023 11:04 pm

Barbie, how did your mother make her Swiss Steak. Years ago in Dallas I had what the restaurant called Swiss Steak but it was in a white gravy with vegetables. I have tried to recreate it but mine isn't as good. I should try making it in the crock pot.

Sharon, the holidays mix up my days too. Today feels like a Sunday.

Lyn, I have seen the waves on TV and the people that have had to be rescued because they got too close.

My hip was bothering me a lot so wasn't going to walk but went out with Luna to check the mail and limped down the road with her. I don't know if I should rest or exercise. It doesn't seem to make much difference in the pain.

I won't buy chips unless I'm going camping so there isn't much to snack on here. I don't have any cookies or dessert so had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I need to make a batch of cookie dough and freeze it.

I'm going to put my black eyed peas in the crock pot on low at midnight. I got a ham hock at a local butcher shop that is the size of a small ham. In the morning I'll cook the cabbage with smoked sausage and bring the beans and cabbage to my son for New Years. I'm going to the New Years Day party.

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Re: Rise and Shine Saturday!

Postby JudyJB » Sat Dec 30, 2023 11:37 pm

Sorry, but my ticket would say "Sleep in late!"

Speaking of stupid, did you read the stories about ice fishermen rescued off a lake in Minnesota? On the way from lake Huron to Lake Erie, there is a wide but shallow lake called Lake St. Clair. It is about 20 miles wide and long, and big ships go through it in the middle, and they do this almost all year, depending on the ice cover. The lake is just northeast of Detroit and hooks up to the Detroit River on the way to Lake Erie. To the west is Michigan and to the east is Canada.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on whether or not you like to fish, it is a very popular ice fishing lake. People actually drive pickup trucks out on the ice and also haul fishing sheds out there. And a lot of these people are really stupid because sometimes the ice is not as thick as they thought it was and sometimes ships have gone through and broken it up. This happens most often in the spring, but could happen as soon as there is ice forming. No matter, fishing is what is important. So, a few times each winter, the Coast Guard will have to rescue people from ice floes on the lake, and I know at one point they were charging people for the costs of rescuing them. The Canadian government has to rescue people on its side, as well.

However, they do NOT rescue pickup trucks or fishing huts. I'll bet if they drained Lake St. Clair, the bottom would be littered with trucks! Sue can tell you about another big lake up near where she lives--Houghton Lake, which I have way back when snowmobiled on. There is a big Carnival on the ice in the winter called Tip-up Town, named after the fishing equipment they use on the ice. In February there are often hundreds of pickup trucks on the lake, along with literally thousands of snowmobiles and people riding them!
Last edited by JudyJB on Sun Dec 31, 2023 1:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rise and Shine Saturday!

Postby snowball » Sun Dec 31, 2023 1:31 am

we have been on a warm up for a couple of days it's 18 right now better than 0 :lol:
one of those days I had a hard time waking up oh I got up fixed breakfast or brunch as we eat about 11 ish sometimes later think it was closer to 11:30 today I still felt like I was "asleep" went back to my room and was stalling I guess finished the book I was reading was about ready to go and brush my teeth then read scriptures when I heard voices so looked outside ( I can see the driveway) saw a red car... thought my #3 dd had come so went to open door as I was willing to bet it wasn't unlocked it wasn't the doorbell was ringing let them in and we had a really pleasant visit... #2 dd brought me a gift she had my name she made with her cricket a picture sorta 3 D with some cardinals and trees and some sort of building in background and a way to turn on some lights in the sky really pretty it really was the year of the cardinal #3 dd got me a cardinal figurine and grandson and family a very small pillow with cardinal and say Cardinals appear when angels are near.... I guess angels have been near as every thing other than the journal and other study guide all had cardinals on them ... one of my dd's said it is like me in doubt get a fairy :lol: and we used to all the time get her fairies while they were here I gave them the picture of their dad that I got while in IA.. so they had to call their aunt and get the story behind the picture... fun afternoon... had to laugh the other day nephew pickup up the mail and not sure if the boxes were had the post office or on the deck but there was one from my sister and it had 4 bags of caramels in it so figured that was what she sent as well as a hot chocolate bomb figured that is what she sent today when the girls came in on the deck was another couple of boxes I with assorted bags and bars of candy... I still haven't figured out what all was in the box need to take care of it though as it's sorta in mom's way she makes a wide right hand turn with her walker :lol:
had french toast for supper was going to make bacon but after girls left read scriptures or tried to was listening to a pod cast feel asleep so finished late not leaving enough time for me to do the bacon... we had some sausage that was cooked that I pulled out of the freezer this I warmed up in the microwave... :roll: it was somewhat over done anyway...
one of the girls gave mom a couple of mugs that went stacked they form Santa pretty cute
they are starting to advertise Murder She Wrote... so the regular programing will be back!!! yea!!!
I think pulling up that rug will be a good idea hopefully before the other people come to look at your house it's possible that people not around cats all the time smell it stronger than those who are around them all the time do... and if the feral cats are spraying the rug it might be pretty strong... and might be a turn off ...
we will hope for a few months of snow otherwise it's not going to be a good summer for us or those that relies on the water in the Snake river for irrigation
you all have a good day
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Re: Rise and Shine Saturday!

Postby SoCalGalcas » Sun Dec 31, 2023 12:33 pm

I have outgrown NY Eve parties. Early to bed for me! Lyn

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Re: Rise and Shine Saturday!

Postby MandysMom » Sun Jan 07, 2024 3:09 am

Judy, my son is a deputy in MN. It's a huge fine if you do not remove your sunken vehicle due to pollution. Either you remove it and pay a smaller fine, or the state does it and you pay huge fine and fees. The state of MN does not tolerate you leaving vehicles or ice houses where they don't belong or at bottom of lakes.
My son has talked about it many times over past 20 years.
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