Windy Wednesday

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Windy Wednesday

Postby Colliemom » Wed Dec 07, 2016 6:38 am

Good Morning from the windy 45th,

Gusty winds blowing here today and temps in mid 20's. Gonna have to bundle up going out today. O'Sharon, hang on to your hat, cause it's probably heading your way too.

Fast trip to town this morning, then home to stay while mom mature brings on winter. Need to go pick up my ice cleats order which came in yesterday. Those Stabil-Icer walking cleats are the greatest for going walking in winter. Rest of day, I plan to do a little insulation work in basement.

Anita, hope the temps and humidity cool down for you. Beth, our fur kids never fail to amuse do they. It's amazing the things they remember or do. Glad those of you needing the rain are finally getting some. White rain will be heading this way, especially tomorrow into Friday. Hop e you gals at Silver River get a break in the weather, but I know you will have fun anyway.

Guess that' it for today from here. What are you all getting into?
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Re: Windy Wednesday

Postby BirdbyBird » Wed Dec 07, 2016 7:20 am

It is cold and getting colder. It must be time for the Cleveland dog shows......
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Re: Windy Wednesday

Postby Othersharon » Wed Dec 07, 2016 7:36 am

Good morning! I woke up at about 5:30 so figured since my alarm was set for 6 I might as well stay up! Thanks, Sue, for the headsup! Today is looking like the nicest day for the next several to come! So road trip is on! I really don't have any plans to buy much but may find some bargains at Vera Bradly for the granddaughters. A little shopping and then lunch at our favorite restaurant! Mostly we go, I think, just to have a day out and a chance to visit and catch up!

I never did get to the cards yesterday. I spent most of the day in the kitchen cooking and baking! Seemed like that kind of day.

Hoping the gtg in FL is going to have better weather. But as it's been said, it'll be fun either way! Always fun to get together. Hope you all have a good day and travel safe.
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Re: Windy Wednesday

Postby Oma » Wed Dec 07, 2016 8:43 am

Good morning, sounds like cold weather is all around. It's supposed to get cool here in central Florida starting tomorrow. Time to start making soup. Headed to the Y this morning. Need to do some shopping and baking later today. Stay warm my friends :D
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Re: Windy Wednesday

Postby carolb » Wed Dec 07, 2016 8:55 am

Gmorning all :)

Yep, looks like your storm, Sue, will be heading our way too, but will say I am enjoying winter after 4 yrs without one! Beth, absolutely cute story of Peaches & her whimsical antics:)

I also was busy baking yesterday--bro was here & we made our labor-intensive Italian Cmas cookies. We have such a great time, with good memories of watching/helping mom & dad make them. This was year 8 for us since we decided to carry on the tradition.

I read in a mag about marshmallows for sore throat! Anyone heard of that? Well, I googled it (oh Anita, I'm getting so good at googling!), & seems to have merit. So I got a bag the other day when my throat felt scratchy--maybe it was a very temporary scratch, or the marshmallows really did work. Think I'll keep them on hand all winter:)

Donna & Margie, you'll need to do manicures while you're at the gtg--get all the others to put on snowflakes! What fun the three of us had doing that last year at Wickham:)

Cuddling with pups today--love this nesting thing:) Y'all have a great day & be safe always 8-)
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Re: Windy Wednesday

Postby havingfunnow » Wed Dec 07, 2016 9:41 am

Quick trip to the post office this morning -- I have boxes to mail! Then maybe some tempura, since I'll be near the little place that does it really well . . .
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Re: Windy Wednesday

Postby chalet05 » Wed Dec 07, 2016 10:26 am

Good Morning,

The rain finished by afternoon yesterday so we had some outside time. Looks beautiful today. I have to uphold my reputation and slept until 9:45! Irmi and Brenda will be coming today.

Beth, dogs are so smart! Carolb, I was just thinking about your tradition the other day. Now how did you ever live without 'Google' :lol: You ladies in the cold and white stay warm and safe!

Make it a great day!
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Re: Windy Wednesday

Postby JudyJB » Wed Dec 07, 2016 11:30 am

I'm in Ortona South, back out of the Everglades and no cell service. I have been keeping up with stuff in the few moments of weak internet I was getting, plus the time I spent every day down the highway at the visitor center parking lot. Took a lot of walks and rode my bike on the Shark Valley loop, so kept busy. Still swamped with student paper, though, so got to get back to work.

This is a nice, cheap COE campground for anyone who comes down to FLorida. Right on the lock and dam along the river, so lots to watch.

Anyway, blog has been updated since Shark Valley bike ride, if you are interested.
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Re: Windy Wednesday

Postby Acadianmom » Wed Dec 07, 2016 12:55 pm

I'm with you Anita, I didn't get up until almost 10:00. Some idiot(Harold's friend) called at 7:00 and woke me up. I probably should have gotten up then because I woke up with a headache later. I decided to put a roast in the slow cooker thinking we could have it for lunch. Uh no, it's almost noon now. Well, we will have roast for supper. :roll: My son told me I have wisenheimers yesterday.

I thought it was suppose to be 70 today and it's only 62. The sun isn't out so guess that is why. They are predicting freezes for tomorrow night and Friday. Since we are so close to the coast it probably will get close to freezing but won't.

I am still waiting to hear about my son's car incase I have to bring him to pick it up. I probably need to get on my Christmas cooking. I usually make cake ball for my friends and I hear about it if I don't get them made. I made the Pecan Ball cookies that have been going around on Facebook. They are good but messy with all the powdered sugar.

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