Cool Down Friday

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Cool Down Friday

Postby Irmi » Fri Jul 25, 2014 6:22 am

Good morning everyone!

Woke up to temperatures almost ten degrees cooler this morning than what we've been having and we'll only get into the high 70's with low humidity.

We left home last week Saturday and we'll go home tomorrow. Getting away has done me a world of good and I feel like a new person.

I hope everyone on the road, Lyn, Carolb, Anita, Judi, Liz and others, are having a great time. CArol, keep enjoying your time with the kids and grands. Martha, did the mechanics figure out how to turn on the new fridge? You should be good to go now and ready for your next road trip. Sue, so glad you had another good trip to the U.P. It's so exciting reading about so many preparing for the KS GTG. Barbie, enjoy the bike ride on the trail.

Scrambled eggs, bacon, toast and coffee are ready, so help yourselves to breakfast. Have a good day everyone!
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Re: Cool Down Friday

Postby grammynmaggie » Fri Jul 25, 2014 7:04 am

Good morning Irmi ..and all...
Very cool in North West PA this morning 48
Going to a few yard sales early this morning
With my sister... Then we'll be getting ready
To meet up with Liz at Campground
Won't take much to pull out of camp driveway
I only have about 5 miles to go so so it won't take much to
To hit the road.... I will be back on Sunday and start painting the hallway
Have a fun day and stay safe...donna
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Re: Cool Down Friday

Postby Colliemom » Fri Jul 25, 2014 7:22 am

Morning Irmi, Donna and all,

Irmi, glad to hear you are enjoying being away and that always does a soul good. Donna, have fun with Liz this weekend. Painting will be there. Have also been thinking of all those on the road and enjoying reading of their travels. Made some reservation changes for the KS GTG, posted in the GTG thread. Sarah, hope that you have hit the bottom with all the issues in your house, rental etc. Enough is enough. Prayers for your niece as well. CArol, keep chugging, you are doing fine.

For those of you who are inquiring about how those canoe racers do "their thing" along that canoe race route, they have what can be termed "pit crews" in auto racing who meet them at specific points, with food, water, change of clothes etc. As far as taking "bathroom breaks". I imagine they do what they have to do, but would also think that the tremendous amount of hard fast paddling that this race requires for those long hours, that they lose a lot of water just doing that. And yes, there are few women in this race. I'm going down for awhile this afternoon and watch the time trials and see what that's all about.

Heading for town this morning as my new glasses are in and also need to pad some green in the wallet for another week. Otherwise same old. Have a wonderful day everyone.
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Re: Cool Down Friday

Postby avalen » Fri Jul 25, 2014 8:03 am

good morning ladies
everybody is so busy and wishing I could enjoy some cooler temps like some of you. But it is what it is and I finally have
to admit to myself I need to replace my ac, it isn't blowing as cold as it used to and these type of units can not be
recharged with freon. I did pick up a portable ac yesterday, one that exhausts out the window....if I were a review writer
I wouldn't recommend these type at all, the hose gets very hot and adds to the heat in the room, so the only way really
to stay cool is to be sitting in front of it where it blows on you. Anything behind the unit is just plain hot. And....the
electric usage went up yesterday to over $6, usually its $4 on occasion was $5. It was a waste of my money but at least
I'm staying cool until the new ac gets put in. Will bite the bullet and order up a new ac unit. Really not much else I can
do. It was 102 degrees inside the other day, the cat was panting and drooling and Maggie was panting and throwing up.
So there ya have it, we were miserable for a couple days. I am lucky though that it blows cool enough at night that I
can sleep in the bed and not in the recliner in front of that portable.
On to other things, ya'll have a great day, be safe and enjoy that cool weather. :D
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Re: Cool Down Friday

Postby Dawn309 » Fri Jul 25, 2014 8:41 am

Good morning everyone. Irmi, I am glad you were able to get away for a little bit. You deserved and needed that, I am sure. Ava, I hope you are able to get your new A/C soon. It does sound like you all were pretty miserable. Sue, that canoe race does sound like it would be interesting to follow. Donna, have a great time with Liz. I am so sure you will.

We are under a heat advisory again today. I am really looking forward to the cool down we are supposed to get next week. That will make it a lot easier to get packed and stowed for the trip to Florida the week after next.

Irmi, that breakfast sure sounds good. I think I will go fix mine too. Have a great day everyone and if you are traveling, stay safe.
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Re: Cool Down Friday

Postby grammaann » Fri Jul 25, 2014 9:52 am

Good Morning. Havn't been on here for a few days. My sister doesn't have internet. Got here other eye fixed ( wonderful vision she says) and some things around her place fixed. Now I'm going to finish my kitchen/dinning room painting. I hope to have it all done by Monday. It did take much longer to get all that wall paper off the wall, but it is done now.

Nothing else of note here. It is HOT, so not much going on outside. No trips in Lil Haus for me until cooler weather.

Have a good day.
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Re: Cool Down Friday

Postby Acadianmom » Fri Jul 25, 2014 10:35 am

Irmi, glad you were able to take a trip and have lower temperatures. Our summer hasn't been as hot as it usually is yet but still hot if you stay outside very long. I was out digging in the yard yesterday and got too hot. I didn't hear from the rv place so hopefully they figured it out. I told them where the notebook with information on all the systems was. I am walking around with my phone in my pocket in case they call to pick it up. There were a couple of other things I wanted done so may not get it back today.

Ava, my son was using one of the portable air conditioners last summer and I don't remember the heat being a problem. It did have a container that filled up with water pretty regularly and had to be emptied but you don't have the humidity we do. I wonder if you put one of the metal dryer hose vents and put some kind of insulation around it more of the heat would go outside.

Dawn, I hope you get some cooler temperatures soon. The weather channel is predicting 100 for Dallas today. I don't think the cool front will make it to us. I saw a picture of my sister-in-law on Facebook with a sweater on. They live in Canada. My brother is complaining about how cool it has been there. He wants to ride his motorcycle and it only warms up a few hours in the afternoon so he can get it out.

My friends made me take the leftover crabs yesterday so I have 9 big crabs to clean. My favorite soup is Corn and Crab Bisque. I don't think I will get enough for the soup but guess I could make a half recipe.

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Re: Cool Down Friday

Postby Carolinagal » Fri Jul 25, 2014 11:09 am

Good Morning or maybe I should say 'Good Day !", 30 mins to go but on this IPad, who knows what the time will be.

I'm going home, to the RV, this evening. big company family picnic tomorrow my DD and kids are going to, so she will probably pick me up again Sunday eve. Kids Dad picks them up Mon Eve so this will give her and the kids time together. This Gram, not being a lover of the temps right now opted out. This northern type person would be miserable and just looking at me would make others the same, as I would look like I'm melting and my face would be flushed, not a pretty picture. My age, all who don't know me would probably be concerned that I planned a heart attack and ruin everything :roll: :o I will enjoy a day home.

Irmi, so glad to see you here this morning and so glad your get away helped to get you rested . Ava, I am really feeling for you with A/C problems. I step outside here and it's like pushing my way through a sheet of HOT muck !!, :twisted: It's so far stayed in lower 90's here I think but to me might as well be way over a hundred. Humidity makes breathing an effort, walking at a slow pace is recommended :? Maggie doesn't want to be outside long either, so that tells it right there, she loves the outdoors usually, me and my northern type pup could be happier. ;)

better get at it, get these kids moving to pick their stuff up, I've noticed all over the house. swimming soon, but not till chores are done. in case DD wants to invite some back here later Sat, thought I'd try to get it looking ok for company.

Hope you all have a good day and a special fun filled week end,
Stay safe ,
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Re: Cool Down Friday

Postby Liz » Fri Jul 25, 2014 11:22 am

On the road to PA. Rest areas were far apart...this is the first one I came to so taking a break. Will get to cg probably 2 or 3 p.m.
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Re: Cool Down Friday

Postby dayspring39 » Fri Jul 25, 2014 11:33 am

It is still morning here... did not sleep much at all last night... today it is overcast and drizzly... that is the reason... this old body does not do well with damp cool... have not even started to pack for my trip north next Wednesday... I did get the folding lawn chair inside before it got wet and backed my car into my driveway...
Oh Dawn I would not be headed to Florida in August... we lived there for 8 1/2 years and August is blistering hot most of the time...
Sue I looked at the GTG thread and makes me want to go to KS but alas no can do!
Have not had breakfast yet so will make it brunch...
Have a great day everyone no matter what you are doing...
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Re: Cool Down Friday

Postby chalet05 » Fri Jul 25, 2014 1:10 pm

Good Morning,

Irmi, so glad you have had a relaxing get away!

I have so much to do in the camper so I won't be tempted to go anywhere since it is raining in Valdez. After all the dry camping, I have to remember NOT to turn on the generator to make my coffee! I am scheduled to leave here tomorrow, but think I will stay a few more days. I can use some solo time after being on someone else's schedule, get caught up and relaxed before heading on.

Yesterday was an amazing day! Weather was cloudy for my trip out on 'Beth's boat', the Lu Lu Belle. Certainly didn't see the number whales we did two years ago, but quality is better than quantity. A humpback breached for us several times and the Columbia Glacier did a little calving. Captain Fred is amazing - we left at 11 a.m. and returned about 8:15! This tour should not be missed if you are ever in Valdez!

Everyone have a good day, safe travels and keep cool you ladies in the HOT zones!!
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Re: Cool Down Friday

Postby Bethers » Fri Jul 25, 2014 1:33 pm

Ava, we didn't have the "hot hose" problem when I set one of those ac units up in Jean's rig. And it had to cool her Doreen in the hot, humid Alabama weather. That said, I think you need a new unit for where you are etc.

Anita, so glad you had a great trip. I always feel I'm overdoing it with my telling everyone it's a must do, but I truly feel that way. Am missing it this summer. Megan tells me you are one of two who went out this week and told them you know me.

Things are strange here at work. I'm not sure how the manager can call herself that and then leave us all to fend for ourselves when short handed. Long story, but bad management and that's just one instance. Good thing I like what I'm doing, for the most part. And love the area. I'd come back, but wouldn't work for her again. Nice person, but very bad manager. Hey boss is aware of it.
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Re: Cool Down Friday

Postby Acadianmom » Fri Jul 25, 2014 1:39 pm

Anita, I know what you mean about being on someone else's schedule. People have laughed at me for camping 5 miles from home but it's so quiet and peaceful. :lol:

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Re: Cool Down Friday

Postby chalet05 » Fri Jul 25, 2014 3:13 pm

Beth, forgot to mention your greetings were given and returned! I gave Abby your hug as well! She took over at the wheel when we came into the harbor and 'parked' the boat - people were really impressed.
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Re: Cool Down Friday

Postby Bethers » Sat Jul 26, 2014 1:04 am

chalet05 wrote:Beth, forgot to mention your greetings were given and returned! I gave Abby your hug as well! She took over at the wheel when we came into the harbor and 'parked' the boat - people were really impressed.

Thank you, thank you. That's the part of the job I hated lol.
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