Let's start our day with a good morning here.


Postby BayouLady » Fri Jun 20, 2014 6:36 am

Need to wrap up a few things in the house, check the post office, final check to make sure I don't forget anything :x and we are on the road YIPPEE!!!!!! The place does have free WIFI but I guess with so many people on it, its been iffy. I will check in when I can.

Everyone be safe, hope you are out camping as well this weekend, Barbara, hopefully you are feeling better for next weekend.

Bonnie, Alexis and BECK
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Postby dayspring39 » Fri Jun 20, 2014 6:46 am

Good Morning... cleaned Keurig yesterday and the coffee is real good this morning... We had bad storms in the night... very humid today...
I do not wish anyone sickness but Barbie I am glad you are not out there in this rain... hopefully you will be able to go later in the summer...
Bonnie glad Beck is ok...
Oh yes Happy Summer to all!!
Shadow and I were up most of the night... just one of those nights...
Have a great day...
Me and My Shadow
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Postby bluepinecones » Fri Jun 20, 2014 6:58 am

Glad to see BECK okay and your trip is about to get underway. Barbie, hope you are feeling better by now.
Kath - I was up most of the night also. My hand is still hurting and badly swollen (see story under last nights Campfire) in spite of hours of soaking alternately in ice water and warm salt water. At least it is my right hand; I'm left handed.
Trying to get ready for a short trip leaving on Sunday. Given that I lost most of yesterday, need to figure out what is not going to get done and focus on whatever is critical for making a get away.
Really hopeing new hearing aids arrive today. Would be so nice to have them for the trip.
Our strange weather including all the rain last week seems to have been good for the firefly population. I have enjoyed watching unusually large number of them putting on quite a show past few nights.
My attempt at some minor gardening (in pots) is going well so far. I have already enjoyed some fresh herbs and have blooms on pepper, cucumber, and tomato plants. It will be a challenge to see who gets to harvest the veggies - me or some pest like the raccoon (he got more tomatoes than I did last year).
Have a good one whatever your plans for the day.
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Postby grammynmaggie » Fri Jun 20, 2014 7:27 am

Good morning all...finally the rain and storms have stopped
and the sun is shinning this AM...just in time for me to start
painting the kitchen woodwork and the work
on the house has a hurry to get it done so i can have
some play time...that is as soon as the rig gets fixed..that will be
next Mon...i take it in...well better get busy...i did make a blog
post this am..if you want to take a look
have a fun day and stay safe..donna ;)
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Postby avalen » Fri Jun 20, 2014 9:19 am

Good morning :D
what???? its Friday??? what happen to Thursday :? :lol: much better than finding out its only Wednesday :lol:
Kitty ventured out on the deck this morning while it was still dark, she checked it out a couple times but she didn't go
far cause she was actually waiting for her breakfast. Will be glad when stuff is all done and she goes out all the time. I'd
really like to get rid of the litter box but for now, it needs to stay.
Both sides of the deck boards are painted now and when thats dry I can screw them down, looking at tomorrow morning
for that.
Ran the vacuum this morning and did a little dusting. Thats about all the house chores to do for now. But not that its
dawned on me its friday I gotta get the trash out on the street.
Ya'll have a great day and be safe.
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Postby grammaann » Fri Jun 20, 2014 9:43 am

Good Morning. So far have not tackled much of anything house wise. Talked to the man at Ford dealership. Seems there were 2 sparkplug wires not attached to plugs, and they were new wires. Supposition is that the man tried to change them out and didn't get full secured. Then only real problem was where the rear axel seal was leaking fluid, it has compromised the rear brakes, so I'm having them fix the seal and put on new brakes. It is a duelly, so absolutely NO WAY I'd even think of tackeling it here at home!! Other than that just routine things like radiator flush etc. etc. Most of those things can be done here at home unless I just decide to use dealership. I'm getting anxious for the 4th now.

That's all from this home front. You all have a good day.
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Postby Carolinagal » Fri Jun 20, 2014 10:51 am

Good Morning, it still is here, not for much longer, so will make this short ;) Maggie and I, are in our own home this morning, so nice, need the down time. Have a great time with little ones, but didn't realize how tired I was until I came home. Napped yesterday, while watching tv. and went to bed fairly early and slept until after 6, had to have been tired to have slept that much. Of course, we had the big party Tuesday evening too, until late, that was more then a busy day for me. Doing certain chores in here but at my leisure and the A/C comes on and off, set at 82, thinking its going to be a hot one.

My GS leaves Monday for bootcamp, don't like thinking of it. No real news here, except our terrible afternoon storms are not expected to happen, chances are less for next few days. Never remember the daily afternoon showers that always happen in Fl., being so violent as they are now. Many changes in weather conditions everywhere, I think and most not for the good.

Have a great day, some of you are going camping, hope you all have a great time, and hopefully there are more planning some outings too. So glad to hear Beck has good report so he can really enjoy his outing.

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Postby BarbaraRose » Fri Jun 20, 2014 5:16 pm

Gorgeous sunny day here today, after so much torrential rains this past week (and month). Lake went up another couple inches overnight from runoff. Set a new all time high for Lake Minnetonka beating the old record from just 16 days ago! :roll: Governor declared state of emergency on almost half the counties in MN due to flooding this past week. Some towns in southern MN had all roads and bridges in and out of town, washed away. Most creeks and rivers are flooded around the state and soon too, the Mississippi River will be, from the others that run into it.

Still feeling crappy, with my cough down in my chest and losing my voice. My friend Steve called and asked if he could bring me something. I told him jokingly, a Hershey bar, since I had already gone thru the ones I had packed for my camping trip. He shows up with 26 Hershey bars! :shock: He bought a whole case of them! What a goofus! :roll: Need to have a S'More's party now to get rid of them! :lol:

Feeling very angry and disappointed in missing out on my trip! I spent a lot of time and money getting ready for that trip, and now am out of my vacation time for the rest of the year plus most of the money for the campgrounds. I may try to do a couple days at a local campground in a few weeks. Just really was looking forward to seeing the North Shore again and reminiscing about all the fun trips there with my mom, especially with her being gone 7 years this Sunday now. :cry: Haven't been there since the last time I took her up there 10 years ago.
Was also really looking forward to seeing the North American Bear Center in Ely after reading so much about the research bears there, and also looking for agates on the beaches, and seeing the waterfalls after all the rain they have had up there in recent weeks. :cry: :cry: :cry:

Time for another nap...
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Postby BayouLady » Fri Jun 20, 2014 6:40 pm

Barbara, so sorry about your trip, it's bad enough to be sick, but I didn't know there was sentimental reasons for it too. Doesn't sound like Steve is a goofus, just a good guy. Be sure to invite him over for the s'mores party.

Carol, he is glad to be out but this trip is not being as much with the heat. Tempted to just head back home but I am reminding myself, sometimes it's just better to get away.

Ava, I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of the finished deck. I've thought about decking out my yard because of all the armadillo damage I had this past winter, would be easier to keep the house with Mr Pigpen, also known as Beck.

Donna, what's going on with your rig? Is this maintenance or more? I'm sure there is a post somewhere, but I missed it.

Oh fun, some child is upset and crying and mine are barking ......
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