Dog Attack

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Dog Attack

Postby Bethers » Tue Dec 05, 2017 9:56 am

I'm one who likes dog parks and areas dogs can be off leash. That said, they only work if dogs and owners are trained. The following I've cut and pasted from my FB post from last night:

Tough night. Walking Peaches I got yelled at that I was on a non-pet row. I wasn't (but it did used to be so I simply said, the side I'm on is ok now). I'm sure the office will hear from this lady. Then, not a minute later things really went downhill... a German Shepard, off it's leash, ran out into the road from it's site and attacked Peaches. I was carrying my taser, but didn't even think of it. I tugged Peaches leash up, yelling at the other dog and hoping I wasn't breaking Peaches neck to get her out. The owner came and got her German Shepard and Peaches walked away like nothing happened. She's not hurt. Whew.

Scared the crap out of me.

Back to now... I have to learn to use the taser. I believe the sound it makes alone would probably have stopped the dog long enough for me to pick up Peaches. I wouldn't use it where she'd be stunned, but then could stun the offending animal if necessary. Truthfully, unlike Liz's experience. I'm not sure this dog meant harm, as Peaches had no bites on her. But I'll never know. It happened so fast.
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Re: Dog Attack

Postby avalen » Tue Dec 05, 2017 11:14 am

Glad you two are okI recently found my tazer I thought it had got stolen by ex husband.
Of course ill have to put new batteries in it but I often thought the noise it makes would be enough.
And if not, a touch on a wet nose would certainly do the job.
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Re: Dog Attack

Postby retiredhappy » Tue Dec 05, 2017 11:41 am

I would be tempted to use a taser on the owner who is NOT controlling their dog.
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Re: Dog Attack

Postby Redetotry » Tue Dec 05, 2017 11:55 am

I'm so sorry!!I think I would have been tempted to use the taser even after you had Peaches safe, not sure on which one though, the owner or the dog. Maybe the owner would realize there are consequences for negligence. You could tell her she was lucky you didn't have a gun.
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Re: Dog Attack

Postby Bethers » Tue Dec 05, 2017 12:11 pm

Just talked to the park manager. It's this owners 3rd strike... One strike would have been enough had there been injuries, but sounds like they'll be told they have to leave.

As to the lady who yelled at me, she's being talked to also... As I was where dogs are allowed. But I'm going to be more prepared, especially at night like this was. I agree the sound alone probably would be enough... Had I hit it. Had I even thought of it. I'm also going to try to get Peaches to not fight about the halter. The thought that I could hurt her trying to protect her was the worst feeling in the world.
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Re: Dog Attack

Postby Rufflesgurl » Tue Dec 05, 2017 12:43 pm

So glad Peaches and you are OK. This reminds me of all the cases of dogs (usually big dogs) off leash and the owner always says "it's OK, he's friendly." Right

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Re: Dog Attack

Postby OregonLuvr » Tue Dec 05, 2017 1:41 pm

Emma hates her harness too. In fact she runs away when she sees me pick it up. As badly as she wants to go for a walk she hates the harness worse LOL BUT I usually corral her and then when it is on there is a little shaking to try to get it off and then off we go and she is fine. I used to walk her in a collar BUT after reading various issues I didnt want her to get a collapsed trachea which I guess can be quite common. YIKES. I am much more able so save her with a harness on (and my trusty tazer). I too think the noise might be enough to startle a dog away but I am prepared to use it for sure. And if the owner was close enough they would get it too.

I like that the manager is being so pro-active. You know there is always one or two at any campground it seems that are trouble. I am just glad Peaches was not hurt or you.

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Re: Dog Attack

Postby JudyJB » Tue Dec 05, 2017 4:23 pm

Generally speaking, I am not afraid of dogs, but it really bothers me to see so many people who let their dogs go off-leash in a campground crowded with people and other dogs. Even a small dog can go nuts and attack. Everyone says, "Oh, no. MY little darling would never do that!" But they will and you never know when for sure. And even if your dog does not usually attack, if it growls or postures, another loose dog can take that as an invitation for a fight.

Some people think it is OK to let your dog off-leash as long as it stays in your campsite, but that doesn't work either. I like the option of tasering the owner! And it should have been a warning and one other strike, not three strikes. People ought to be able to walk their pets, even cats, in public places without fear.
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Re: Dog Attack

Postby Bethers » Tue Dec 05, 2017 4:54 pm

Truthfully, I don't know if this dog meant to harm. He's Big, still young, and not trained. It's totally a bad owner situation. I believe they have to leave next week. They wanted to stay all winter. Oh well.
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Re: Dog Attack

Postby monik7 » Tue Dec 05, 2017 8:37 pm

Beth could you post what kind of taser you have and would you say it’s the best for our needs? Also where you got it? I really need to get one. I’ve had too many close calls. Bindi was bit one time in Bakersfield last year.

So glad you and Peaches are OK.
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Re: Dog Attack

Postby Bethers » Tue Dec 05, 2017 11:27 pm

I forget who originally recommended this one.. I think it was on here. I know Karen (oregonluvr) got the same. ... ight&psc=1
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Re: Dog Attack

Postby Cudedog » Wed Dec 06, 2017 10:35 am

Bethers wrote:I forget who originally recommended this one.. I think it was on here. I know Karen (oregonluvr) got the same. ... ight&psc=1

Thanks for posting this, Beth. I had never heard of a taser flashlight! I have just now put it in my Amazon "Cart" and it will come next time I place an order.

I have lost count the number of times my Big Joe and I have been accosted by loose dogs while on a walk, either in a campground (unless the campground is empty, it happens almost every time) or just walking around my neighborhood (Joe is never off leash, unless in my back yard). This truly infuriates me - I get really angry. I can't quickly pick Joe up and out of harm's way - he weighs nearly 50 pounds.

Thankfully, Joe is not a particularly aggressive dog (in such situations, he is generally pretty passive) - however, I am the aggressive human in this pack! I have been known to scream expletives (which tends to warn off the dog, and to alert the usually absent owner) and to kick offenders who come too close. I also have keys in my pocket (a large heavy ring of them!), which makes a very satisfying "thunk" when thrown.

Thank goodness Joe has always (thus far) stood at my side, giving the intruder a look that says "are you kidding me?", letting me handle any "situation" (those who were at the Eagle Lake GTG in August might remember my beautiful Big Joe, and what kind of dog that he is).

However, with Joe's "heritage", I have little doubt that should a dog actually put the "bite" on him, he would likely react as his heritage dictates. I always try to avoid this, pretty much at all costs.

A taser in the pocket would be a welcome addition to the arsenal.

Thanks again. :D

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Re: Dog Attack

Postby JudyJB » Thu Dec 07, 2017 1:27 am

Beth, I remember from decades ago when I took my dog to training classes, the minimum age for puppies was 6 months. That was EXCEPT for big dogs like St. Bernards. The instructor allowed really big breeds in at 4 months because she said if you waited too long, some of them were just physically too hard to handle. So a big dog is really no excuse. They should be trained in the basics no matter how big a breed by the time they are full grown. (Mine, by the way, would not go into the road, even after a ball that rolled in the road. She knew to sit at the curb until someone fetched it for her. She also knew to sit and stay at age 5 months. I also taught her to spit things out--even used that command once when she leapt up and caught a flying bird. Yelled at her to spit it out, and it flew away! The only thing I could not train out of her was her barking, but she never barked in hotel rooms, thankfully.)
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Re: Dog Attack

Postby Redetotry » Thu Dec 07, 2017 10:56 am

So do you have to touch the object you want to taser or does it sort of beam out the current?
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Re: Dog Attack

Postby Bethers » Thu Dec 07, 2017 12:11 pm

Redetotry wrote:So do you have to touch the object you want to taser or does it sort of beam out the current?

it makes noise whether touching or not... And that noise can make animals back off alone. That said, for the taser effect too really work, you need to touch the object. When I test it, some seems to beam our, but very slightly.
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