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Drew and his ball

PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 12:17 pm
by havingfunnow
Hahahaha! Last night I let Drew lick out an empty cottage cheese container and didn't throw it away. Just now, he was bumping the up-side-down container across the floor and acting very excited.

I asked him "Where's your ball?" We went around the house, checking all the lost ball hiding spots, but he kept bringing me back to the container. Finally I lifted it up and -- tada! -- there was the ball!

I have no idea how he managed to invert the container over it, but he sure knew where it was and enjoyed telling me. Sometimes I think he hides his ball on purpose, so that I have to go search for it! :lol:

Re: Drew and his ball

PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 12:27 pm
by Queen
Hahahaha!! What a good boy, making sure mama gets her daily exercise.

Re: Drew and his ball

PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 12:02 am
by Bethers
Aww, so cute.

Re: Drew and his ball

PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 2:08 am
by JudyJB
Now you need to find different containers and hide the ball under them. I'll bet he will be able to smell it out.

Re: Drew and his ball

PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 10:41 am
by havingfunnow
I'm sure he would, Judy. He loves his balls. There's this 'game' we sometimes play at dog class -- a muffin tin with a ball in every indentation, and a treat hidden under one of them. The object is for the dog to find the hidden treat. Drew insists that the balls are the treat! He grabs the first one, races around the ring or around me, drops it, darts in (fast! very fast!) to grab the second one, and so on. I'm always laughing too hard to call him to order. :lol:

I don't know if one of his goals is to keep me entertained, but he sure does it. My laugh-a-day boy!

Re: Drew and his ball

PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 12:25 pm
by Cudedog
havingfunnow wrote:I'm sure he would, Judy. He loves his balls. There's this 'game' we sometimes play at dog class -- a muffin tin with a ball in every indentation, and a treat hidden under one of them. The object is for the dog to find the hidden treat. Drew insists that the balls are the treat! He grabs the first one, races around the ring or around me, drops it, darts in (fast! very fast!) to grab the second one, and so on. I'm always laughing too hard to call him to order. :lol:

I don't know if one of his goals is to keep me entertained, but he sure does it. My laugh-a-day boy!

Too funny!! :lol: Thanks for sharing.

My Big Joe loves his Kong. I call it a "ball", as in "where's your ball?" If I say that, he will look for it. Sometimes when he is obviously looking for it, and can't find it, I will say to him "You left it on the couch". He will immediately head to the couch, where he has left it in the couch cushions. Don't know that he understands English grammer, but he definitely knows "ball" and "couch". :lol:

He likes to carry it around in his mouth all of the time, but when he starts to do some serious chewing on it, I have to take it away from him.

One of Joe's Kongs only last about four or five weeks. He chews them so much and so hard (he has very strong jaws) that they flex quite a bit and become brittle. I can't leave him with one unsupervised, because he has been known to "crunch" them until they begin to crack. Once they crack, he knows it, and redoubles his chewing efforts. If I don't immediately take them from him when this happens, he has been known to swallow pieces that he has managed to pull off once the Kong begins to fail.

I once found a fair-size missing chunk of Kong in his poo. Lucky me, and lucky him it didn't cause an obstruction. Or worse.

Yes. A solid rubber Kong. Large size. Advertised as an "indestructible dog toy". :o Actually, there is no such thing as an "indestructible dog toy" when one owns and loves a Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

God surely blessed humankind when He gave to us our dogs.
