
Let's start our day with a good morning here.


Postby bluepinecones » Fri Feb 09, 2018 8:14 am

Time to rise and shine ladies.
Added a couple more photos to Hardee Lakes gtg thread. Two more joined us yesterday - Margie an Beki. Has anyone heard from Queen or Wander2? They have not shown up and if either posted about canceling, I missed it.
Chilly and windy here this morning.
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Re: Friday

Postby Colliemom » Fri Feb 09, 2018 8:56 am

Morning Sarah. Haven’t seen any posts from Queen or Wanderer2 either. Glad Beki and Margie arrived safely.

Nothing new here either. Same old. Waiting for winter to pass so can start planning summer things, although this is time of year to plan and be ready to do it when time comes. Am thinking of planning a GTG or maybe traveling caravan type GTG in MI if there’s any interest. There’s too much to see and do here to stay put in one spot. Will post it in GTG section after I come up with something.

Alice, congrats on the sale of the 5th wheel. One less thing to have to get out of your way. Now you can hit the road and travel for awhile. Aww Barbie, sorry about your poor lizard. Lyn, hope your daughter continues to improve.

Time to move along here. Want to wash kitchen floor. Cleaned inside cupboards and drawers yesterday and purged some things I haven’t used in years. Off to Salvation Army store and let somebody else get some use from them. Then going to take my snowblower out and clean up my drive etc., from this weeks little light snow showers thst gave taken all week to amount to maybe an inch. Sun and clouds have also been around, so been a mixed bag, but nice weather coming for awhile now.
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Re: Friday

Postby avalen » Fri Feb 09, 2018 11:02 am

Good morning
Got a phone call from my buyer, his tow truck can't make it today so it's suppose to be Monday.
I'm disappointed, but it is what it is. I did have to move the motorhome back into my driveway though. The park rented the space I was using. Now I can get my extension cord out and plug in the motorhome for the time being. Monday I will have to move the motorhome while they pull the fifthwheel out. It would be tight and not trusting anyone not to damage my motorhome.
Today I will continue dismanteling the deck and have it out of the way .
Hardee lakes gtg looks like every one having a grand time.
Prayers for those that need it, everyone have a great day.
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Re: Friday

Postby SoCalGalcas » Fri Feb 09, 2018 12:32 pm

Good Morning All, Lovin the pictures from Florida!!!

My daughter has been moved into a rehabilitation hospital. She is doing great with her PT. I haven't heard of pain control issues this morning. The other daughter is scheduled to visit this morning, so I'll be getting a report soon. I will visit around noon and then her sons and others visit in the evening after work. Don't want to overwhelm her and the staff.

Thanks for all the well are the best!!! lyn

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Re: Friday

Postby Bethers » Fri Feb 09, 2018 12:35 pm

Wanderer2 hasn't been on the forum since last spring. I hope she's ok. I've sent an email. Queen hasn't posted but has been on in January. Hope they are ok.

I'm being a bum... Have an appt back in Casa Grande, but not till later in the afternoon. So I'm relaxing here in the casino lot. Peaches is improving so much it's scary! She's walking further (may never be up to long walks again, but who knows). And she's eating well as long as she likes what she's given... Very picky.... But eating. I lower the dosage on the diuretics with her next pill popping time. I'm so glad to see her happier.

Lyn, you beat my post... I'm so glad to hear your daughter is doing so well. That's the best news!
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Re: Friday

Postby JudyJB » Fri Feb 09, 2018 2:51 pm

I learned an important lesson yesterday. I washed my sandals and put them outside in my chair to dry. About dusk, I needed to go out to put my awning in so I reached over and put my shoes on. Did not notice anything, but about an hour later my ankle started to itch and get red. Then it really started to sting and burn--really painfully. (Took two benadryl. They are so good to have around.) So, I emailed an old friend of mine who does a lot of hiking and tent camping and used to own a winter house down here.

I was suspecting a tick or some other bug that I react to, but he suggested a scorpion! Yikes. Spent the entire night wondering if it was inside or outside and how I could tell. Then I thought about my shoes and decided that was the most likely scenario. It was so painful in the night that I even took half of a Vicodin. He had sent me an article and it said to watch to see if the redness spread, but it did not, so no need of urgent care or emergency room. It is really red this morning, but has still not spread. Took more benadryl and put ice on it, which I should have done last night. (I asked ranger about ticks this morning, by the way, and he said there are none here.) So I will NOT leave shoes outdoors any more!!!! :oops:

Picked up a rental car this morning and have five big bags of laundry loaded in the trunk, so I am off to a laundromat. Going to the International Hoop Dancing competition at the Heard Museum tomorrow. Then Sunday, I will probably go back to the Desert Botanical Gardens on Sunday.

Beth, will Peaches eat raw hamburger? Or can she not have that much protein? When the dog I had many years ago was sick, that was the one thing she would eat for a few days. I even had to hand feed her small chunks, for the first day, but at least she ate.
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Re: Friday

Postby IrishIroamed » Fri Feb 09, 2018 2:58 pm

Not morning anymore, so afternoon ladies ~~~Catching up on forum happenings. Lyn, so sorry to read about Laurie. What a shock reading about her amputation. I'm hoping for a quick recovery for your and hope her spirits are good. Will she get a prosthetic in the future. That is a major change and hope she does OK and transitions well.

Martha, sad to read about Harold also. It's hard getting older and things get fragile. Hope you are holding up well and taking care of yourself. At least you know Harold is getting the care he needs.

Poor Beth, sounds like you're not having the best of times rights now with missing GTGs with some friends, Peaches' health and water heater problems, but you're a pro at this stuff. Still sending good thoughts for Peaches. Glad to read she is eating.

Well my time here near Q (actually 15 minutes away in Brenda) is coming to an end, 2 more nights. Spent a final day with Sheila. Nice to have someone else drive so I could actually look at the scenery :D Took a ride with Punkin the other day to check out Alamo Lake SP and saw some more wild burros. AZ just won first place ranking in state parks and I can see why based on the parks I've stayed at. Big sites, not to close together for the most part and clean. Have my routes planned thru April heading north and have booked some state parks in UT so I can see the big 5 NPs from my base camps. Will hit WY by the beginning of May. The folks behind me are from WY and gave me some hints on areas to stay relatively cheap (not $100) as I get to Yellowstone, so looking at routes and CGs in WY are next on my to do list.

Punk is doing pretty well after Zorro went to the bridge a few weeks ago. He has learned how to play tug with the Labrador that the folks from WY have. I think he's going to miss playing with Mud when I leave on Sunday. Every time I open the door, he looks for him. I've offered to take Mud off their hands, but they're not buying it :lol:

On to see Eileen and DH for the next 2 weeks. Different CGs for the first week, but we'll be in the same CG the next, with plans to get together with Alice for a day looking for the Salt River wild horses. I'm getting excited for that!

So, that's my news. Stay safe wherever you are.
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Re: Friday

Postby Acadianmom » Fri Feb 09, 2018 8:57 pm

Beth, good news that Peaches is feeling better.

Harold went back to the nursing home this afternoon. The doctor upped his pain medicine some and that helps. It's hard to get it balanced. To much and he's too out of it, too little and it hurts him to be moved. I don't know how the ambulance service and the hospital keep up with their stuff. They left with 3 pillows and a sheet from the hospital. He has left with their gown before. The nursing home might send him in a gown or his clothes.

My Louisiana camping group has a campout in Mississippi this weekend. Good thing I hadn't signed up for it. I didn't feel like taking I-10 thru Baton Rouge. There are frequent accidents on the basin bridge that backs up traffic for hours.

I wanted to go to Drug Emporium but remembered that they rent their parking lot to campers for Mardi Gras. No way was I going to get involved in that.

I was surprised when I came out of the hospital this afternoon, it was 70. Yesterday it was in the 40's. We are suppose to get more rain tomorrow and Sunday. We are in an area that might get 3 inches. We haven't dried out from the last rain.

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Re: Friday

Postby Cudedog » Sat Feb 10, 2018 11:34 am

JudyJB wrote:. . .about an hour later my ankle started to itch and get red. Then it really started to sting and burn--really painfully.

I was suspecting a tick or some other bug that I react to, but he suggested a scorpion!

I lived in a small community - just barely a "town" - in the lower Sierra foothills north-east of Sacramento (by a good amount of distance) for nearly thirty years.

One day (when I had already lived at my place for about twenty years) I was "out back" with my wheelbarrow picking up largish rocks to use to put around the perimeter of a rudimentary flower garden I had at the front of my house. Not wearing gloves, of course.

I suddenly felt a sudden sting on my hand (kind of like an ant sting) and, looking down, saw a tiny black - something - about the length of my thumbnail there on the ground where my hand had been. For a second I couldn't figure out what it was, then I realized it was a tiny scorpion! I was pretty surprised (shocked is the word) as I had never seen a scorpion on my place before, and since the winters there were somewhat cold (we would get snow sometimes) I didn't think a scorpion could exist there.

Well, I was about thirty miles from the nearest doctor so went into the house to call to see what I should do. Instant alarm!! I was advised to immediately get into my car and head for the emergency room, without fail! Might be life or death! I thanked the technician and hung up. The sting didn't even hurt anymore by this time, so I thought about the sixty-mile-round-trip to the emergency room. . . and then just went about the rest of my day collecting rocks.

With gloves on this time!! Interestingly, I did see one or two more scorpions - now that I was looking for them! - as I was turning over rocks (the one that stung me had been underneath one) but I just ignored them.

I think I ended with a small red spot on my hand, that was gone by the next day.

The next time I saw my doctor (for an unrelated matter) he gently teased me about my "alarming incident". Of course he had been informed that I had called in. He lived in the foothills too, not too far from me - and he explained that he had often seen these tiny scorpions at his place. He was surprised that I had never seen one at mine.

Just a caveat here: This is meant to be a funny story, with me as the butt of the joke. :lol: This is not intended to make light of Judy's story in any way. I have seen scorpions in the southwest (New Mexico comes to mind) that were a couple of inches long. Alarming looking beasties. These guys, of course, carry a bit more venom than my little black guy, and a scorpion sting - from any size scorpion - can have very bad consequences indeed for someone allergic to scorpion venom.

Luckily, although I am allergic to many things, scorpion venom appears to not be one of them.

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Re: Friday

Postby Liz » Sat Feb 10, 2018 5:09 pm

JudyJB wrote:
I was suspecting a tick or some other bug that I react to, but he suggested a scorpion! Yikes. Spent the entire night wondering if it was inside or outside and how I could tell. Then I thought about my shoes and decided that was the most likely scenario. It was so painful in the night that I even took half of a Vicodin. He had sent me an article and it said to watch to see if the redness spread, but it did not, so no need of urgent care or emergency room. It is really red this morning, but has still not spread. Took more benadryl and put ice on it, which I should have done last night. (I asked ranger about ticks this morning, by the way, and he said there are none here.) So I will NOT leave shoes outdoors any more!!!! :oops: .

In Florida I would have suspected fire ants first.
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Re: Friday

Postby Bethers » Sat Feb 10, 2018 5:19 pm

After being attacked by fire ants in Alabama and Texas, that's where my mind went, too.
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Re: Friday

Postby snowball » Sat Feb 10, 2018 10:40 pm

since we are talking stings :o last fall I woke up with a recollection of something
and looked at my thumb there was a blister type thing...thought hmm did get bite wonder if there is a stinger in squeezed it to see if it would come out boy did that hurt.... :roll: I kept an eye out on it as my husband had been bit by a recluse spider in a state that supposedly they don't live...did get bigger but finally went away...still have a red spot at that spot then probably 2 weeks later another blister spot appears same results red spot still there...don't know what it was but hope it
is gone gone gone....
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Re: Friday

Postby BarbaraRose » Sat Feb 10, 2018 11:09 pm

I was bit/stung by several fire ants while in Florida many years ago. They are nasty! One of the bites didn't heal for a long, long time. Still have a scar from it.
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