Thursday Morning

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Thursday Morning

Postby Colliemom » Thu Oct 30, 2014 7:07 am

God Morning everyone,

Whew, I'm glad to hear the posting problem is with the site and not my IPad. Had a post for MC the other day and couldn't post it :?

Had just wanted to check in and say hi, been busy here trying to finish up outdoor chores before old man winter comes to stay. As is, we may have a dusting of the white stuff by tomorrow morning and tomorrow calls for rain/snow. I wad done with leaf blowing and just had a little to finish up after last bit of leaves came down. But thanks to the wind the other day, leaves all over again. Had my neighbors yard all cleaned up and she got all the leaves from across the road blown all over her yard again, so will have to make a other pass over it. I've been doing her leaves this fall as she is having some issues, possibly bone spurs in her shoulder, so hasn't been able to do much.

Had a wonderful visit with Louise (HavingFunNow) on Tuesday. We drove to a point about halfway between us and met for lunch at Bob Evans.

As to latest on dog news, am going two wait till spring as ladynwhom I got Sassy and Tessa from, is planning on breeding one of her dogs within next month or so. All goes well, pups will be born around Feb. I took my name off two other lists, but one left the door open in case plans change. I am however finding myself getting lonesome for a furry companion. Gonna be a long winter. Might also be adopting the mother to the expected Feb. liter if she decides to, place her out. Can only keep three dogs and wants to make room for others.

CArol, so glad you are on the mend. Maybe we can do some future trips next Sumer?

Okay, enough chatter. Have a great day everyone.
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Re: Thursday Morning

Postby IrishIroamed » Thu Oct 30, 2014 7:11 am

Mornin' Sue! We posted at the same time so I deleted mine. I was just wondering about you yesterday if you got a new fur kid or not. Any who ~~~ this was my post :D

Mornin' ladies!
Hope everyone is well. If the Illinois GTG didn't get cancelled it's been {{{chilly}}} I've been lurking lately, not a whole lot going one ... well until this week. Doing vacation day trips again.

Some things rambling around in my brain. What defines a hike for you? Or do you just take walks? And how stupid are people?? Have you seen this? ... ORM=NWRFSH

Well better decide if I'm heading anywhere today or not. Have a good day everyone and if your on the road stay safe. Hoping for health for everyone & their loved ones.
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Re: Thursday Morning

Postby avalen » Thu Oct 30, 2014 8:05 am

Good morning,
that's all, glad the forum is fixed
ya'll have a great day, be safe and stay warm
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Re: Thursday Morning

Postby carolb » Thu Oct 30, 2014 8:13 am

G'morning Sue, Cheryl, Ava & all to follow :)

Sue, good to see you again! How nice to have a mini gtg with Louise:) Cheryl, the link was for the "selfies with bears"? Many people much braver than me! Ava, I too am glad the forum is up & running again...

CArol, you ARE closer to your "independence" again :) Liz, good to see you & to know Soos is alive & well. Kathleen, good thoughts for your g'son & hope Margie is feeling better. All others with health issues, sending good thoughts your way too.

Getting really antsy to be on the road. Forecast is for WINTER weather--gosh, would I expect anything different for NY :lol: Time to get HarBor's oil changed, while I'm waiting for the last leaves to fall. Not much else to do now except walk the poopers each day--& I'd rather be doing that in the AZ desert!

Y'all have a great day 8-)
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Re: Thursday Morning

Postby SoCalGalcas » Thu Oct 30, 2014 8:26 am

Hooray, the site is fixed! And bummer, the Royals lost. Sue, glad to see your report...I was the carpet gets shampooed. Our weather has been beautiful and the swim pool feels great. Am enjoying the news and pictures, from the Florida GTG. And, yes Cheryl, people do some very stupid things! Lyn

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Re: Thursday Morning

Postby Redetotry » Thu Oct 30, 2014 8:33 am

Good Morning all, It has turned chilly here too and supposed to be 29 tonight after a high of 42. I don't have Elsie winterized as I have indoor storage but I don't want to take her in just yet so hoping I'm not being overly optimistic about waiting. The rest of the week the lows will only be in the 40's.

Cheryl, another example... I have been wanting to buy a piece of jewelry from this woman for many years and finally decided to inquire about a small piece. Below is my attempt!!

ME: Do you have a picture of the door panel pendant with a chain attached? Also what would the total cost be. Thank You,

Response from he company rep, Aiden
:Hi there, I am responding to your email:
> (Do you have a picture of the door panel pendant with a chain attached? Also what would the total cost be. Thank You, BJ)
> We would like to know which door panel pendant as we have more than one with that description. If you have any other questions feel free to reply to this email. Thank you- Aiden A

ME: Sorry, should have said, the door panel I am interested in is titled Turkey.

Aiden: Ah, Turkey and Greece! We have those in stock with the chain. It’s $195.00. You would like images correct?

Aiden: And you saw this on the Elemental Adornments Website?

ME: Yes and on Esty


Ah so you've seen the product images from etsy you would just like additional photos. No problem. I can have that sent to you towards the end of the day. Thanks much!!

ME: What I would like to see is what the Turkey panel would look like with a chain, it doesn't need to be fully attached if that is an issue just lay the chain by the panel so I can get an idea of what it looks like as a necklace.

ACK !!! What do you bet that I get another email with only images of the panel. I still haven't figured out her comment on Greece! Maybe I don't really want to do business with this place!!
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Re: Thursday Morning

Postby Irmi » Thu Oct 30, 2014 8:48 am

Good morning everyone!

Sue, I know you're getting anxious to get another collie. It's good to hear you have options. Cheryl, find somewhere fun to go today! Carolb, get the HarBor ready to get back on the road. Lynn, it's so nice that you're having such nice weather. Enjoy the pool. BJ, I think I would find somewhere local to buy jewelry and not risk being disappointed. CArol, so happy to hear your sight is improving. Can't wait to hear what adventures are in your future.

We are in Wilson NC and will stay here for a month before continuing our trip south. The weather has been beautiful and we're able to spend most of the day lounging outside. Steve is setting the outside furniture out, so I'm going to enjoy the warm weather. Those with health issues are in my prayers. Velda, how is hubby?
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Re: Thursday Morning

Postby bluepinecones » Thu Oct 30, 2014 9:23 am

Good morning
So happy to have the site back up and running this AM.
Great news, CArol on getting thru the successful eye surgeries.
Nothing much to report in my world - trying to keep the leaves cleared from drive ways and finish getting antique mall booths ready for Holiday Open House on Veteran"s Day weekend. Finally beginning to see some progress on the booths but seem to be loosing the leaf battle. :lol:
Have a great day whatever you have planned.
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Re: Thursday Morning

Postby Othersharon » Thu Oct 30, 2014 9:48 am

Good morning all. I had typed out a post and then everything locked up on me so lost it. Me or the site?? Sounds like the weather here is going to get really cold for a few days and nights. Took Lola in last night to get winterized so that's a worry off my mind. Now I just need to figure out how to get the cover on her. Not sure if I need help or if I can do it myself since I've never covered one before. Guess I'll find out!

I am losing the battle with the leaves too! I spent hours in the yard the other day and was so proud of myself! Then the wind kicked up again and the next day it looked like I hadn't even done anything! Run, Carolb, run! Warm wearher awaits you.

Glad to hear that some of you with health problems are on the mend and are feeling better. Have a great day and safe travels.
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Re: Thursday Morning

Postby gingerK » Thu Oct 30, 2014 9:54 am

Good morning ladies,

Well, silly me I did it again; had a whole nice long post written, got distracted and lost it all.

Good to know it wasn't just me that couldn't get on the forum yesterday, I was starting to worry.

Sue, good to hear from you and hope you get a pup soon. But you are wise to wait til spring, says the lady who housebroke 2 puppies in the winter time! Never do that again!

Cheryl, those idiots who are taking selfies with bears deserve to be weeded out of the gene pool. As to hikes/walks, for me it depends on how far we go and what there is to see. When we were in Branson, we hiked a small trail around a cave and up to a lookout tower (which I did not climb but Carrie did). Didn't seem like much of a trail but coming back to the starting point it got pretty hilly and challenging. So we deemed it a hike instead of just a walk.

Kathleen, thinking of your grandson and Margie and hoping they will find relief from pain.

Carolb, I think you should just let ol' Mother Nature take care of the rest of those leaves! She'll sweep em up for you eventually. Pack your puppers into HarBor and take off!

CArol, very happy your eyes continue to improve. Soon you will be on your way traveling again, I am sure.

BJ, I would not have had as much patience with that person as you had. Why do they always have answer a question with a question?

Zipping things up for winter, here. This morning I put away my patio furniture and now I need to find a tarp and some bungees to wrap up the wicker from the front yard. Got to make a trip into town for vacuum cleaner bags and then to Wally world for other stuff.

Catch ya'll later, have a good day!
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Re: Thursday Morning

Postby havingfunnow » Thu Oct 30, 2014 9:58 am

Lunch with Sue really was fun. Who has better conversation than a forum sister?

I stopped at the cider mill on my way home . . . and The William stole my cider doughnuts! :o
Image and The William too!
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Re: Thursday Morning

Postby Carolinagal » Thu Oct 30, 2014 10:38 am

Good Morning !!! Not sure what all you gals have been up to, did read today. Kathleen, sorry to hear your family has health issues, and you all talking about your leaves, mine are collecting on my decks and not a thing I can do about it, so that thought is not a good one. Had my decks done last I was home which is almost a yr now and to think of those leaves piling up oh gosh !!! I'll need a shovel as they will be piled 6 to 7 inches thick after snow and rain have got them soggy and rotting. Oh well

Sue, I was so glad to see you started the morning thread, have not been able to read that much until yesterday, words were clearer and today even better, but what I had read got to thinking yesterday had seen nothing from you, not even on FB. Training a new puppy during winter doesn't seem like a fun thing to do, but I agree think winter is when we really need our furbabies.

Beautiful day here, but tomorrow rain comes in with a cold front, will be high of 68 Saturday. Sounds wonderful right ???? Doubt any of you will hear of me in Florida during the summer again, if I can help it :lol:

My only news is I can really see again and I'm told not as good as I will in a couple of weeks. Now is fabulous as after the shingles, I really lost a lot of sight and was scary, the surgeries were no problem, only thing is the drops and I get more on my face then in my eye , so my sis has done most, except for those in middle of the day. This week end is the end of drops for first eye, which is good ;)

Velda, hope you DH is doing well, I've thought about you all, hard to fall into self pity here when I know of so many others who are dealing with worse issues. Hoping your bad times are on their way out soon.

Almost noon, don't know whats happening so can' t really comment, read through todays news to quickly as nothing is in the brain to comment on :o :roll: :lol: Weather will be changing for most to something different this week end, so stay safe all, warm, dry, whatever you need to do.

CArol :)
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Re: Thursday Morning

Postby MandysMom » Thu Oct 30, 2014 11:17 am

Like everyone else, I was having withdrawal with the site down. So glad it's back.
CArol, glad vision is improving. Wishing everyone else happy productive day. We are finally cooler, and rain headed in tomorrow, though won't be a lot, it helps here in dry Ca. We are still trying to find someone to evict the squirrels from the attic, as my handyman seems to busy between the preemie twins and his own health issues. Need to get the buggers out and wiring inspected and insulation fixed before they cause further damage, but because it requires permit to handle them, I'm still struggling to find someone. Ugh!
I've had a cold and my lungs rebelled and still coughing. Disabled sons knee is messed up from the restaurant fall two weeks ago, waiting for call on MRI. Mel's mouth is still a mess due to the larger hole in his palate. So puréed foods are still his diet. On the good side, he spent hours yesterday making up a big pot of a new chili recipe. He will slow cook it further today for tomorrows Halloween supper and beyond ( he made about 3/4 of my 16 qt pot full!!!). He also has become fascinated with and busy making naturally lacto fermented pickled vegetables and now has two half gallon jars going. They are yummy, though I took my first bite with great skepticism! LOL
Leaves are starting to turn and fall here and that's one relatively safe thing he can do, blowing leaves with his blower. Sadly it looks like our huge redwood tree may be dying due to drought induced fungus. That's going to be expensive to remove if it does die. All else ok here or ok as it can be.
Have a good day. Hoping all with medical issues continue to recover well and those traveling do so safely.
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Re: Thursday Morning

Postby chalet05 » Thu Oct 30, 2014 11:44 am

Good Morning,

Sue, good to see your post. Glad you and Louise had a chance to gtg. Irmi, happy to know you are on your way to Florida! Hopefully, you will have a relaxing winter. Velda, wishing better health for your household! CArol, I am just so excited for you!

Re: the selfies - I saw a sign recently 'God must like stupid people, He created a lot of them'. Sounds like BJ found one of them!

All of you with leaves to rake, it suddenly dawned on me that someone needs to rake them here! Won't be me! :) I doubt these get raked in the campground.

Nothing exciting here. I have finished taking the first coat of dirt off the rig - except the wheels. This chore has not gone as easily as it used to! I am also sorry the Royals lost. :(

Hoping you all have a good day.
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Re: Thursday Morning

Postby MandysMom » Thu Oct 30, 2014 12:24 pm

Thanks Anita. We are working each day to get better.
I wish we could leave the leaves to the wind or camp hosts! LOL
That stupid woman leaving graffiti in parks made our local news now. Hope they pick her up soon. Apparently there is a White House dot gov petition wanting them to throw the book at her.
Gotta say I am so excited my Dads favorite team are now holding the big trophy as World Series Champs for the Third time in 5 years! Way to go SF Giants!!!
Sun out now by will be a spooky dark rainy night for trick or treaters and I hope they come because at Costo Monday I asked Mel to go grab a bag of candy and he chose a chocolate variety pack of 150 small bars!!! And last year we had only a dozen or fewer, but it was not a Friday. So we shall see, otherwise we might have frozen candy bars for a year ahead! LOL
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