Happy Monday

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Happy Monday

Postby carolb » Mon Jul 21, 2014 6:41 am

G'morning all :)

Velda, so sorry to hear of your DH's setback. Sending prayers...

So great to hear from those of you who have had the pleasure of hosting Liz! Liz, I know you'd never get a "big head" about it, but all the accolades are deserved! Can't wait til it's my turn, that is if Kathleen doesn't kidnap you for good :lol:

Fellow Road Trekker will be here this afternoon, then off on our little jaunt tomorrow. Today, I'll get HarBor all set to go--haven't repacked him since I returned from Irmi's. He needed a new house battery, so I took care of that yesterday a.m. Now, if I can get the genny to engage--temperamental thing! But if it doesn't start, I do fine with battery power.

Alas, our perfect weather is to change later today--humidity & storms moving in.

Y'all have a great day & be safe always 8-)
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Re: Happy Monday

Postby grammynmaggie » Mon Jul 21, 2014 7:50 am

Good morning Carolb and all...
Speaking of Liz she will be stopping by here on
Friday and Sat...we will have a good time camping
at the near by Shenango Damn campground...for the
weekend...we were here last year about this time when
she stopped also on her way to see her sister...I have not
been posting much here , my blog or anywhere...having much
problems using up my data on my jet pack.,, I made a post about
it on General thread...take a look...today I plan on doing more joint
compound patching and then my sister is coming up this afternoon to sew
so I better get at it...have a fun day and stay safe...donna ;)
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Re: Happy Monday

Postby dayspring39 » Mon Jul 21, 2014 8:39 am

Good Morning... I have been up for a long while... had my oatmeal with blueberries and coffee is now cold... that is what I get for playing on this silly iMac... takes me forever reading and playing games... Shadow is napping by my feet I think a nap is in my near future also!!

Velda you and your husband are still on my mind... I pray for comfort and healing for you both... we sure never know what paths we will have to take in this lifetime but know we are here to give you as much support as we can...

Wendy are you roaming around in your motorhome?...

Time is getting closer for me to leave for MI... I talked to my son Sat... will park by his house and stay a few days... I have not packed yet so will start getting things together in the next few days... Margie wanted to take some things out when she was here on Thursday... but all I had ready was a tiny bit in a couple of containers! I have been saving my passwords on my Kindle... I got a note pad on it and that is a good safe place for them to be... I can see what I have used and add updates as needed (once a month!)...

No more rambling for me... have a good day friends...
Kathleen or Kathy

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Re: Happy Monday

Postby Carolinagal » Mon Jul 21, 2014 9:00 am

Good Morning !!! Monday and I'm tired. :o :lol: Have my laundry going and kids are watching a favorite DVD, think they're kind of tired too.

Velda, I too have thought of you and DH a lot since reading yesterday. You're on my prayer list, I'm hoping that even a small getaway can be on your agenda soon, think it would be so nice for both of you, lift the spirits some. Was anyone able to answer Nan's question she posed on DD's thread ?? Waiting to hear what drs. find is nieces problem with swelling etc, Sarah. Tried to call you Sat. And line was busy.

No news, I have my bathing suit on, waiting for laundry :lol: Glad my DD got hers done and I don't see anything that really needs my attention, other then my grands and think I'm going to be real lucky if I can keep up with them today :roll:

Wishing you all a day with some fun mixed in,
Stay safe !!
CArol :)
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Re: Happy Monday

Postby Othersharon » Mon Jul 21, 2014 10:27 am

Good morning everyone! I'm sitting out on my sister's deck looking at the mountains to the west of us. They're there now but later today we probably won't be able to see them with the haze from the fires and such. Supposed to get really hot here today. I will be flying home to PA on Wed. Had a good time visiting and all but will be glad to get home to the pups and my own routine. Another plus for rving, you have it all with you! Donna and Liz, sounds like a great couple of days for you. Would love to join you! An area in PA I've never been. Had such a fun time meeting up with MelissaD and Phoenix last month. Velda, sending good thoughts your way. A tough time for you and DH. My RT sold last week so don't have to carry 2 RV's anymore. Sad in a way but onward to my new path in life. Hope everyone has a great Monday!
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Re: Happy Monday

Postby Colliemom » Mon Jul 21, 2014 12:48 pm

Afternoon all,

Past morning here but happened to be on, so thought I would say hi. Humid and warm here at Lake Michigamme, but good breeze off the lake keeping things comfortable. Hope if doesn't die down tonight.

Packing up my stuff little by little. Will load most of it in truck later this evening. Thunderstorms and rain on forecast for tonight and maybe last this afternoon, so if it happens, won't have to load in rain in morning. Will have some things can't do till morning, but not much. No rush to leave tomorrow, but will hit road in a.m. Want to stop for breakfast on way. Then get sown to serious driving. Looks like severe weather expected in my neck of the woods tomorrow afternoon, so will keep eye on the sky as I drive.

Made reservations to two campgrounds in August, one a short two nighter first week of Aug.(4-6) to Aloha State Park and the for 3 nights (Aug. 11-14) for Indian Lake State Park again. Have lakefront sites at both. managed to grab them while they had a few days open. Parks are still pretty booked up although there are sites open, but not where I want to be. After middle of August, things start slowing down and much easier to get sites almost anyplace.

Velda, prayers to you and your husband. Has not been a good past couple of days in the home front news for me. One friend (owns motel near me with wife) has been diagnosed with Pulmonary Hypertension, neighbor katty korner across road from me says his cousin died from a heart attack while out cutting grass at age 64 , so they are on way to funeral in mid state and then neighbors across road who live downstate, she passed away from massive heart attack this past Sunday :(

Well, time to go work on scrapbook for awhile. Will need to pack it away for trip home later. BBQ steak on menu for later if no storms pop up.
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Re: Happy Monday

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Jul 21, 2014 9:03 pm

Late getting on here but worked most of the day and then reluctantly went to play golf. We have been under an excessive heat warning here today with highs in the mid 90's and dew points in the mid 70's making the heat index in the low 100's! Severe storms coming later tonight. :roll:
Luckily, the clouds rolled in and a breeze came up so it wasn't quite so miserable playing golf in that, but still really hot and sweaty! Didn't play real well either. Stopped at DQ on the way home and had a hot fudge banana sundae which was awesome! :D

Off work tomorrow and have buyers coming for my twin bed frame and (fingers crossed) my kayak.

Have a good night!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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