Dog formerly know as Eddie

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Dog formerly know as Eddie

Postby kelpie » Tue Sep 23, 2008 6:34 pm

Have I got a story for you dog lovers! I had a very laid back Shih Tzu for 12 years, he developed kidney disease and had to be put to sleep in June. Youngest son (age 19) going to college (now gone) so decided to wait on replacement til he left. He told me he didn't think we should be without a dog so looked for awhile and found a dog I liked where I work - a prison. They rehabilitate and train donated dogs, usually need socialization and basic training. 22 lbs, 2 years old, neutered male named Eddie. Border terrier. Had him about two months having a few issues over messing in house etc but trying to be patient. Took him camping with me this weekend to LOWs outing Cowan Lake. Fri. night they have cookout supper planned with happy hour before and campfire after. Happy hour is fine, go back to get my dishes, etc. He is Fine. After supper, decide to go check on him. He is hanging halfway out my bedroom window - tore screen and messed up shade. Neighbor told me he yipped and carried on whole time I was gone. Swatted him, closed window and took him with me to campfire on leash. I figured if he didn't behave or anyone objected, I'd have to skip campfire. He's a perfect angel.
Saturday morning when I went to take a shower it was a nice day so I left him in RV with only screen door. I forgot my towel and water was only lukewarm so gone less than 10 minutes and hurrying back to dry off when I see friend from club putting my dog back inside after he had jumped up and unlatched screen door to escape. At chapter meeting no one really wanted to do any of suggested activities until the evening when we were going out to dinner. Took Eddie for long walk down to the lake and tired him out.


then puttered around, doing some chores and just relaxing. Saturday evening went to dinner, gone about 2 1/2 hours. On return the driver of the car I was riding in asked if I wanted her to let me off my my rig (at end of "road" from most of group.) I agreed and looked up to see my idiot dog hanging half out of the Living area window!! Screen obliterated, and shade completely mangled.
Later, at campfire, we discussed pros and cons of crating animals and I made up my mind to go buy crate on Monday. Sunday morning, get up and decide to run to washhouse to use toilet in my PJs. Been having problems with door latch so checked several times to make sure it would re-open for me and go use the facilities. Get back to camper and door is locked! Early in am so I haven't unrolled cab windows yet. After a few minutes, another new friend from club walks by with her dog and asks if I'm having trouble. Goes to get help - we ended up removing the mangled screen, moving picnic table over to window and one of the ladies crawled through my window to unlock the door my stupid dog locked,
New name of dog is ...TROUBLE.
and Eddie the wonder dog
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Re: Dog formerly know as Eddie

Postby Echo » Tue Sep 23, 2008 7:08 pm

Oh boy have you got your hands full with that young'in!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Dog formerly know as Eddie

Postby oregontocal » Tue Sep 23, 2008 7:32 pm

Hmmmmm...always wondered why I don't have a dog in this RV :lol: Good luck with this guy! He looks cute, though.
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Re: Dog formerly know as Eddie

Postby Getupngo » Tue Sep 23, 2008 8:01 pm

My oh my! But he is a handful! LOL! Sounds like he's hankerin' to go back to prison!!
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Re: Dog formerly know as Eddie

Postby avalen » Tue Sep 23, 2008 8:05 pm

oh my goodness, I think he got parolled a little too early :lol:
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Re: Dog formerly know as Eddie

Postby MsBHaven » Tue Sep 23, 2008 8:27 pm

Ava, that was soooo funny! Yep, I agree that he was paroled too soon! Who knows, maybe a prisoner had been training him on an escape plan.

Trouble sounds like a really good name for him. Keep us updated on your crate training progress.
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Re: Dog formerly know as Eddie

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Tue Sep 23, 2008 9:40 pm

Yeap, sounds like "Trouble" still needs those "BARS" when you aren't there.....the crate is a good idea for now.....more rehab is needed... ;)

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Re: Dog formerly know as Eddie

Postby Redetotry » Wed Sep 24, 2008 6:33 am

Hi Kelpie, Sounds like you do have your hands full!! I'm not familiar with that breed so I Googled Border Terrier Personality and found this page. It describes pros and cons of selecting certain breeds. Good place to research if your are wanting a dog and not sure. Anyway it also had a link to training so thought this might be of help, I recommend a nice glass of something cool to collect yourself plus some Rescue Remedy for you both! ... riers.html

Having worked with dogs for years, I also suggest you talk to him all the time. When your out and he is good, tell him 'what a good boy I'm so proud of you'. If he's not doing what you want put some real disappointment in your voice and when he responds positive, go back to an enthusiastic what a good boy! When the walk is over say, 'that's all for now or lets go back.' My dogs understand so many word just because we chat. Course you many get some odd looks but people may just think your chatting to a person on a cell phone!

Good luck!
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Re: Dog formerly know as Eddie

Postby retiredhappy » Wed Sep 24, 2008 8:35 am

And what were the prisoners teaching him? Another good name for him would be Escape. Terriors can be a handful. Acrate sounds like a great idea. Had a Great Dane years ago who could open doors - just put his mouth around handle and turned head. Ended up putting latches way up high which didn't help if I had to be outside. Sounds like he just wants to be with you ALL the time. Hang in there.
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Re: Dog formerly know as Eddie

Postby Mollysmom » Wed Sep 24, 2008 10:01 am

Awwwww - poor Eddie !! He doesn't know what to do with himself when you leave, he's trying to get to you. Unfortunately that's through your screens !! I'd get a crate for Eddie ! Molly torn up a couch and a chair before I started crating her. Now I tell her I'm going to work, get a special treat (one she only gets in her crate - the type of treat varies but it's something "wonderful" like chicken jerky or those big Awesome Snaugages or whatever they are) Molly goes right into her crate - I leave the TV or a radio on so she can't hear outside sounds and walk away. Unless someone knocks on the door or is making alot of noise right next to my rig she doesn't bark. The crate takes up space in here but it's work it ! I got a board that fits the top of it, covered it with some material and now it's a display space. Oh - I also close the shades so she can't see out - I only have to close the ones she can see of course.
Good luck - give Eddie a hug from Molly and me :D
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Re: Dog formerly know as Eddie

Postby Bethers » Wed Sep 24, 2008 2:52 pm

Border collies are one of the breeds I probably would never try to have in an rv and I absolutely love this breed. Especially a young one. They need LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of exercise - real exercise - not just a leisurely walk. They are dogs that are used to working and need to have a job to do. Crating a border collie might keep your home from being ruined, but also will not give it any exercise, so be prepared to give it lots of it when out - and specialized - give this dog things to DO - it needs them. They are great at agility training/exercises.

I hope the crate works for you - it does for many people and is considered the way to go. Personally, I refuse to crate animals. But that's me and how I train/work with them. I kind of wonder how much I'd love the person who put me in a cage. And I don't believe that they make that their "home". Those that claim that's what dogs do in the wild - well that has been found false. They don't. Well, the pregnant female does - and stays there with her litter - but rarely a male dog will do that, and rarely a female not pregnant or with little ones. But, yes, many use crates, and they work for them - and if it'll work for you and Eddie/Trouble, then please do it. But whether crated or not - Eddie/Trouble needs a lot of exercise, exercise with purpose.
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