Iowa - April 21-24, 2016

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Iowa - April 21-24, 2016

Postby bertk523 » Sat Apr 09, 2016 9:13 pm

I know I plan to go to Iowa in April. Found out Kathy will also be in Iowa for some of the same days.. We plan to stay at F. W. Kent County Park in Oxford Iowa. They do not take reservations. Kathy will be there 21 - 24. I will be there those days and a few either on the front end or back end - not sure which, have not firmed up my dates. If anyone else out there is ready to roam - you are welcome!!
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Re: Iowa - April 21-24, 2016

Postby bluepinecones » Sun Apr 17, 2016 10:12 am

Don't know if this is near where you will be but thought it sounded like an interesting stop.

"Every year since 1900, hobos from around the country have come to Britt, Iowa during the second weekend of August for the National Hobo Convention. It is a celebration of their lifestyle, a family reunion, and a tourist event, all rolled into one. Most of the hobos stay at the hobo jungle located on the northeast side of town, near the railroad tracks. The Hobo King and Queen are named each year during the convention.

Britt is also home to the National Hobo Memorial Cemetery, where many famous hobos have been laid to rest after “catching the westbound train,” the hobo term for death. Many of the headstones are homemade from concrete, while others are traditional granite markers."

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Re: Iowa - April 21-24, 2016

Postby Liz » Sun Apr 17, 2016 8:17 pm

Sarah, you always find the neatest places for us to visit. You need to get on the road too.
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Re: Iowa - April 21-24, 2016

Postby BirdbyBird » Mon Apr 18, 2016 5:32 am

I think Nick Russell has recently reposted on his blog an article he wrote about the town and the Hobo museum. It was pretty interesting.
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Re: Iowa - April 21-24, 2016

Postby bertk523 » Thu Apr 21, 2016 2:06 pm

bluepinecones wrote:Don't know if this is near where you will be but thought it sounded like an interesting stop.

"Every year since 1900, hobos from around the country have come to Britt, Iowa during the second weekend of August for the National Hobo Convention. It is a celebration of their lifestyle, a family reunion, and a tourist event, all rolled into one. Most of the hobos stay at the hobo jungle located on the northeast side of town, near the railroad tracks. The Hobo King and Queen are named each year during the convention.

Britt is also home to the National Hobo Memorial Cemetery, where many famous hobos have been laid to rest after “catching the westbound train,” the hobo term for death. Many of the headstones are homemade from concrete, while others are traditional granite markers."

how cool.... I am gonna look it up!
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