Springlike Monday

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Springlike Monday

Postby Colliemom » Mon Dec 15, 2014 6:40 am

Good Morning from the balmy 45th,

Gee, this weather feels more like spring than a week before Christmas. Wonder if it will be summer by next month :lol: After last month it's quite a change. Mid 40's today and snow is gone except for piles and patches.

Thought I had better report in as I know everybody's been waiting for puppy news. Well, she's here and at the moment is sleeping by my chair. Like any baby, she goes in spurts, plays hard and then zonk, she's out :lol: I will be posting picture over in the Pets thread when I finfish here. Suffice to say, we are doing very well together and she is catching up to the housebreaking stuff extremely well.

So later this morning she is going for a little ride with me to the vets office to let them meet her and set up an appt. for her next shots in 4 weeks. Then we will mosey home. Need to start getting organized to leave for the U.P. on Saturday. We are going north for Christmas.

Had a wonderful trip downstate and a great visit with my friend. She, I and her girlfriend went to Shipshewana on Friday. First time I have been there. We managed to hit a few stores before their doctors appts. so I did get to see the town. Love it. Want to go back. Was so pretty decorated up for Christmas..

Looks like everybody had a quiet Sunday yesterday. Know it was here for the most part. Hard to believe Christmas is coming. Haven't been in the mood this year. Did get cards out but that's all. Not sure if I am taking my little tree along or not next week.

Whoops, the kid just woke up, short nap. Need to keep an eye on her, so will wish you all a wonderful day out there and get those pics posted for you :)
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Re: Springlike Monday

Postby IrishIroamed » Mon Dec 15, 2014 8:04 am

Mornin' Sue & all that follow ~~~now on to all the fun stuff with her Sue! Maybe it's staying Spring for you for potty training :D

Off to look for puppy pics. Have a great day everyone.
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Re: Springlike Monday

Postby dpf » Mon Dec 15, 2014 8:34 am

Sue...don't get too used to the nice weather! It was 55 here yesterday. This morning it was 35 at 6:00 and raining. When I got out of the shower and let Radar out the temp had dropped and it was freezing rain and now it's snowing! Most of the schools west of us have cancelled classes or starting 2 hours late. I'm waiting for daylight before I leave for work. Unfortunately I don't have a car pool buddy with 4X4 anymore because his hours were changed. Glad the new puppy is catching on to house training.

Have a good day everyone.
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Re: Springlike Monday

Postby Redetotry » Mon Dec 15, 2014 9:16 am

Good morning, It is pouring down rain today but yesterday was warm (60) and sunny. I noticed the Forsythia and one of the lilac bushes have buds, not good. The temps are going down all week and I expect to wake up Thursday to weather like Pat is having this morning. I have felt so tired the last couple of days, sort of like one feels when getting over the flu, but I haven't been sick. I haven't been sleeping well so maybe that is the reason. I doubt I make it to yoga class at eleven. :( I did do a bit of Christmas shopping on Sat but I think most of it will stay with me. I went to a bazaar at a small nearby town and found several pieces of old glass at very good prices. Also bought a couple of something called Department 56, one is a firewood truck and the other a vintage car stuck in the snow with a family trying to push it out, for a friends two little boys.
I'm going to see if Sue has her puppy pictures up yet!
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Re: Springlike Monday

Postby dpf » Mon Dec 15, 2014 9:43 am

Started out to work....drove five miles and there were three cars in the ditch. Said to myself "Self what in the hell are you doing...you have seven weeks of annual accumulated and you retire in a year and during that time you will accumulate about another four weeks" I turned around and came home.
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Re: Springlike Monday

Postby BirdbyBird » Mon Dec 15, 2014 10:38 am

Good listening to self, Pat. I remember you mentioned once that you listen to what the school districts decide.....and I read your mention of some of the district starting to go down...... Keep thinking warm thoughts and stay on the couch reading a good book.....
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Re: Springlike Monday

Postby bluepinecones » Mon Dec 15, 2014 10:49 am

Good morning
Good choice on the turn around, Pat. When I was working, we did not often get snow/ice but when it happened I had a standing rule - if you need me at the office, send someone to get me - I don't drive in that mess.
Sun is out for a change and nice warm up today, however rain moving in this afternoon.
Todays medical appointment is for a hearing test and the 6 month check on my new hearing aids. Tomorrow is the sleep doctor to get results of last week sleep study.
Mostly finished with what little Christmas shopping planned for this year, a little wrapping and that is it.
Have a great day
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Re: Springlike Monday

Postby Acadianmom » Mon Dec 15, 2014 11:36 am

I got back yesterday afternoon from a campout with the Getaway Gals in Natchitoches, LA. We had a great time as usual. Natchitoches has Christmas light displays on the banks of the Cane River Lake across from the downtown area. On Saturday nights there is a big fireworks show. It was the best I have ever seen. Natchitoches is the oldest town in the Louisiana Purchase. I was in college there for the 250 celebration and this year is the 300 celebration. I can't believe it has been 50 years. The movie "Steel Magnolias" was filmed in Natchitoches so we went on a Steel Magnolia tour to see the houses and church in the movie. I wish I had watched the movie again before I went. The weather was nice during the day but I about froze at night. I need to get warmer clothes for winter camping.

That's a cute puppy Sue. She will keep you moving.

Good call on staying home Pat. I don't do snow at all, not that I have to worry about that very often. lol The Louisiana girls have a campout planned the end of January in North Louisiana. I'm not signing up until I see what the weather is going to be.

I need to get moving, I have a funeral to attend. Our neighbor's sister passed away on Saturday.

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Re: Springlike Monday

Postby chalet05 » Mon Dec 15, 2014 12:20 pm

Good Morning,

Pat, good decision! I used to think I didn't make enough money to cover the cost and frustration of having an accident!

Martha, I'd like to have seen all the lights and fireworks. Lights are few and far between here in the desert. BJ, I was always good about buying a few things for myself at Christmas! Sarah, I'm sure you'll be glad to have the appointments over and done with.

It has turned 'cold' here so wish I could have moved further south - 10 a.m. and not even 50 degrees yet. I think LeRoy's new truck is finished where my help is needed so I have asked for some uninterrupted days to 'do my thing'. We'll see how long that lasts. :D

Everyone have a good day and safe travels - particularly thinking of Carolb as she gets back on the road!
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Re: Springlike Monday

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Dec 15, 2014 12:55 pm

Woke up with my sinuses draining crap again. I got on-line with Virtuwell to get an antibiotic. Was going to stop at Urgent Care the other day but figured the sinus problem was getting better. Guess not.

Warm and foggy here still. But later on the temps will start dropping and are supposed to get freezing rain and sleet tonight, and snow tomorrow. I can handle snow, but freezing rain is not good. Luckily, I live just a mile or so from work. It sure does feel like March right now tho. Wish it was!

UPS just arrived with the plastic replacement hooks for the bungee cords on my new kayak, so I can fix that tomorrow. They just screw in. Only needed two but they come in a pack of 10, so I have more in case any others break off in the future. Now just waiting for the supplies I ordered to make a cockpit cover. Will be a good project to try out my new sewing machine! Will take pics!

Gotta get ready for work. Hope you all have a great day! I know Sue will, with her new puppy! What fun!
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Re: Springlike Monday

Postby MandysMom » Mon Dec 15, 2014 2:22 pm

Pat, so glad you were listening to yourself this morning! When we lived in Reno and I was prego with kid #1, I drove one night (night shift) from our home 14 miles out in country into Reno to work. Got about half mile from hospital and was sliding so much I could go no further and knew if I headed down the last hill, I would end up sliding through major intersections, so got the car with wheels locked into a curb and walked to work. My coworkers were furious that pregnant me walked (being as I worked at a maternity ward they were doubly furious at me, haha). Ended up having someone take me home the next morning in a 4 wheel drive and husband rescued the car in a few days. Anyhow, with the years of experience in between, now I would make the decision you did. T'isnt worth it , stay home and drink cocoa or hot buttered rum and read a book!
Raining here and in 50's I think. Hope to head for Curves soon then take hubby out to do his stocking stuffer shopping.
I used to have sinus infections like that always thought I needed antibiotics but keep hearing now that change in drainage is almost never bacterial (need antibiotics) and is usually viral ( antibiotics not needed). Couple of suggestions. Do you use sinus rinse such as NeilMed and I mean twice daily every day? Both rinses out the invaders and toughens up the tissue. Took me years to be convinced to do that and it made a big difference for me. Do you take extra Vit C? I take Emergen C daily at this time of year. There is a herb called Astralgus which helps the body fight off invaders. A MD was the first I heard about it when he said he took it daily during flu season. The capsules are not very pricey and I take always before going to stores during flu season. I think a high quality multi Vit helps too. Vit D ESP helps with immune with some studies saying it is almost as effective as anti viral meds. Hope you feel better soon. I am so sorry to hear you are sick again.
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Re: Springlike Monday

Postby Acadianmom » Mon Dec 15, 2014 9:00 pm

When I was in junior high I got hit in the nose with a baseball. It broke my nose but I was never taken to the doctor. After that I could only breath out of one side of my nose. The summer I graduated from high school I got a sinus infection that took me almost a year to get over. Back then they wouldn't give you any medicine. One doctor drained them a couple of times and one told me to stand in a hot shower and breath the water. After that almost every time I caught a cold it would turn into a sinus infection and I looked like I had black eyes. When I was about 26 and had insurance I went to M D Anderson in Houston and had surgery to fix my nose and sinus. I have had very few sinus infections in all the years after that. My husband has sinus problems some times but he won't hear of surgery. If anyone has bad sinus problems surgery might help.

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Re: Springlike Monday

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Dec 15, 2014 11:06 pm

My brother had the sinus surgery a couple years ago and he says he doesn't even had allergy issues anymore. I only get one or two a year so not like it's chronic. I do usually let them run their course. The nurse at Virtuwell just gave me a prescription for a nasal steroid spray. I don't do nasal sprays since they really irritate my nose so I avoid them. So not sure I will even pick that up from the pharmacy. I do take a D3 vitamin each day and also B12 daily.

It is sleeting and snowing out tonight. Not sure what I will wake up to tomorrow. My dad wants to go Christmas shopping with me tomorrow. :roll: We'll see...
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