Good Morning Friday

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Good Morning Friday

Postby BirdbyBird » Fri Nov 10, 2017 11:25 am

Frozen dog water outside once again. The temperatures do put a bounce in doggy steps though. Lark, Audrey and Josef are all getting beautiful today so they can attend the UKC show this weekend in Dayton. No RV needed this weekend but we are gearing up for cold camping at the Columbus Fairgrounds next weekend for 5 days. We should at least have electric so we should survive with layers. The last of the leaves are still pretty down here in Ohio. I have always like the muted colors of November in Ohio after the harvests of corn and soybeans have come in. The soft golds and yellows against the gray October skies and the last bursts of reds and yellows from the trees all balanced out with the stark black and brown of the trees that have already given up their summer dresses.

Go out and explore the possibilities where ever you are today. Enjoy what ever you can and march through the rest of it..... Report back on any of life's "treasure" you may discover. I'll be over by the campfire trying to stay a little warmer.....
Tina and the furry companions...Lark, Audrey and Jane
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Re: Good Morning Friday

Postby SoCalGalcas » Fri Nov 10, 2017 12:47 pm

Beautiful description of the Ohio fall/winter season. I can picture it in my mind.

I saw my first Christmas Tree up in an apartment two nights ago! I enjoy the Christmas lights after Thanksgiving.

Going to another funeral on, only six of us in our Water Safety Group are left. Three 90's and 3 80's.

Going to have new tires put on the TT today. Bought them from Amazon.

Benni's foot is much better. He doesn't wear the cone anymore.

It has been a busy week for me. Got the HepA vaccine. My labs look pretty good this time. Will see my doc on Monday.


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Re: Good Morning Friday

Postby Othersharon » Fri Nov 10, 2017 1:02 pm

Ah, it’s already afternoon and a record setting cold, windy day. I’ve been messing with putting together a big pot of beef veggie soup and have it simmering now. Haven’t made it in a long time so trying to remember how I did it. No matter, it’s never the same every time anyway! I’ll run some over to my friend tomorrow and hope it’ll sit well on her stomach. She’s recovering pretty well from her knee replacement (Monday) but meds are playing havoc with her stomach. Luckily she’s off the heavy duty pain meds so we’re hoping food will start appealing! Plenty enough for me and the freezer for later! I start out small but I should know it never works!

Dogs are laying around after a romp in the backyard earlier. Well, Rascal romped, Doodles is getting old and sadly doesn’t romp like he used to. Kinda sad.

So Sue, how much of the white stuff did you get? We may get some flurries in the next few days but so far that’s all they’re calling for. Tomorrow is leaf day again for me...if this wind dies down! Tina, hope you and then pups stay warm this week end! And that they do well. Hope everyone has a good day and week end.
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Re: Good Morning Friday

Postby BarbaraRose » Fri Nov 10, 2017 2:38 pm

Good morning gals!

11 more days til closing on my house! Yay!

Weather here is perfect for me! Mid 70's and mostly sunny! Beautiful description of fall, Tina!

Trying to get signed up this morning for ObamaCare. Found a good plan that I can afford but having trouble getting signed in (can't remember my user name/password), to get signed up!

Also have to study a bit before heading to work later, since we have a test at school tomorrow. I am halfway done now. Lots to learn but very interesting.

Lynn, sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. Once things settle down with my move and school, I will need a tour of San Diego. When will you be leaving for Q? I am not sure yet if I will get there this year or not.

Have a good day! :D
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Good Morning Friday

Postby JudyJB » Fri Nov 10, 2017 3:30 pm

Cold here is Tahachapi, also. High of 55 today and low of 37 predicted tonight. Brrrr. I am at the campground near the glider airport for a couple of days. Did two loads of laundry last night, which was good because while I have lots of clothing, I don't have much space for storing dirty clothes. Good thing I live alone!

Went out to the fabulous bakery in town but they were out of my almost pastries, so got a couple of other things and ordered some for tomorrow morning. It is amazing to have trouble finding a place to park near the bakery in this tiny town. Nice little cafe at the bakery as well, so I encourage you to get off the freeway and head for downtown if you go by this town. And campground is only $27 for water and electric and the laundry has two washers and two dryers, which is nice. Also very quiet here, other than the occasional small plane towing gliders next door and coyotes howling on some nights.
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Re: Good Morning Friday

Postby dpf » Fri Nov 10, 2017 6:25 pm

Way past morning! Tina it was cold and windy here....not a nice day to explore in South Dakota! Lyn, No Christmas tree around here until after Thanksgiving. So sorry about your friend. Sharon, whenever I make vegetable soup I add a package of chili seasoning to give it a little zip. Otherwise I find the taste of the broth to be a little blah. Barbie, hasn't Trump closed down the healthcare website at certain times to make it rather difficult to get onto it?

Going to a wine tasting party tonight. I really don't like wine, but it's something to do. Last time I went to one I was in college. We were given tastes of different wines and not told what it was. Well, I was the only person who liked the cheapest wine they had...think it was Boone's Farm. I thought the most expensive wine tasted like Listerine. :lol:

Well that all I have for today. Have a good evening.
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Re: Good Morning Friday

Postby BarbaraRose » Sat Nov 11, 2017 2:01 am

I am not sure what the problem is with the website for ACA. It tells me it will send a new temporary password to my email address but I never get it. I have a guy who has been helping me with trying to get signed up. I contacted him this morning about this latest problem. Now that I know which plan I want to sign up for, he is going to get me signed up hopefully on Monday next week. I think the ACA website gets shut down during part of the weekends when most people have time to actually get on and sign up.

Pat, I also am not a fan of wine or champagne. The only champagne I have ever liked is the cheap Andre pink champagne. I do like mimosas tho, with OJ and champagne. And I will tolerate boxed wine but not much else.
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Good Morning Friday

Postby MandysMom » Sat Nov 11, 2017 3:32 am

FYI you can google weekend shut downs of ACA site. Obama had it shut down part of each weekend. Trump administration continued with a 12 hour shut down 3 of 4 weekends (on sundays) during sign ups. And the shorter sign up period was determined by Congress early in ACA. It was easy to google that info so guessing a little searching will give you more info as to times. We don't have to deal,with it as we are Medicare with a supplement from Mel's retirements.
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