Dear All,
I had posted earlier about a trip to the west coast and asking you all for recommendations regarding National Parks.
We have decided on a nearly six week trip, still renting a campervan (maybe we will be so inspired after the trip that we will buy!), beginning the last week in May and ending the last day of June. We will be renting a 19' compact van from Cruise America. Yosemite is on our list and we know that booking is crucial and that you can book five months ahead with an emphasis on being on that phone/internet the minute you can, to make reservations.
I did search the archives of the forum to see if there were any previous threads related to the best parts of Yosemite to consider if you are in a campervan. There was nothing I came across in the archives and so I thought I would write again and ask for your input
My partner and I are avid day hikers and so would be looking to hike while in Yosemite. Also, we are quiet sorts and if the recommendations are to consider less well-known areas of the park, we would be very happy to know about them. Alternatively, places within the park to avoid would also be welcome information. We will more than likely begin our trip at Yosemite (we pick up the campervan in Newark, CA) and so it will be late May and then head northwards from there. We are thinking a week there?
So, any and all of your thoughts given the wealth of experience in this readership would be much appreciated.
Thanks so much in advance,