Hello 2018 !...

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Re: Hello 2018 !...

Postby cnq50b » Mon Jan 01, 2018 12:11 pm

Good morning & Happy New Year!

Love your photos, Carol - beautiful!

Just finished running the End of month processing for work. So proud & privleged to be a small cog in the wheel of this org (Unbound.org). Finance said when final numbers are in later this month we are on target for distributing around $108M to our projects - 92.2 % of all expenses go to direct support of the projects around the world. Makes work more of a joy than a job.

I never remember to say Rabbits :( but still wishing for a good year.

Hope everyone in the deep freeze stays warm. Sending everyone wishes for the best in 2018!
Take care,
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Re: Hello 2018 !...

Postby BirdbyBird » Mon Jan 01, 2018 12:19 pm

Happy New Year. Hi Shirl......and the real question is, do you have a driveway? You never know when visitors can drive through!

Rabbits, Rabbits, Rabbits......

Just trying to stay warm enough with multiple layers and manning the door so none of the dogs stay out too long. They are missing their play times but frozen paws are real in these temperatures. And no I am not doing boots.....but the thought of boots protecting against sand burrs is a possibility in the future. :)
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Re: Hello 2018 !...Here we go NEW BETTER YEAR

Postby Beki » Mon Jan 01, 2018 1:55 pm

[b]Hello Gals, Has been a while for me. Many ups and downs but must roll on. At this time I am in Virginia. Have been in Ohio from the first of November. Mother (94) bless her soul. Now is in Hospice in a nursing home. Just have to take a break.At sisters for a while. Needing to roll south get back to my family in Florida. Had a great time on the road this past summer meeting up with a few gals. Looking to see the ones going to Hardere Lake in February... Blessed New Year to all.Keep the home fires burning..PEACE. To all.........

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Re: Hello 2018 !...

Postby SoCalGalcas » Mon Jan 01, 2018 2:31 pm

Happy New Year everyone!!! I slept right through the midnight hour....didn’t hear a thing....then awakened at 3AM for you know what, and said RABBITS!!!!! First time in a long time I remembered.

Watched the Rose Parade this morning, then practiced my guitar then took Benji for a walk.

Yes, my Christmas present to myself was a new guitar. Lessons begin this coming Saturday. So far I am practicing 3 cords and doing scales over and over and over. The scales are easier than the cords...my book said with practice, my fingers will stretch. I sure hope so!

Beautiful warm sunny day here after heavy fog in the morning.


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Re: Hello 2018 !...

Postby mtngal » Mon Jan 01, 2018 2:54 pm

Happy New Year travel pals! Sad to say I sold my Roadtrek in 2017, but oh the sites we saw and the friends we made over the last ten years. Now I'm camping in a Dodge minivan. And nope I'm not changing my profile pic from way before my hair turned gray or dropping my 'run, little RT, run' pic. Sending best love from deep in the heart of Texas!
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Re: Hello 2018 !...

Postby Shirlv » Mon Jan 01, 2018 3:30 pm

Tina, I do have a driveway, electric, a deck to watch the river, red and white wine. They don’t call me “Two Box” for nothing.

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Re: Hello 2018 !...

Postby Bethers » Mon Jan 01, 2018 4:09 pm

Shirl, it's great to see you. Been too long.

Diana, I can't imagine you without your RT!

Keep all the posts coming... Love hearing from everyone.
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Re: Hello 2018 !...

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Jan 01, 2018 4:39 pm

Happy New Year 2018!

I remembered to say "Rabbits" right at midnight. Yay! Need this to be a better year than last year. Was a very bittersweet year, with losing my dad in January and my brother's bad accident in February, dealing with the ups and downs of selling my dad's house and then the very disappointing trip across the country to California with the Jeep issues. But then things turned around once I got to California. Traded the bad Jeep for a good Jeep, started school for Hypnotherapy, bought a house, and finished school last week!

This year I want to focus on fixing up the house and yard, start my new career as a hypnotherapist, explore SoCal more, and maybe buy a little camper. Also thinking of getting a dog...

I was woken up at 5am by coyotes yipping just outside the house. I got up to check it out and saw the back porch was lit up (no lights back there) and when I looked out the window, I realized it was from the full moon! Didn't see any coyotes tho.

This morning I had one of the handymen come by and bring in the boxes of wood laminate flooring that needs to get "acclimated" to the indoors for a few days before getting put down. They are extremely heavy so needed a big strong guy to bring them in for me. Will be so happy to get that all done and get my furniture! Then I will take one room at a time to finish painting and updating. May have a house warming party in the spring.

Got up early to watch the Rose Parade too. Just love seeing all the beautiful floats!

I think several of us have had a challenging year, so am hoping you all have a better, calmer 2018!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Hello 2018 !...

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Jan 01, 2018 5:08 pm

Just found out a good friend of mine back in MN just got diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer and lymphoma. :cry:
I met her many years ago, thru our love of ferrets. She was my ferret sitter many times and also took in my ferret Moxy 8 years ago when I moved to California then. She is a sweetheart and I feel so bad for her. If you are so inclined to say a prayer for Virginia for her treatments to go well, it would be much appreciated.
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Hello 2018 !...

Postby Liz » Mon Jan 01, 2018 5:52 pm

I'm here and well! Going to be frigid tonight even in Florida. Shirl! Great to hear from you. I did get out for a first-day hike this morning and started a new blog for the new year....posted in General. Happy to see all the posts from everybody.
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Re: Hello 2018 !...

Postby PeggyinCT » Mon Jan 01, 2018 7:03 pm

Happy New Year Everybody. Nice to hear from so many forum sisters. Diane, I will be in central Texas for a week or two. I sent you a pm. I am planning to meet up with Birdie and it would be fun to meet you. Karen West I sent you a pm also. Peggy
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Re: Hello 2018 !...

Postby beazle » Mon Jan 01, 2018 7:44 pm

New Year’s greetings to all! I’ve been lurking lately & not keeping up with updating everyone. We’re healthy and well here, planning our trip to the southwest later this month. We won’t be there in time for the Quartzite GTG, but rather closer to February. Will plan on catching up with Cheryl, and doing a little sightseeing with her for a few weeks. Hoping to meet up with Judy JB, too, once we have a clearer schedule. I’m mentally balking at the idea of booking reservations in advance for every single night of our 6-week trip, but know some places will demand it. How do you all do it? It feels too much like punching a clock to have every night booked, but there are 2 of us, so that makes a small difference in the convenience factor.
Hope to catch more of you on the road n 2018; happy trails to you all.
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Re: Hello 2018 !...

Postby RitaMc » Mon Jan 01, 2018 9:54 pm

Sorry I missed the morning coffee. But having a cup of tea now so am checking in. I haven't posted for a long time, but do check in and read about all the exciting places you all have been. Our life of hitting the trails and doing lots of camping trips and travels has been put on hold for a few years. We help our son and dil by providing some weekend day care for our wonderful 2 1/2 year old grand daughter (both parents have required weekend work shifts). We did get to Yuma last August getting my sister and bil back to Arizona so sister cold have treatment for the reoccurring leukemia at the University of Arizona. I don't recommend a week in August in Yuma. 117 during the day and high 90's at night. We didn't open the big trailer, thinking it was cheaper to air condition the smaller 19 foot one. The ac ran around the clock. Night time sleeping was miserable. Ac is noisy. As soon as John completed his dental car in Algadones we left. Hope to spend about 5 weeks in AZ beginning first week in February. I'm not sure what our schedule will be Sister may be having bone marrow transplant, if so much time will be spent in Tucson. I am looking forward to being in the sunshine. It's been a cloudy dreary fall and winter in MN. Now the temps have dropped to way below zero. Have hardly stepped outside for 5 days. Next summer we hope to get in lots of weekend camping trips locally when grand daughter isn't with us. Happy New Year to all of you.
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Re: Hello 2018 !...

Postby snowball » Mon Jan 01, 2018 11:22 pm

been hanging out at my sisters for the last couple weeks will be able to go
home Monday or Tuesday. the memorial service is Saturday for my BIL if it can be
arranged some of his ashes will be interred in the vet cemetery. not sure how long it takes
to make those arrangements. it would be nice if it can be done on Monday so my niece can
be there...he wanted to have his ashes scattered in the pacific but my sister wanted at place
to go to when the need was there. so they are making two bags...good compromise I guess.
will so be ready to go home tired getting grouchy need some alone time...that is what happens
when you are by yourself with just the dog...even though the gtg is from whatever date to whatever...I will still be there...just saying
yes there are many of the old ones that I really miss love the new ones but do miss
the others...and I was on the one before this one as well
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Re: Hello 2018 !...

Postby JudyJB » Mon Jan 01, 2018 11:35 pm

Late to post today, but I had a long flight from Cleveland and picked up my motorhome in the Las Vegas airport and rushed to make it to Boulder campground on Lake Mead just before dark. I will be SO glad when days get longer because it is sometimes a rush to get somewhere before dark this time of year. I finally am unpacked and got most things put away, plus finally had dinner, so here I am.

Nice to hear from everyone one--good news and bad news. Everyone's lives have ups and downs, and we can only hope some "ups" follow those downs. Best wished for the new year for all!

And I hope more of you can make it to the GTG at Gilbert Ray in February. Eileen, my trick is not scheduling campgrounds too far apart so that I have some flexibility.
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