
Let's start our day with a good morning here.


Postby asirimarco » Sat Oct 11, 2014 7:30 am

Good Morning to All - Bill is fixing croissants with bacon and cheese! Smell good - and I'm about to make a pot of mocha Mexican coffee.
Right now we are watching a soccer game on TV Argentina vs Brazil - when it is over we will hit the road - finally. Looks like the weather will be good today so we want to take advantage of it. Probably heading towards Emporia, Kansas or not.
Alfie, the Alfa, is fixed. Everything is running great now. Had to get a new altenator - it caused all the problems. Two nights of "free" camping - actually we got out of here for less than $1000. They had to fix a few things besides replacing the altenator. But they were nice, efficient and seemed to know what they were doing.
All of you traveling - stay dry, warm and safe.
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Re: Saturday

Postby sharon » Sat Oct 11, 2014 8:20 am

Glad to hear it Carol! Have a safe trip. I went right thru the center of Emporia on my way here from old town but looked interesting. Would you please post the rv repair facility on the Kudos thread? Never know when you might need it!

Cold and rainy here, rained all night. Good day for a movie and popcorn day. Ya'll know how much I love the cold weather.... :cry:

Hope everyone has a great day and travel safe!
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Re: Saturday

Postby grammynmaggie » Sat Oct 11, 2014 8:22 am

Good morning Carol.. and everyone.... glad you to able to get your rig fixed
now on to bigger and better things... like having fun... not sure about the kidney stone right now no pain except for my upper leg... I'm drinking a ton of water I did not know I could drink so much... have an appointment with the urologist on Monday morning.. today
I actually feel like doing something... what I don't know but something... probably work more on unpacking the rig.. everyone have a healthy and fun filled daym donna
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Re: Saturday

Postby Carolinagal » Sat Oct 11, 2014 9:01 am

Good Morning !!! More or less, just checking in this morning. I'm at my sisters and first eye surgery is scheduled for Tuesday. This will be on eye that had the shingles, and am anxious to see out of it again :D One month and hopefully I am out of this mess I have found myself in this past year.

Donna, I have fortunately no idea how painful kidney stones can be, but I know must be terrible, hoping you have past it and well on the way to feeling so much better.

Carol and Bill, hoping the rest of your trip is uneventful as far as breakdowns go. I am out of the loop, not sure what your destination is this year. Stay well, and have a good time. Be looking for your blog post.

I have no real news and must catch up somehow with all that has been happening to all of you. Hope you all are well and managing some fun into your daily lives.

Those traveling, stay safe and enjoy the ride,
CArol :)
so nice to have the use of my laptop back, its a shame I have no news or anything interesting to write about :shock: :lol:
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Re: Saturday

Postby gingerK » Sat Oct 11, 2014 9:13 am

Good morning Carol, Sharon and Donna and all who follow!

Carol, glad to hear "Alfie" is all better and you are well on your way. Safe travels!

Sharon, we have fairly nice weather here today, sunshining and not too cold although last night brought a frost.

Donna, soooooo glad you are feeling better and want to be up and about! Hope you just keep on improving from there!

Buddy is currently laying here next to my desk without his cone on. DH got up yesterday and found Buddy snuggled up on the livingroom couch sans his cone! I guess it wasn't on tight enough to keep him from scratching it off so he did just that-took it off. Since then he has been leaving his stitches alone so I relented and left off his cone-head! But I really need to find a way to stop him and Shooter from climbing in my bay window; I have nose prints all over the glass and they really make a mess with my big geraniums.

Got up extra early to go feed, water and snuggle my friend's lovely dog while my friend is out of town, then down the street to feed, water and clean stalls for another friend who's also out of town. Fortunately they are just down the street from each other so it makes it nice for me. Now I'm home and have done my own stalls, picked pasture, done breakfast dishes, got supper ready in the crockpot, and changing and washing bedsheets. In a little while will run to bank and maybe a quick stop at the grocery store.

Next week I will be spending nights at my friend Daun's house keeping her little dog company while she's in the hospital. Since we both went to get him from the rescue, he thinks we are both his Mommas so he loves it when I am at her house. He even has a special bark to let her know it's me at the door!

Gotta get going, Bman wants something and he's in my lap asking for it. And he weighs 97 lbs. so I'm getting smushed ugh!

Take care,

Ha, CArol you snuck in while I was submitting mine! Good morning to you!
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Re: Saturday

Postby chalet05 » Sat Oct 11, 2014 9:33 am

Good Morning,

Carol, glad to know you can hit the road again!

Donna, hopefully you are done with the stone.

Sharon, curl up with a blanket and stay warm. I like the time to read or watch TV, but I hate the cold.

CArol, I like seeing your posts no matter what's going on - can see you smiling face in each one of them. So anxious for you to have the first cataract removed!

We had the most glorious day in Mesa Verde NP yesterday! Instead of colorful trees we had colorful bushes (or new growth following fires) that covered the moutainsides. We toured the Cliff House and Balcony House ruins. Lots of steps (some small and steep), climbed ladders and crawled through a tunnel with narrow openings. Some of us voiced our concern of our butts making it through! Quite an experience! I was here in 2008, but I only got to go into the park one day thanks to truck transmission! On our way out of the park we saw several beautiful black tail bucks - they were spectacular and didn't take off so plenty of photo time. Followed all this with a Mexican dinner. Went to bed at 9:30 and still hated to get up at 8 this morning.

Today will be back to the park and staying to watch the sunset. Looking forward to some good hiking, something I have missed a lot since Steven passed away.

Everyone have a great day and safe travels.
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Re: Saturday

Postby Acadianmom » Sat Oct 11, 2014 10:22 am

Kathy, the only way I can keep a cone on one of my cats is to run a collar through the slots in the cone and buckle it on. The streachy gauze the vets office uses won't keep it on.

I'm suppose to be getting ready to go to the wedding but still messing around. I work better under pressure. :roll:

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Re: Saturday

Postby avalen » Sat Oct 11, 2014 12:00 pm

good morning ladies
well, of course being that its Saturday, I was up way too early. But I got the dishes done and put away, cleaned up the rest of the kitchen, did the yard work, doggy poop detail and laundry. Needed to make a run to Walmart (opens at 6) for weed killer
and :( a bark collar for Scout. Since the snowbirds have been coming back, lots of dogs walking by and so much more activity
going on his barking was relentless and Maggie right behind him. So....picked up one of those static kind, not the big shock kind.
First time he barked he was searching all over the floor for "what the hell was that?" it was funny but he hasn't barked since
and neither has Maggie. I'm sure my neighbors appreciate it.
Fall break for me next week and I plan on scrubbing the roof and putting that white special coating on it sometime during
the week. Picked up two of the Mexican Bird of Paradise plants to plant out in the front of the rv so started the holes on
those, added a little water and will continue to dig as it softens. Sprayed for the weeds too.
Will make a trip to the grocery store later but before I stock the fridge I've got to defrost and clean. Off to get started on
that project, ya'll have a great day, be safe in your travels and hoping for good weather for everyone.
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Re: Saturday

Postby gingerK » Sat Oct 11, 2014 8:05 pm

Ava, where did you get the bark collar? I could use one on Shooter who is constantly barking--at me of all things.
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