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Re: Campfire

Postby BirdbyBird » Mon Nov 20, 2017 12:51 pm

My out look is that we make room for what is important to us!
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Re: Campfire

Postby snowball » Thu Nov 23, 2017 5:51 pm

wanted to wish you all a happy thanksgiving day... went to the casino in parker for the buffet.. meet some friends there.... they do a really great buffet and I think worth the money...but with all honesty would rather make a home cooked home but can't do that for 20 and some change. :lol: there are no left overs which are so enjoyable after Turkey day...I doubt that they will come down next year he turns 91 on his next b'day this year allowed a grandson to drive them to Phoenix where he caught the plane and Hart was able to drive the rest of the way little over 100 miles.... so next year will probably be looking else where for eats....
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Re: Campfire

Postby havingfunnow » Sun Nov 26, 2017 3:08 pm

Lordy, I'm getting old! I'm at McDonald's, using their internet -- the kids behind the counter all look about twelve years old!

One of them is still wearing braces! :o
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Re: Campfire

Postby IrishIroamed » Sun Nov 26, 2017 3:39 pm

Funny Louise! I'm listening to some teenage boys across the creek. Just being boys, but I've muttered to myself 'shut up!'.

Still in CA. Moved closer to Yosemite yesterday. Forgot I had this booked, so I've already been to Yosemite from the last CG, but it's a nice little town with everything close by (except Walmart :lol: ) so I'll be doing chores (laundry & grocery shopping already done) and may wander back into Yosemite to go a little further in, based on roads being closed, etc. Have also been to Sequoia & Kings Canyon too.

Poor old Zorro had a pretty bad day yesterday. Poopy problems and didn't want to eat or take any of his medicine. Bribed him with mac & cheese last night, so he does seem a bit better today. Can't really take him on any lengthy walks anymore either. His back end is so weak. Still eating & doing his duty, but it's like the nutrition isn't getting past his tummy. His chest is still buff, but . . .

And Punk is OK. Having fun looking for the CA squirrels since they dig holes instead of climbing what little trees have been in CGs. Other than a coyote in a CG about 3 weeks ago, no dangerous critters around, but the current CG did have a mountain lion in it (at the complete opposite end of the CG from where I'm at) by the lumber pile. The owner didn't seem too concerned about it, so I'm not either. Said that was out of the ordinary and since I'm not walking the dogs at night because of Zorro, we'll be OK. Have light I can turn on to look for anything if need be, but it's pretty much in & out in the dark.

That's about all from me for now. Hope everyone is well and staying safe. I didn't miss Thanksgiving at all :) and no holiday shopping or decorating for me this year either woohoo!

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Re: Campfire

Postby avalen » Wed Nov 29, 2017 8:30 pm

Maggie got a really good bath today. Her allergies to this damn stink tree behind the fence is driving her crazy. I've got her back on benadryl and vacuumed really good. Tomorrow I'll put the nozzle on the hose and see if spraying down the tree will help. This happens every time that tree gets those little puff balls. Its an acacia tree, also known as Arizona willow and also called stink tree. Their odor is very musky! Maggie tries to roll on the rug to rub her eye and it gets really red.Hope I can get it under control and begin to heal or she's off to the vet for expert advice. Maybe he can tell me what's safe to put on her eyelid cause eye wash isn't helping like it used to.I think I made the pollen worse by trimming the tree and having all that stuff laying in the yard.
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Re: Campfire

Postby Bethers » Wed Nov 29, 2017 9:03 pm

Poor Maggie... I hope hosing it down helps. I'm sure cutting it put more of the bad stuff in the air. It probably doesn't help that we're in an air quality alert. I'm hoping it doesn't catch me.

I'm in Apache Junction for a couple nights. This park feels more like a trailer park to me... Which isn't the vibe I look for, but for a couple nights it's fine. And it's got a good doggy area. I'm really glad I never picked this park to workamp at. But it's gigantic and ful so obviously others like it. Maybe I'll see it in another light tomorrow.
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Re: Campfire

Postby snowball » Wed Nov 29, 2017 10:23 pm

starting to put up Christmas decorations the tree about out foxed me but Kerry to the
rescue!! she was able to see what I couldn't and plugged it in and low tonight so tried to start fireplace but no go think that the tank is low or I just didn't try long enough....I have had my nativity set on the desk and a village on the table....but got to looking at it and decided to try the opposite...will see what happens...may swap....
My sister had her knee replaced on Monday will go up to take care of things...I feel really guilty as I don't actually want to....her son is there perfectly capable of doing so old enough but he won't put himself out to help his dad...he the dad has Alzheimer's... and although he does a lot by himself he needs supervision on others like getting dressed his pull overs frequently end up with the neck line around his waist we have yet to figure out how he does sister described how he was dressed the other day somehow I think both legs were in a sleeve...not sure but she said I don't know how in the world he was able to I told my sister that I really wasn't comfortable dressing my brother in law...she is suppose to have their son do it...we will sad such a awful disease...hopefully this knee was put in better than the other...she never did well with that one and now it is infected yes still on long term antibiotics. till she is able to get it replaced but this knee went out so it was put to the top of the list...we are having a mini gtg Sharon came the other day and Sandi is going to come on Friday will be fun. oh my ginny is running. so good to hear it :lol:
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Re: Campfire

Postby snowball » Sat Dec 16, 2017 11:22 pm

I spent over a week in Vegas my BIL ended up going into
hospice has been a long week...I came home yesterday today got
word that BIL passed away today...he was in late stages of Alzheimer's had other
health issues that popped up and so my sister decided not to treat the brain bleed..
it's sad but we are thankful that his suffering is over...I told my niece it was harder on
the family than the patient .....I've heard it said that there are some things worse than will turn around and return to Vegas probably on Tues or Weds. My sister is still in rehab we aren't sure when she will get out but she is hoping before Christmas
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Re: Campfire

Postby Bethers » Sun Dec 17, 2017 12:07 am

Sheila, I'm so sorry, but also glad that his suffering is over. Thoughts and prayers to you all.
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Re: Campfire

Postby avalen » Sun Dec 17, 2017 8:44 am

Thoughts and prayers for you and family Sheila. He's at peace now
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Re: Campfire

Postby BarbaraRose » Sun Dec 17, 2017 1:26 pm

Sheila, so sorry to hear about the loss of your BIL. You are right, it is harder on the family than it is on the person with dementia. Take care...
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Re: Campfire

Postby BarbaraRose » Sun Dec 17, 2017 1:27 pm

I've got her back on benadryl and vacuumed really good.

Ava, you vacuumed your dog??? :lol:
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Re: Campfire

Postby monik7 » Sun Dec 17, 2017 5:27 pm

So sorry Sheila. You and your family are in my prayers. Travel safe. See you in January.
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Re: Campfire

Postby Liz » Sun Dec 17, 2017 6:57 pm

Hugs and prayers to you and the family, Sheila. It's never easy no matter the circumstances. Safe travels.
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Re: Campfire

Postby AlmostThere » Sun Dec 17, 2017 8:42 pm

Sorry for the passing of your loved one. Travel safe.

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