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New Pictures of Emma

PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 9:52 pm
by Marslet
Here are some pictures I took of Emma this morning. She has really grown a lot. Hope you enjoy them.

Re: New Pictures of Emma

PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 9:56 pm
by avalen
that little cutie patootie doll face

Re: New Pictures of Emma

PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 2:42 am
by Fernie
She is a darling Marslet and oh soooo very cute!!

Re: New Pictures of Emma

PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 4:44 am
by Barbzeee
Sharlotte, What a face.. oh my stars.. You ain't gonna win... She is !!! I can hear Jim... LOL yeah ok... You are hooked line and sinker ....that little "chi" is gonna rule the roost.. betcha....:)

Adorable is all I can say... and I use nylon braided chockers on mine kids.. no, buckle.. slips over the head.. and all colors too.. pretty and soft and works great... when I train puppies to walk on leads.. I just use a short lead strap let it hang on the chocker they walk around with it on so they get use to the feel of the lead .. (now mine is so short it just makes to the shoulder) then I just let them run around with it hanging and it makes for an easy transfer to the longer lead... that's my method ...simple and no scene...never used a halter couldn't even tell you anything about them.. other than I've seen them oh wait did one time on a sled ... Girlfriend had St Banards that did the Sled thingy... ok that's about all I remember on those... and you can get them in the soft nylon and colors LOL

Enjoy every moment of her... she's just too cute...but yeah I can see in them eyes... she's gonna be a terror LOL

God Bless..

Re: New Pictures of Emma

PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 6:26 am
by Cedar518
Wow,...she HAS grown! Love those ears,... they are almost as big as she is! Give her a smooch from her "aunt Cedar!"

Re: New Pictures of Emma

PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 8:57 am
by retiredhappy
Ooooooh, just want to kiss that cute little face. She is gonna be soooooo spoiled.

Re: New Pictures of Emma

PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 9:06 am
by Sunseeker
Aughhhhh...she's so proud and purdy! She seems happy and so photogenic as well. Kisses to Emma and hugs to her Mom.

Re: New Pictures of Emma

PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 9:54 am
by dpf
Sharlotte..she is just precious. It's so hard not to spoil those little furbabies. I love the ears too! Our Boston Terrorist's real name is Cihak's Munchkin Too, because the boys wanted another Munch after the BT we had when they were little. She had such huge ears for her size that a friend called her Radar because she looked like she had two radar dishes on her head....and the nickname Radar has stuck.

Re: New Pictures of Emma

PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 2:40 pm
by Mollysmom
What a cutie !!! Thanks for the pictures :D

Re: New Pictures of Emma

PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 3:08 pm
by Marslet
Thank all of you for looking at my little angel (better known as Demon Dog). I think she is positively beautiful, but I am partial to her. She is so full of energy that she keeps me on my toes. It has been a trip this afternoon with Candi and her dog, Layla, visiting. Dad already had to get the newspaper out after both of them. :lol:
I will be sure to keep posting pictures as she grows.

Re: New Pictures of Emma

PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 9:19 pm
by Bethers
Oh, she's just a little stinker - so adorable. Yep, she's the new boss in that family, I can tell :) I'm glad you're going to share her growing and stages with us. Can't wait to meet her (and you) one day down the road.

Re: New Pictures of Emma

PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 10:35 pm
by Echo
Oh my goodness. No insult to anyone or their babies but she has got to be the most beautiful little Chi girl puppy I have ever seen. Love the look on her face staring at the camera. Like she's wondering what the heck that one eyed thing is staring at her. LOL

Yep Barbs right. Your a goner!

Re: New Pictures of Emma

PostPosted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 8:58 pm
by MsBHaven
Emma is so adorable. Absolutely a harness for a tiny Chihuahua. Put on the harness and let her drag the leash around the house. She'll get used to them. All three of mine like to be dressed up in cute little clothes.

Re: New Pictures of Emma

PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 3:16 pm
by Marslet
Got the harness in for Emma. Oh my goodness, she is too tiny for the smallest one, but am going to keep it so she can grow into it. She is so hard to buy for because of her tiny size. We are signed up for "puppy manners" classes and start Oct. 1. We go for 8 weeks. Am going to the vet for our second round of shots on Wed. and will keep you posted on what she weighs now. When we first weighed she weighed 1# 11 oz. Going to be interesting to see how much she has gained.
Have to tell you about the scare we had last night. Jim was talking and not thinking, and I was doing the same and he got up off of the couch (Lazy Boy recliner ends) and closed Emma's head and sholders up in the couch. OMG I thought he had killed her!! But she wiggled and pulled her head out before it closed completely. We checked her out and I pressed all over her and she didn't pull away or cry out and she was fine playing later on, so I guess the Lord was watching out for us senile old people with a new puppy who is into everything. Scared me so bad I cried and cried. Today she seems fine. :D I know it hurt her because she yelped. :( Going to have the Dr. check her over on Wed for that too.

Re: New Pictures of Emma

PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 6:39 pm
by avalen
oh no, I know how those unfortunate occurances just break our hearts, what a terrible
fright for all of you. Just a couple weeks ago my little Pixie broke my heart too when
she didn't follow the group in the house and later on she had to bark at the door. I
was freaked out cause she was "OUTSIDE" by herself without ME, I felt so bad, although
my yard is fenced we do have hawks flying around that could snatch up a little dog in a minute not to mention the coyotes that frequently snatch little dogs too (and cats) in
this area.
I certainly hope the vet says Emma suffered no damage.