
Let's start our day with a good morning here.


Postby carolb » Fri Nov 07, 2014 8:18 am

G'morning all :)

I've been awol! Had issues with computer, but think all is well now. Kept up with some reading on my cell, but like many of you, typing on a small phone is not fun :lol:

Well, I'm still at home, somehow got myself on "someone" else's schedule, which I swore I wouldn't do--MO bro for T-day. Only a 2 day drive to his place, so another 2 wks before I get on the road. CArol & Donna, guess I'm kind of in the same boat with you two--feeling "stuck" :roll: Jealous of those of you on the move or already where you want to be for winter. Did I miss something--Donna/RyeGal, you're not going to AZ for winter???

Wishing good health to those of you &/or your loved ones struggling with health issues. Barbie, congrats on your great review & raise! Ava, how sweet that Maggie is learning how to be a "dog" ;) Anita, save me a spot out there in the desert--I'll be there someday :lol: In the meantime, Kathleen, I'll be going through your area--a mini gtg again????

Y'all have a great day 8-)
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Re: Friday

Postby Redetotry » Fri Nov 07, 2014 9:24 am

Good Morning Carol and all who arrive later. It is a frosty 29 here today but should warm up. Warnings though of colder weather coming in next week. Sorry you are having computer problems Carol and that your plans have been diverted. Keep me in mind as you travel to and from MO.
Not much planned here today need to get Mitzi another bath. She either brought home fleas from the vet and shared them with her brothers or the Chipmunks outside are sharing. People keep cutting down trees in the neighborhood and there aren't as many owls so more little rodents are running around. This is the first time in the 16 years we have lived here that I've had a problem with fleas. Thank goodness they are on Sentinel so hopefully the medicine works as promised and the fleas can't reproduce.
I went out with a couple of girlfriends yesterday for happy hour and had a great time listening to their stories of their kids going away to their first semesters of college. Times certainly have changed! One said she asked her daughter to text her at least once a day. She relented after remembering when she had gone to college she seldom even called home because of access to a phone and long distance charges and didn't go home until break.
Yesterday as the sun was going down the light was amazing. All the trees looked as though they were lit up from inside and the leaves were absolutely glowing, It was so beautiful.
Did y'all notice my new update that includes Mitzi, thank you Mitch!
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Re: Friday

Postby gingerK » Fri Nov 07, 2014 9:30 am

Good morning!

And it is, better at least! No messes! Yay! Don't know what caused it but it seems to have worked it's way out.

Busy weekend ahead, have 3 extra dogs on my schedule besides Hershey. Lots of running around. Somedays I feel like a gerbil on a treadmill wheel, when will I ever get off?

Need to take off and go clean my MIL's house this morning. She can't run the vacuum or mop her floors so I do it for her. Next week I'll take my steam cleaner over and do her living room carpeting.

Carolb, if you stop at Kathleen's let me know, I'll come down and visit too!

Have a great day, gals!

p.s. BJ I did notice your new puppy pics and I think they are very cute!
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Re: Friday

Postby Oma » Fri Nov 07, 2014 9:36 am

Good morning Carolb and all who follow,

It's over cast today with a chance of rain this weekend but that beats snow in my book :lol: I've updated the info on the GTG site and I hope you'll get a chance to look at it. Melissa, I think you need to come down to compete at the D.O.G. It'll give you a nice mid-winter break!

I do read the forum from time to time but am on Facebook much more because I maintain the page for Camp Wingmann. If you use Facebook our page is Vicki Dave Colman. We also monitor Cracker Trail Chapter - International Dutch Oven, Sunshine State Dutch Oven Gathering, Camp Wingmann (where I work) and Mile High Campground where we have a large DOG the last Saturday in July. It's located just off the Blue Ridge Parkway near Cherokee, NC.

Hope things are "going" well for Sue today and things are improving for dayspring39's family. Velda, I hope your husband gets good results on his check up. Chalet05 sending prayers that all works out well for your grandson.

Grammymaggie, I was thinking when CArol gets back down by me we need to drive over for lunch one day. That's try to work on that :P

For anyone I've missed please know I think of this group often and can hardly wait to meet everyone :D :D :D

Hugs for all including furbabies,

Looks like a couple of others posted while I was writting my "book". Good Morning :D
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Re: Friday

Postby Carolinagal » Fri Nov 07, 2014 10:09 am

Good Morning !!! Sun is out here, but temps have dropped and they are to go lower as wk end progresses. 70's are good (for me and Maggie) ;) Ginger, I am so glad your morning started out on a much better note. Yesterday was a real downer, felt really bad for you as I read it. Carolb, wondered why you were awol, thought maybe you had already headed out. And hey, tell me about getting waylaid :lol: Vicki, sounds like a good plan but to Donna's from our area is quite a ride. A Getaway over at Wickham park sounds like a fabulous idea for me and hope to do that sometime, hoping sooner then later :) That's a nice park and I have sure hoped to go back there several times, since I was last there. Life sure gets in the way sometimes :D

No real news from here, I sure have enjoyed your thread, Donna, of what others are doing, in some strange way, having ones nose into someone else's day is nice :) Find in some cases, their day is not much more fun then yours and there is something into reading others have not so fun times in what we would all think should be total fun, especially those of us setting in one place for ages . Did that make any sense ??? What I mean is after setting for so many months, that my imagination has you all having a blast and I have a tendency to want that too. Jealousy you say, hey, probably have that right !!!! :lol: :lol: Take for instants Anita's travels, she has been I think the most miles, seen the most this past year then any of us, BUT there have been little instance throughout that time that she hasn't been the happiest camper for one reason or other. So, your thread has brought back to all of us, just setting, that whatever you're doing there is reality in it and its not always what our imaginations might dream up. Might make for a more content and patient person setting at home, works some here :lol: :lol:

Thinking my BIL might be getting ready to go somewhere, maybe I can run the vacuum and dust some. Can't do a thing here, he treats me like I'm company and he's supposed to wait on me and I can't do a thing, company doesn't do that. After all these months how he can think of me as company, gosh you'd think he'd want me to pitch in a do something. If I try, it gets him up out of his chair and he does it and I'm still left with nothing to do and feeling intrusive. Hmmm Bored !!! cleaning house is better then doing nothing, awful thing to have to say :lol: :lol:

Think I have went way out in my thoughts this morning, rambling so will wish you all a great day, Its Friday, to some that's the best day of the week (still) !!!! :o Those traveling stay safe, enjoy the ride and hoping your weather wherever you are will stay good for most of your journey. Those of us setting for now, enjoy whatever amuses you the most, hoping your weather is good and your health even better.

Beth, really thinking of you after I saw weather predicted to be coming in from Alaska storm, hoping you can get out of there before its bad, if it turns out as fella said.

CArol :)
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Re: Friday

Postby grammynmaggie » Fri Nov 07, 2014 10:44 am

Good morning..... working on the art /craft/ storage room again today...
At least for this morning.... you are right Carol... I would have to figure out how to stay all night to go and have I was thinking Carol besides being nosey... maybe we are just lol lol.... anyway I'm really glad people are responding to that thread... it makes me feel better reading it too.. have a fun filled day and be safe everybody...donna
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Re: Friday

Postby dayspring39 » Fri Nov 07, 2014 11:07 am

Good Morning... first thing yes yes yes Carolb please put me on your stopping list... and yes yes yes Kathy you come too and oh yes Cheryl also... will it be near Thanksgiving? if so I can put a turkey in the oven and we can have a thanksgiving meal together and more... anyone else in the area can come too... what a great thing that would be... I have had as many as 16 here when family came several years ago... my family is going to Washington St for Thanksgiving they also have a wedding to attend they will all be gone for a week... my SIL's brother was talking about renting a plane to take them and return them... sounds e x p e n s i v e to me...

My granddaughter Sekana had a serious reaction to the anesthetic... but she is home now and resting... the last time they did this surgery the doctor had to put pressure on the incision for an hour and a half... my daughter Jackie said it was amazing that he did that... otherwise she would have had to go back in the operating room... poor girl has to have a breast reduction she will be 16 this month... she has been a triple D since she was 11 or 12... her back is killing her... the plastic surgeon said he would do it for free if she got it done before she turned 18.

Tim gets his shoulder surgery today late afternoon... I will take dinner over tomorrow for all of them...

Anita your grandson and family and YOU are in my prayers... also Donna and CArol do not like being cooped up... I do not mind if I know I can go when I want to... give that BL a boot and say you are giving the orders and you are not company anymore!! Oma/Vicki I want to go to lunch too please?? Everyone else know I think of each of you as I read your posts...

Stay safe and enjoy this day... I have been up since 3... so if I am a bit spacey you will understand... I did clean my stove top burners and all...
Kathleen or Kathy

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Re: Friday

Postby chalet05 » Fri Nov 07, 2014 11:21 am

Good Morning!

Oh, dear, it appears I let my unhappy feelings out a little too often! :oops:

It is cold here this morning! Funny to have to warm water in the microwave for the Keurig so it will brew!

Carolb, how do we manage to get on someone else's schedule!? :o No worries about a place in the desert - just don't know where yet!! BJ, cute bunch of little ones! Vicki, you may still be working, but you have picked some nice places to relax! Donna, I have enjoyed reading the posts on the thread you started. Sort of nice to have it all in one place! CArol, I guess you should enjoy being 'company'! I have trouble doing that when staying in people's driveways and they want to cook for me - I'm useless in someone else's kitchen - even my own these days. Kathleen, your family has been in my prayers with all these medical happenings. A cousin's daughter had breast reduction at about that age - very successful.

Thank you all for the prayers - no word yesterday so I figure that is a blessing.

No big plans today - only two more days here - then I'll be on someone else's schedule for a month. That's okay since it will include ATV riding. Got propane, fuel, groceries and hair cut yesterday. I have to dig out winter things for the Canada trip so think I'll start that (know some are in storage tho) - watching the weather forecast up there - what one would expect but reality is starting to set in when I see single digit temps in Churchill! :shock:

Hope everyone has a good day and those in the colder temps, stay warm!
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Re: Friday

Postby ryegal » Fri Nov 07, 2014 12:50 pm

Good morning all, what a great day in Seattle blue sky's and around 60 degrees Carol B I just don't know my original plan was not to go south this winter, but I am women and can change my other mind. LOL I cannot be as impulsive as I used to be as I have to give notice ... never had to do that on the dessert.. :lol: I hope to get to know a few more of you as I post. A big shout out to my gals I know !!!
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Re: Friday

Postby BarbaraRose » Fri Nov 07, 2014 2:14 pm

Good afternoon! Sounds like lots of health and travel (or lack of) frustrations!

Took my dad to his "urgent" doctor appointment this morning. His "geezer" doctor told him last week that there was something wrong with one of the tests he had (blood or urine, not sure) and he needed to get in to see this urologist ASAP! Well, the urologist said all the test results looked fine, including his PSA (prostate) test, so he wasn't sure why my dad was sent to see him. :roll: He is going to do some other tests to see why my dad is having bladder control issues but said there doesn't seem to be anything serious or urgent going on.

Cold, windy and rainy today. Brrrr!! Going to take a nap soon before heading to work at 5.

Hope you all have a great day!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Friday

Postby chalet05 » Fri Nov 07, 2014 2:26 pm

Good heavens, Barbie! Maybe the 'geezer' just wanted someone else to evaluate the situation since he didn't have an answer. Guess one has to be thankful it wasn't bad news.
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Re: Friday

Postby Bethers » Fri Nov 07, 2014 2:34 pm

At least it's good news, Barbie. But confirms your thoughts on his doctor, eh? That said, maybe this one will find the problem, as Anita posted.
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Re: Friday

Postby BarbaraRose » Fri Nov 07, 2014 10:50 pm

Yes, it is good news and a big relief for all of us.
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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