Sunday Morning

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Sunday Morning

Postby Colliemom » Sun Feb 08, 2015 6:56 am


Well, here we are, into the second Sunday of February already. Will be March before we know it. The last month of winter for some of us, not that it doesn't linger into April, but you know it's going.

Did clean up my snow, which turned out to be more like 2-3 inches than the 1 inch I first thought. And also got the house cleaned and Molly and I went for a walk too.

Love that pic of the luncheon GTG. What a lovely group. Can tell everybody's enjoying themselves. Sarah, had to laugh when you said you didn't want to stay in the shop/store at the RV dealers least you be tempted to spend. But now you are sizing up and actually driving a MH around the lot. Be cheaper to stay in the store you know :lol:

Pat, know all about those annual training sessions. Had to do them when I worked at the park every spring. Not that you don't learn new information, but a lot is same old too. Don't miss that at all.

Reading through the posts on here, seems like everybody's in the same ol', same ol' rut. Me thinks we are getting a bit winter weary and ready to bust out when spring comes :)

Gotta move along here and get cleaned up, eventually head for church. Nothing much on the menu here this morning, so suggest a restaurant or something :lol: Have a blessed day all.
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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby avalen » Sun Feb 08, 2015 8:00 am

good morning ladies
so glad its Sunday.....cause when I first woke up I thought it was Monday and my brain said, aww shit, gotta go to work :lol: :lol:
Had a great day yesterday visiting with Carolb, and we watched a couple movies, one of hers and one of mine,
dinner was throw together from what we had together and a little wine (me)/beer (her) :D and....she's still out
there sleeping. So when ya get up Carolb, the coffee is fresh, bring your own creamer :D
Suppose to go visit my friend from Colorado this afternoon and don't know what else is in store for my evening.
Maybe my neighbor comes back (which means an 8:30 trip to the airport) and maybe not. Won't know until he
calls me.
The weather has been getting really nice, sitting outside this time of year is a real pleasure. Won't be long and
I'll be able to sit out and watch the sun come up, but not now, its still too cold until after the sun warms things
The icky thing on my eye finally popped and its healing pretty good, however....wait for it.....I smashed my hand
at the grocery store Friday, its all swollen, broke the skin and had to go over yesterday and do a report on it. Also
took pictures of their display that caused it and showed them how it needed to be raised so when someone (me)
reaches to open the freezer door they don't get smashed. It will heal but I just think its a bit humorous how this
past week I've been such a mess with first the shoulder, then the foot, then the eye, and now my hand... :lol:
Tuesday is the big day for the shoulder shot, can't wait to be rid of that pain.
Ok, off to read more, in a nutshell,,,,,have a great day.
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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby dayspring39 » Sun Feb 08, 2015 9:38 am

Good Morning... ouch Ava... time to have a good week for you!
This is the last day of the Feb thaw... snow has gone down so much... no shoveling this weekend... will leave for church in a few...
Sarah loved that picture... would like to see everyone... save me a place!!
I did not get to sleep until after 2 last night... maybe today I will get more steps in... going to the store after church so that should add up for me..
Not much else enjoy the sunshine everyone... winter is coming back tomorrow...
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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby asirimarco » Sun Feb 08, 2015 10:07 am

Good morning to all from a beautiful sunny Aticama Mexico. The sound of the waves in the background.
This morning we are going to the tiangas - flea market type thing - to buy bags of coffee! It is grown and processed locally and soooo good. And maybe some pastries. Will take pictures and post them in the blog. Also going to try to take a ride up the new but unopened highway to Tepic - supposed to be open in March but they didn't say what year...
The weather has been great since it finally stopped raining - three days of hard rain. Even the humidity has gone down. Bill has been feeling really good - no allergies at all.
Tomorrow will have good coffee in the a.m. See you then.
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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby grammynmaggie » Sun Feb 08, 2015 10:13 am

good morning everyone my second post not sure what happened to the other one but I'll try again....somehow I missed a picture where is it I will go look at it nice and sunny few clouds beautiful day what can I say...I did make blog post about micro mini GTGwith Gloria if you want to take a happy and be safe..d onna
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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby Queen » Sun Feb 08, 2015 10:40 am

Good morning all!

Sounds the GTG was a good time, sure hope to make it to one soon!!

Our move to FL is set for May 14th and I cannot wait, so ready to be in our new place and enjoying all that sunshine.

In the meantime I have a couple of hoops to jump through, if I "pass" my stress test I'll be having my bum right knee replaced on February 17th. Really don't want it done, but my mobility is so impacted now it's just time. I'm a little young at 54, but had my first surgery on the knee in 1974 and four more since then, guess it's done it's job long enough.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!!
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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby cnq50b » Sun Feb 08, 2015 10:46 am

Good morning all,

Just dropping in for a minute to say Hi!

Looks like a fun group in FL. Sarah, be careful.. :lol:
Beth, love keeping track of your camphosting adventures - I'm joining the others with some popcorn to watch it unfold. :D
Ava, hope you're mending & don't hurt anything this week.

We are having spring-like weather here in KC. Almost 70 yesterday, high near 60 today. I've got windows & doors open in February! :shock: Really making me realize how sweet it would be to have moderate weather year-round & just hear about the snow elsewhere.

Took Sadie to the dog park yesterday - muddy!!!!! Only stayed a little while (one dog wasn't very friendly - why, do people bring them?) Going to go out somewhere today -not sure where yet.

Hope everyone stays healthy & happy.
Take care,
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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby Othersharon » Sun Feb 08, 2015 10:51 am

Good Sunday morning all. A cloudy but warm morning here. Well, warm by our standards anyway! Had a nice day yesterday too! The ice in the driveway had a chance to melt, at least some of it. Just in time to get ready for what ever is coming in tonight and tomorrow! I was supposed to go away Friday afternoon and dinner but plans got changed so yesterday I took off and went to visit a friend and his family south of here. At one point my car said it was 52!! I really need to get down there more often, he reminded me he'll be 80 soon! This is a family we met 40 plus years ago when we were all stationed overseas. So we have watched each others kids grow up and all that's followed in each others lives. His wife was a sister of my heart and we shared so much though the years.

I took the pups with me and they were so happy to be going! I stopped to get some lunch and could see them while I was eating, Rascal was in the driver's seat just watching people. Even when a couple of them stopped to see him he just looked back at them with his best aloof look! I tell people he's only allowed to drive around parking lots not on the main roads! We stopped at one of my favorite stores in Altoona and managed buy some new things for Lola. Things for organizing her better and a couple of new comforters for the couches. This way I don't worry about wet dogs jumping on them. So I know spring is coming! Can hardly wait to get her loaded and taking off somewhere! Yesterday would have been a great day to exercise her but sadly, she's still covered and has several inches of snow on her! Driving home last night I got to thinking about what it would take to raise the carport roof to accomadate her height. Then I could take her out when we have a good day or two. Definatly depends on what it would cost. Something to think about. Well, that's about it here. As Sue said, same ol same ol'. Ava, sure hope you have a better week this week! Take care, everyone, and have a good day.
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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby BarbaraRose » Sun Feb 08, 2015 10:53 am

Good morning gals! Was exhausted last night after a crazy busy day at work yesterday! 24 hair cuts and an updo at the end of the day! Went to bed at 9:30! Usually don't go to bed until after midnight. Slept almost 12 hours!

Have today off and need to get a lot done around here, laundry, bills, and get my living room cleaned up and ready for my two reclining chairs I ordered. Hopefully, I can sell my futon and a few other things quickly.

The ferrets are running around here like maniacs putting on a show for me this morning! :lol:

Cloudy this morning but slowly getting brighter out so maybe will see some sun later on. Still in the 30's today.

Hope you all have a great day! Ava, get healed up soon!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby Queen » Sun Feb 08, 2015 11:09 am

Holy cow, Barbie, that is a LOT of cuts!!
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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby BarbaraRose » Sun Feb 08, 2015 11:27 am

Close to a record for me in one day! I cut pretty much non-stop from 9:30 to 6:30 with just a 15 minute lunch break! Got almost $100 in tips tho!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby MelissaD » Sun Feb 08, 2015 11:36 am

asirimarco wrote:The sound of the waves in the background.

Tease :lol:

Hope everyone has a great day. Thanks for the coffee Image
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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby IrishIroamed » Sun Feb 08, 2015 1:58 pm

Mornin' (somewhere) ladies!

Glad to hear the eye thingy popped Alice. Now, you've had just about enough ouchies so far this year alone, so hopefully you're done.

Great looking group at the gtg. Someday maybe I can go to one too.

Such colorful places you go Carol. Keep posting, but stop rubbing it in about the waves and great weather. ;)

Has been nice having a mild thaw this weekend. The streets are finally down to the pavement, but now they're talking freezing temps again, and that means ice & idiots on the roads for the AM commute. :x

Looks like Spring is coming!!! Since I woke up today at 4:30, decided to head to Starved Rock SP to look for bald eagles again. Sorry Kathy, figured you may not want a phone call at 5 AM. :lol:

Not sure what I was more exited about. Seeing fleet trucks pulling new TT's west on I-80 (about 15 of them) and 1 new class A, or seeing the bald eagles. Either way, makes me long for warmer temps and maybe a big enough income tax refund to find a little TT of my own so I can start the learning process this year.

If you're interested in the eagles I saw, I made a post, but the foggy / overcast day did allow for he best of pics.

Have a great day everyone, and if you're on the road, stay safe.

On edit - figured out what I was doing wrong with my binoculars, I needed to bring them a little closer to my nose and adjusting them for not wearing glasses made a huge difference. I could actually see things this time. Yes, I am a newbie a bird watching. You can't tell can you? :D
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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby Bethers » Sun Feb 08, 2015 2:29 pm

No, Cheryl, you are not the only one who gets excited about seeing bald eagles. Even when I lived where I could see a nest nearly year long - I still got excited - every single time.

I laughed about the binoculars. I've had people say to use them with my glasses, use without, etc - especially when I was whale watching on the LuLu Belle. I discovered I could do better, most of the time, adjusting them to without. But then it's a pain to quickly switch to my glasses when I needed the naked eye. I was having trouble with my newest camera - I don't remember adjusting the focus - don't remember needing to - but must have adjusted it to the naked eye when I purchased and was so frustrated that I couldn't see things clear. Almost returned it before I realized it had a focus on it!
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Re: Sunday Morning

Postby chalet05 » Sun Feb 08, 2015 2:58 pm

Good Afternoon!

Great to see so many posts and all that is going on! Nice to see the GTG lunch photo and Sarah out test driving! You gals that got out or opened windows while some decent weather - good for you! I know winter gets old so a little tease is good! I even get excited seeing hawks and we see a lot of them. Ava, enough owies already! And if you get up before Carolb, you are really an early riser or maybe you just kept her up too late! :)

I'm back in Quartzsite this afternoon. LeRoy will come tomorrow and will pick up the Slingshot. I also bought the wire he needs to redo the trailer wiring they shorted out - they will be getting a bill. All in all it was a good trip, but I'm tired, and, of course, behind with a lot of things. Tomorrow I will call about Slingshot repair to determine if we go to Havasu or take a trip to shop in Yuma!

Ava has owies, and I have repairs or replacements. Since the first of the year - window shade, water pump, CO2 monitor, Slingshot and now trailer wiring! Not serious, but enough already.

Hope you are all having a good day.
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