The Anxiety of Stepping Into Unknown Territrory

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The Anxiety of Stepping Into Unknown Territrory

Postby Aminton » Wed Nov 18, 2015 1:49 pm

Hello to all,
My name is Angela Minton. I long to do what I have dreamt of for 25 years--become a single woman full-time RV'er. Now that my children are adults, well-educated, and established in their own careers AND I am now debt-free, with no one to take care of but myself and a small Biewer terrier---I believe it is my turn to be selfish and follow my dreams.

However, I must be honest. As excited as I am about full-time RVing, I am absolutely terrified at the same time. There are many unknowns. And though I currently telecommute as a writer/tutor/teacher, which brings in my work income, my fixed (guaranteed) income is only $1500 per month, so I must work with that amount in establishing a budget. Second, my family is very close to disowning me for being, in their words, IRRESPONSIBLE, and for entertaining the idea of changing my lifestyle. They consider living in an RV the same as being homeless. Of course, there is one more thing. I am 68 years old, but healthy, don't feel like an old woman, intelligent, well-educated, a life-long learner, and not ready to go to pasture. The total lack of support of my family, as in kids and siblings, has surprised me. But I have come to believe that, more than concern for my well-being, my family is worried I might end up on one of their doorsteps. Not going to happen.

My goal is to sell my condo, downsize to the absolute necessities, pay cash for a new or nearly new RV, and begin my journey, continuing to work/telecommute/find other work/and be open to all the possibilities along the way. That will mean living on fairly little, but I already do that.

I have never been "irresponsible" in my life, and I don't intend to start now. I will do all research necessary to become knowledgeable on both the pros and cons of full-time RVing before I ever turn the key in the ignition of my new home. And if I determine that this is an impossible dream, I will accept that, too.

I am excited about the potential of embarking on a new life journey. However, the dismissive remarks I have been bombarded with since I announced my plan--the suggestions that I have lost my mind--are hurtful, not to mention disrespectful. This total lack of support makes my decision more difficult. Right now I feel like an emotional yo yo. Up one minute, down the next. But I keep reminding myself that, though I don't know what will happen if I betray the status quo and proceed with my plans, I do know that if I continue living as I am, I will dry up and blow away.

I joined this forum only a few days ago, and have already received amazing support and information from its members. (A shout out to my hero, RVSue). I would love to hear from other struggling single older (or younger) women pioneers who have, in spite of nay sayers, made a success of their dream.
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Re: The Anxiety of Stepping Into Unknown Territrory

Postby Azusateach » Wed Nov 18, 2015 3:27 pm


Congratulations! What a glorious feeling it must be to be footloose and fancy-free!

It appears that you're really researching your options, so I might suggest looking up a blog by "RVSue". She's a gal about your age who's basically done what you're wanting to do -- and has been very successful. I think you'll find it really helpful AND encouraging.

Thanks for joining us!

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Re: The Anxiety of Stepping Into Unknown Territrory

Postby WickedLady » Wed Nov 18, 2015 4:15 pm

Don't let others kill your dreams. You must decide what will make you happy.
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Re: The Anxiety of Stepping Into Unknown Territrory

Postby Rufflesgurl » Wed Nov 18, 2015 4:46 pm

Angela - Sounds like you know what you want to do or at least try and you are at a great age to get going. Maybe you can purchase an RV and keep your home for now to see if you even like to RV. You will make the right decisions for you. And, enjoy yourself - it's your life and your ideas!! Welcome to the forum.

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Re: The Anxiety of Stepping Into Unknown Territrory

Postby BirdbyBird » Wed Nov 18, 2015 5:18 pm

Welcome to the forum from "Winter is Coming" Ohio. Personally I hope to be parked in Florida before the drifts become to foreboding. :? Following your dream is part of the dreaming. If you get out on the road and figure out it is not the experience that you want what have you really lost? You will already have downsized "things" to that which matters and you can make decisions from there complete with the richness of all that you discover along the way.

Besides the internet tutorial and educational opportunities you already have adding to your budget, I am guess that you have already started researching workcamping opportunities across this great land of ours. I didn't catch what area of the country you are starting from but you will find voices on here from all over, many of whom are fulltimers. There is no "right or perfect" way to jump into this adventure. Just wade into the water, research and eventually it is a leap of step at a time.... :)
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Re: The Anxiety of Stepping Into Unknown Territrory

Postby Redetotry » Wed Nov 18, 2015 6:48 pm

Welcome Angela, Don't give up, it is YOUR life don't let someone else determine how you live. I think others on here have encountered problems convincing their children that there are many single women living their RV dream and you won't be alone on the road. You already have the support of women from all over the US, just look at the map of where many of us are located.! One thing in your plan you might want to research is paying cash for your RV. Interest rates are very low right now and the market has been doing fairly well overall the last several years. If you invest the money from the sale of your condo in a well diversified portfolio with an online brokerage like Vanguard or Fidelity who have low fees, you will quite possible earn enough interest to make your payment.
It is your turn, now go for it while you still have the dream. Dreams do move on you know if you wait too long.
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Re: The Anxiety of Stepping Into Unknown Territrory

Postby Bethers » Wed Nov 18, 2015 7:10 pm

Welcome, Angela! Yes, YOU CAN DO IT!

Quickly, I took a year's leave of absence from my job in 2005 and, oops, never went back. I was being cautious. I live very frugally. Now I do workamping jobs, but not all the time. I make sure I take time to go to the places I want to go - and to spend time at them. I make my own budget and decide where to spend the money I'm willing to part with - so I cook most of my meals, for example. But when it comes to seeing the amazing sites, I usually find the money. That's what's important to me. I never heard of boondocking before (heck, I hadn't liked camping and had never spent a night in an rv) - and now, when in traveling mode, boondocking is my favorite.

Ask questions, then find what's right for you. And if there's any type of gtg near you - even before you have a rig, make it over to talk in person, etc. And if one of your family members are close, let them come, too. Maybe they'll start to understand. And if they don't, don't let it deter you!

I look forward to meeting you down the road!
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Re: The Anxiety of Stepping Into Unknown Territrory

Postby gypsyrose1126 » Wed Nov 18, 2015 9:24 pm

Hi Angela -- I own a travel trailer which I just bought this Aug. so I am new to Rving- I have taken one trip and am planning another for the winter. I have camped in the past and have owned a pop up when kids were living at home. Have you considered keeping your condo and trying out the RV lifestyle to see if it is something that you enjoy? I do not plan on doing it full time as I like my home and my kids are here but I love to travel and plan to travel for several months each year. I still work part time for 4 months of the year.
I read up on everything and searched the ads for a Class C and then ended up getting a trailer! What a surprise ---- My kids are all for me traveling ( that may be because the want to borrow the trailer!!) :lol:
Good luck!
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Re: The Anxiety of Stepping Into Unknown Territrory

Postby JudyJB » Wed Nov 18, 2015 10:20 pm

Welcome to the forum. Now you can get feedback from a lot of different viewpoints! You can still ask me questions, however.

Sometimes it takes a lot of convincing to make our kids realize we are not doddering old ladies who need supervision. Little do they know. :lol:
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Re: The Anxiety of Stepping Into Unknown Territrory

Postby MelissaD » Thu Nov 19, 2015 1:08 am

Hoosier Welcome :D

I ran long haul truck for a few years (drive local now). Lived out of my truck. Really enjoyed my time on the road. Mom's happy I now have a house and I've settled down but I still find myself longing to "just go". Live on the road was much simpler and easier to me. We are each different but we need to live our own lives and not our children's (or parent's). Maybe take it in steps. Take a couple of long trips before you let go your condo to "check the fit".

Good luck, there's so much out there to see.
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Re: The Anxiety of Stepping Into Unknown Territrory

Postby Liz » Thu Nov 19, 2015 10:03 am

Welcome, Angela, and yes, you can do it. Many your age have, and still are. We are not struggling, either. We are living and loving it! Glad you joined us.
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Re: The Anxiety of Stepping Into Unknown Territrory

Postby gingerK » Thu Nov 19, 2015 10:46 am

Welcome Angela. If you expected any one of this group to nay say your dreams, you're wrong. We're all about encouragement here. Tons of good advice, too! :D
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Re: The Anxiety of Stepping Into Unknown Territrory

Postby chalet05 » Thu Nov 19, 2015 11:48 am

Welcome, Angela!

I hope you'll follow your dream! My late husband and I were full timing when he passed away rather suddenly. I settled down for 4 years and then began full timing on my own at age 60 - 8 years ago. I have a friend who is a full timer and his online name is Homeless by Choice. Hope we'll see you on the road!
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Re: The Anxiety of Stepping Into Unknown Territrory

Postby IrishIroamed » Thu Nov 19, 2015 1:01 pm

Welcome from Illinois Angela!!
Keep your dream. You're family/friends will come around in time (I'm hoping for you) once they see how determined you are, how much research you are doing and how much information you will find about solo RVing. I too never camped (by RV) a day in my life and also want to go full time when I retire, so I bought a trailer for now for 'learning' and to make sure it's what I really want to do (YES! SO FAR!). You can also rent one & see how it goes.

I'd print this welcome thread & send it to everyone, proving you've got support. And when do you meet some of us, expect your family to think we are all ax murderers (trust me ~ we are not :D ) just a bunch of nice friendly ladies who help each other out & have a good time when we meet.

FYI - A quick Google search of the number of full-time RVers' shows anywhere from 250,000 to 1 million full timers out there so you will not be alone!
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Re: The Anxiety of Stepping Into Unknown Territrory

Postby JudyJB » Thu Nov 19, 2015 1:55 pm

FYI - I had tent camped with my ex-husband and hated it!!! But I loved to travel. And I had also never driven anything bigger than a mini-van before I bought my motorhome. I took no lessons, but I did read a lot online and watched some videos on how to drive a big vehicle. My son dropped me off at the dealer to pick it up and was so terrified I would crash on the 75 miles drive home, he "followed" ahead of me. Bet he was watching in his rearview mirror, however.

The best part of this life is the variety of scenery and places you can go. I have discovered some wonderful things. The second best part are the other campers, who are always helpful, like the couple last night who helped me back into a strange spot.

If you ever get into trouble with something at a campground you don't know what to do about or can't fix, if you ask for help, you will have a crowd wanting to help. Really.
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